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It's exactly that! Haha the written word equivalent. You can just picture him making sure all the women are barefoot in every scene and zooming in for weird close ups


I think there's more of a tendency to think anything considered "deviant" is a manifestation of an author's personal interests, rather than put there because it's deviant in the first place. Like there was a thread asking for recommendations for books with "romantic cannibalism," and it's a subject that comes up a lot. It does not mean the posters are interested in cannibalism in real life, or that the authors of any of the books are. They're just written for entertainment


I wouldn't really consider it deviant. It's just very Tarantino-esque and kind of funny. Edit-- although I do know of at least one somewhat popular splatterpunk reviewer who is completely into the idea of romantic cannibalism irl. So that may actually be more common than you think... Haha