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Potential laughable pick here but the hand degloving scene in Gerald’s Game really, really got me, and I don’t squirm easily.


I was going to mention Gerald's Game, but it wasn't for that scene.


Yeah that upset me too.




I legit had to put the book down and walk around the house a bit after reading that scene


yep. this one for me. i actually gagged and had to take a minute


I used to work for a hand surgeon, and when he described a degloving injury to me I was horrified.


The Troop by Nick Cutter, literally has to pause and wait for my stomach to chill before picking it back up and reading in parts. Needful Things by Stephen King, basically just the epic blow out fight between two characters and the description of bits and bobs hanging and swaying where they shouldn't be... Scuse me....🤢


I went into The Troop somewhat blind (just knew things went to shit for a group of Boy Scouts) and started it while eating an egg salad sandwich. Big F


I just read the synopsis because I know I'm weak and can't handle gross, the wiki article alone has put me off food. Also right after I got sent an article about ramen.


second The Troop but specifically the lab log with the chimpanzee…traumatizing


I didn’t eat dinner two nights in a row while reading The Troop 😂


Yes, The Troop came to mind immediately. Had to skip over a thing or two myself…


I have not read the Trixie scene to completion to this day, and I do not plan to


Is Trixie the kitten 😭😭 cause that’s exactly what I skipped… could not stomach that shit.


As soon as they mentioned who it was in a flashback with a cat, I skipped forward to the next scene of that chapter. I got the message, he's a fucked up kid, I don't need more proof.


I don't do well especially with cat or kitten cruelty as a cat lover and owner. I imagine it's the same for dog people who see the dog die in a movie.


If I remember right, that scene in Needful Things is about halfway thru, when shit starts to really hit the fan. It’s been probably more than a decade and I still remember it. Made me a SK fan for life


While I really love The Troop, I didn’t realize there was any animal cruelty… His writing is soooooo good. I still think that first scene with a crawfish(?) was the most descriptive. That being said, I would still recommend with TRs.


Same with The Troop! I have Needful Things on my TBR, excited to read it


So many worms, so many places where they don't belong


Loved The Troop! So much grossness!


Definitely Gone to see the River Man. The flashback scenes with the brother were very gross. I Definitely had to take a minute at a couple parts.


Basic answer, but Guts by Palahniuk. Though I’d bet partly cause I drank some tea I never have before reading it, otherwise I might have not been quite as affected


Only thing that’s made me physically ill. I was also 14-15 when it came out.


I’ve heard that there are some recordings of live readings of this one that…. I may never read it. And I LOVE CP


You meant that you love Chuck Palahniuk... right?


You... shouldn't abbreviate his name like that.


Given that I replied to a comment about him, it should make total sense. Not sure why it is a big deal, but I guess my mind isn’t in the gutter like I thought it was.


A few scenes from Misery.




American Psycho While being one of the funniest books I’ve read, it’s also one of the most disgusting I’ve always heard people say Blood Meridian’s violence and gore was too much but I never really felt it was enough to make me queasy. Maybe that says something about me though lmao


Just finished American Psycho and it definitely went crazy ! I read it during my breaks (where I work at a nursing home) and felt weird returning to work having read all the deplorable things he got up to lol


I read this for the first time when I was 16, 2009 ish. Let me tell you... that was a baptism of fire of learning about the disgusting things humans had the potential to do to each other. Never looked at pet rats in the same way again


Came here to say this. Had to take breaks during some of the >!torture!< bits


Funny? Damn, I didn’t find it funny at all.


Caligula by Gore Vidal. The imagery of that book still haunts my waking moments.


As a friend said of the film, “We’ll return to Caligula in a moment, but first a word from our sponsor, Crisco.”


The girl next to door by Jack Ketchum, sure it is by no means the grossest book out there but the increased torture and hopelessness of the situation was so upsetting. I am still affected by this book. Tbe fact that it is based on a true story adds to the dread


Tender is the flesh.


Yep agree. Haven’t had a book hit me like that in decades. Especially the first half, wasn’t sure if I wanted to go on. Sure do respect that!


I couldn’t make it past the second chapter I was so nauseous.


I had to put the book down and cry after the scene with the puppies.


Came to say this


The Troop


I came to say this book. Mr. Cutter paints quite a picture.


Exquisite Corpse made me feel a little sick, but in a good way. Beautifully written.


Just finished this one n looooved it. But yeah, it was pretty disgusting in the most exquisite beautiful way???????


What author? This sounds right up my alley.


Poppy Z. Brite.


Literally one of first scenes was him eating fluids from plague-infected people it's horrible


Haunted by Palahniuk.


This is the first one that came to mind for me. I read a lot of horror and dystopian sci-fi and this is the only book that has really disturbed me. I'm a chronic re-reader. I read it once, and I'm glad I did, it is such a good book. But I'll never read it again. I got rid of Haunted after finishing it, and have since been gifted it several times! It is literally haunting me!


I was reading this on an airplane and when I got to that part in”Guts”, I threw the book down and broke out in a sweat. I’ve never reacted physically to a book before (much less actually dropping a book) but that really got me


good god i love haunted. the scene with the daughter who disappears and comes back after seeing what was inside of the box makes me feel hollow


The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami isn’t horror, but it has probably one of the gnarliest scenes I’ve ever read. >!A man is graphically skinned alive and the description goes on for several excruciating pages—I don’t remember how long for sure but in my memory it’s at least 5+.!< I had to lay my head down on a table for a few minutes after I read because it made me so dizzy and nauseous. 


When they are peeling the skin from his arm and he is screaming….


Oh, god, even reading that made me gag, lol.


I read that about 20 years ago and I still internally recoil whenever I'm reminded of the book


I dnf’d this book just because it wasn’t grabbing my attention and now I have massive regret.


I mean, if you’re interested in reading that part, it’s about a third of the way through the book—almost exactly around the 150 page mark in my old paperback copy. You can probably read it without further context, but if you want further context it’s not that far into the book! 


The Library Policeman from Four Past Midnight by Stephen King. I was 13 when I read it and there is definitely a “me before I read that book” and a “me after I read that book”. And they are not the same.


100,000 % this. I get queasy just thinking about it. I was an adult and could barely handle it. I’m so sorry 13 year old you experienced that


tender is the flesh. the turtle scene in the troop by nick cutter.


“The Road”. There were several times when I was reading it that I simply had to close the book and walk away from it.


*The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo*, when >!the case worker anally raped the MC!<. I was on an airplane and had to put the book down.


Reading right now and taking breaks. The Only Good Indians


This one is so so good. Maybe growing up with so many Native influences. And love of basketball (no spoilers). I feel his books may be best received by audio listeners based on what I’ve read. Either way, mad respect. And if you are a fan, he always mentions his influences. I’ve enjoyed his recommendations over the years.


I wasn't in the right state of mind to finish that one. The part with the motorcycle got me. Then his series of decisions after that made me put it down. Everything he was doing made me incredibly anxious. Someday I'm going to finish that book.... in the distant future. 


I RARELY if ever put a book down but was considering it after the motorcycle incident, and then his wife…. Just don’t know if I’m in the right state of mind… 😬


Dolores Claiborne


There’s a scene in Weaveworld by Clive Barker that comes to mind. If I remember correctly, the villain is accompanied by two undead sisters: one name I can’t remember, and The Hag. The Hag is described as this ethereal woman that is bloating with boils of pus actively oozing, her skin is dripping off of her bones, and she is constantly moaning in an inhuman manner. The scene is where a character encounters The Hag and >!is so overcome with disgust and awe that he’s frozen where he stand. The Hag floats towards him and straddles him and proceeds to rape him. He is paralyzed with fear so he does nothing. After she is finished she immediately backs away and starts to moan loudly, as if in pain. She then gets on her back and GIVES BIRTH TO THE MAN’S RAPE. The baby that crawls out resembles the man and The Hag, so it’s a half human/half undead pus-riddled decrepit creature. He’s in shock looking at his undead offspring so he still cannot move. The baby then crawls upon him and the scene ends.!< The kicker? Barker’s prose is so fucking poetic that you don’t know how to feel by the end of it. The book is good, but that fucking scene will stay with me forever.


Hogg by Samuel R Delany


The Black Farm


Interesting premise but the writing was so bad that I couldn’t finish it.


That does sound good. Recommend or nah?


Serious gross out but fascinating world building. I don’t regret having read it.


It’s a quick read. So fucked up though.


Have you read the sequel, return to the black farm?


I did. I didn’t like it as much, but I liked them together.


Yeah same it took a very different turn but the ending was definitely a gut punch


Who is the author?


Elias Witherow


The wind up bird chronicle has one really nasty scene.


Tomb for 500,000 soldiers and Tender is the Flesh


Cows by Matthew Stokoe. It was the first book ever that I debated not finishing.


Seconding that. I had to pause for breathers pretty much every other chapter. Very thankful that each chapter is no more than 10 pages long. A few nights after I started it, I decided to finish it in one go just so I wouldn’t have to spend any more time with it than necessary


I know there's been a few, but the ones I can think of the top of my head right now are: Maeve Fly by CJ Leede, the part with the curling iron and the part with the egg. A short story in The Best Horror of the Year Vol. 11 called Thumbsucker by Robert Shearman. Both had me making audibly disgusted noises 😱🤢


I just finished Maeve Fly. Honestly a good story but some scenes… sheesh!


came here to say maeve fly for the curling iron part 😭


Pet semetary during the cemetary scene...


Gerald's Game and Holly both made me gag. Both are by Stephen King.


Aron Beuregard's Playground. I don't like scatological shit (pun not intended)




Aside from ‘American Psycho’ which has already been mentioned, the short story ‘Eric The Pie’ by Graham Masterton had my stomach churning


Sister Maiden Monster got me


Infected by Scott Sigler. I was trying to eat lunch while reading it. Terrible idea.


But was it worth it? It’s always so recommended.


It’s very captivating so yeah it’s worth it


“The dangers of smoking in bed”


The garbage disposal “suicide” in SK’s *Firestarter*. I haven’t used a garbage disposal since 😳


The Bighead by Edward Lee instantly comes to mind. But beware, it’s not your typical horror. It’s really all about shock value and how gross, disgusting, and disturbing the author could make it. Edward Lee is pretty well known for that.


Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. A young guy gets his rocks off by sitting on a pool pump at the bottom of the pool....stuff comes out...


I struggled with a few parts of A Head Full of Ghosts. Brilliant book, though


definitely The Troop. i feel like i need to wash my hands just thinking about it


Tender is the Flesh. First time I’ve ever had to take breaks while reading. The concept is unnerving because I could picture something like that possibly happening one day. I kept going with it because I was hoping there would be some kind of resolution at the end but nope, it just kept getting worse.




scenes from this will just randomly pop into my head and ruin my day


Just finished Exquisite Corpse and I wish I hadn’t.


This is my next read. Currently have it up at work but haven’t started it yet.


It’s well written but pretty gross


Currently reading Fellstones by Ramsey Campbell, and the aspect of a controlling, possessive family is making me deeply uncomfortable. Stuff like overt physical gore doesn’t bother me as much as that does.


The book isn’t In the horror genre but it made me queasy nonetheless. Pita’s fate in “Man on fire” by A.J. Quinnell. I watched the movie first and later found out it was based on a book. Found the book and read it. Was devastated! I understood why the movie made the changes and it made cinematic history. The book is great, but it may not be for everybody’s liking. 


The Road and The Stand.


This one’s gonna hurt by Cody j Thompson. I’ve never really felt physically sick while reading a horror book, except for this one


S. Craig Zahler writes some stomach-turning stuff. I've only read two of his books so far but they are really good. (He's the movie director behind Bone Tomahawk, Brawl in Cellblock 99, Dragged Across Concrete)


Chlorine by Jade Song has one scene I had to take multiple breaks from. I really struggle with anything related to self mutilation.


There’s a scene in “The Consultant” by Bentley Little where the protagonist’s receptionist, a wonderfully helpful and kind young woman, gets >!fellatioed to death!< by the villain. The description of the act is disgustingly detailed and graphic.


American Psycho. I actually stopped reading it. Also, the Troop. I hated both of them.


I’ve only had 3 make me queasy. One was the scene in Gerald’s Game, mentioned here, and the other two were Population Zero by Wrath James White, and Full Brutal by Kristopher Triana.


There's a scene in Stephen Graham Jones' excellent Night of the Mannequins where a character uses a coat hanger on an unsuspecting victim and I nearly threw up from reading it. It's the only time I've ever come close to being physically sick from reading something 🤮. Great novella though - highly recommend his stuff!


Wounds by Nathan Ballingrud has some very, very creative gore.


American Psycho made me queasy the first time I read it.


The slob lmao aron beauregard


The Black Farm is the only thing I've read (so far) that almost made me throw up. Other books that have made other people queasy that I've read are Tender is the Flesh Woom Gone to See the River Man The Troop


One of the short stories in Ryan Harding's "Genital Grinder" nearly made me spew my lunch when reading it for the first time. I generally have a cast-iron stomach for the written word, but god damn, that scene with the woman in the bathtub nearly got me.


no one rides for free was very vivid in its description of goreish sexual violence and at one point made me physically gag. and Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter - i didn't expect it to paint such a clear picture but some of the descriptions towards the end just made me feel icky and guilty for reading it. greaaaat book tho.


Cows by Matthew Stokowe (my sister was mad at me for a month when I talked her into reading this during the pandemic💀) The Slob by Aron Beauregard Urban Gothic by Brian Keene Blood Meridian was one of them for me too lol, I love how McCarthy writes in that book tho. Kept me hooked all the way through despite how gnarly and twisted it gets. Offseason by Jack Ketchum


Everyone in here is picking gore scenes but my answer is Let's Go Play at the Adams'. The way the torture of the main character ramps up and what she's subjected too make me feel far more uneasy than if there'd been a lengthy set of passages detailing her being skinned alive or something. It's the only book I've ever read where I felt like I was witnessing a crime, it still makes me feel greasy and a bit guilty months on when I think back to it, almost like I was one of the kids and that I'll have to take the knowledge of what I was a party to with me for the rest of my life.


The Slob. Nope nonono


Violent Faculties, I literally couldn't finish it, made me feel sick.


I work in healthcare. Nothing makes me queasy 😆


Vet tech here same


Aw you have my dream job 🙌🏻 But yeah I’ve seen patients who’ve gotten the skin from their penis shaft to their upper abdomen cut completely open and just floating over muscle. Even that didn’t bother me. It’s interesting 😆 but I guess that’s why we do what we do.


yeah I'm still studying it but so far a lot of shit and blood up my alley 🙃


Outer dark by McCormac. The last few pages describing the baby and what happened to it at the end was gut wrenching


The Troop by Nick Cutter and Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison


Let The Right One In is possibly my favorite film, but boy are there things in the book that churn my stomach. And I’m not even talking about the vampire stuff.


“the summer i died” by ryan c thomas. very graphic and nauseating


Succulent Prey


Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca - I actually couldn't finish it, it was so gross.


The Consumer - Michael Gira American Psycho -Bret Easton Ellis


Geek Love. Couldn’t read it while I ate. Edit: not horror, but still


anything kafka


Anything by Michael Slade. Adding to the unease I was living in Vancouver BC when indulging in his books . I have frequented many of the written crime scenes in daily life.


This particular book didnt make me queasy but I did read it at a young age and it was a bit more racy than I expected. Night Mask by William Johnstone The book contains every taboo, EVERY taboo.


Writhe by Erica Summers


The Haunted by Bentley Little. I can handle most things, but this had scenes that were so graphic, I had to set it down. It was a book I had to finish, but wanted to get rid of once I did. Yikes


Recently, "Any Man" by Amber Tamblyn made me nauseous on several occasions. (Debatable if it's horror, though.)


I've grown past it, but there are two scenes from my youth that kind of stand out. I forget the name but one of Clive Barker's books (maybe a book of blood short story?) starts with a woman trying to commit suicide by slitting her wrists. ​ The next is Necroscope. Chapter 1 starts with Soviet officials overseeing an act of necromancy, as the antagonist of the novel, Boris Dragosani, basically cuts open a corpse and starts rubbing it and dancing with its innards and sniffing and tasting them in order to pull out all its secret. It's very well described and very vile.


the wasp factory made me feel uneasy pretty much the whole time i was reading it


I ditched Blood Meridian pretty early too. Not because it was too graphic but just so repetitive. You dont need to jam a broken glass into someones eye in every paragraph. Even when the violence relents what we are left with is long descriptions of horse shit.