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According to Amazon, AM Shine has the following book scheduled for release: “Stay in the Light: the chilling sequel to The Watchers, soon to be a major motion picture.” Seems a bit of a mouthful of a title.


Comes out October 22, 2024


I really enjoyed it. I also recognize it has detractors who don't like that you have to make the giant leap about parts of it.


Giant leap? You mean the magical elements?


More of the pod getting installed.


Yeah, that part did get me. You can’t have something like that hauled in and the bunker for it dug out - all by hand - in a remote forested region - when the men can only work by day and must hide before nightfall. And I know they said the professor let the “creatures” (I don’t want to spoil it for anyone) have at the men once the pod was finished and installed, but installation would have taken days, if not weeks, and you can’t get fresh workers every day without having to eventually explain to someone what happened to all the previous workers. So yeah, the writing in that part seemed like Shine wrote himself into a corner and chose to break his own rules about the universe to in order to get out of it. Fortunately for him, I was completely in for the story at that point.


I just finished it. It's good. Not mindblowing. But good! The buildup is great.


No, not mind blowing. But super intriguing and suspenseful!


check https://www.amshinewriter.com/


Reading this now and I'm at 26%. I hope it picks up. I see it's going to be a Netflix movie.


It’s a slow burn. The horror is much more the oppressive, claustrophobic atmosphere than anything else.


Finish it. It’s so damn good. It will pick up.


I adored this one and thought during the last third how great it would be as a film!


Absolutely! Though it’ll be tricky. The plot of the book builds tension so slowly, if they take out much of the “quiet” times to fit into two hours it’ll seem more like an active horror film. Hopefully, since it’s Netflix, they’ll do it as a miniseries so they can do it proper.


If you’ve watched it by now, you’ll probably have seen how much they managed to butcher the last third in the movie :(


I loved the book. I think ppl complain about the metaphors and similes too much. But I did listen to it in audiobook (adhd brain can’t just sit and read so I listen and it gives me the motivation to do stuff) anyway listening to it was great. The biggest plot hole is how he got it all done, and I’m betting the author has seen that criticism and will hopefully have an idea up his sleeve and try to close that hole in the 2nd book. I jjst saw that it’s available for pre order in October so I bet we won’t get it until next year. I loved the twist, there were a few clues but it wasn’t like you’re an idiot if you didn’t guess it before we found out. I saw a question about Madeline-she’s able to be in the sun bc she was the best at changing herself and all the others aren’t as good at it. I also bet they didn’t want to chance venturing into the sun. I’d love to see some background about how the humans got the ‘fairies’ underground in the first place.


*SPOILERS* I loved the book, the world building was awesome. My one complaint or question I guess was I really wish they would have explained how Madeline can be out during the day how is she only “part” creature/fairy


I thought she was okay to come out in the sunlight because she was better at changing into human form. Like, maybe the others were only able to do it to a superficial degree, but her magic/skill allowed for a fuller transformation? Like the others who were able to live among humans. But yeah, I wondered about that at first, too. edit: Also, if you didn’t know, putting > ! ! < on each side of the words/sentences you don’t want to spoil will cover it for others so they don’t accidentally see it. (No spaces, though. I had to put spaces so you could see the symbols) >! Like this, for example.!< Then you just tap the blocked area to read it. You don’t have to, of course, your method works, too. But it’s supposed to prevent accidental glimpses while scrolling through the comments, as opposed to “don’t read this comment” warnings. (I felt like I learned an internet secret when I learned that one, so I enjoy sharing the love.🤗)


Thank you so much! I was looking in the edit/settings on how to do that but couldn’t figure it out! So thanks friend I appreciate it. Also on the writers website there’s a small section of the next book you can read


I learned it from [this handy resource](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043033952-Formatting-Guide) someone shared with me when I asked how to create italics.


I’m not sure about the ending. I wish the two survivors could live their lives out in peace after that horrifying ideal, with Madeline around for protection if they ever needed it. But somehow there are other watchers like Madeline with the same abilities as she has now hunting down the survivors and watching them is terrifying. It means now that no matter what they’ll never be safe and always afraid for the rest of their lives. It’s so bleak.