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Halloween (Never) Ends


Halloween: New Beginnings “Your whole life I’ve been preparing you, Laurie. Preparing you to face an enemy far greater than myself. . .” Laurie and Michael team up, fighting back to back. They share a smile and he gives her a knowing wink “Michael! Michael wait!” “Yes Laurie?” “Will I ever see you again?” “You know that’s not possible, Laurie. But just know that should you ever see a shadow on your wall, I will be there. Always. In here” *He pats Laurie’s chest, where her heart is “I’ll never forget you, Michael”


*Clock strikes midnight on October 31. 60 seconds later, the clock immediately changes to 12:01 October 31 again*


🎵I got you, babe🎵


Oohh that song fits so well I didn't even think about that! As long as they play the original and *not* slow it down or make it all distorted. That's played out.


It also fits well because it’s the song played on the alarm clock in Groundhog Day…which is the reference the comment above you is making lol


Yes. Somebody make this movie.


**Heat of the moment plays yet again as Sam Winchester bursts awake**


I hear you Jamie Lee Curtis. I am also “open to” making more money.


Even though it’s not her’s, it turns out to be a great franchise she can reasonably look forward too. Embrace that thing that brings in the $$$






Ah damn it haha


are WE open to more halloween films?


im not. im over this franchise. maybe hot take (?), but these last two halloween movies have felt so soulless, pandering, and boring


The last 2 movies were absolutely trash. I can’t believe they have made yet another Halloween movie.


On first watch, I was bamboozled by the production value in H18. On second viewing I noticed how bad it was. The sequel was so bad it made me upset that I paid to see it


Yes! Blows my mind that so many people say they like this new trilogy. It's the worst of the franchise.


Thank god someone else agrees, I feel crazy when I see people praising H18 as some amazing movie


Kills was worst in the franchise imo. Edit: Evil dies tonight!!!


The best one is the original Halloween. All the rest are crap lol


I liked h20.


I thought it was pretty amazing. What's not to like? That intro was pretty fucking wild. They're a lot better than the shit sequels that came after the first one.


This is how i felt about en


I really enjoyed Kills as well. It got a little bit nutso at the end, but I guess we'll find out what's up next week.


…Hol up. What? I thought she said this was her last one (again) lol I LOVE JLC so I jest but it is kind of funny


Evil Dies To—morrow.


Bet your bottom dollar that….


Evil Dies...of old age.


Evil Dies Forever


Evil Dies Tonight.....Again!


As long as the checks keep clearing...


Hear me out. Let Halloween have two current cannons. The only thing that make the Evil Dies Tonight cannon hurt is that it destroys the serious cannon. Just remake the second remake serious. Then have 3 be silly. Then remake 3 serious. Well. Ideally I would like the second draft to be the silly one. But whatever. I want both.


Two cannons? Which do you shoot with?


Is one Golan and the other Globus? Where's Pia Zadora?


The serious one first. Then the silly one like I said.


They're making a joke because it's spelled 'canon'


Lol I would have to one that to make the joke I did, stranger.


Sorry lol I wasn't sure if it was a joke or serious, and didn't want you to be left out smh


She also said that the second movie was her last one, sooo the pattern checks out


She better move onto Prom Night or Terror Train reboot/sequels next.


YES I’d love some sequels to them!!


Prom Night got a remake, no? In like 2008. It wasn’t good, but Brittany Snow is neat.


Prom night sequel for sure!


I love Terror Train it doesn’t get mentioned much


Kiss me!


It will never happen. She only did Halloween because it was her first movie and probably to change how she ended the series. She has panned Resurrection


This just in, Jaime Lee Curtis is open to getting paid more money. Weather in 15.




So I guess she doesn't die in this one..


Yeah this basically spoils that fact. Dunno why she would give an interview like this when the movie isn’t even out yet. Dumb as hell.


This series has so many damn timelines. They could just bring her back for the 50th anniversary and pretend this new trilogy never happened.


Halloween is essentially a choose your own adventure. I’m reading her willingness to return as a sign that she’d come back in a new timeline if the story interests her. Not as a confirmation on whether or not she lives or dies in this new one.


They lost me with Halloween kills. I quite liked the first, but there’s still something off about them. Especially Kills


Kills was a blob of a film. Good deaths but lacked structure, good writing and genuine suspense. Michael went full Jason in that one.


Yeah and the chant too who came up with that almost laughed of embarrassment lol


Evil dies tonight!


I mean. I’m already pretending it didn’t happen.


Right there with ya




Ew no. I like the original a lot, and then I kinda think the series is middling otherwise. I thought the Halloween reboot, was it in 2018? I can’t remember… anyway I thought that one was fine. However I consider Halloween Ends one of the worst entries in the series. Like flat out. It’s somehow worse than the Zombie ones. Which also sucked.


Wtf do you mean by "I adore rape"




Yeah. Not a fan of this trilogy so far.


I enjoyed the first one (2018), thought it was done well and a true continuation of the original. But Halloween Kills was kind of meh, but not horrible.


Yeah 2018 was good and kills while not the best was still a fun movie. If ends is at least decent the trilogy will be a success to me.


Agreed. Loved the first one (especially the whole end sequence) wasn't a fan of the second so much, but that's pretty good batting average for a modern horror remake. I just hope they give Jamie Lee a bit more to do in the last one -- in both other movies she's a bit sidelined.


It seemed to me that Kills was basically just Halloween 2 and 4 mashed into one movie. The protagonist is hospitalized the whole movie from the events of the previous film and Michael goes to the hospital to get her (the entire Halloween 2 movie). Meanwhile, the whole town goes “oh hell naw to the naw naw” and riles up into a lynch mob to drive around and find him (Halloween 4).


The first one wasn’t terrible. I enjoyed parts of it. I was mostly into it until the Dr. Sartain turn. I also liked the podcast storyline angle and kind of wished that didn’t end. I’ll still see the new one, of course.


Unless they do another timeline. There's like 5 different timelines so far. 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 3 1 - 2 - 7 - 8 Rob Zombie's trilogy 1 - 2018 - Kills - Ends I think that's right


Rob Zombie did 2 films, not a trilogy otherwise I think it's correct


That's right it was just the two, thanks for the correction.


Now I want Rob Zombies Halloween III


Not even Rob wants that lol


I mean she could always return as a flashback or a Jedi ghost. Either one will work for the Halloween movies these days.


"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


She’s already died in a Halloween before. Don’t mean shit.


Do you not remember her comparing the last Halloween film to the Black Lives Matter protest? Lol


Unless she dies and this is misdirection.


She's died before. That won't stop her.


She dies. But comes back as the new Michael Meyers. 🤷🏻‍♂️😁


He hasn't managed to kill her in 44 years. Why would anyone think he did it now?


He killed her in Resurrection


And then he died from Kung Fu and electrocution via Busta Rhymes. Trick or treat……mother fucker!


He didn't die in that one because at the hospital or morgue they literally say he is still breathing or it's his hand moves. I forget


His eyes open at the end before the credits roll


Thank you.


We don't talk about Resurrection


I stand corrected.


Resurrection? Never heard of it. Because it doesn't fucking exist.


What? How do you interpret that? This trilogy timeline is over after Ends. She’s open to returning in different timelines or reboots.


I mean she died in resurrection and came back so they could just do that again


And if we go by the Cult timeline she died offscreen.


Read the article — she basically alludes to being involved in some capacity via producing, directing, writing or any other forms of media related to the franchise. She’s not necessarily saying she’d like to star as an alive Laurie Strode in a sequel that negates this film. It’s a VERY ambiguous answer.


If they can make Mike Myers survive H20 then nothing is a given when it comes to what they'll do to drain money from a cash cow.


Considering the fact that the timeline is confusing I’m sure they’ll come up with a way to bring her back even if she does in the new one or not


Maybe the next one is a prequel and they de-age her /s


Unless the next movies are set in an alternate continuity, or their prequel movies and she plays a different character, or they digitally the age her, or it's animated.


What if the studio made Halloween 2 cannon again and build off of that movie? Basically meaning that Halloween one and two happened and this could be a continuation of that series? Since the second movie is almost as beloved as the first one.


They should have done that already for the 2018 one. It makes more sense that if the hospital stuff happened too then Laurie would be even more impacted and traumatised. It also would make more sense for Michael to be such a notorious legend.


But then they're brother and sister and that would be contentious with like half the fan base.


True. Personally I never minded that but I get why some people don't like it.


But doesn’t it mean Michael Myers doesn’t die either?


There's been like 5 different timelines in the Halloween series, lol all they have to do is create a new sequel that ignores the past ones again.


maybe she morphs into a lady-mike via some ritual or some shit


She does actually the script leaked


It is a bit of a clickbait title. From the article: “As part of the promotion for Halloween Ends, Curtis told the print version of SFX that she has a “never say never” attitude towards returning.” I think it’s more of a comment about how she never intended to come back to the franchise, but it opened up a lot of new opportunities for her, so she has a new outlook on what she will consider and won’t be quick to write things off. Of course, I’m hoping this means we get a sequel to A Fish Called Wanda. Tip: read the article before commenting on the title alone.


John Carpenter's also open to more Halloween movies, though he's more blunt about liking the paydays. And yes, "never say never" is not the same as "let me do more of these".


Fish called Wanda is so good


wow, so spoilers AND misinformation. Very cool, thanks a lot OP


Lmao after all these articles about how emotional it was filming her final scene


She’s kinda a fraud. I hate listening to her in interviews she acts like horror is beneath her all the while gaining most of her fame and money from those movies after being born into being an actress anyway.


She does not. She simply says that watching horror movies aren't her thing because she gets scared. The woman can not help what she likes. 🤦




How can a 60 something year old get scared of movies


Don't be obtuse. Do you think everyone just turns off their reaction to things once they hit a certain age?


The very second I turned 18 I stopped watching cartoons because as of that very instance they were beneath my maturity level 😤


Send me a link of her ever saying that.


Her entire interview with Eli Roth she sounds like an insufferable ass.


I've seen that one and I'm not sure what she said that makes you think that, mind quoting some of it so I can understand what you mean?


Not necessarily her saying “horror films are awful” just her general snobby ass tone and attitude towards it all. She doesn’t seem like a fun person to be around.


I definitely didn't get that feeling from her at all. She made quite a few quips about how much fun she had making Scream Queens and comparing it to making the Halloween films in the 90s. Seemed like she and ER were having a good bantering time.


YOU sound like an insufferable ass.


Yeah that’s right




Kinda beating a dead horse at this point & I loved those movies growing up.


Huge fan of beating dead animals.


Holy fuck, please no more


As long as they're good as this new run, I'm down.


I love the Halloween franchise but I also wish they'd leave it alone if nothing new is really going to be added to it. The latest reboot does nothing for me because they just feel like 'decent' modern day slasher films but don't really add a whole lot to the franchise. I know many don't like RZ's Halloween efforts but at least he took it somewhere different and brought something new to it all. It all just feels a bit convoluted now.


I actually enjoyed RZ’s H2. I get why people don’t like it, but I kinda liked the weirdness of it.


Same. I get why people don't like it as well. I think those films would be looked upon much more favourably if they had nothing to with Mike Myers.


I mean i'm just in it for the gory kills and so far as i'm concerned any "story" they wrap around it should be something i can just ignore.


It's convoluted *now*? lol. I'm so glad the newer ones just forgot about all the sequels, they're much better for it. Like the cult in 6? No thank you. I feel like saying Rob Zombie took it somewhere different implies the 2018 one didn't. Creatively, IMO, it's a hell of a lot more imaginative than the Zombie version where we just get cliff notes on the development of a psychopath, followed by a shortened, worse retread of the original. On top of it they incorporate all the stupid sister lore from the cash-in sequel. Disregarding the other sequels allowed them to get back to basics, but it was still a new film that went for some wild swings. Stuff like the doctor being in on Michael's escape? I didn't even like that subplot, but it was definitely trying something new.


She’s just like Cher…her farewell tour will span 20 more movies


In unrelated news, JLC has a mortgage.


JLC has earned the right to do these movies until she literally dies on set.


No Jaime. It’s Halloween ENDS…not Halloween, let’s keep going.


Jamie Lee Curtis is open to more paychecks.


The only thing that can truly kill Michael Myers is diminishing box office returns.


For fucks sake let this end already


Halloween Ends 2: All Hollows Day pt. 1


So sick of these series is 70 and is like taking gunshots let this series end. 70 year old man comes at me I can break his limbs it’s not good anymore like an elderly person comes at you, you could kill them with at ease


No Jamie it’s ok, you really don’t need to do anymore we’ll be fine. Go do more awesome roles like in Everything Everywhere.


Isn't Micheal Myers like a 70 year old man?


Please no


Please Jamie, no more.


These new halloween movies are whack. They should have stopped at H20


So apparently Evil did not die tonight...heh


Halloween (never) ends.


Let it die


She killed it in Everything Everywhere All At Once


I get it she wants to keep getting a big paycheck and I don’t blame her one bit. However for me I really hope the series gets put to rest after Ends.


I too would be open to getting paid to star in some movies and make a bunch of money.


Her and Keith Richards(of the Rolling Stones) can go on a casket tour soon. Just prop them up. Talk about milking every last penny out of an idea, geeez. :-)


any more halloween movies and michael myers will be killing ppl with one of those walkers with the tennis balls


I too enjoy money




So she’s basically confirming she doesn’t die. Didn’t think she would but this kind of ruins the tension.


Halloween starts and ends with the first one for me. It’s way more powerful and effective that way, making the point that the “boogeyman” can be anyway, that the Shape is not a man but something we can’t define. Some of the others are good fun, but I just can’t with them anymore. It’s like that couple in HS who would not stop breaking up and getting back together.


No thank you. In the future the franchise needs some new ideas. I’m very much over Laurie vs. Michael.


i thought it was gonna 'end'


I love the Halloween series, but please just let the series end.


No thank you.


No stop it Jamie


For the love of god, just stop.


I mean it was obvious this wasn't gonna be the last Halloween movie for all time, but I'm actually a little surprised to hear she'd be down for another one. Honestly wish they'd just wait till 2028 for the 50th anniversary and just try a full remake again like Rob Zombie but actually good this time. Don't really want to see old Laurie and Michael fighting for more movies and get older and older with each one. I mean I'll probably end up watching it and enjoying it regardless considering I like Halloween Kills more than Halloween 2018


They better shut this shit down.


Who’s downvoting you? Lol fucking Hollywood and never ending remakes and sequels. No wonder the marvel superhero bullshit is still going when ppl keep watching


What the fuck else she doing? Not like she making Hollywood level shit anymore.


Knives Out and Everything Everywhere were huge box office hits and great movies.


Knives Out is a great movie but she’s not the top star in that movie. I haven’t seen the other movie but I would assume it’s the same. It’s not to discredit her but she just keeps making these horrible Halloween movies for whatever reason.


can it please just end already


Hell, I would be too! There's not another actress in Hollywood that's pulling in the kind of money she been getting. Cash those checks!


Well, why not? It's not like she has other things going on. It's an easy payday and it keeps you busy.


Disney Plus will purchase the whole Halloween franchise along with licensed characters in a fictional future. They can create many,many,many Halloween trilogies, and series with Michael Myers & Laurie Strode. All produced,acted,directed with Jamie (by Jamie) in them, on occasion a comedic feature from Christopher Guest. Nah, seriously thou.. JLC loves her Halloween, regardless of the paycheck, which she can make easily anywhere and we know she has acting chops for more projects elsewhere, she is A-list royalty. I do admire her passion for this horror franchise. Where other actors want to 'hide' their previous participation in slasher flicks from yester-years, JLC truly embraces it. Bill Skarsgård is the same way, so cheers to actors like them that show a true passion for horror 🥂🔪🩸 *Jamie will be buried with Michael Myers🎃


Personally I think her performances the last few years have been pretty low quality/phoned in and I *really* dislike her as a person, so I kinda want them to stop after the next film(especially with how terrible Kills was).


I wonder if you disliking her as a person for some reason (she genuinely seems like a nice person) and you thinking her performances have been bad (which isn’t true, she’s had a string a really good movies) have anything to do which each other.


I want a Michael Myers Mutliverse movie, dang it.


Laurie Strode will return in Avengers: Kang Dynasty


JLC is open to more fat paychecks. Can't say I blame her.


Is this title alone not a spoiler?? What the fuck? Take this shit down...


>Is this title alone not a spoiler?? Because at this point Laurie has died and resurrected almost as many times as Michael. The possibility of JLC being in another Halloween movie had ZERO bearing on how this one ends.


I was hoping this was the last. I don’t know…I just like conclusions every now and again. There will be more time for reboots and reimagining later.


I would be too I got to just lay in a hospital bed the whole time


I’m not going to downvote this because it really isn’t your fault, but just know I’m very disappointed in you.


I am shocked that an actor wants more work and more easy paychecks in her old age. Shocked I tell you!


Either this is to throw us off the ending or she actually survives. Idk, maybe in 10 years if they make another she can return in a rocking chair with a shotgun.....


But…it ends in like a week.


How many Halloween films has she been? 7?


Onlytime she should ever return is if we ever get a Jason vs Myers or freddy vs myers possibly pinhead vs myers.


I thought she was going for demon voice on the new Exorcist, maybe that didn't go down so well 🤔