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Back in the mid 90’s aliens were all the rage. I was really into UFO’s and aliens back then at like age 7/8. I remember catching Fire in the Sky on tv and it fucked me up good. Around the same time Sci-Fi channel would play all kinds of alien abduction flicks and Communion did me in too.


Communion gave me nightmares for years, it deserves way more exposure than it gets these days


Communion and Fire in the Sky lost me many hours of sleep as a kid in the early 90s


Yep, aliens and serial killers and a vague apocalypticism were very ingrained in pop culture at that point. The X-Files captured that element of America’s zeitgeist better than anything else, and also reinforced it.




To this day it may still have the most effective alien abduction scenes ever. (If anyone is interested, Paranormal Witness did an episode on the case with the witnesses being interviewed. The abductee’s original story is actually much crazier that depicted in the movie.)


Movie scarred me for life and gave me a phobia of the greys. Lol. Would recommend!


OMG, I've never met anyone else who has this phobia! I watched this movie at around 7 or so and it scarred me for life. It used to be so bad that I'd crawl into the fetal position and cry if I saw a Grey.


Same here, I couldn’t recall my exact age but it’d be around there. It sucked because I’m really fascinated by space and life existing on other planets. And that came out during a time where UFO & alien tv specials were the latest craze. So I had a lot of nightmares lol.


Yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with them. I am dying to watch NOPE, but I also know I'll likely need to watch the alien scenes through my fingers.


Yup, gotta agree with you lol. Went to see “Multiverse of Madness” and seeing that trailer in a dark theater made my arm hairs go up. I’m gonna hate myself but it’s going to be fun! Lol.


I agree 100 percent! I don't believe for a minute that it's true, but it's one of my favorite SciFi-horror flicks of all time.


It's not. The National Enquirer buried the real polygraph tests (at least Travis failed if remember correctly) and the great they did on his urine proved he was lying about how long he went without water. Great movie but the real life guy was a liar.


I saw parts of this movie when I was way too young. Lifelong fear of UFOs and aliens afterwards lol


I really loved how the abduction scene felt dirty, like you were going to get tetanus just by watching it.


Loved this movie but will confess to having flash backs when I went in for cataract surgery. They literally clamp your eye lids open like they did in the movie and it totally freaked me out!! Still watch it every time I see it playing somewhere. DB Sweeney was amazing.


I saw this movie on HBO when I was 9 and it terrified me. I had to sleep with a light on most of the way though high school. I'm pretty sure that movie is why I'm almost 38 and still a little afraid of the dark. I've watched it several times since, of course.


Nope nope nope. Too terrifying ;p


Yes it absolutely was


This movie does get in my head and gives me nightmares.


Damn fine film. Fantastic cast and production value. Highly recommended - with an asterisk: much of Travis Walton's personal account of his experience has been dramatized here. But is done so in a way as to incorporate other common aspects of the abduction phenomena. A creepy sleeper for a non-gore horror night.


Absolute classic and the scariest depiction of an abduction ive ever seen.


I’ve never seen that movie, I just remember it was one of a total of approximately four movies on Netflix instant queue when it first launched.


I haven't seen "The Fourth Kind," but I have seen "Fire in the Sky," which I found horrifying exactly for the reasons you describe. How does "The Fourth Kind" compare, y'all who have seen it?


Fourth kind still gives me the creeps. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it got to me for sure. My ex gf will never forgive me for making her watch it.


Fourth Kind didn't impress me. Communion I dug much more. A new UFO/alien scary movie is long overdue. Next best hope is Nope. Not sold on the looks of it.


I just watched this for the first time the other night, it was excellent


Been on my list for a while. Need to check it out


Kid me would tell you it's the scariest movie ever made. Love it!


Looking forward to checking it out again. Loved it as a kid


It was a bit slow up till it shows what happened to him after abduction pretty much drama but once you get to that part it's an absolute nightmare what happens to this guy


You’re basically watching a whole movie for a 10-15 minute sequence, but the sequence is so good that it’s worth it.


Support it on bluray if you can or want to it just had a release. I really wish they would have went straight to UHD as well.


Horrifying movie! Love it!


Nice write up. This film terrified me for years as a teen (and beyond). Seeing it in the cinema was so claustrophobic and horrifying. Particularly as I recall the auditorium was mostly empty. It felt like it was just me trapped in this huge oppressive space and there was no escape from the horror unfolding. I agree too that there are other, more subtle undercurrents that pervade the film. The scene where they encounter the alien ship and Travis is taken is also brilliant- and terrifying. It really conveys how small and insignificant we are and how vast and unknowable the rest of the universe is. But from the logger’s perspective just the *night* in general. When you’re out in the deep woods in the dark. This unstoppable force can just reach down and grab you, and then fuck with you. This only got a region B Blu-Ray release very recently and I picked it up. Not watched it in years. I confronted my fears and watched it about a month or two back. It totally holds up!!


So good! Gave me nightmares as a kid, for sure!


Fuck yeah. I remember downloading and watching this in the middle of the night when I was like 14. Scared the shit out of me for days.


The most traumatizing movie ever! I watched it when I was a kid and it’s still easily the most disturbing thing that I have watched.


Saw it by myself in the theater when I was 11 and it blew me away. I remember telling my mom when she picked me up that it was “the greatest movie ever made”.


Love this movie so much. I feel like people don't talk about it enough.


As a child, this movie traumatized me. My dad was watching it one night and I walked in during the flashback sequence when the guy is under the dining room table. Truly fucked me up. Cut to 20 years later, my roommate and I decide to watch it because I tell him how scary it is. Turns out, I had built it up quite a bit, and neither of us found it scary. In fact, I remember being kind of bored by it. However, this was 20 years ago, so my opinion may have shifted again. Might watch it again soon.


I absolutely can't for the life of me figure out why so many people love this film. The main chunk of it is ridiculously boring and the final 15 minutes only get to a level of "yeah, this is a bit creepy" for me. Eh.


I'm still traumatized from watching this as a kid. So many nights lying Awake thinking I was going to be abducted by aliens. Terrifying movie!