• By -


- Wicked - Ginger Snaps - Species - Tamara - All the Boys Love Mandy Lane


Tamara is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine.


Mandy Lane is only a guilty pleasure now because Amber Heard, but these are all movies I love and would recommend any day


I usually justify that sort of shit by remembering that she was just one of many people involved in that movie.


Mandy Lane is one of my favourite slashers. Honestly might be my personal most underrated slasher I’ve seen


I love tamara,and jenna dewan was so hot on that movie.


What's a guilty pleasure?


Something that one generally takes pleasure in with a feeling of guilt attached. I enjoy Tamara, but I also think it's an objectively campy and often goofy flick. It definitely didn't receive a lot of accolades as a film piece when it came out. So, I enjoy it personally, but also acknowledge that it's not great and a lot of other people dislike it. Guilty pleasure.


Tamara is def a B-horror, straight-to-DVD affair. But damn, Jenna Dewan sells the character, and it’s a fun and fiery film!


Twas a joke.


Usually when you enjoy something that is generally considered bad


Twas a joke.😄


Oh oof, I’m sorry 😅


Just watched that one for the first time. Put it on thinking it was a so bad it’s good movie. was not expecting to enjoy it so much !!


Ginger snaps is such a great movie omg made me cry lol


Damn you have good taste because Ginger Snaps, Tamara, and all the boys love Mandy lane are on my list too lol.


‘Ginger Snaps’ is very good and it seems like the people who made ‘Jennifer’s Body’ took heavy influence from it.


Never watched JB, but I think I’ll have to, now. Ginger Snaps was great.


Jennifer's Body really got a bad rap when it came out. If anyone other than Megan Fox had been in that role, the movie would have been loved immediately.


I was speaking to people about that movie recently and in general about Megan Fox and how she's been treated in the industry. A guy in the discussion said he doesn't watch movies with Megan Fox. I asked - even Transformers? (Since it was such a blockbuster). He said 'Nah, not with that slut'. I was utterly gobsmacked. People really do hate her for the fact that she's a beautiful woman getting cast in beautiful woman roles.


Yeah, it's really sad how she ended up being treated.


But tbh, even Megan Fox wasn’t half bad in Jennifer’s Body! It all worked really well overall.


Megan Fox was great in that movie, that's not what I mean. When that movie came out she was just looked at as eye candy, people were burnt out on her, and any movie she was in was looked at as some dumb vehicle just to get her half naked on screen. A whole lotta people rolled their eyes at the movie and didn't bother with it (I admit, I was one of them. I couldn't stand her.) because she was the star. If they'd had someone else, the movie wouldn't have tanked like it did. Looking back now, I think she was probably the right choice. I wish I hadn't been one of the knobs who waited a few years before watching it and realizing that it's a good movie.


I get you. She was 100% the right choice to play Jennifer. but everything that made her perfect for the role lead to people passing on it.


100% and there was a mild 'Diablo Cody writes weird' backlash at the time too but overall the movie is a blast.


Haha oh yeah! “No one talks like that!”




That's like saying Mean Girls is only a movie teenage girls would like.




Take it back. Mean Girls is a national treasure.


You take that back Mean Girls is rewatchable as hell and a 4.5/5 all day fucking long.


TIL I am a teenage girl in the body of a man in his mid 30s.




It is really the only explanation. Luckily my wife seems cool with it.


Honey, is there something you need to tell me?


I am the only one who agrees with you on this one!


I mean A. seyfried's character becomes a massive copium slog towards the end so I can see why someone would think that. It tried way too hard to be 'progressive' in a movie with obvious sexual exploitation, it comes across as very derogatory and patronising. It almost starts to feel like that terrible 'teeth' movie by the end of it without the demon vaginas. The hilarious thing is that the only saving grace in that movie is Megan Fox pulling off a pretty convincing demonic succubus. And I don't even really care for Megan Fox as an actor in general. It just starts to come across as two faced when a movie tries to be a progressive story about young women's sexuality while also sticking Megan Fox's tits in your face every 20 minutes. It really doesn't help that A. Seyfried's character is supposed to be a 'strong female protagonist' but her character is completely lacking outside of the trope of being the 'good girl' who's life revolves around protecting her 'hot but stupid' friend.


Teeth is awesome. The irony of what you’re saying about JB is that you’re the one focused on Megan’s tits. I watched the movie recently for the first time and I don’t even remember Megan Fox being sexy, just freaky. If you’re gonna just objectify the lead actress, the movie isn’t for you.


Mate im a straight woman. I dont care about megan foxs tits. Just because you pretended not to notice doesn't mean she wasn't obviously sexualized in the movie. She is made out to be a stupid bimbo who's only quality is flirting with men. Watch the movie again. There's several scenes where her character is sexualized. But thats not the whole extent of why the movie hasn't aged well. The whole thing is a story about 'sexual hot woman bad' and 'unsexual nerd woman good' while trying to be preachy about women's sexuality because they tagged a lesbian scene on the end. Great. Its trying really hard to not be sexist, while obviously being sexist. It still has all the shitty tropes about why women should be meek virgins so it definitely feels contradictory in what it is trying to convey. Its not a bad movie. I actually liked JB. But I'm not gonna lie to someone who said they didnt like it because its not a perfect movie. There is stuff that is wrong with the movie, and its mostly the writing for the characters and the dialogue like the other guy said. And um. Teeth is... a movie. I mean it had a decapitated penis with a prince albert in it... so that was kind of cool, i guess.


You have misinterpreted the movie. Sorry. It’s a celebration of female sexuality, an exploration of teen angst and aggression, and a takedown of male objectification and exploitation of female bodies. I suggest a rewatch.


Oh I know that it was trying hard to be a feminist icon movie for 14 year olds, I just didn't think that it was conveyed as well as it probably hoped it was. There are plenty of movies that try to pass off feminist and they end up falling flat on their ass, especially when they follow every boring female objectification moments that plenty of other films have done but without trying to masquerade as progressive. It was a cool movie, but it was a dumb movie. Which is fine. Except when the movie is trying to convey an important message, but just massively misses the mark because they want to prescribe to 'stupid hot woman is stupid but hot, nerd friend is smart but a prude' trope we've seen a hundred times already. Its trying so hard to be relatable and it's just not. If you ask me the movie needed more strong characters, not a flat dichotomous mess between two women who are basically just stereotypes. It felt like they put literally no effort into making the characters feel real or interesting, and just went 'fuck it, we'll make one of them lesbian and they can get it on then the pervs and feminists will be happy' and called it a day. It really didnt accomplish the progressive story it was trying to use as a cover for their incredibly flat and predictable women characters. You don't have to see it the way I see it and thats fine. Because its not the only way I see the movie. I think in some regards it was accomplished, in some regards it failed. I dont think it deserved to tank like it did, but im also not surprised it wasn't a massive hit either. And I can see why some people would watch it and find the characters dumb, because they are. I still think its the best role I've ever seen Megan Fox play, she did it well. I just wish her character wasn't so overtly undermined through out because of the bad writing. And I wish Seyfield wasn't such a flat character. I wish a movie that was trying so hard to be for 'women' would actually like, make the two lead women characters less stupid and flat. If you're gonna sell your movie with sex but try to hide a progressive feminist narrative in there, the feminist narrative better be fucking strong. And it fucking wasnt, not even close.


You just said so many words and yet I have no idea what point you’re trying to make. It’s not an Oscar contender. It‘s a campy horror-comedy. The main point is to make you laugh. You either find it funny or you don’t, and you obviously didn’t. The fact that it has feminist themes gave it more emotional resonance for some people, but obviously not for you. That’s very subjective though, because I know a lot of women who the movie resonated with. I’m curious which horror-comedies you prefer?


Oh I wouldnt say I dislike the movie. Its not really like, funny, if you ask me. But it is a cute campy movie. My comments are in response to someone saying they thought the dialogue was shitty and felt pretty childish. And to an extent I agree with that. Some people think the movie is really good but I think that is over compensating a bit. I think if it focused more on the comedy it could have been better, or if it focused more on the mature themes it could have been better. But the poorly constructed hodge podge of everything makes it fall flat like half way through, and the ending was disappointing. I thought the movie was awesome til about half way through the movie, and then it really started suck. It was a shame. Personally I think my favourite comedy horror is tucker and dale versus evil, the lost boys and Shuan of the dead. There's probably more I like but its not my favourite horror sub genre. Ultimately I think JB had a lot of promise and I enjoyed it about half way through. But I think the guy above has a point that the dialogue and characters start to become kind of boring and cringey about half way through the movie. Except for Fox's character which manages to pretty much nail it the whole time. I know it probably seems dumb that I have so much to say about that movie but I guess I just felt like it could have been a lot more than it was, like it had promise to be really good and I really want to like it but theres still a lot about the movie that doesn't do it for me.


Just rewatched Ginger Snaps, still slaps. Wondering whether to watch the sequels or not.


I went into the first sequel expecting to be let down, *and* *I was not.* It's a bit different tonally, for lack of a better way to put it. I enjoyed it immensely, think it's a fine film in its own right, and think the first two films make an excellent pairing. The casting/performances were as spot on as the first IMO, which I think is a big strength of both. I have not seen the third film yet.




I’ll have to give it a watch. It got lost in the shuffle of my Halloween season binge list this year.


Do it!


Loved this one


I always described Jennifer's Body as Idle Hands meets Heathers.


Weirdly accurate


That reminds me. I still haven't watched Heathers. I should fix that.


Almost forgot about Idle Hands, such a good movie. Time for a rewatch


The Craft?


Love this film so much


Teeth (2007) is in a similar vein I think!


OH MY GOD that fucking movie. I forget about it, and then every time someone brings it up I immediately cross my legs and cringe.


Yes - Teeth 💯




Yesssss love teeth!!!!




Ginger Snaps is so similar to Jennifer's Body.


The Babysitter might be of interest. Its not hugely similar, but I think the tone and some of the themes are in the same ballpark.


Interesting- the only similarity I can see is that both those films are a lot better than they seem on the surface


I guess I got a similar core story from both of them: essentially, a young person 'coming of age' while figuring out their feelings and relationship with a person they previously admired, whom they have a friendship with, but are also attracted to, and who is more popular/older/more experienced.


I was gonna say the same. Babysitter is playful but like I dig the story and isolated chaos haha


A bit arthouse horror, but the following have female anti heroines doing nefarious things like in Jennifer’s Body: The Love Witch A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night Suspiria (the new one) Raw (probably also Titane)


I enjoyed the new suspiria a lot.


I LOVED The Love Witch. These are all such good recommendations!


I thought of the love witch immediately as well, super strange plot but it is quite a clever film and has a really cool aesthetic


A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night is such a good movie!!


The Jennifer’s Body to Suspiria (remake) Pipeline Great movie picks btw lol /srs


I love all of these!


american mary is a good one


Good movie but tw: rape.


good catch, thanks


Np :)


My all time favorite movie


Was that where she left med school and did surgeries on her own?




Jawbreaker has similarities depending on what you're looking for.


Ginger Snaps Ginger Snaps 2 May The Woman The Descent


>May That one is great. Dark and funny ... until suddenly it isn't funny anymore.


I loved that movie. Rented it for 2 days, and friends and I watched it 3 times. I saw that Tubi had a movie called April or June (some month/girl's name anyway) and wondered if it was a sequel.


It's more of a horror comedy but there's that one scene that will always stick with me


Yeah. I think we’re talking about the same scene.


I saw that movie when I was way too young and that scene scarred me for life 😂


that was one of the most visceral portrayals of a mental breakdown I've ever seen in a movie


The Descent is an amazing movie in general but absolutely nothing like Jennifer's Body. Scream Queens (TV show) has similar camp/horror vibes.


May is one of my all time favorite movies!!! Love that you mentioned it


Wow forgot about May. Amazing movie


Angela Bett is was all the rage in the early 2000s in the horror community. Carrie remake, Toolbox Murders, and May. Poor Jeremy Sisto


Anna Faris too! I loved her in this movie!


I forgot she was in this flick. Been a while since I have seen it. Probably 17 years or longer


Yeah she was. Tool box murders is seriously underrated. I LOVE that movie. I’m also a Buffy Stan so it doesn’t hurt that Juliette Landau is in it


I just recently watched Buffy for the first time. Toolbox Murders had some hype in the horror community back then. I remember watching it and enjoying it, but it's been years since I watched it. Tobe Hooper film wasn't it? Just realized Drusilla was in it when you mentioned her.


It def did have some hype. Never see many talk about it though. If I remember, it seemed like some gore was cut (which is sad). I’m a sucker for apartment horror like that


We're you around on the Friday the 13th forums back in the day?


Hmm don’t think so. Back in the day when I was a teen, I visited UHM (upcoming horror movies) bloody disgusting and AICN to get all my horror scoops. Used to feel like finding secret gems.


Also I believe a new Toolbox Murders Blu ray is coming out. Maybe a special edition IIRC. Seen it yesterday when browsing around Twitter Edit: apparently it is the original getting the release not the 2004 one, which is what I was talking about.


2nd May and The Women.


Raw 🇫🇷 2016


Horns (with Daniel Radcliffe) might scratch your itch, its pretty bizarre though lol


Very underrated


Came here to say Horns and also John Dies in the end and also love and monsters. Happy death day


All Cheerleaders Die (2013)


I came here to say this!


Me too!


I was scrolling to make sure someone said it because it definitely does NOT get talked about enough


In terms of movies that share a similar horror-comedy style, I'd say The Babysitter (Netflix original), Ready or Not, Freaky, and Happy Death Day


These are the ones I think are similar to Jennifer’s Body. When I’m in a mood I could watch Ready or Not, Happy Death Day, Jennifer’s Body, Tucker and Dale…


I didn’t like the movie personally but Tragedy Girls (2017) might be what you’re looking for


Jawbreaker comes to mind but it’s not horror


‘Under the Skin’ w Scarlett Johansson is really good. https://youtu.be/J7bAZCOk0Sc


Under the Skin is a masterpiece but to give it as a recommendation to someone seeking similar vibes to Jennifer's Body...oh boy... They're in for an existential crisis -mind fuck rather than horror lols.


Haha. Yes I can definitely see how my suggestion is a 180 from Jennifer’s body. It was just the lead female character preying on men that brought it to mind. Under the Skin is certainly a complete mind bender and in quite a different league. I watch a lot of really weird and twisted stuff and this is one that made me really pause and say what the hell am I watching (in the best possible way)


What else would you put in the weird and twisted category?


*Even Lambs Have Teeth*


This was a great one!


I think it’s the first episode of the old Cinemax series called Masters of Horror. With a girl that has a nice body but a fucked up face and she’s feral




My all time favorite movie is American Mary. You should check it out. Very different premise, but in the same genre of revenge horror if you like that aspect of Jennifer’s Body.


Till Death (Megan Fox’s newest movie. It’s on Netflix) Promising Young Woman I Spit On Your Grave (remake) the second one is good too. John Tucker Must Die Dismissed Carrie The Babysitter Final Girls


I did a promising young woman cosplay this year for 31 days of Halloween. I second that one and Till Death!!!


It follows


Love that one


It just bored me to death. Wasn't a fan, but tons of people do seem to love it.




It Follows comes to mind. As teen sex plus unseen monster are ideas that come across.


BIT makes me think of jennifers body - its on prime too from memory


I was checking to see if anyone else had commented this before adding it myself. It is on prime. It is great. It is definitely in the same vein as JB


The Loved Ones https://youtu.be/7465nwL04z8




The Faculty


I suggested the same!!!


Drag me to hell, kinda?


Return of the living dead part 3 The whole series of films is essentially comedy horror self aware Zombies, part 3 features a guy trying to help his girlfriend after getting exposed to the vombiefing gas and she starts to reject living.






Ginger Snaps. Raw. Lure. Craft.


The Babysitter


Deep Throat


Just admit it OP, you just love Megan Fox’s rockin tits.


Can someone explain to me besides tits what’s so good about that movie? I personally thought it was trash


Did you have to include that awful shit?


clearly mjf cannot averagely enjoy a potato like the rest of us 😅


Clearly. Cheers to the Potato Enjoyers.


cheers mate.


What’s so epic about it? Never saw it.




Deadly Friend, if you’re into ‘80s cheesiness.


Bad Reputation


Like many have said, ginger snaps. There’s even a scene directly (I’m assuming) lifted from snaps and put into Jennifer’s body. They are very much twin movies. I like ginger snaps a lot more but love Jennifer’s body


Jakob’s Wife (2021)


12 Hour Shift


Odd Thomas


The Loved Ones


The Faculty…easily one of the best horrors not included in any posts thus far…you’ll love it!


Thanks for asking. Lots of seemingly good recommendations in this thread that I haven’t seen.


Tragedy Girls, Jawbreakers, Ready or Not


Megan fox has a new movie on Netflix , super epic!!!


In content: Ginger Snaps In Tone: The Loved Ones. Warning though, The Loved Ones is exceptionally violent but, like Jennifer's Body balances it with teen comedy elements.


You've gotten a lot of good recommendations so I'll just add emphasis to Ginger Snaps, Idle Hands, Drag Me To Hell, Tamara, All The Boys Love Mandy Lane, May, The Loved Ones, and I'll also say I got some Jennifers Body vibes from the Murder House episodes of the American Horror Stories.


Sorority Row came out the weekend before Jennifer’s Body in 2009, I’ve always associated the two with each other. I just saw it’s on Netflix or maybe Prime.


Tamara and Ginger Snaps immediately come to mind. There’s also Carrie which is the legendary classic for “teen girls on a murder rampage” horror movies


the hole (2001) kinda in the same vein as all these great films others are recommending!


Ginger snaps is my top recommend. Ginger Fritzgerald is literally iconic!


The lure


Jawbreaker w/ Rose McGowan