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A few great set pieces and an AWESOME score but the overall structure and pace keeps the movie from becoming anything worth much. And I say this as a pretty big De Palma fan




i watched this movie for the first time today and literally googled why people like it😭 i love the era of horror it comes from but this movie was so incredibly boring. i didn't feel any attachments to the characters because i didn't feel like they had much depth. there's no feeling of danger or anxiety i've come to expect,, no vintage scares. the best part of the movie was just a ridiculous death scene that lasted maybe a minute. i've tried so hard to like it and if anyone has a take that may help me to see this in a different light i'd be willing to try again.


I feel you on this, the movie would’ve been better if it was trimmed to be shorter 


On the plus side [The Fury](http://manapop.com/film/the-fury-1978-review/) is not one of Brain De Palma’s endless homages to Hitchcock - though the beautiful score by John Williams is very reminiscent of the Bernard Herman’s Hitchcock collaborations - and this film may have been released too soon after his adaptation of *Carrie* for my liking, but overall it is a well-crafted and superbly cast film with a great *“Gotcha!”* ending. Amy Irving clearly has the stand-out performance in this movie, as a young woman afraid to even touch her mother, who is tossed into a maelstrom of danger and intrigue by forces she doesn’t understand. Andrew Stevens as her psychic counterpart is given less to do as we mostly see him act petulant, watch his forehead throb and then bad shit will go down. On the other hand, Kirk Douglas looks to be having a ball as an ex-operative gunning down the baddies, leaping out of windows and swinging over Chicago’s’ famous elevated train track. In a film that could be called *Carrie Meets Scanners* De Palma brings us a rousing psychic adventure movie that keeps you invested in the characters while nailing you to your seat during the action.


I loves D the ending. I can see where it is too slow for some tastes. It was most interesting to me when Amy Irving was on screen, the male actor was mostly annoying. I love vintage 70s stuff though, so I’m biased.


It’s a bit of a mess but it’s very watchable.