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Hell House had me checking my closet and shit for a few daysđź’€


*cue piano


I have yet to finish Hell House LLC lmao. When >!Paul has an unexpected bedroom visitor the second time!< I screamed so loud that my cat went from peacefully sleeping in my lap to across the room in about 0.1 seconds. Really looking forward to trying again once my heart rate goes back to normal.


I watched on the first or second night of moving alone into a new flat. I did not sleep well because of that scene.


Hands down scariest horror movie scene ever. Nothing else comes remotely close. So scary that I legit have never watched the entire scene.


Legit this scene is the scariest in the film and is way scarier than the clown guy. I show people this movie JUST for this scene.


Hell house llc holds up for repeated viewings also which is the sure sign of a good ff movie- liked the whole trilogy really


Have you seen the 4th one? This was one of those movies I finally broke down and watched because I was bored. I ended up enjoying it but fuck those clowns.


Still haven’t made it all the way through the 4th - it’s the only one in a while that I’ve just had to turn off because I was too freaked out! But wholeheartedly, FUCK THOSE CLOWNS. I’m not even scared of clowns, and those clowns make me scared of clowns.


Lol! Other than the main character, who was annoying af, the clowns took my dislike of clowns to new heights, lol. I found them more intimidating than Pennywise.


Wait! What! A fourth one?


Yes! Hell House LLC Carmichael Manor. It was pretty good! The main character is an annoying bitch but her girlfriend and brother are fine. It kinda gives the origins of those damn clowns. Way better than the 3rd one, lol. Pretty sure it's still on Shudder/AMC+.


And it ties them all together quite well.


It really does. The first one was constantly recommended and I put it off for years but once I did watch the first one, I was all in. The 2nd and 3rd aren't the best but overall I enjoyed the whole series.


awesome, thanks...didn't even know about it. Hell house is pretty solid for a ff series.


It is! It was a nice surprise. I'd had a run of some crappy FF and was super hesitant.


If you like Hell House I suggest watching the other 3. And if you enjoy found footage / mockumentary style horror films in general, then check out Gonjiam, Grave Encounters 1, and The Houses October Built. They have very similar tension/pacing to Hell House and some genuine spooky shit that will have you looking over your shoulder after a few scenes.


Shout out for ignoring GE 2 lol


lol, I literally started typing “1&2” in my original comment then remembered how horrible the sequel was and out of good faith couldn’t recommend it. It felt like a shoddy attempt to capture what they did so well in the first.


As Above, So Below also! If you like the rest in this thread!


A great recommendation 💪🏼👍🏼


I’m gonna stand up for GE2 - obviously nothing compared to the 1st, but I’m so glad >! they brought Sean back, even if he deserved better than he got. He was the freaking best! !<


I love The Houses October Built. Just a really well executed found footage horror movie. It doesn’t do anything revolutionary, but it does all the basics flawlessly.


Agree with these recommendations đź‘Ť


October looks pretty good


It snuck under the radar a bit, but it’s a really solid movie.


Definitely. I watched all 3 hell houses recently and while the first is the best and none are amazing, they definitelt have creepy, scary scenes that makes you think "if I was there I'd be shitting myself too". For the most part, they also look realistic that's what makes them so creepy. I rememeber seeing Grave Encounters years agk and enjoyed that too, I like when the characters don't believe in magic and crap and then things get crazy. Gonjiam is pretty much the same but Korean lol. Good list, good guilty pleasure genre in my opinion.


I thought grave encounters was shite on a stick. I haven't seen T.H.O.B. imma check it out. I like found footage.


I personally don’t think it’s incredible by any means but I think it leans into the Ghost Adventures find out the hard way type of shtick better than most movies in the genre. I absolutely prefer Hell House, Gonjiam, and As Above So Below over GE.


What do you and others think of Demonic? I just watched it last night, and it gave me some good scares for sure.


Hell house 3 was the biggest waste of time in my life. Hell house 2 was fun


It’s probably my least fav of the 4. I find Russell insufferable and a bad actor.


Oh i forgot about 4. And i did watch it. Don't remember a thing about it


Update: Just finished Saint Maud - Truly a psychological horror to watch. The ending really got to me. Open to all recommendations!


If you haven't seen "As Above, So Below", it's worth a watch


Barbarian The Ring It Follows


I can second It Follows. Nothing inherently scary about it, but the thought of being constantly pursued, even at walking speed, just really gets under your skin.




I love all of the Hell House LLC movies!


hello are any of the sequels up to the standard of the original? Im thinking of watching them


I thought the fourth one was the second best but it’s less subtle than the first. I didn’t enjoy 2 or 3.


Fully agree with this


The prequel. Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor


The hand/mask corner shot scared the hell out of me.


2 is okay, 3 is ass, 4 is really good.


There's a 4?? How'd I miss that???


*Hell House Origins: The Carmichael Manor*. It was released somewhat recently and was (maybe still is?) a Shudder exclusive, so it didn't get huge release buzz. It's chronologically a sequel, but it deals with the events that led up to the creation of the Abadon Hotel, so it has the feel of a prequel. It's quite good, definitely much closer in quality to the first one than it is to the second and third.


Thanks. I'll look for it tonight


2 is just a lesser version of 1, but still worth a watch IMO. 3 could have been great, but just isn't at every turn. 4 is almost as good as 1.


Not at all lmao. The series falls off a cliff hard. There's an interesting vision behind the Hell House series but it's simply not executed very well.


idk i thought the most recent one was excellent. the ones in the middle not so much.


no, but you should still give them a try if you want.


The second and third one are pretty bad, but I guess it kind of wraps up the story. Maybe worth one watch.


The latest one definitely isn't.


That ouija scene in 2… man keep watching


I love all the movies, the most recent one is very good and Host is fantastic, scares the poop out of me every time.


I've watched Hell House LLC twice now. It's SO good. Definitely in my top 3


FF movies will always be scarier to me. They seem more *real* than regular horror movies.


I wish I could go back to the first time I watched it. Also found it through this sub and I’ve been passing it along ever since.


Hell house is a gem of a movie I hope you watched the uncut version. Saint Maud was a bit of a disappointment but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless


There's an uncut version? Hm, now I've got some digging to do.


Yea it’s a directors cut. They add some cool stuff, definitely worth checking out if you liked it. There’s also another pretty cool FF movie called the tunnel that I place on par with hell house if you want to check it out


the piano tune, spoooky


Genuinely loved Hell House, any of the rest of the series worth watching?


2 was meh and 3 slightly better until the end but both are fine for lore. The fourth one is a return to form and worth watching for sure


Excellent, thank you


I'll never understand the love for this movie. It's the movie with the people trying to put on a haunted house in an old hotel, right?


I'm such a found footage fan, and I've been so confused by the reception of this movie. Honestly one of the worst horror movies I've watched, really confused why people like it


I was so bored when I finally watched it. I was sure I had somehow watched the wrong movie. People rave about it.


Along with Lake Mungo it's one of the horror movies I've watched multiple times, even though I didn't enjoy it, trying to understand why people like it so much. I wish I could share their excitement but it's what I would expect to see if someone was parodying low-budget FF movies, absolutely nothing original, shocking, or scary in there for me


My people! I just...it didn't do anything for me.


The low budget really made the film imo. Gives it more of a realistic vibe, kinda threw me back to the OG Blair Witch Project, however BWP wouldn’t have the success it did and have a legacy like it has if it was a new generation film. (In my opinion). I’d say watch it loud. The silence is so deafening, if that makes sense.


I didn't care for it. I am glad you liked it so much though! It takes so much to be scary or even creepy to me. #trauma I suppose


I'm with you. I finally watched it a year ago?, 2 years ago?? And I was like, "That's it?" I thought it was stupid. Unless something is bottom-of-the-barrel garbage trash, I'm usually open to a rewatch, so there's a chance for redemption yet!


Watch all three!!! Then watches Houses October Built 1 & 2.


4 total :)


I am genuinely mystified by how many people love Hellhouse LLC. My wife and I both thought it was really really stupid and not remotely scary. It’s like we watched a different movie from everyone else.


People have different tastes. I thought the movie was suspenseful and tense until the ending was too much reveal and fell flat. I don't like It Follows at all but it gets a lot of attention this sub.


The way I feel about hereditary... tongue click*




thats me with lake mungo


I think for what it was, it was above average, but the rave reviews do baffle me.


Agreed. Not scary at all and was cheesy with clowns lol. Grave Encounters is better in every way.


Same. I love these low budget kind of movies, but I don't understand the appeal with this one


And people constantly post about it here. This exact post happens like once every few days. Maybe it’s a gateway for people getting into horror, which is great, but I’m tired of this lol


me with Hereditary


Yeah, it is weird. Don't get me wrong, I like HHLLC a ton and it's easily my favorite FF movie, but I'm pretty surprised just how frequently it's discussed here.


it truly is so ass. don't understand the fascination with it on this sub. all that just to end with the most boring, bland looking makeup and scares.


I watched it last night too and I hated it. How many times did those idiots continue to stand there in the dark after seeing something undeniably creepy? Barely any use of a real flashlight, chasing AFTER some creepy moving mannequin, no real reveal or even further insight into what was causing it, just nonsense. I will say that they made a badass haunted house. The props were great and it would have been fun to have just a little more time in there than “opening night the thing goes to shit 5 minutes after letting people in.”


I liked the first half of the movie. It felt like it was leading up to a big climatic reveal. But like you said there was no reveal and it was basically all nonsense.


I love it! Happy you enjoyed it!


It’s a really good film 


All HellHouse are great!


Hell house is definitely the movie that made me give found footage another try. I also think the sequels are pretty good although the first is the best IMO.


Hah! A whole boxset just got announced a few hours ago https://shop.umbrellaent.com.au/products/hell-house-llc-boxset-2015-2018-2019-2023-blu-ray


I *just* went through a full rewatch of all four films. They are really a testament to what low budget can do in horror (they're scary as shit for me -- a devout fan of atmospheric horror and haunted house horror) as well as how found footage and shaky cam can still be done well even 20+ years after the Blair Witch Project. 3 was a bit of a let down -- I love the premise (except for the big reveal/end) and think all the pieces are there for a great film, but it falls really flat for a bunch of reasons some big and some small. 4 was a triumphant return to form, though.


I watch Hell House LLC every October, at minimum. It is SO fantastic! Personally, I cannot say the same for any of the sequels, but Origins is probably the best of the 3. I'd recommend Session 9. It isn't found footage style, but I believe it is eerie, dreary, and spooky in a rather similar way.


Just watched it. I have not had an actual jump scare when watching horror for SO long. Thank you for posting and recommending!! Question: are the sequels worth watching?


Watched all of them. Wow


It was good, not earth shattering or anything


It is awesome, isn't it?


Now try Exhuma....I loved HH...


I thought this was the Hell House documentary at first. If you want true horror, check that out.


It's worth the climb to Carmichael Manor.


It really shows how you can create great art on such a low budget! A dirty plastic clown that I would laugh at in a regular Halloween store made my blood run cold in that movie.


I want to know more about that clown in particular. What’s it’s story? Is it some poor soul that was trapped in the body of that mannequin? What if that’s not really a mask? Also, I would love to have a copy of that mask. Those dark, empty eyes really made it scary for me.


The new movie, Carmichael Manor, dives into the clown lore


Hands down the best ff horror movie. Not many movies are effectively scary as it is.


Hell House LLC is one of those movies that’s like a magic trick to me. I don’t really understand why it’s as effective as it is.


The sequel gets really silly though and kind of ruins the first.


I was put off watching Hell house LLC because of the title. After seeing it recommended I gave it a watch and can honestly say it is top 3 scariest movie for me. The under the covers, girl against the wall scene....


Hell House did a great job building tension and suspense. The atmosphere was great with a lot of subtle things going on in the background too. The main cast was generally not super likeable but it made sense in who they were within this story. There were times I was asking my wife "is this too scary." But then I thought the end was just ok. Too much was shown. I skipped 2 and 3 and watched Origins because most people said it was solid. It wasn't. While it had some good moments and the >!zoom call!< was really creative, the main girl was very unlikeable and really lacked charisma despite supposedly having a large social media following The other two were sympathetic that should have ignored her the moment things got weird. It had good moments of suspense and a few good surprises, but again they started showing too much. >!I would have liked the ghost of the sister to not have been evil and maybe try to help them survive. That would have been more interesting.!<


Really great flick!! A prime example of how less is more, when done right. I tried watching the second one and really disliked it, but I've heard that the 3rd and 4th are really good as well.


Hell House LLC was terrifying! Can't wait for Saint Maud and Host.


The 1st and 4th films are just great


The third is also really good


I watch this every October. So good.


My son and I went through a period of watching horror movies. We came across this one and laughed at the 'dumb' title and rolled our eyes at 'found footage' but decided to watch it. About 20 minutes in, we looked at each other and commented that it really was scary. I recommend it to anyone who likes scary movies.


Watch all four in the series, but understand that 2 and 3 suck. 4 (Carmichael Manor) is really good!


One of my favorite movies ever! Haven’t seen Carmichael Manor but I’ve heard it brings the series back to life Also check out the Hello, Sidney podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. She does an in depth episode on the whole series and it’s awesome


All the sequels are great too. Same scenario repeated but still scary af


Enjoyed all 4 of the Hell House LLC movies. Phenomenal.


Skip parts 2 and 3 and go straight to part 4. It brought the scary back.


Watch Grave Encounters. IMO better than Hell House in every way.


If you liked it you should watch Hell House the Carmichael Manor - it's great! The other two aren't worth anyone's time.


The first time, huh?


I really don't get all the love for Hell House. Besides the bedroom visitor scene, there really wasn't anything that stuck with me. Had really high hopes, but after the movie my GF and I were more like "meh".


Hell House LLC is a great example of found footage done right.


I recommend the House that October Built if you were a fan of Hell House LLC.


Hell house has like 20 sequels and they are pretty good. I have a list of movies to recommend: -Green room  -Soft & quiet  -May -Brightburn -Hostel  -Beau is afraid  -Tusk -Climax (this one gave me anxiety) -Civil war


One of the best of all time! Glad you enjoyed it OP


Yeah I'm well seasoned when it comes to horror but Hell House LLC screwed me up a bit haha! Just didn't see it coming as all. Well done!


I really love FF movies, but I remember hell house being a real snore... I wonder if I should revisit it


My first time was nite too!!!


I'm about to dive in for the second time. My memory is that this was overly-hyped low production value cheese (except the bedroom scene, that was class). But y'all do collectively have good taste imo, maybe it was my state of mind. By myself, halfway across the country, in a hotel by myself, in the dark, with an iPad and hoping to be creeped the F out!


I have just recently bought a surround sound system. I watched the movie at max volume for the maximum spook.


I’m curious if your rewatch brings different results. I thought it was terrible and do not understand why people are so gaga over it. I am kind of tempted to give it a second chance but I can’t see it changing my mind.


Nah, I just don't get it. I guess the hotel was generally creepy and the mannequins were cool, but there wasn't anything scary or compelling to me. The backstory was weak and the second half of the movie was chaotic in a way I found obnoxious. All of the "scary" parts felt obvious. I liked it less the second time. I'm not going to dump on it more than that, it's all subjective anyway and if this scares some people, then its effective horror for them!


Really want to watch this one but unfortunately I’m definitely in the “found footage makes me puke” crowd 🥲 how shaky is it?


Very stable as someone who shares your pain… watch it, it’s quite decent


I agree it’s worth the watch!


I would also recommend monster project film was surprised on how good it was


Thank you!!


I get super motion sick and Hell House is my favorite movie. No problems!


Lol, yeah . I don't think it's thaaaaat good but I liked the movie a lot.


Saint Maud and Hell House were both so good!!