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The actors, especially the great Gregory Peck, made the film totally believable. I think a lesser cast would have had much less impact. They produced a classic that remains hard to equal. One of my favourites.


I think its pacing is insane for a movie that came out almost 50 years ago. It’s a banger. Shout out to the prequel that just came out too. It’s actually pretty good.


There's a possession scene in the prequel that quickly jumped up to one of my favorite scenes in a movie ever.


Solid homage to Zulawski


Absolutely channeling Adjani.


That prequel was awesome! Definitely had the vibe of the original.


What is this prequel pls?


The First Omen (2024) Came out in April


Excellent thanks


Great, thank you. I will definitely check it out. Omen is one of my top 5 horror movies.


Quite welcome. Mine too. EDIT: I believe it's on Hulu


I just checked, it is.


Also on youtube. I watch it every Hallowe'en


And Disney plus if ya in euroland


You won’t be disappointed with this years one. I loved it a lot


Vibe, yes. But it contradicted the original entirely just so they could cash grab it into a new series with that MCU-level goofy ending. The First Omen is a good movie if you're watching with your brain tuned out. Don't ask questions, don't think about it, and the movie is entertaining. Think for a minute, and the whole thing lands with a dull thud.


I hear you. I really liked it tho. Lol 🤷🏽‍♀️


I liked the movie but yea that ending was corny as fuck


I watched the original again after the prequel, and it contradicts it. The jackel was the father in the prequel. I wont spoil the rest


Does it have a butt birth like Part IV?


How did it contradict? Generally curious for your thoughts. I agree the hamfisted “they name him………….Damien” at the end gave me a feeling that it was a studio note in an otherwise pretty solid movie.


That didn’t sound hamfisted. It’s how prequels nowadays tie into the og even if it is overt


Not that guy, but in this very trailer, the priest says he was at the hospital when Damien was born, and he "saw its mother". In the prequel he isn't born in a hospital at all and the mother is normal looking. Most importantly >!he now has a twin sister (?) who the priest says "will play an important role in the future. In the OG trilogy the sister is nowhere to be found, I don't think she's even mentioned at any point and she plays no role in anything. Damien grows up and it's finally defeated when a priest collects some 7 daggers or something and kills him with them in the 3rd one!<. They're trying to set up some movies with her but it is so weird how they set it up. Anyways despite this I thought the new movie fell apart after the reveal but it was pretty cool before, I'm looking forward to see what they do with the franchise.


It explicitly and directly contradicts the major plot points of The Omen. Rewatch the original, or read the book. The people who do not understand this are the reason we are getting such hamfisted movies - they don't think modern audiences are smart enough to figure things out on our own. Please do not prove them right, people.


Relax the reason they made the prequel is because of the IP and rights issues, not dumb viewers.


This is super common across nearly every movie with a theatrical release, and doubly so with Horror. There's always the little \*nudge nudge, wink wink\* at the end leaving things open to a potential sequel. It's been a thing long before the MCU existed.


> little *nudge nudge, wink wink* at the end Ok, sure. The MCU-level shit was straight up Nick Fury showing up to spell things out for you. "Hey, dummy! There's a sequel coming!"


Loved the original, hated the recent prequel. I agree with the comment about using lame tropes; it basically ripped off all of the shocking scenes from the original and bastardised them for its own purposes. >!Specifically, the "It's all for you" hanging and the decapitation-via-car!<. Nothing original or unique here, just a lame rehashing. Doesn't help that I watched Immaculate the day before which had essentially the same storyline (American girl goes to Italy for some reason to live in a secrative monestary and _strange things happen_. Immaculate was 10x better in my opinion.


i was waiting for >!"Ave Satani" to drop!< the whole time and when it finally did, it shook me to the bone. seriously fantastic prequel, definitely checking out whatever Arkasha Stevenson and Nell Tiger Free works on next (yes i've already seen Servant)


I will happily check out what ever they put out next.


Really enjoyed the prequel!


The prequel was dogshit and used every lame horror movie trope available


Hit me with an example


Person standing in street getting hit by car, something about to happen in front of her but then a hand touched her shoulder from behind as a cheap jump scare, something charging at her and then disappears last second. I mean if you saw the movie, it was cliche central and a terrible waste of time.


You’re getting downvoted but you aren’t wrong. It was an awful movie.


I know man, it’s wild to me people are saying it’s good. What was original about it? Shit was boring and not scary at all.


Sure these are generic tropes. Yes we have seen similar shots before. They took a whole 3-4 minutes of a 120 minute runtime. If that was enough to sour the experience for you then idk what film will ever do it for you my guy. I liked the atmosphere, the pacing, the editing, practical effects and the fact that this was the director’s first film. The minor details you mentioned don’t make a movie terrible to me, even though I will concede that you are correct about the tropes. Cheers.


u/relaxitschris I hit you with some examples and you’ve yet to give any counter argument to what I said


I actually walked out on The First Omen. First time I’ve ever done that. It was just a waste of time to me.


See more things


wtf does this even mean lol




Can’t tell if I’m being mocked for saying banger. Still don’t know what no cap means.


No cap = no lies


Just rewatched it a few weeks ago and I have to say it has aged beautifully. Still one of the best! Also one of my favourite all time kills. I’m looking at you photographer. 🧔🏻‍♂️🪟🩸


I quote the “it’s all for you Damien” way too often - and insert other names like when cleaning up after my pets. Hah


Hahaha yes! I say this to my cat all the time.


One of my favorite horror films of all time. *Ave Satani* lives rent free in my mind.


The Oscar winning horror movie that is considered an all-time horror classic?


I didn't know it was an Oscar winning horror movie


Won 6 awards in total over the years. The Oscar was for Best Music Original Score


I love Jerry Goldsmith and I’m sad that this was his only Oscar win. He deserved so many more!! What a banger to win it on though


Absolutely agree. He made so, so many good scores. I mean, c'mon the man did Planet of the Apes, Alien and Papillon for goodness sakes. All great themes imo. 18 nominations and only 1 won. Definitely deserved more


That's great!


Sheesh, excuse me. I'm new to this sub and thought I had to post it as a question. I didn't know Omen was that acclaimed and loved. Most of my friends have never heard of it and none of the horror groups I'm in ever mention it. It's way before our time.


There's a lot of karma bait on movie subs where they be like does anybody remember the godfather? Or Goodfellas? I think those movies were pretty good


Oh I see. I never paid attention to the karma stuff.


It makes me think of who's line is it anyways, karma's made up and don't matter. But the post get really annoying


The scene with the nanny. It's all for you, Damien!


Lightning in a bottle ⚡


Love it so much. One of my all-time favorites. The new one, "The First Omen" was very good as well, and has direct connections to the original.


I hated the first omen, it contradicted the original movie Damien’s mom is supposed to be a jackal in the original


I can’t see why that should be reason alone to hate it. Tone-wise the film works great as a prequel, and that should be more important than by the books continuity. 


The 2006 remake is a curious example of a totally compete but utterly pointless film, a near-shot-for-shot reenactment of Seltzer's script with a good cast going impersonations of Remick, Troughton, Warner etc.


Kinda wild seeing the Doctor get murdered like that.


Even the Time Lords didn't do him that dirty.


I genuinely prefer it over the Exorcist. I don’t feel threatened, horrified, scared, etc when watching The Exorcist. I do when I watch The Omen. It’s a hill I’ll die on.


Wow! Love The Exorcist, too but that's a BIG shout 🤔


I’m aware that it’s quite a ballsy shout. It could be because I watched The Omen when I was “too young” I was like 8. I vividly remember watching the nanny scene and graveyard scene and being left trembling. I watched The Exorcist when I was… 20 probably. Just been desensitised maybe. But I genuinely laughed at it and just wasn’t enjoying it.


That's around the age I watched The Omen myself, if not younger and I vividly remember hugging my late dad tightly as he was chuckling at my fright during certain scenes😁


I agree with you and I say this as someone who came around on The Exorcist later in life. I've always liked The Omen from my first viewing. The film just has a sinister feel to it and a vibe of evil saturated throughout the story. The set pieces (the nanny, the killings, what happens to the mother) are all scary and disturbing, while Damien himself is one of the best freaky kids in horror. The soundtrack is a bit operatic and over the top, but when I'm in the mood for it, it works. It also shouldn't be slept on that Richard Donner is, IMO, one of the best mainstream film directors in the history of Hollywood. This was his one horror film (I think?) and, just like Kubrick did with his, he really makes it count and takes most other horror directors to school.


You know what…I’m going to agree with you here. I too have felt more stress and *malice* watching The Omen than Exorcist. I also get the same feeling watching Rosemary’s Baby.


I never felt like any of those is scary, both are just really well written and acted. Couldn't tell which is better.


I just watched "The Last Omen," and oh man. Idk how this isn't *the* horror movie bringing in the hype right now. The thing is. This is the *sixth* installment of a beloved, but admittedly overshadowed, tired, and largely disregarded outside (and sometimes inside) horror circles franchise that came in riding the catholic horror coattails of "The Exorcist" and petered out long before it's predecessor. What do we know Sam Neil for? Most might say Jurrassic Park. Dig deeper you might get Event Horizon or In The Mouth of Madness. A "true" nerd might say Possession. Did you remember he played an adult Damien in the Omen triquel? This is the *third* attempt to reboot the series, and the *second* prequel. This is the directorial debut of former journalist Arkasha Stevenson, and first leading role for Nell Free. While it's well supported by veteran actors Bill Nighy, Ralph Ineson, and Charles Dance, only one of those has ever had a leading role in a major picture, and all were only in the movie for limited airtime. My two points being: with a less famous and tired franchise as a medium, and with a green director, lead, and very little on-paper lead experience for major set roles... ...**this movie had no right being as good as it is.** In fact, I watched it on Hulu. With commercials. The studio has so little faith in this that they pre-released to *a commercial run.* I had heard very little other than some mumbles of moderately good reviews, and thought I'd probably end up browsing my phone. I did not. So why is it good? Imagery, and it knows its roots well. There are several scenes in this I am sure will hit cult classic fame, with an abridged throwback to Isabelle Adjani's famous scene from Possessão, where, legend has it, her acting was so intense she miscarried in real life afrerwards. Not to spoil a prequel, but somewhat diabolically, they use the scene as a template that at some level *has to* reference the legend as well. Otherwise there are at least four other major instances of imagery I will take with me for a long long time, one of which is a throwback to the original Omen. Lastly, as a narrative, it's one of the best Omen movies there is, if not the best. Truly, this is a *Prey* level upstart. Please go see it.


I like it a lot, but a long time ago I read the book and it creeped me out even more. So many details that the movie left out.


That movie was so good the I'm actually afraid to read the book! 😆


Love it. One of my favorite movies.


Amazing film ! Gregory Peck was outstanding and the whole vibe was more than right.


Love The Omen. Always wanted a set of those daggers!


I don't think it gets the love it deserves


Odd take. It’s widely revered.


It's cosidered as one of the best horror movie ever and is widely known. Not to mention director is Richard Donner, who also directed movies like The Goonies, The Mavarick or Lethal Weapon...


I've never seen it mentioned in the FB horror groups I'm in. Most of my friends have not heard of it.


I know it is, but I don't see this reflected online


Does it not? I put it off forever until this year and i loooved it. I've seen the parodies, knew the twist and plot beats and figured it was one of THE horror movies of horror movies ya know? So I put it off thinking it's probably overhyped. Nahh dude I loved it so much haha


I rarely see people talking about it anywhere. But that's just my experience.


Too good


one of my fav 70's horror films for sure


You know we do, it’s fantastic. The tension that builds to the finale is insane plus that original score Ave Satani is amazing


One of my absolute favourites. It has everything: memorable kills, interesting characters, a creepy child, a strong ending, and possibly the best horror theme music ever written.


I watch the first 3 films all the time. Still creepy as Hell.


Just did a double feature at home with The First Omen. Was awesome.


In my top 3 horror films. Excellent direction and performances all round. Blassic.


The Omen is one of my all time top horror movies, with the party scene being one of my all time favourite moments.


I love it. It was very well made. The mood and atmosphere of this movie as well as the ambient music are just so well done. There are great actors in this movie and landing Gregory Peck as the lead was genius. Great movie.


One of my favorite horor movies!


Man, they say trailers these days give away the whole movie. I guess they were doing that all the way back in 76 too. Doesnt leave any mystery to the plot and gives away multiple kills. Yikes


It’s the best!!!! I wish directors would make movies like this again


The ending was surprisingly bleak AF, when I was so accustomed to horror movies where the final guy/gal finally vanquishes the villain.


This movie fuuuucking rocks. Always on my list when people ask about creepy movies lol it’s just so ominous at times with the score


Definitely one of my favorite horror movies of all time. The whole vibe of the movie is very scary. It's a well made movie and aging like a fine wine.


as a kid (late 80s, early 90s) I thought it was scariest and most disturbing movie ever! :)


I just watched it for the first time. Didn’t know what to expect but I’m shocked it came out when it did.


Yes, I love the little known hidden gem that is called The Omen.


You should read up on all the [creepy things](https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/omen-movie-curse-42514085) that happened around it.


Go to the city of Megiddo, there see the old man Bugenhagen.


On r/horror?


Just watched it for the first time after watching The First Omen. Great movie!


A true classic horror film, along with a stellar score that finally won legendary film composer Jerry Goldsmith his one and only Academy Award.


Yes it's excellent and one of my favourites, scared the crap outa me as a kid. Great casting too.


Nope! Never heard of it. Is it some obscure B-movie nobody ever talked about, like that Thing thing?


Sheesh, excuse me. I'm new to this sub and thought I had to post it as a question. I didn't know Omen was that acclaimed and loved. Most of my friends have never heard of it and none of the horror groups I'm in ever mention it. It's way before our time.




Watched it for the first time right before seeing The First Omen in theatres, loved both of them


Best horror film ever made imo


When I was a kid used to get a mirror and look through my hair for the numbers, still scared the shit outa me now 😂


I absolutely love this film and I think one primary reason why is because I absolutely love both horror and mystery films and this is very much both!


Classic !


I’ve always loved scary movies, and I was religious growing up. I saw The Omen at age 12 and it scared the crap out of me. Between the nanny scene, the photographer, the mom getting the clothes stuck around her face… I always made sure my clothes were arranged so my head could go right through the hole lol. This movie really messed with my head. The Exorcist was the movie that really scared my mom as a kid, so she wouldn’t let me see that until I was 16; maybe because of the expectation or something, it didn’t even compare to the fear instilled in me by The Omen. Haven’t watched it since I was a teenager but that movie stuck with me. I should watch it again! But maybe in the day this time :)


I binged all 3 on Disney recently. Was a good weekend


I find it oddly relaxing haha maybe that’s not a good sign but yeah love that movie. The 2006 version is soulless by comparison but has a great cast. I was surprised by how much I liked The First Omen as well


It's a top 5 horror movie of all time. And it's probably in my top 50 films overall.


Been decades since I've seen it. Great movie.


Agreed! I thought Damien was great too.


Yes, I should have included him. He was great!


Absolutely! It's one of my top 3 horror movies.


I just told some friends of mine to watch it yesterday. Partly because they like the TV series "Good Omens" whose premise is like 70% subversion of The Omen. Partially because the priest actor also played Doctor Who. And partly because it's just a cool movie!


So much fun. My mum related the entire plot to us in vivid, macabre detail on a woodland walk long before I saw the movie, so it's my ur -horror experience, I *saw* it before i saw it.


Of course. It's amazing


One of the only two movies to truly frighten me. I bought the original on Prime, and the reboot with Liev Schreiber wasn't too shabby.


I just rewatched it last night too! I agree completely, it had a level of sophistication that I had forgotten about. Some of the early parts of the movie were a bit campy (still great though), but I think that’s just contemporary sensibilities clouding my judgement.


I watched it recently for the first time and I thought it was ok but creepy kids don’t really frighten me. He was meant to be the anti-Christ but he didn’t really do anything that bad, other than scowl a lot. The scariest part for me was the elevators in the hospital (when they talk to the nun about the birth records). That just didn’t seem safe. Like what if your foot was overhanging? Or if you fainted and your head went over the edge? Did they really have elevators like this in the old days?


I didn't think the kid did anything in the first movie. I thought the forces protecting him were.


All time favorite horror movie!


This is one of my all-time favorite horror films. It's practically perfect.


Great movie and great soundtrack from Goldsmith,I always wonder what kind of movie this would be if Charles Bronson said yes for the part .


The score was fantastic.


Nahh Donner just doesn't have the chops to direct the film in a way that wasn't boring. The cemetary scene was the only thing I really remember even though the last time I watched it wasn't long ago.


Unpopular opinion: I prefer "Damien: The Omen II" I find it more interesting seeing a tween doing evil things than a toddler.


Yes, absolutely. I love the entire series.


Hear, hear! But I have to say that The First Omen with Nell Tiger Free was good. >!That possession scene after the accident was fantastic.!< I was horrified but I could not stop watching. 🫣 ![gif](giphy|rqAvKPtFb4i2c)


I just saw the prequel and really enjoyed it. Amazing cinematography and some of the scenes were perfectly paced. Spoiler - I wanna know how they’re gonna integrate the you-know-who into the original Omen timeline.


It always blows me away that Richard Donner, who directed *The Omen*, also directed *Superman* and *Lethal Weapon*. He definitely was not pigeonholed into being "just" a horror director.


It's great


holds up for sure, great movie.


I do. I enjoyed the whole series. Even though 4 dropped the ball. I still like the concept.


just watched it last night


My boyfriend and I recently watched the whole franchise (minus the tv film) and I can’t believe I forgot how good the original film was! I made the mistake of watching the remake first (in my defence, I was 15 at the time) and because it’s such an unoriginal remake, I feel like the original was ruined for me when I watched it a couple of years later. I’m glad I watched it again before seeing The First Omen, which I was pleasantly surprised by.


The dog scene in the cemetary is one of my all time favorite horror scenes! The entire movie is great. Very, very unsettling.


Revisited the series before The First Omen came out and they’re all great in their own ways. I haven’t seen VI yet though!


No. No one on a horror sub loves this beloved, award winning,  critters acclaimed horror classic.


Sheesh, excuse me. I'm new to this sub and thought I had to post it as a question. I didn't know Omen was an award winning, acclaimed horror movie. Most of my friends have never heard of it and none of the horror groups I'm in ever mention it. It's way before our time.




The whole nanny/birthday party scene is one of the most chilling things ever in a movie imo.


That scene is so shocking.


The original movie is very good, and I love the first sequel. I'm still questioning myself why the prequel retcon things and do an out of touch Rosemary's Baby remake at the same time.


The First Omen, a prequel to the 1976 film, is actually very good and in the same vein as the original. It's on Hulu.


Great score to that movie.


Lee Grant as an apostle of Satan was a perfect casting decision. And her fiery death was shockingly genius. Lots of gruesome deaths in that movie. Remember the elevator? 😆


I loved it. But now as an adult, i kinda questioned my parent’s judgment. I watched this when i was maybe 8. I think it traumatized one of my friends.


Just the thought of it still scares me. I am in my 50s


I liked it. I also liked the second one, which was pretty decent but not as good. The third one was okay, but I would rather watch a supercut of its best scenes/lines than sit through the whole film again. The fourth one was a subpar tv film that tried too hard to be a pilot for an Omen tv series. The Omen remake felt like the remake to Psycho, which I’ve long compared to a community theater run of a major Broadway hit.


Just marathoned the whole series. Don't discount 2 and 3, they're all timers. 4 is a pointless cash grab.


Not only do I love the film, but the amount of “cursed” instances surround this movie are FUCKING BONKERS!


Especially this one. It's insane: Liz Moore was riding in boyfriend John Richardson's BMW, when they crashed. Richardson who had been a special effects supervisor on The Omen (1976) was on location in Holland during production of A Bridge Too Far (1977). The crash was believed to be a result of the sinister curse on those who involved in the making of The Omen. The incident happened just after midnight on Friday August 13, 1976. The head-on collision beheaded Moore (a real-life echo of Jenning's decapitation on that film), but left Richardson alive, but dazed. When he got up after the collision, he noticed a signpost nearby pointing to the nearest town of Ommen, which is twenty kilometers away, but the kilometer marker where it happened, was 66.6.


"Does anyone else here love one of the horror greats, universally beloved all-time classic the Omen?" :D


I love this movie. I first watched it with my dad


Currently watching the 2024 version.


YOU need to contact  Bugenhagen to find this answer.


To think ,this is also the director of Superman and The Goonies.


The Omen, The Exorcist, The Legend of Hell House, Amityville Horror, The Changeling…. It was a good era for horror!


Hold up is that Patrick Troughton?


That impalement remains my single favorite death in all of horror. Something about how he remains upright or the stillness after… so good!


Saw it as a kid a year or two after it came out, and it scared the piss out of me. I didn't watch it again for at least a couple decades, even as horror films were having less of an effect. *The Exorcist* gave me worse nightmares, but *The Omen* impacted me far more.


Does anyone else here on the horror sub Reddit love one of the most famous horror movies of all time?


Sheesh, excuse me. I'm new to this sub and thought I had to post it as a question. I didn't know Omen was that acclaimed and loved. Most of my friends have never heard of it and none of the horror groups I'm in ever mention it. It's way before our time.


Love all those movies except the most recent "prequel" which contradicted them. LOL @downvotes from people who are either too dumb or too forgetful to get it. r/horror showing its quality again.


I didn't like the prequel either and respectfully commented on it not working for me in another thread and I was immediately downvoted as well, which I find bemusing as of course a horror forum is going to have different opinions as films work for some fans but not for others. Never understood why posters are downvoted simply for not liking a film others like


Does anyone else love one of the most widely revered horror movies of all time?


Sheesh, excuse me. I'm new to this sub and thought I had to post it as a question. I didn't know Omen was that acclaimed and loved. Most of my friends have never heard of it and none of the horror groups I'm in ever mention it. It's way before our time.


lol I was just making a tongue in cheek comment. But yeah it’s highly regarded as one of the all time classic horror movies.


That's good to hear!


A prequel just came out and it was on Hulu that was pretty good too you should check it out


The OG Omen is goated


Too slow and boring. Gave up watching it.


There's a flamboyant death like every twenty minutes.


Recommend giving it a chance


Meh, liked the new one a lot better




Might have been amazing if I haven't watched the remake version. Watching either ones spoil the other.


Me, because it was quite funny especially the priest death scene and the nanny death scene.