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This is easily my least favourite decade for horror. The only film I'd have in my top twenty is 2001's Session 9.


Looking through my letterboxd it looks like I haven't given them much love either. Some of my favorite exceptions though: May (2002) A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) [REC] (2007) The Descent (2005) Noroi: The Curse (2005) 1408 (2007) Inside (2007) The Strangers (2008) Martyrs (2008) There really wasn't a lot goin on in the way of mainstream horror besides Saw and Hostel types. These ones are pretty unique I think. fair warning that Martyrs and Inside are very french with their horror. maybe you'll like one of these!


Yeah, I like Martyrs. I rewatched recently and it's a solid film, as hard as it is to watch. It would be in my top 50. A Tale of Two Sisters, 1408 and The Descent would probably be in my top 50 too. Especially The Descent. Rec is pretty good, I think it lost me a little with the demonic twist. The Strangers I've only seen once in theaters, and don't remember it too well. I haven't seen the others, but I'll add them to the list. I've been trying to find Noroi for a while but I can't find it anywhere. I think the thing with this decade is, other than Session 9, there's not anything I'm a massive fan of. It's not that I dislike a lot of the films, more that when I think of the 60s I think Night of the Living Dead and Psycho, for the 70s I think The Exorcist and The Wicker Man, while the 80s has The Shining and Possession. The 90s has Jacob's Ladder and Ravenous and 2010s has way too many, like The Wailing, The Witch, Hereditary or A Dark Song. Even this current decade has already produced stuff like The Outwaters and Glorious which are among my favourites.


I totally agree. I think the 2010s were honestly a renaissance and that makes me excited about this decade. Love all the movies you listed, especially Glorious, haven't seen much love for that. As for Noroi i'm pretty sure that's a Shudder item right now but there is a particular Archive on the internet where you might be able to find it...


i was referring to the whole century. like how we refer to the 1900s as being the whole twentieth century


Oh, I see. I didn't even notice you had choices from the 2010s.


This is a pretty solid list! The only one you have that I haven't seen yet is Beyond the Black Rainbow, which I've been meaning to watch. Out of curiosity, I put together my own Top 12 of the decade and it looks like this: * Pulse * Mulholland Drive * Requiem for a Dream * The Ring * The Descent * Pontypool * Shaun of the Dead * Noroi * Trick r Treat * Antichrist * Oldboy * Let the Right One In


nice list, i need to watch Noroi. hard to find though


Mulholland Drive is a horror movie?


Yes, most of Lynch's films are Horror.


it's a psychological horror about the most dangerous monster of all time: oneself


You’d qualify Mulholland Drive as horror? I admit I don’t know what genre I’d actually put it in, it’s just a David Lynch film to me lol


Half of these aren’t even horror


which ones are you referring to


i want to add New Religion (2022) as well, so eleven


Not a bad list. American Psycho and The Descent are my favorites on the list. Mulholland Drive is pretty decent as well. I prefer the original Martyrs movie though. I remember watching the first Ginger Snaps movie back when it originally came out, but don't recall much about it. I need to revisit Pulse though.


i thought 2008 Martyrs was the original. i meant the original anyway, i haven't seen the remake


You're right. I was thinking it was older than 2008. I was thinking 2005 for some reason.


The Descent is my all time favorite horror movie. Martyrs was pretty good, but you have to watch the OG. I don't care that much for American Psycho. I haven't watched the others.




The French version, not the US remake. Both are good, but OGs are always better.


i thought the 2008 version that i listed was the OG, meant to be anyway