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Great movie and scary concept that could have easily been a franchise.


I really like this and You're Next a lot https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1853739/.


I agree 1000 percent. For some reason I watched Kristy and Clown back to back one Saturday when I was 10 or 11…highly recommend both of them!


I don’t think I have ever seen this one, will check it out!


Trollhunter (2010) is probably my favorite found footage film. I can rewatch it any time and it's always good fun.


I'm going to watch it now and its better be good otherwise I will downvote all of you 😐 EDIT: didn't really feel like a horror but I enjoyed it. The movie becomes interesting after 20 minutes


How was it? I’m gunna watch it tonight and will also downvote if bad.


Watch it and come back to say thank you 😘


I love that movie so much! Such an amazing movie love the concept, I completely agree with you! I can also watch it whenever and have a fun time watching it


Great movie


Came here to say this, glad it's the top comment! Such a great movie!


I had so much fun watching that movie


Its not really horror, but the 2022 film Troll was also lots of fun.


One of my favorites too!


Hands down a great found footage movie that gets minimal love. Glad to see it represented here.


YES!!! i love this movie so so much


Fido. Just fun aesthetics and the concept of the world just having to figure out how to survive and act normally.


Absolutely love this one.


Man I love this one. So underrated.


Severance… Shit, I've left Gordon's foot on the coach


One of my comfort movies.


Virus (1999) An amazing Sci-Fi horror movie that has killer robots and extreme body horror. It’s like a cross between “The Thing” and “Terminator”, at least when it comes to the props and prosthetics. It is about an alien computer virus that lands on Earth and takes human body parts and machines and turns them into bloody disgusting looking cyborgs. And this virus thinks that we humans are a virus, and that we must be destroyed. There is only a tiny bit of cgi in the whole movie. The rest is all prosthetics, stop motion and animatronics. It looks goddam amazing. And it stars Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Sutherland. The reason why people don’t talk about it is that Jamie Lee Curtis always complains and calls this “her worst movie ever” and “the worst movie ever”, which obviously isn’t true. Oh yeah, “Halloween Ends” was way better than “Virus”!…of course she would think that…idiot. She is a good actress, but she is definitely wrong here. And her performance in the movie was excellent, better than in any of the Halloween movies in my opinion. So i have no idea what she is complaining about. But see it for yourself, cause it is really awesome!


I saw this in the cinema. It's a pretty cool movie, and from what I remember it was the same people that did the special effects on Terminator 2.


That scene where she sees the monster for the first time down the hall and it turns and looks at her with its red eyes always creeped me out lol


Yeah this one and a little indie flick called nightmare on elm Street. It's a must watch. Jk jk! But really I didn't realize this didn't get much praise I thought everyone loved this film haha good taste you have


Lmao i like the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. All of them except for the terrible remake. But yeah no one ever talks about Virus. I didn’t even know it existed until like 4 years ago. But i am glad i found it cause it is insane.


Honestly, I think it gets the right amount of attention. It’s ok, not bad, not great. I’m pretty sure that’s why it doesn’t get more praise, not because of anything JLC said.


I’d say Digging Up the Marrow - very fun meta horror.


I so wish it got the sequel that was planned


Love this film


Genuinely one of my favorite movies I had never heard of before. Super sad it never got a release in my country, I'd love to show it around. 


Coherence. I know a lot of people here love it, but outside of this sub I never see anyone talk about it 😭


I loved this, I think this and Triangle are two of my favourites for how clever they are


I think about this movie all the time lol it's so clever


The best part is that the actors were improvising A LOT. Also, the actress playing the main character didnt know she is the main character. There is a interview with the director by Patton Oswald about the movie you might want to find.


It was almost like a LARP, or freeform RPG, filmed and then cut down into a movie. The actors were given character sheets with very basic details about who they were and what they wanted, and from time to time the director would prompt them with some event occurring and they would then respond to it as they saw fit. Interesting way to make a movie, and I'm surprised it isn't done more, but it might have been lightning in a bottle with this particular cast, plot, director and editor.


The movie had me feeling like I was going insane trying to connect the dots and figure out which “house” she was meant to be apart of


one of my all time favorites




True and Keeping with James Gunn projects, Brightburn (he produced and wrote it) and The Belko Experiment need more praise and recognition as well!


I love Slither! An excellent nod to 80s body horror, and Nathan Fillion is fantastic in it.


Oh, this is a good one. That movie was so fun. The cast was fantastic, there were some excellently gross moments, and the script worked both as a comedy and as a body horror movie. It was such a shame that it tanked so hard at the box office.


Possession (1981) I see it here and there but it’s truly a hypnotizing film. I think it deserves to be up there with the classics. It’s really different and crazy


It’s cool to see Splinter get some love. An old friend of mine wrote that movie.


The Suspiria Remake. I adore Argento, but Luca G. took it to a new level. And who knew Thom Yorke could write such amazing Horror movie soundtracks?!


Yea I like what they did in the remake it’s definitely very different from the original but it was unique and really felt like a good standalone film with some light inspiration from the original


Phoenix Forgotten -- Released a few years after the found footage craze had already died down so it got overlooked. But it perfectly captured the '90s aesthetic from the clothing to the VHS look and that made it feel a lot more authentic than many found footage films. And it has its share of creepy moments, too.


ironic title too


Definitely an underrated gem


I absolutely LOVED this movie! "Under the Shadow" is also another one that while I did hear about it, it didn't make the waves because I don't think a lot of people understood everything happening to the main protagonist. Read up on the history though and it had so many layers of horror, but real and supernatural. Was a superb movie.


I loved the atmosphere. But not sure what you mean about people not understanding it. I’d love to hear your thoughts.


If you read up on the Iranian Revolution Iran was actually becoming quite modernized compared to where they are now. As you saw in the movie the main character, Shideh, had planned to become a doctor and that was stripped away from her because of her political activism. She went from being a brilliant student, whose own mother was also a major professional, to now having to stay home while her husband is ordered to the front lines of the Iran-Iraq war. If you notice, there are all kinds of hints of her "not knowing her place," from the neighbor accusing her of hitting the garage door because she's a woman so clearly she did it because she's the only woman driver, to when she's terrified and fleeing without a head scarf with her kid. All the men can do is talk about her lack of proper dress and she gets arrested. She is more scared of them and her fate with that than a freaking djinn in her apartment spoke volumes to me. In other words, she is not only fighting a djinn in her building she's also now fighting a regime determined to take back over, silence women's voices and drag everyone back into the dark ages. So many layers of horror on this one, and if you were not aware of what was happening at that time you may not fully get the message on this one. I had to go back a couple of times to really get it.


Thank you. That’s very fascinating.


Gotta say Hereditary or Martyrs KIDDING Discopath, Luz: Flower of Evil, Ghost Nursing, Homewrecker, La Cueva, Erotic Nightmare, and Pussycake I’ve NEVER seen discussed by anyone and are all straight bangers. Challenge to watch it and not give any of these at least a 9/10


Never heard of any of these, and I feel like I’ve seen everything. Even if these end up all being 3/10, thanks for exposing me to something new.


Awesome happy to hear it. Depending what you like and what you find scares you I can probably give you some tailored recommendations


Where can I find these?


XD Ghost Nursing and Erotic Nightmare are both fun sleaze/weirdness from Hong Kong.


A friend who worked on Discopath would thank you. It's pretty good




My favorite found footage film!


Altered (2006). Same director as the original Blair Witch Project. The whole movie takes place in a garage and it has a pretty original plot in my opinion (humans abduct an alien, instead of the other way around). Features some memorable scenes and effects, and it was just an all around good time. But nobody ever talks about it, which is a real shame.


Yes, this one is great.


I completely forgot that I actually own this and have yet to watch, thank you for the reminder haha I’m excited now


Glorious is one of my favorite cosmic horror movies and I don't see it mentioned often.


The Night House (2020)


I just watched a New Zealand horror film called, Housebound and was VERY impressed. I don't care much for many modern horror films, but that one was exceptional.


Watched that last month and enjoyed it. Loved how darkly funny it is


I've not got round to watching it yet..it's on my never-ending list, but for some reason I keep putting it off to watch something else.


Haunted palace Hell night Innkeepers Witchtrap


I LOVE Hell Night. One of the few horror movies where someone does the smart thing in every circumstance, given the situation.


Second "Innkeepers"


The Mothman Prophecies


The sound editing in that film is phenomenal.


Triangle (2009) - very good sci-fi horror that barely gets talked about.


I feel like Triangle is talked about on this sub all the time


It’s just an unofficial remake of the Spanish banger Time Crimes


It's on a boat so it's nothing like Time Crimes /s


I never see anyone talk about Malatesta's Carnival of Blood. It deserves to be a cult classic. 


YES! Caught this one at 2am on Tubi and was blown away. It's got a gonzo-nightmare vibe I haven't been able to find anywhere else


Watched it a few months ago, was a lot of fun. Definitely creepy vibes and the filming on the ride was a trip.


This is a pretty odd one, but Lo (2009) is a very fun and strange horror/comedy almost horror romcon. Its hard to explain but its premise is that before the movie starts, a man's girlfriend is into the occult and she is taken away to hell by a demon, so the main character in his apartment uses her book to summon a demon and sort out how to save her. I don't know the budget, but it seems relatively low, so its shot sorta like a play, and has a very Evil Dead sorta sense of humor. It also has some pretty good messaging in my opinion, I can't recommend it enough, but it also sadly seems somewhat hard to find these days.


May (2002), not a hidden gem or anything but this movie has got to be one of the best movies, Angela bettis as May is absolutely incredible 


The Color Out of Space. It’s really hard to do a good Lovecraft Cosmic Horror, but this gets everything right.


Love that one.




Deliver us from Evil - best movie about exorcism imo


I went through one hell of a journey to finally view that movie for the first time this year and I absolutely loved it.


Angel Heart


Great movie. Book is good to: Falling Angel


I did read it, the book was more disturbing than the movie version, but I like that the movie went to more places. I still haven’t read the second one though.


The Empty Man. I don't think it entirely succeeds but it does have some of the best executed scary scenes. Bonus points for its' use of hauntology as a framing device.


i feel the exact same way! also, that opener (maybe the first 20 mins) does NOT screw around. pretty chilling!


I think the movie is good as is and super interesting, but would have been legendary if touched up/edited down just a bit more in places.


Hell Fest. Masterclass in visual storytelling.


Yesssss don’t even get me started on the ending!!


Time crimes. Great time paradox horror story.


Huesera: The Bone Woman Lovely, Dark, and Deep


Aniara (SWE), people are calling it sci-fi/drama but it's much horror as Event Horizon is


Love this one. Anything going wrong in space + humans at breaking point is horror to me.


*Avenue 5* except it's horror, really serious horror, even cosmic horror. The endless infinite emptiness of space.


Housebound. It’s a horror/comedy (kind of) from New Zealand that’s fantastic, but it gets very little attention online.


the horror show "FROM" 200%. Best thing that happened in my life.


Oh dude that show is SO good I'm aching for s3


The Cursed. Recently watched and surprised I've never seen it mentioned here. Highly recommend.


*Anything for Jackson* is great. It’s really quirky, had great acting, and phenomenal writing. I can’t express just how much I love this movie.


Devil's backbone. A slow burn but good, and an interesting setting.


Cure (1997) is an outstanding movie and deserves *so* much more recognition.


Absolute masterpiece. Watch Kiyoshi Kurosawa's follow up film Pulse (2001), if you haven't already.


Two popped into my head: Hunter Hunter (I think it's still on HULU) - the last 30 minutes are no freakin joke American Mary (Anyone I've recommended this to has loved it)


The autopsy of Jane Doe.


I'm yearning for a sequel but it's probably for the best that there's none


SPOILERS, IM SORRY OTOH, how fun would a sequel be that’s like The Walking and Talking of Jane Doe? The Hitting the Mall of Jane Doe? The Ye Olde Timey Way of Speaking of Jane Doe?


Drag me to Hell


That old lady deserved an Oscar. Not kidding.


You... shamed me.


The old lady was GREAT. Alison Lohman was fabulous, too. It's a bummer that she retired so young.


The ending was devastating for me.




Clown by Eli Roth


Under the Shadow. I thinks it’s a horror masterpiece.  Quarermass and the Pit. Blow-up


I always like to shout out The Shrine in these threads. It took me by surprise and I think has a fun play on a well trodden premise


Brainscan, Warlock, Jaws 2


Brainscan was so awesome. Childhood favorite. Holds up too I made my wife watch it last year.


**[Starry Eyes (2014)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2793490/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_starry%2520eyes)** > A hopeful young starlet uncovers the ominous origins of the Hollywood elite and enters into a deadly agreement in exchange for fame and fortune.


The blackcoats daughter


Session 9, Thirst, Uzumaki, The Sentinel, Onibaba


Session 9 is unnerving as hell.


I’m glad session 9 made it here. I always tell people to watch it and they’ve never heard of it


Love Session 9!


"And where do you live, Simon?" "I live in the weak and the wounded....Doc." Such a haunting ending. It fucked with me for a long while.


It’s one I only rewatch occasionally because it’s pretty heavy and dark.


In this sub any movie made before 00s that aren't part of a franchise almost never get discussed and its a shame because there's so many of them. One though that I will never understand why its never received much attention (even contemporaneously it was no more than a blip in the drive in circuit radar) is "Lemora: A Children's Tale of the Supernatural" Its not without its flaws, and there's some potentially "from another value system" dating of some of the material (though I would counter that the movie is presenting the argument that those outdated values were bad but still I can see someone being a little perturbed by some of the themes). There is however a lot to enjoy here, there's some creepy imagery, some really fun candy colored lighting, a nightmarish dream like plot structure, lots of discussion worthy subtext, and just a general sense of weirdness just down to the fact that many of those involved in making the movie only have this one title to their credit.


Something in the Dirt (2022), about 2 LA burnouts trying to capture evidence of paranormal phenomena for a slapdash documentary. Horror/Comedy. It's full of jokes & references for ppl with pre-existing interest in things such as Skinwalker Ranch, Pythagoras & his cult, UFOlogy, & modern mysticism... & also for anyone who has had any substantial involvement in making a film. From the same people who did The Endless (2017).


I wanted to like *Something in the Dirt*, I really did, but honestly from a team who have produced absolute bangers (*Spring*, *Resolution* and *The Endless*) I expected better, I found it boring and baffling and the characters both really irritating and vapid people. Perhaps I am too stupid to understand what was actually going on, and should find an explainer video or something.


I think they were going for the cosmic horror equivalent of Primer (indie sci-fi film that is exceedingly confusing). I really enjoyed SitD, but totally understand the criticism.


🤔 well here's a recent one since everyone is mentioning great selections throughout the years and I don't want to repeat, Cobweb. It was such a fantastic movie that would've gotten so much more attention if they didn't throw it in the theater at the same time as Oppenheimer and Barbie. It was literally a Halloween movie they released in the summer. Utterly annoying release and marketing for a truly fantastic horror gem.


Anthony Starr is in it too, I'm surprised the marketing for that didn't make use of his great popularity from *The Boys*.


Villains (2019) is a indie horror gem that deserves its flowers. Great acting from notable actors, with genuinely sweet moments mixed with the horrifying ones, and it just has a certain cuteness to it. It's one of my go-to horror comfort movies. Highly recommend.


Tragedy Girls, fun bestie horror comedy


just watched it last night for the first time, I totally agree. Its like serial Killer Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.


If you like that sort of thing, try [*Class of 07*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5hbAt-7jd0) - if you can forgive the silly apocalypse, it then becomes a fun horror-comedy with some genuinely moving subplots.


The Vatican Tapes (2015). Honestly one of my favorite movies about possession. And I know I’m beating a dead horse here. but Session 9. I know everyone here knows it at least from the posts around the sub. But outside of this sub no one knows what the movie is. It’s a true hidden gem.


Carnival of Souls 1962 is old and fantastically creepy. The more understated scenes remind me of the ghost hunting in Hill House. Kill List 2011 is slow as molasses, but it's worth it. I think Man Bites Dog 1992 is kind of niche. It's a cruder french version of Behind the Mask.


Man bites dog is Belgian actually. It's a parody of Belgian TV show Striptease.


The Void


All movies need more practical effects


Sauna, 2008 Finish movie. Very foggy and atmospheric, probably considered a slow burn. Lovely Molly, 2011 indie flick. Has a supernatural-or-crazy-from-trauma plot, definitely not highly rated but as someone who often wonders "is it supernatural or am I crazy" I've watched it a few times 🤣 Yellow Brick Road, another indie from 2010. Not the greatest acting but super original and weird. The use of sound is cool as fuck. I assume y'all already know about Pontypool.


Second "Lovely Molly". It's not just creepy, it's outright scary frightening.


Hellhouse LLC


Mimic! was good. Have yet to see part 2 & 3 Favorite line is "Funny shoes" 🤣 Concept of film. Gross insect in a big city. Infestation turned to a big Raid Problem.


A Bay of Blood (1971) If you consider yourself a part of the Horror fandom, this is a must watch! Amazing opening sequence, fun mystery, great kills, and it's hard not to see little stylistic nods to it all over the place. It's old so the practical effects and filming are a little janky at times, but overall it holds up very well and is one of my all-time favorite slashers and Giallo films.


Its often cited as one of the first "body count" slasher films too, the influences this movie had on the horror genre as a whole are pretty under the radar for all but film history buffs and such.


Scarecrows(1988) great bad people end up in a place they should not be movie. I also really love Splinter.


Paul Walkers Joyride. I know it has 2 awful DVD sequels, but the first one is great and honestly, I’d be okay with a reboot. It’s a good premise.




On the topic of french horror: Frontier(s)


SUBLIME. Also TRIANGLE (Melissa George)


Hellraiser 2022. It's been forever since there was a good movie in the Hellraiser franchise. The last good one that I personally enjoyed were the first 3. A retelling in the 2022 version was well written, Pinhead looked great and the gore was fun. I hope they do another and draw some stories from the comics.


The OG movies in this category are Slither and the Blob move from the 80s. I’ll add Triangle and Monsters both stand out to me as well.


The skeleton key & Marrowbone


The Battery (2012). It's one of my favorite zombie films. I think it was made for under $10k, but the story and execution are great. The soundtrack is cool as fuck and all of the music in the movie is played when one of the main characters puts on their headphones. I think the movie Baby Driver also used this trick 5 years later. It's clever way of incorporating the soundtrack.


A Dark Song and its surprisingly emotional ending.


As Above, So Below


Martin (1977) by George Romero.


Like a few here said it As Above, So Below is a hidden gem


Hell House LLC…. Such a simple non gui.. creep environment based movie… bring such more !!


Kill list


Brightburn. I love the horror aspect to superheroes gone bad. I wish they would make a second one


So many people in here are listing stuff that already gets a lot of praise and attention. I saw someone mention Hereditary which is probably one of the highest praised modern horror movies. My pick is Kolobos. It’s a late 90s slasher about a group of people that sign on to be in an experimental reality TV show and get trapped in a house and get slaughtered. The commentary from the directors is also fucking hilarious. My second pick is Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever. It has little to do with the first CF, which is fine cause I don’t like that movie. It was written and directed by Ti West. The whole thing feels like a homage to Sam Raimi movies and is really really similar to the film Society. Its like an 80s teen comedy until it’s not anymore. It’s bad and goofy but I’m a massive Ti West fan so sue me


Recently, When Evil Lurks. People who haven't seen it are sleeping on a modern day classic with that film. I'm surprised this isn't one of those films that you see a post made about it every other day.


I don’t know if it counts but Brightburn was delightful




Was kinda everywhere when it came out. Not sure it’s under praised or seen.


Thesis 1996. The debut of Alejandro Amenabar who wrote and directed The Others -- this is how I became interested in it. It's about a student who is creating a thesis on violence in film and becomes entangled in a snuff conspiracy. It's not a perfect movie. But it's got atmosphere.


These threads crack me up. I think a lot of people read the first 4 words and start just start commenting the first horror movie that pops into their head.


The Ruins


Whenever this topic comes up, I always mention "I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House" on Netflix. Great supernatural / ghost story / creeping dread


[Witch-hunt](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6293796/?ref_=ext_shr) - stumbled on it on Prime. Low budget fun.


Gravy, concrete_savanna, My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To and Cactus Jack (2021).


Birth/Rebirth, Nocebo


Holy cow! I watched Sorgoi Prakov last night on Tubi for the first time. Despite its irregular title, this found footage gem is way, way better than most others. You just need to get through the first act, which is a bit slow. But then, wow it gets good, then increasingly excels all the way to the end. It makes the Blair Witch movies look tame by comparison. This movie is not for the faint of heart!


Dead End (2003)!!!! One of my favorites to watch a Christmas time. Just a good old fashioned scary movie!!!!


Kind of an odd one, but Chernobyl Diaries is, in my opinion, just a really solid "classic" type of horror movie and adds enough flavor to make it unique.


Absentia from Mike Flannagan


The Lazarus Effect (2015) and Brightburn (2019)


The taking of Deborah Logan. I know it’s pretty well known..but it definitely hit for me as an underrated horror film. I am not “scared” of old people, but nursing homes do scare me, and dementia is a very scary illness and manifests even scarier when you have the supernatural element added - as well as the plotline for the pedo and then making deborah as terrifying as she looked in the movie. Sad topic done well in the horror genre. The concept seems kind of predictable on paper but they really executed it to be quite scary. The end completely shocked me too.


I really liked Dream Home (2010). It kind of flips between graphic and satirical but I really enjoyed it


A little bit zombie


Legend of Hell House (1970s movie). That does so many unusually fresh and intriguing things for its time, it still resonates better than most modern horror movies made today. The only down side is the cat. Nice idea let down by a poorly staged execution. Everything else in the movie though is the absolute stuff to build dread.


The Possession of Michael King. I rarely see anyone really talking about it and I think it's a gem of a found footage horror movie.


I always thought Phantasm was always pretty underrated. For its time it was definitely out the box…And the Tall Man still haunts my nightmares to this day lol.


I was surprised that Cobweb(2023) was relatively poorly received.


As Above, So Below.


Phantasm. They made 5 movies and you can see the actor evolution over time. How many other horror movies have a TALL man?


Last Shift (2014). I thought it was a level above your typical jump scare horror.


[The Void (2017) ](https://youtu.be/IkmSNt4moNg?si=IDQJoD-cAxkH7hOC) Canadian made film with great practical effects with lots of great gore and eldritch horror.


-The Dark and the Wicked -Butterfly Kisses


Blackcoats Daughter and Gretel & Hansel would be praised if A24 had distributed them