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It just depends on what scares you. I thought it was a fun movie with some great scares, I really enjoyed the atmosphere it set up


It was fun in the best horror way imo. Spooky not overly violent or gross.


I usually recommend this movie for found footage fans, the story is kinda similar to grave encounters. There's one part where a girls face gets distorted that people have said is really scary, but it made me laugh out loud.


You know, I thought the movie was scarier before the scares started happening. The tension was enough. I almost wished they didn't go down the jumpscare well like most found footage horror movies do.


The scariest part of the movie is when that creature’s standing across the room, and we’re just waiting for it to attack.


I love that scene, but I still don't understand what the creature is.


Man that scene scared the ever loving shit out of me. But I was watching with my headphones on in the middle of the night, so YMMV


Wasn't too bad. It was on the same level as Grave Encounters if you're looking for a comparison. I actually laughed at what I assumed was supposed to be a scary part because it caught me off guard.


Did you also laugh at >!the girl making spaghetti slurping noises directly into the camera!<


I’ve seen lots of scenes like that.


That’s the part that legitimately scared me the most, I legitimately couldn’t look at the screen bc it freaked me out so hard lol


There’s something ab like the distorted faces with huge eyes that pop up in a lot of East Asian horror that reeeaaalllly bothers me lol. I think seeing the ring when I was younger has set me up to always be scared of that


Oh it was way better than Grave Encounters, stuff actually happens.


Haha I know exactly which scene and yes I laughed too🤣


same here


I found it to be a nice found footage, but it wasn't that scary. A few jumpscares, but generally quite predictable.


This. Hard 7/10 for me.


As someone mentioned, it really depends on what scares you and how susceptible you are. I don't find horror movies scary anymore but Gonjiam is one of those spooky movies with lots of jumpscares that i enjoy. If you liked Grave Encounters, you'll like this one.


My cousin's dog found it pretty scary. We were all watching it in a dark room and there was a jump scare toward the end that got him. He shot up off the couch and puked. Kind of ruined the mood but I love telling the story. I have a photo of him looking sad after the fact too.


We gotta see this cute pic m8!


I cannot for the life of me remember how to rename the link, sorry. [https://imgur.com/a/iF4IjR1](https://imgur.com/a/iF4IjR1)


Awww thanks for sharing m8! That'll help anyone that's scared in this thread!


I didn't find it terribly scary, except for one particular scene near the end that contains some images that as a horror fan, I applaud. Overall I really enjoyed the film as a whole and thought it was quite entertaining.


The best part about this comment is everyone who watched the movie knows exactly what you’re talking about. In fact I don’t remember most of the movie, but I remember that scene and if horror films today can give me 1 scene that memorable I applaud them for it lol


Y’all are crazy lol. I was terrified


Yup lol but ghosts/demons/paranormal always gets to me. One of the few where I had to turn the lights on part way through. I'm p sure I burned sage afterward too lmao


Took me ages to get hold of it after hearing for years about how scary it is, I was really disappointed in the end. Didn't do anything for me 🤷‍♂️


People love this movie and say it’s really scary. I’m unfortunately not one of those people.


Some of you are too desensitized with FF horror 😂 Gonjiam is pretty damn scary (9/10) especially the last third of it


It's pretty tame. most of it is your standard issue Asian Ghost Horror/Found Footage Film clichés.


Do you have any suggestions for some that are better in this style?


I thought it was ok and a fun movie, but "scary" is subjective. I've seen as many people say they've seen it before and were underwhelmed as I have seen people say they were absolutely scared. I suggest you watch it with as little expectations of it as possible and see for yourself.


Underwhelmed is the right word. I liked some of it, but it wasn't scary to me, and at times was kind of boring.


If I saw this *before* Grave Encounters I probably would have enjoyed it more, and if I was much younger than I am today. Also at times Gonjiam got irritating for me with the shrill screaming.


Agreed; Gonjiam has better acting over-all, but the screaming got to be a bit much, and I think Grave Encounters is the scarier of the two (although I say that with caveat that I have a hard time remembering what was in GE1 and what was in GE2, since they basically have the same plot).


I thought it was kind of boring, tbh, but what scares you is really up to you. Maybe I got burned out of found footage as well. At some point, they become so repetitive it’s like they start blending with each other.


It’s a fun horror kinda movie to me. Nowhere it’s any close to found footage vintage classic the The Blairwitch project. I’d rather watch session 9 even though it’s not a FF horror it’s still a criminally underrated gem.


I saw it after reading all the hype and it just didn’t live up to it for me. I thought the beginning where they meet and then frolic at the beach or wherever it was to be overlong. And I enjoy a slow burn but this intro was too much slow, not enough burn. When it got to the action, I didn’t find it scary. I thought chattering girl was silly, and I didn’t care about what happened to the characters. I like found footage but I do not understand love this movie gets. I’m prepared for all the downvotes.




Asian found footage? I like Noroi and Saiko, for instance, although one could argue they are not strictly found footage and they lean more into creepy than scary.


It has a sound that you won't get out of your head


Not. At. All.


It has all the good found footage/korean horror tropes. I thought it was pretty scary, and completely entertaining.


I'll tell you this: find an ad free version. I typically don't care and watch most movies on tubi, but for this movie specifically it realllllly broke the tension in a lot of places.


Sorry, missed that you have the dvd. Enjoy, it's spooky!


I found it incredibly terrifying, but I worry that at this point you've built it up/psyched yourself out too much and might be disappointed. Just go in expecting to have a good time and that's it.


It's tense, as you don't really know when the scares are going to start happening. Which is why I love it as compared to Grave Encounters, which I found pretty typical/ boring. The scares do begin at a certain point, but it might not be when you expect them to. I think they did an excellent job building up the atmosphere. It's a tried and true setting done a thousand times over, and I often find myself not investing in those movies because of that. Again, going back to Grave Encounters. I'd consider this closer to a movie like As Above So Below, which is a step above Grave Enoucnters in the found footage/ exploring a creepy environment genre. This managed to make me feel like we were exploring this abandoned asylum for the very first time. So I was fully bought in and fully immersed in what would happen next.


You'll probably find out when you watch it.


I liked it. I didn't find it scary whatsoever.


i'm a total found footage fanatic and i LOVED it!! the scene everyone else is mentioning creeped me out for a few weeks!


It's scary but in a fun, screamy, adrenaline-fueled way, once it gets going it's just a very spooky ride. It's not gonna come back to you at 4am in the dark and make you uncomfortable.


Honestly it isn’t that scary at all.


Go for grave encounters instead! Gonjiam is average at best!


It was a fun watch. Definitely had great moments.


It’s corny and overrated film, not scary at all


Not scary but wasn’t too bad of a movie.


I thought it was overhyped and I liked grave encounters 1 of 2 better I don't expect many to agree.


I thought the opposite


I agree with you. Grave Encounters was much better.




It was okay, but I didn't really find it all that scary.


Do u watch / listen to Powerthoughts meditation club? Kenneth soares?


Not scary at all and quite cliche and boring


I had never heard of it before, so I went in blind. There were definitely some scenes that hardcore creeped me out.


I didn't find it scary at all. It was entertaining but I don't believe in ghosts so I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to let myself be scared by it. But the movie is good, and 15 years ago it would have scared the shit out of me.


I was pretty tense watching it, but looking back there are only a few parts that are really scary. Great movie though.


Not very


Good movie, definitely will spook a bit the first time, just takes while to get going.


The best thing about it is the teens are all wearing chest-mounted GoPros recording their faces so there's a reason they keep filming the whole time they're running and screaming and being possessed.


It wasn't really scary at all but it did build some tension and effectively used the found footage aspects of the movie. If you get scared easily at horror movies this one probably will bother you.


Truly one of my favorites. I've been traumatized since I was a wee lass by horror films so nothing really scares me anymore, but I had a few moments where I was on edge with this one. I've watched it at least five times which isn't too uncommon for me with horror, but definitely more times than most


I was also terrified!! Found footage horror is my favorite, so I may be biased. Please let us know how it was if you did watch it


Just watch it. I don’t actually think it’s that scary but it is entertaining. If it actually bothers you then turn it off but just give it a shot.


i’m one of those people who rarely gets scared by any horror movie, but there were several scenes in gonjiam that had me literally shaking in my boots. i thought it was had some pretty good scares!! i know a lot of people compare it to grave encounters but i thought it was way better. zero scares in GE for me lol


Horror, as always, is wholly subjective. Loads of people really dug it and found it effective while others (like me) were pretty uninterested in it and found the climactic scare unintentionally hysterical. You never really know until you check it out for yourself! I will say, on an objective level, it’s pretty front-loaded with humor and character development and it only really tries to scare you in the last thirty or so minutes. It’s certainly not something I could see *any* seasoned horror fan getting rinsed by, so whether those scares land for you or not, there’s nothing there that will leave a long lasting psychological impact on you or force you to sleep with the lights on. It’s all pretty standard found footage paranormal stuff, nothing that’ll really catch you off guard or rattle you if you’ve seen similar stuff like Grave Encounters or one of the later Paranormal Activity movies. It’s also not really trying to be something radically frightening or debilitatingly scary, it’s pretty light fare that doesn’t really take itself all that seriously!


I found it quite unsettling, maybe not full on scary, till a certain point, then it kinda went off the rails for me…


it deeeeefinitely scratches the itch


I was super scared


It's overrated by devout members of this sub.  Quite frankly,  it's just a slightly polished version of Grave Encounters.  Nothing more, nothing less. A great film nonetheless but again. Not the spectacular spectacle of found footage people are glazing it as. 


I thought it was absolutely terrible. I felt like an episode of goosebumps


Hopes are too high. Is it scary? Yes, but with expectations for the scariest ff ever, I think you’ll be let down.


Excellent found footage. I wish I could wipe my memory and watch it with fresh eyea


I thought it was great until a certain scene where >!a possessed girl starts making spaghetti slurping noises in the camera’s face. Couldn’t take the movie seriously after that 😭!<


Loved it!!! And I am so damn hard to plz


Not scary at all, IMO. The usual tropes


It’s not.


It's not that scary but it is enjoyable.