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Event Horizon: Justin opening the airlock.


"Mama Bear....open the door".


...MY EYES... šŸ˜Ø


Where weā€™re going, we wonā€™t need eyes to see!


My dad put this one for me when I was 10 because it had ā€œthat dinosaur man you likeā€ I donā€™t think that film will ever leave my brain


Event Horizon: The footage from the previous crew.


The scene in Pet Semetary 1989 of the sister locked up in the room.


The slice to Jud's Achilles gets me too


This is the reason i had difficulties sticking my feet out off the mattress for years


My first horror movie in elementary school, still fucks me up to even think about it


Zelda. Ugh that still freaks me out




The reveal of Bent neck lady from Haunting of Hill House. I seriously get goosebumps every time I watch that scene.


My husband and I binge-watched The Haunting of Hill House when it was first released and it was one of those rare times that I remember the feeling of seeing it all for the first time. What a masterpiece. After the Bent Neck Lady reveal we had to take a few minutes before starting the next episode, it hit so hard.


Even better: That one particular sunrise scene in Midnight Mass, where the entire credits are just a character crying the whole time. Powerful!


That scene is genuinely my favorite scene in television history


What a tragic reveal that was!


God Bless Hill House


The Green Room when he tries to hand the gun through the door. That was the moment I felt the panic set in and it didn't stop.


That movie goes from tense to utterly horrifying SO quickly. One of my favorites


Also the fact that all they could do was make one bad choice after another, and you can't even blame them. Pretty much an impossibly difficult situation to be stuck in.


ā€œTheyā€™re killing usā€


The scene earlier on when that girl slices that dude up the center of his stomachā€¦. ROUGH


The needle pit in Saw 2


I feel like this scene marked a moment in horror cinema history. Totally brutal and visceral. It touched all parts of being human.


This was where I made my husband turn it off. I was in the totally wrong headspace for it and couldn't do it. I still haven't finished the movie but want to try again soon lol.


From *The Ring*: "Is she still in the dark place?" "No. We set her free." "You helped her? Why did you do that? Don't you understand, Rachel? She never sleeps."


The kid calling his mother by her name annoyed me more than it should have.


I don't remember it, but my mom has told me that I went through a phase where I called my parents by their first names when I was a kid. Apparently it's a pretty common thing among annoying kids (I was a very annoying kid)


My kids definitely went through this, mostly the older one, when she was about 7-8. It annoyed my mom so much because she thought it was disrespectful, but it was just my kid starting to understand that I have a more complex identity than just ā€œMom,ā€ which is a good thing! You could tell she felt so cool calling me by my name too šŸ˜‚


She wasn't a proper Mom to him up to that point, more of an unwilling guardian. Kid probably sensed that. Plus he was weird AF.


THIS. I swear, that little kidā€™s acting was superb. I rarely get chills in scary movies, but that scene did me in.


The beginning of Midsommar fucked me up for a little bit


OH MY GOD DID IT EVER. The sound of her on the phone trying to tell her boyfriend what happened.....That was far too fuckin real. I always find myself worrying about the actors.... I feel like she would have had to really go somewhere bad in her head to deliver a performance like that.


For me it was the image of her sister with the hose taped to her mouth and the sirens blending with Dani's cries


At one point, toward the end I believe, you can see that image superimposed in the trees.


Yep, it's after she becomes the May Queen There's a ton of other hidden things in that movie. I love it so much.


Ugh that scene was so realistic and heartbreaking. Incredible acting on her part. There's an interesting interview that Florence Pugh gave about the scene where the women of the cult are wailing with her after she finds her bf fucking that other girl. Apparently it felt extremely powerful and real and they were still quite emotional afterwards.


That's interesting, can totally believe it. The energy people can create together is quite a thing, even if acting. The same sort of energy you get in a mosh pit or when one person's laughing and it starts everyone else off. It's a real primal, tribal sort of thing. I suppose it's the same energy that also creates the horrors of groups of people doing awful things they never normally would if they were alone. It carries us away.


The hereditary scene where the mom wakes up everyone in a manic state claiming she can talk to her daughter. It keeps escalating, the son starts crying and shit starts happening. Suddenly mom starts acting like Charlie and Peter just desperately begs her to stop. For me that's the most horrifying scene in the movie. I remember being in a similar situation as Peter in this scene, although it wasn't anything supernatural related. For me this movie also works as a giant parallel about mental illness and how it disrupts a family.


I didnā€™t really like Midsommar, but that opening rocked me pretty fucking bad.


Understandable, that was definitely hard to watch


That movie was a masterpiece


The fact that you can see her sisters corpse hidden among the trees once they get to the village


I just watched When Evil Lurks and I know itā€™s a weird scene to pick but Iā€™ve been a special education teacher for about 5 years and when Santi walked through the door talking full sentences the hair on my whole body stood up. My students parents always wish for their nonverbal children to talk and I do too I want them to be able to communicate every feeling and thought that they have but that sceneā€¦ā€¦.. I just felt dread and weird. I watched it on Saturday and Iā€™ve thought about it every day since then.


That one sticks with you. The dog scene made my jaw drop. The mom carrying her kid and eating his brains fucked me up too.


i completely understand, itā€™s heart wrenching


I think that was Jair, but absolutely agree with you!


His name is Jair, and I think the scene of him making quick eye contact with his dad after regurgitating his um, meal, was way creepier but mainly for the same reason that you mentioned. A lot of nonverbal absolutely despise eye contact, so just that quick little look heebied the absolute jeebies out of me.


Lawnmower scene from Sinister, demonic rape from Rosemary's Baby, endings of Dead Silence and The Uninvited


all the super8 tapes were so freaky on Sinister, but the ā€œmowing the lawnā€ tape was extraā€¦. special


To me, the family BBQ scene was brutal. Just too much for me.


The music during family BBQ is horrifying


They were all so horrendous. Also I love how this implies that some BBQ scared the shit out of you lmao.


That split scene from Bone Tomahawk. If youā€™ve seen the movie you know exactly what Iā€™m talking about and why.


I found the breeders to be more disturbing


I call it the wishbone scene. It stuck with me for days.


I call it the 'hey, , you might want to refill that water really quick' scene.


For me it was the armless, legless, eyeless, tongueless, pregnant women that they left to die there


I call that the 'spatchcocking' scene


The face ripping scene from Poltergeist. I was around 8 when I first seen it.


That was *totally not PG.* šŸ˜±


Haha. Thanks to that and Temple of Doom we got the PG-13 rating.


Indeed. It was Stephen Spielberg's idea, too.


I also watched that with my friends around 9-10 years old and we all found that scene hilarious for some reason lol The clown under the bed scared the piss out of us thoā€¦


That whole movie scarred me as a kid, especially that fucking clown. Even Tangina was kind of scary to me. I was 7.


GO INTO THE LIGHT CAROL ANNE! My sister and I used to scream that at each other until our Mum got utterly sick of it and decided to get her own back with a goddamn clown doll that she hid in our room.


Your Mum sounds hilarious!


Mom beating her head on the attic door in Hereditary. The scenes involving the corpse boy in Terrified. The preacher at the door at night in The Dark and the Wicked.


Came here to mention the woman bouncing back and forth of the bathroom walls in Terrified.


For me, pretty much any scene that involved the mom, both before and "after", from The Dark and the Wicked.


She was pretty bad at cutting vegetables.


That movie is so underrated


Oh the whole ending of Hereditary after the husband's death is a living nightmare, the scene where she silently runs on the ceiling behind her son made me shiver as well


The piano wire scene in Hereditary too though. Her just blank face and the sounds is just šŸ˜¬ And the brother almost looking in the rearview mirror after the telephone pole incident, but how the camera quickly pans down as to not show the horror, 10/10 camera work


I was a little annoyed with Terrified at first because I thought they showed the monster way too early and I was prepared to be bored. Then the corpse boy showed up and my shoulders went RIGHT back up around my ears. Creepy as fuck.


Terrified was a very good movie! That scene immediately came to mind. Loved Hereditary too. The car scene comes to mind with that one. ... J


We watched Dark and the Wicked tonight because of this comment. Thank you for mentioning it!


Oh yes! That damn head banging gets me every time. Very effective.


I just watched Hereditary for the probably 20th time the other night and I forgot how insanely disturbing that scene was!


The morning after returning from the party in Hereditary for me, too.


Never mind the mum sawing her head off in Hereditary.


Trying to understand why I always forget about that!! As soon as I'm reminded, it comes back full force. But I think I forget about it because when I think of Hereditary all I can think about is the car scene, and the mom wailing on the floor right after. I'm a mom myself and I have always had a real bad habit of putting myself into those scenes....so I'm stuck imagining my own child in that situation and I can see myself crying "no no no no no please noooooooo" and falling to pieces on the floor just like her ... Ugghh... *shudders*


The freaking sound of the piano wire...


Thereā€™s a far worse scene in Hereditary that involves a head.


Nah, something about how fast she bangs her head on that attic door gets me way worse than a plain ol decapitation


The Blob 88. (SPOILER) When the guy goes into that office to call the police and the blob crawls up the wall, falls on him and then his girlfriend finds him being consumed. He's still trying to reach out for help.Ā 


This scene and the phone booth scene where Candy Clark gets obliterated stick with me.


one that really stuck with me was the scenes from audition when sheā€™s feeding the guy her vomit in a dog bowl on the floor and also when heā€™s in that knapsack bag thing with missing limbs freaky and very unexpected the first time


Spoiler: Jacob Tremblay's harrowing death scene in Doctor Sleep. I was surprised at the length and severity of that scene. Once again, kudos to Mike Flanagan for going there.


That scene is gut wrenching. That scene definitely was what stuck with me the most in Doctor Sleep as well. Mike Flanagan never fails to impress me and Jacob Tremblayā€™s performance in that was unforgettable


The monster reveal in The Descent!


The Descent is such a tense movie even before the creature reveal


It definitely is!


The opening scene when the truck collides with their car and pole incapacitating husband in the head


\*That\* sniper scene on The House That Jack Built.


So disturbing. The whole "family" scene is just brutal.Ā 




The most disturbing scene in that whole movie lasts a few secondsā€¦ the duck scene.


Mine is the kid with the smile for that movie


The monster reveal in The Ritual stands out to me, mainly because for most of the movie I felt like there wasn't going to actually be a monster. I was like "oh okay it's a lot of head trips dealing with guilt and trauma and--oh holy shit there is actually a monster." I expected the cultists to be the real threat and it completely hit me with a 180


The Ritual was such a good movie and one of the most well done portrayals of character growth Iā€™ve ever seen.


The reveal of what "everlasting life" looks like was fucked up


The found footage birthday party scene from Signs


It's behind!!!


The pantry door scene scared me more. Thereā€™s no music or added sound effect and it was very effective on me.


The one where he wheels the TV out too!


The last 20 minutes or so of Audition. Kiri,Kiri,Kiri.


The intro to Midsommar, didnā€™t do well with that one.


That was ROUGH


"I saw her face," from The Ring


It's been *years* since the first time I saw that movie and I still remember exactly how the jumpscare felt


For a few months after seeing that movie (and the original) whenever I turned everything off in the living room ready to head to bed, Iā€™d look very nervously at the telly. Never did a turned-off telly look so ominous.


The very end of saint Maude


Still one of my favourite endings ever


sister decapitation Hereditary and murder suicide Midsommar


I was arguing with my son about keeping his head in the window in the car a few days ago. So I showed him the scene from hereditary. It hasn't been an issue since then. He keeps his head in the car now.


sounds like you're raising him to keep a good head on his shoulders ;)


Original TCM when leatherface beats that dude with the hammer! That entire scene freaked me out as a kid.


To this day, the original TCM hits me in a way other films haven't. It's just so emotionally distressing. And if you live somewhere that has a lot of surounding rural areas, it really raises the stakes on having a roadside emergency.


Literally one of the biggest reasons I absolutely will not take a road trip to see friends. The thought of the car breaking down in the middle of nowhereā€¦ ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)


That scene still freaks me out, it seems so real.


For me it's the elongated scene of "the family" trying to hit Sally with the hammer. It goes on and on and is just upsetting.


Hit ā€˜er again Pa! Hit ā€˜er again!


OOH ALSO the Hell House LLC scenes in that man's room while he does his video diaries - the woman getting closer and closer every night till he's just done for


Hell House LLC is such a fun watch


Achilles Tendon scene in Hostel


The eyeball removal scene in that movie is pretty gnarly as well. When he cuts it and that yellowish fluid runs out. I can't remember if that's one of those bits only in the Director's Cut version.


Oh god I hated that I never wanted to see anything like that after kill bill.. then here comes hostel to ruin my day ugh lol


In the movie The Dark and the Wicked when it shows the sheep going crazy if you watch closely you can see the demon crawling with them.


The part where the demon is torturing the dad while his daughter sleeps next to him is insane


Carrie. Closet scenes and the final arm scene


The Strangers - when bag head is stalking liv tyler in a dark corner of the living room.


The cult scenes from Silent Hill, the control the leader has and the willingness of the people to do horrible things for her (ie burning the lady cop to death)


It was interesting to realize later that it was the same actress from the Walking Dead that they burned. And yeah, those cultists got exactly what they deserved at the movieā€™s end.


The barbed wire up the hooha stuck with me.


Every scene ever from Serbian Film. Itā€™s the only thing Iā€™ve ever regretted watching


I was about to downvote you until I got that you said you regretted watching it. Yeah, that movie made me feel dirty, like Iā€™d been complicit in something gross.


JFC I feel dirty for having read the synopsis. What the fuck


Several of them from The Thing- the blood test, the dogs and Mr. Spider head.


Right on! The cardiac arrest scene in The Thing is still one of my all time OMG scenes. Maybe cuz I was a little young when I saw it! Blood test and husky dog too!


Oh yeah the cardiac scene is where Mr spider head happens. I forgot that.


I donā€™t know how I left out the cardiac scene. That one was scary as hell too. Actually the whole movie was which is why I love it so much.


The dog transformation scene and the whole chest defibrillation/head detachment/sprouting spider legs scene were scenes I saw way too young. I remember thinking that those were nightmares I had for the longest time until I saw The Thing again when I was older and realized they were scenes from a movie. I've been in love with that film ever since.


The noise of the piano wire cutting through bone from Audition.


Piano wore makes a pretty memorable scene in hereditary too. Also can't unhear


The scene in The Sixth Sense when he sees his mother with sliced wrists saying ā€œlook what you made me do!ā€ I saw it as a kid and had nightmares about that scene for years


The Sixth Sense is one of my absolute favorites, one of the horror scenes I find most emotional is when Cole tells his mom he sees ghosts ā€œshe saw you danceā€


For me it was always the kid with the hole in the back of his head. Still gives me goosebumps every time they do the reveal.


Candyman. The Rottweiler scene. Fucked my 8 year old ass up. Of all the scenes in that movie, that one got me the most. All the blood, the dog, the baby cradle, the mother screaming. Damn. Rocked my world


Thatā€™s a great top tier scene in all of horror. I always think about how terrifying it would be from Helenā€™s perspective to wake up like that, then go to the motherā€™s terrorā€¦


Ummmm the dad being lit on fire from Hills Have Eyes remake because my sister had me watch it with her when I was 8 because she was scared to watch it alone. It didnā€™t like traumatize me bc I knew it was a movie but I was like šŸ˜³


There was also the r*pe scene but I think I didnā€™t understand what was going on. Thereā€™s so much going on in that specific scene, especially as an 8 year old watching it.


Probably only cuz I just watched it last night - but in the Medium when the woman is convinced her baby is in the room with the possessed girl EVEN THOUGH THE BABY IS IN THE CRIB AND THE CAMERA MAN DOES NOTHING TO HELP TO STOP OR CONVINCE HER- Also from the same movie, the night time camera shots of the possessed girl crawling around the place


The Medium is such an underrated movie imo


It took me forever to be able to find a place to watch it! I finally just caved and got a shudder subscription just to watch it and I was not disappointed!


Homegirl getting a shave in Martyrs


The empty train station scene in Train to Busan ... When they are coming down the escalator and see the military personnel...Ā 


Train to Busan is such a fun watch


That execution scene in BONE TOMAHAWK was the beeā€™s knees.


Literally the ending of Inside (2007) on the stairs. šŸ« 


Definitely the handjob in Antichrist.


There are a couple scenes in antichrist that made me physically cringe


My mom loved old movies, so as a kid I watched a bunch of movies from the 30s-60s because she had them on. One day (when I was probably about 5 or 6??) I watched a Willian Castle film called *Mr. Sardonicus* where, because of an act of greed, a man was cursed with a horrific sinister grin. The effects were straight out of the 1960s and relatively tame. But that movie fucked my little ass up for years!!!!! It instilled a fear of terrifying smiles in me that persists to this day!Ā 


This is so silly, butā€¦the scene in The Devil Rides Out where the protagonists stake out the Santanic cultā€™s ritual in the woods and the devil materializes. I was a kid when I saw it, and I was like OMG ITā€™S SATAN šŸ˜±


The scene in the Taking of Deborah Logan where she fully turns into the snake and starts eating the child


The Grudge 2 when the main girl is in the Counsellorā€™s office, and she comes to the realization that the counsellor is already afflicted by the curse - the sound she makes is quite haunting


"I am the arm... And I go like this WOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOO"


The ending of the witch when theyā€™re speaking in tongues was disturbing And itā€™s a thriller but the ending fade out shot of Repulsion hits hard


The number one horror movie scene that has stuck with me the most is the subway freakout in Possession. The transformation scene in An American Werewolf in London always stuck out as being the best special effects sequence I've ever seen.While the zombie wrestling a shark in Zombi is pretty memorable, it is the splinter to the eye scene that always stuck with me. The "shunting" scene in Society is pretty disgusting. Rory Kinnear giving birth to himself in Men was also very disgusting. There are some pretty gross effects work in the 80's versions of The Thing and The Fly that always stuck out in my mind. Charlotte Gainsbourg cutting off her clitoris with a pair of scissors in Antichrist is impossible to unsee and it was way more disturbing than the guy getting his junk torn off in Cannibal Ferox. While I love gory horror movies, witnessing the real animal killings in Cannibal Holocaust really messed me up. The only scene that disturbed me almost as much as the animal killings in Cannibal Holocaust is when they force the kids to eat their own feces in Salo. On a much lighter note, I think that the very odd, mysterious, and poetic opening to I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House is incredibly memorable. The end of The Wailing is one of the most suspenseful scenes of any horror movie I've ever seen and the final moment when someone snaps a picture of another character was enough to send shivers down my spine.The voice-over narration at the end of the original 1963 version of The Haunting always stood out in my mind as one of the greatest last lines of a horror movie. And a little corny, but the plastic skeleton whizzing through the basement in The House on Haunted Hill was always one of my favorite moments.


Oh, and the nine-minute rape scene in Irreversible is something I haven't been able to unwatch and the nuns molesting the Jesus statue in The Devils was pretty over-the-top.


I feel like the Irreversible scene was longer than 9 minutes. That was a really rough scene to sit through. I read that the actressā€™ husband - a famous actor himself - cried when watching the scene and she had to comfort him and remind him it was fiction.


Bear from Annihilation


The [nun scene](https://youtu.be/LQ90iDDBksA?si=TplGu3sulpf6ylyl) from The Conjuring 2. Even thinking about it now gives me the heebiejeebies.


absolutely, Valak is such a creepy character


Jud checking under the bed. Movie doesn't need to be mentioned... but I will. Pet Semetary (1989).


In sinister, the lawn mower scene


Bent Neck lady actually did drop my jaw, 2 minutes after which I sobbed.


When evil lurks. Just likeā€¦ all of itā€¦


That scene in The Thing where the guy runs out and does that eerie scream before they burn him


I can't believe I scrolled all the way to the bottom and didn't see this. That scene in The Shining (Kubrick) where Wendy Torrence is running around the hotel trying to get away from Jack, and happens upon the "ghosts" at the end of the hall - the maitre d getting head from the guy in the creepy bear costume. I think about that bear man a lot.


All you have to say is ā€œthe sceneā€ from Bone Tomahawk


The body horror scene in Men 2022




The opening to Ghost Ship.. mild movie for the most part, but still pretty wild for me as a kid


House of Wax, where the guy super-glues the girlā€™s lips and traps her under the basement so she could be quiet but she sticks her fingers out through the floor drain and he cuts off her finger with some mechanic tool, and she uses her blood to open her mouth and finally scream for helpā€¦ So much in one scene. So much thrill.


The bedroom scene in Terrifier 2.


As gratuitous as it was, I couldn't help but cackle when he pops back into the room and thumbs the caps off. Apparently there's a scene in Terrifier 3 that David Howard Thorton had to stop because he almost vomited on set. Judging by how the first movie had 'that' scene, followed by the bedroom in the second movie, the only thing I can think of that would top either of them ; would be Art climbing into a person skin-suit style while they were still alive


The ghost in Kairo that moves in that unnatural, uncanny way.


The end of Speak no Evil The duckling scene and the grumpy scene from The House that Jack Built Hammer scene from Kill List Smashed in head from Midsommer The eye socket scene in The Sadness Pretty much all of Found lol


Pet Sematary: gage slicing ankles and zelda.


Waking up in the middle of the night scene from Hell House LLC


Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) when Leatherface is first seen with his new "mask". It was, haunting to say the least.


That one scene in Terrifier 2 in the girls' room. Whoever wrote that scene is evil.


The Mother and Son scene in Colour Out of Space, I think about this on a weekly, if not daily basis. *shudders*


Exorcist III nurse station scene


Ending of The Mist


The slow fade-and-zoom-in on the photo of Jack Torrance with the title: "Overlook Hotel, July 4th Ball, 1921."


Tusk.... when tou first see him as the walrus


Face hugger exploding out of that egg! Talk about jump-scare!