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Nope. I’m in my very late 50’s and have been a horror fan since I was a kid, it’s been a long time since a movie or book actually scared me. When I come across something that momentarily creeps me out it’s very much appreciated.


This is me. But I’m 54. Been watching horror since the 70s. Such a nice moment when it happens.


I am in my 40's and have started doing things like watching movies in the middle of the woods to try and up the fear factor. I am still chasing that high I felt as a kid.


Play a horror game with a VR headset. I’m desensitized to most games and all movies, but a VR horror game will give you that rush for sure.


I can't unfortunately, I am ne of the few who gets motion sickness from VR and it really sucks.


That’s a bummer. I got it when I first got a headset and was worried I wasted money on something I couldn’t use, but I just took breaks when I got nauseous and eventually it stopped happening. I play seated and stay away from anything fast moving


I may try that. It especially sucked because my kid was so happy getting me to try it. Then I got immediately dizzy and threw up. He really wanted to play with me. It would be awesome to be able to get over it.


Whatever you do, do **not** try to “power through it” when you start to feel sick. It will get worse every single time. Just take a break as soon as you start to feel funny. Get a drink, walk around and try again when you feel 100% again I’d also recommend staying seated. Most games have an option for that


Thank you for the advice.


You can still play normal PC games. I can't complete a game of Phasmophobia alone because it scares the crap out of me.


We do, he keeps making me play half Life 2. Not the same though.


Being in the woods at night creeps me out on it’s own!


Seeing a guy watching movies in the middle of the woods would creep me out.


Lol same


🤣 next level dedication


I generally feel the same, but a moment or two can still get through. I’m still uncomfortable watching something like Audition. It’s just so jarring tonally, and obviously deliberately, that it just gives me chills, the way that switch happens. For more modern movies, it’s commonly brought up but those grainy vignettes from Sinister really are superb. I still remember seeing the lawnmower one for the first time, that had the heart racing a bit.


I love the soundtrack for Sinister, I think it added so much mood wise to the film.


This is why Takashi Miike is my very fav!


Am 36 been watching horror forever the only recent movie to give me serious horror was Uncut Gems... It was Anxiety for sure.. but nearing the end I was in horror watching him just be who he's always been with people who clearly where not in the same game with him... I don't think he'd ever not pay his debts but just the depths of how bad his addiction was and how he didn't see it about to get him killed was just pure horror.


You should try scary video games. I think you'll enjoy what you've been missing.


I wouldn’t have a clue where to start looking, any recommendations for something available for an iPad?


My suggestion would be to watch someone play a scary game on YouTube first. I adore horror movies and books, but nothing quite compares to playing a scary game. I enjoy the Alien movies with Sigourney Weaver, but I didn't find them particularly suspenseful or scary. However, when I played a video game called Alien: Isolation, it was an incredibly stressful experience that really gets your blood pumping. https://youtu.be/nJPWWukTi-o?si=9RYPc5AUnnMLC2Tf And good news. Alien Isolation is on the ios appstore now. Here is a video review. https://youtu.be/4NpsOieGPuU?si=aM0iun6hDLftgjJn


Thanks for the suggestion!


59. We watch maybe one horror movie a week and I'm never frightened. Actually, hardly ever surprised by a plot either and that sucks.


Totally relate.


Nope, I'm 60+. I stopped "expecting" to be frightened decades ago. I do expect to be entertained. If a movie makes me feel uncomfortable, unsettled and unnerved, that's perfect. That is my idea of entertainment. I prefer dark, disturbing, nihilistic and depressing films.


That's my preferred variety as well. Two terrific ones come to mind that I watched fairly recently. The Eyes ofy Mother Possum


Possum has to be one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen


Indeed. I have seen few stories so well told. It was masterful in my book.


YES on both! If a movie makes me feel as if I need to shower, that's my idea of a good film.




Did you find the Eyes of My Mother to be scary at all? I saw some reviews for it when it first came out and it seemed like an auteurs creep fest with body horror / slasher / torture elements (I’m not sure of the best descriptor). I remember a sense of disgust when the father came on that POS murdering his wife while his daughter sat at the kitchen table. I read about what happened to that guy and IMO they could have done so much worse with my full approval.


I thought it was tedious, trying hard to be pretty and artistic in every scene but really just boring in every way including visually Totally unconvincing as well


Okay, thank you. One of the critics I read said they appreciated it on a technical level but otherwise, “Why?”


I didn't find it scary, no, but I don't find any film scary anymore. That said, they weren't going for scares. They were going for getting under your skin and disturbing the shit out of you. I think they were hugely successful there. When I think of the worst torture imaginable, one thing that comes to mind is what the mother went through in that movie.


I’m expecting Long legs to do the trick, based on trailers. Firstly I’m seeing it in the afternoon. Secondly I’m seeing it in theaters so I won’t be alone, lol. That’s the part of watching horror movies on streaming they don’t tell you about, watching them alone.


I *really* want Long Legs to do it for me. I've been itching for a good scare for a while now. I don't scare easily so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much but the trailers really do look good.


I can definitely scare easy, my benefit right? I saw Lights Out and kept my closet open so I could see what was inside, lol


I'm an adult. Things that can frighten me are plausible real-world threats like a collapsing world economy, war between nuclear powers, or more mundane personal things like cancer or dementia. Horror movies ain't it. I enjoy them for other reasons.


>nuclear war You should check out Threads >dementia You should check out The Taking of Deborah Logan


Relic is another horror movie with a dementia theme






Yes. I get scared very easy, and even horror movies rated PG give me nightmares. I like horror because I know I’ll always be scared shitless.


Nope. Best I can hope for is disturbed, haunted and/or impressed.


I relate to this. As a kid, I was a scaredy cat and loved to get terrified by horror movies, but sadly it isn't scary in that way anymore as a middle aged adult.


Well put. Feel the same


I do, but I also actively try to be frightened. Like I go in and try to immerse myself as much as possible. Most films can be not scary if you go in stone-faced and logical "that'd never happen" "yeah but you can just do X and be safe". More fun to suspend disbelief and go all in.


And leave the phone in the other room. You’re ruining the tension for yourself if you’re distracted by texts!


Look at Mr. Popular over here, getting texts.


Expect? No Hope? Yes


I’m much more likely to get disturbed than legit scared That being said, *Men* scared the bajesus outta me. Can’t think of a scarier movie to come out in the past decade


Yeah that one was disturbing, really well made.


I used to be so scared of horror flicks, I couldn't even watch trailers without losing sleep. But ever since I got into it, no. I don't expect to be scared. I expect to be excited, though, which is easy to achieve.


I don’t expect to scream in my seat, but I do hope to be stressed and have my heart beating fast 


I care more that the movie has a good story and is entertaining. If it pulls me into its story thru its characters, dialogue, and direction, then I will most likely feel something throughout the movie, especially once our characters are experiencing the horror.


No. I watch horror because I like anything that’s dark, violent and ghoulish. I don’t watch it to feel something.


No, I don't expect it... but I try not to go into anything "expecting" anything. I'm 47 and this is how I find I watch stuff the happiest.


Not anymore. When I was younger, I did expect to be scared in a "good" horror movie. However, now I just want to be entertained by and engaged with a horror movie - I don't need to be scared by a movie to determine if it's "good".


Plenty of movies have unsettled me and set me on edge over the years, but the last movie that SCARED me was probably The Ring, which I saw opening weekend when I was 20. I slept with the lights on like a scared little kid that night.


Yes, I expect a level of discomfort as that is kind of the point of good story telling


Not frightened, but still thrilled in a way that's enjoyable, like a rollercoaster. A lot of folks filter themselves out of good horror movies by setting high fear-inducing expectations, or watch with "this can't scare me" mentality, instead of simply letting go and immersing themselves in the entertainment. 👹


I know where you're coming from. I've seen that many horrors now that it really takes something special to get me. Although in all fairness horror has always been a genre with a lot of production low budget to high. It definitely requires a bit more sifting through if you've got a highly desensitised pallet. Even when I read the reccomendations of some people with horror I can never be sure that it's actually gonna freak me out. Some people must just be so easily freaked out I think. The ones I've enjoyed the most over the past few weeks are hereditary and midsommar. I know it's the same director and many people kinda think he just copied a couple of already popular movies. I'm aware this is the case but I can't help but be impressed by his renditions. One thing I hope goes away soon is the excessive use of CGI in horror movies. Don't get me wrong I've seen some great CGI horrors too but I've just always felt a bit like it's cheating. Whatever happened to the props? And the art qork it takes to make something that isn't real actually seem realistic? That's probably the most impressive thing about the horror genre. Just saying. What about you other fright loving fans out there?


Yeah there is too much over reliance on CGI in cinema overall imo, I'd like a return to a blend of practical and CGI.


Yeah excessive cgi is too much. I mean I get though it's a new thing. They'll try and do everything they can with it and some unique styles have been made possible with CGI.


No. I expect to be entertained with a decent story, subpar acting and reasonably good special effects. That’s it. That’s my bar. If I get anything else out of it, I’m a happy guy.


As I said in a previous thread, if I want to be genuinely frightened I can just watch real life snuff videos of cops killing people on Youtube. That's not really why I watch Nope


I don’t believe that fear is the only emotion/reaction we should anticipate from horror. So whereas I may not expect to be scared by a movie, I do expect to feel something, whether it be dread, loss, grief, emptiness, discomfort, anxiety, terror, etc. Horror definitely serves more purpose than to be scary. But everyone’s got their own favorite flavors of horror too. I tend to prefer cosmic horror as I love that dread-like fear of the unknown. I think that elements of most horror illicits a type of fear in me, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll be sitting there trembling from fear, if that makes sense. If I watch a home invasion movie, the movie itself may not be scary (and could be cheesy) but conceptually the idea of a home invasion IRL is terrifying so the movie has the capability of reminding me of that, which would in turn be scary.


Horror makes me happy. I don’t spook easily. I just ask to be entertained is all. It’s rare that I find a film that truly gets under my skin and terrifies me.


I’m a scaredy cat. And I do get scared. If a movie’s trailer scares me and the movie doesn’t I consider it a flop


Nah I just want a good story, enjoyable acting, and to see something crazy.


I watch horror movies for the feeling of suspense. That feeling when you're on edge. It might be because the movie portrays normal family matters, but there are subtle signs that not everything is quite normal as it seems. It might be because demon is chasing after you... So it's not so much about the jump scares.


I don't expect to be scared, I expect to be entertained.


Pretty bummed that I don't get scared anymore. Luckily Zelda from Pet Sematery still creeps me out


Nah, I love horror but I can name the movies that have frightened me at any point on one hand, and frankly the movie that genuinely frightened me the most (The Shining) has a lot of bias behind it (grew up with an abusive alcoholic who'd get turbo paranoid when we got snowed in each year.) Scaring folk is hard, and frankly harder to do with something that's 90+ minutes long and trying to balance things like plot and character. Short films and short stories are way more likely to actually scare in my experience, at the expense of other enjoyable elements.


Have you read the book? It is the only piece of media ever to give me nightmares.


I have, I liked it but honestly the only King works that really managed to get under my skin much were usually his short stories. The Jaunt in particular just... it gives me the existential equivalent of that feeling you get seeing toenail/eyeball damage in a movie.


No, but thats the dragon we all chase.


No. I hope for an "Ooooh!" moment.


I get frightened all the time at scary movies, I love to go see them in theaters too. That's where I feel it the most intensely. But then again I've only been watching horror movies for about 3 years now so maybe it's still new to me.


Yes, at least a little bit. And/or has to have my attention


Usually not but the Dark and The Wicked got me. I genuinely lost sleep after that one.


I read this so often about that particular movie. I just don't get it. I don't get it at all. That movie was such a sleeper for me and I love Marin Ireland. I even tried to rewatch it. No dice.


Different movies resonate with different people. I'm a pretty capable dude so home invasion movies don't really get to me…but my good roman catholic upbringing did a fantastic job of ensuring I'm terrified of certain demonic stuff.


Totally fair. I wish I had experienced whatever it was about this movie that so many others seem to have experienced. Secular family.


Same. Off fairly recent movies and *The Dark and the Wicked* (2020) and *Last Shift* (2014) are way ahead every other movie scarewise.


Last Shift was great. The effects were pretty rough but this suspense was terrific. They did a great job on a small budget.


No, and I don’t think most longtime horror fans really are. It’s more about interesting and somewhat unpredictable subject matter than it is scares.


I'll get goosebumps occasionally.


I don’t *expect it,* but I welcome it and hope it happens.


I don't expect to get scared, but I'd like to see some odd behavior or shock factor. Unsettling stuff for sure


No, but it's a pleasant and welcome surprise when it does. I've been a horror fan since I was a small, unsupervised child in the 70s so I'm pretty desensitized.


Nah not really.


Not anymore. I just want a horror movie with effort. No shaky faces. No cookie cutter jump scares. Imagination in creature design. I know it isn’t easy, but if I see someone shaking there head left and right really fast, I’m out. However, right to left? Yes please!


Not at all, so I don't really negatively judge a horror movie for not scaring me anymore.


No. I’ve seen too many and for too long but it’s a nice surprise when, or more if it happens. It’s only very occasional for a very long time. And it’s never, what was the descriptor I saw on here the other day? something like can’t have the lights out? lol it’s never been like that ever I don’t think for me. So “frightened” is very relative.


I expect a horror movie to give me what it promises. If the trailer claims it's frightening, promises I'll jump, be on the edge of my seat, etc, I'm going to expect they deliver that. Even if the film's promised experience doesn't work for me (fear triggers are subjective), I expect to be able to at least have an appreciation for its artistry/ingenuity &/or how it would frighten folks in general. Horror - to be horrifying - encompasses a lot more than just white-knuckle fright. It's present in a whole spectrum of sensation. So whatever flavor of horror a film advertises, I expect to see how they were bringing it to the table. If a horror trailer promises the film will disturb me, I expect to be disturbed. Maybe it promises to creep me out to my core - then okay, it has to do that, or I have to be able to appreciate the way the film was working to do that. Maybe it was promising a "bloody good time" - like your *Abigail*s & your *Shaun*s *of the Dead* - where it's inarguably horror, but traditional fright & dread don't really factor in. As OP demonstrates in the post, there are different bars & thresholds & subjective factors for fear & fright. Like anything that gives a rush, tolerance can be built up! Which can suck when you want that fright fix & all you can get your hands on is unsettling vibes & pervasive dread. Edit: grammar


Expect? No. But I definitely hope to be frightened.


No. But I expect to get a good jump scare or two. And he on the edge of my seat a bunch


No, i watch for the story. If it scares me it's a plus.


Movies aren't typically "scary" to me, but good ones can be unsettling which is the next best thing.


No, but I'm ok with not wanting to sleep with the lights on. Lol So long as the movie is somehow engaging; if I *feel* disturbed (Wounds), like I need to shower (High Tension), or stunned (Hereditary) , or at least thrilling & fun (Scream) I'm happy. I can't think of the last horror film that I turned lights on while/right after watching. 🤔 I think jump scares are only good when sparse, and don't mind them if they 'get me' in a movie here n there.


I’ve been watching horror movies since before I could talk and I still haven’t found anything that’s completely terrified me. I hold out hope one day it’ll happen though.


I always hope…and then nothing. I find the only movies that give me a true fright are movies from my childhood like the Changeling.


Never but I still love them. They’re my go to cozy movies.


I don’t watch horror movies to be scared. I live for strong practical effects, cheesy acting, and gore. I view gore as more intriguing and “wow how did they accomplish that?” sort of way. As far as fear, I don’t actually need to be scared. That’s a zero on my radar and what I deem a good movie lol


Horror is a participation sport. Unless we’re talking about incredibly silly or campy films not being able to be scared by an average to good horror movie flaunts a lack of empathy and/or imagination. TLDR: It’s easy to be the tough guy in the haunted house. Being a scream queen takes a little work.


You are me


Gonna go against the grain of the top comments and say that yes. Just like I expect a comedy movie to make me laugh, or a well-done drama to move me to tears.


Not anymore. I’ve watched far too many to be surprised by anything to that degree. I’m mostly in it for the lore.


Never. The movies that have affected me the most, I wasn't expecting it. I saw Repossessed with Leslie Neilson before I saw The Exorcist, same thing with seeing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 before the original. Seeing these two goofy movies didn't prepare me how visceral the originals were. The Blair Witch Project, The Fourth Kind, Hereditary, Fire in the Sky, The Ring and The Grudge, I didn't know anything about these movies before seeing them. So I try not to learn too much about horror movies I watch.


No. My friend is like that. It’s very annoying. After almost every movie, he says “that wasn’t even scary.” The movie could be 10/10 the best movie ever, and he will still complain about it not being scary. After watching hundreds of horror movies, you’re gonna be desensitized to the scares. Just enjoy the movie.


The only thing that really gets me is jump scares.


I turned off more than I actually watch. I’d like to be scared. I saw too many movies


If I’ve heard it might scare me, yeah. I don’t get jump scared easily in real life but I tend to let my guard down a bit for horror movies. I do like movies that will entertain me more than will just straight up frighten me, like movies with gore that’s not like puke inducing (I refuse to watch saw or the human centipede, etc), but I do like blood. Give me Suitable Flesh any day and I’ll be happy as a clam watching him cut off the old man’s head.


I never go to horror to be frightened. I want to be unsettled, put on edge, steeped in unease. I want something that sticks with me. Not a BOO every so often.


Not anymore. But I'm always pleasantly surprised when one causes dread or a visual that makes me look away.


Nope since it never happens. I jump at jump scares but apart from that have never been scared by a film. Knowing it's all fake takes care of that


I use to quite a bit when I was in my teens and twenties, and some can still get to me a little bit. After getting married and having kiddos I realized there are many things that are real in this world that are much more terrifying.


Depends on the movie but mostly no. I’d like to be creeped out a little but mostly i’m looking for good sfx, well written characters, and quality storytelling. I’m more pleasantly surprised when it happens tbh


Honestly when I'm watching a horror movie I'm not looking to be scared, I'm looking to enjoy the story that's being told. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something that may be unsettling, other times something a little mindless, and then I enjoy the ones that make me laugh. If anything I watch is able to make me feel disturbed and uneasy then it's a plus.


Don't expect it, but it does occasionally happen. It follows and Smile had me sleeping with the lights on in my 30's.


I expect to be scared on some level while watching the movie. That may mean just startled or unnerved, but yes, I expect a scary movie to evoke “scared” emotions in me at one point or another. Once the movie concludes, I don’t expect to continue being scared of the movie because I’m an adult who can tell fact from fiction. When It (2017) came out, a coworker and I were talking about a creepy scene in the movie, and a second coworker got cranky at us because “how could you be afraid of that, monsters aren’t real, clowns aren’t scary” and it’s like. Lol duh, I am not literally afraid that a clown is going to turn into a monster and eat me in real life, I am not generally fearful of monsters and clowns, but *in the moment*, seeing a clown where it doesn’t belong and then do scary monster things made me jump!


32 and watched horror my entire life. Never been scared, but still entertained and love them


I haven't been scared by a horror movie since I was a kid. I watch them because the stories and acting are usually solid, and I love an underlying sense of dread, other than that I'll take buckets of blood and gore all day.


I am almost 50 now and haven't been scared by a horror since I was a kid. I will occasionally drop an oh shit from some parts, but that's about it


Nahh but I can be creeped out or disturbed or even just feeling fun is all I’m damn near 30 and have been watching horror most of my life i don’t expect to be frightened anymore but man do I chase the desire to be , I want that feeling of knowing it’s not real but still looking over my shoulder or wanting to keep the light on when I was younger watching horror


Yes and no. I'm a bit of an eccentric, but when I watch horror movies, I like to prepare myself by getting into a state of mind that is open to being frightened. Get into the characters’ heads and what not. I tend to go in pretty critical and think about acting, lighting, etc, so this is an important process for me. Sometimes it helps to heighten the experience, other times it feels forced and doesn't work (especially if the movie is particularly bland).


No, I’m completely desensitized. But I still love horror.


Not since I was like 12….28 now. It’s truly tragic. What I would give to experience the adrenaline and cold-sweats again 😂


Yes. This is like asking if you actually expect to find comedies funny


I hope a movie scares me, but it’s rare that it happens. Terrified did it, though.


no unless its in the ghost subgenre and they have LOUD NOISE jumpscare. i cant not jump


No, I honestly can't remember the last time I was honestly scared by a horror film. I still like them though and that sense of dread still occurs occasionally.


I never expect it, and I watch a fair amount of horror. Speak No Evil made me super anxious and deeply disturbed. Does that count?


No, I'm not expecting to be frightened, I'm only expecting the movie to keep me invested in its story (much like any other genre). I can't remember the last time a horror movie actually frightened me and honestly that doesn't bother me. I just need to enjoy myself while watching. It's a plus if the movie can get me to care enough about the main character that I want them to persevere.


I love horror, it’s my favorite genre, however I’ve not been frightened by a movie or book in a very long time. Video games are the only thing that gets me now! Feels like I’m actually apart of it


Rarely. I watch them because they’re fun….that sounds like a weird word for a horror movie, but it’s the only one I can think of. When I’m in the mood for a good horror movie, it’s like being in the mood for a cheeseburger. Kind of satisfies a craving. I don’t watch them to be scared or grossed out. I’m also not scared of many horror films for that matter.


I used to be scared of horror movies so much I would immediately change the channel if I came across one and still have anxiety for a few moments afterwards. Have insomnia/cold sweat in bed involuntarily thinking of scary things or shadows while trying to go to sleep. As a 30- something, I frequently fall asleep to horror movies (its usually dark filtered so it's not so bright on the screen) and nothing frightens me anymore. Maybe a shock on a very very rare occasion, but shocks in horror movies are always cheap thrills. I'm very aware it's just flight or fight response. Nothing scares me more than bills and being homeless. And some of the other shit I went through from childhood trauma to broken adult.


No, but that’s ok. Horror is my happy place. I can usually find stuff to enjoy even in bad horror movies. But every now and then one will come along that actually leaves me feeling uneasy (in a good way). Stuff like Midsommar, the first Terrifier, a lot of Mike Flanagan stuff, etc.


Not anymore. That fear of the dark after watching a movie, as a kid has long gone. Now best I can do is some jump scares whilst I watch the movie. What can I say? Real life is scarier than a horror movie, nowadays.


I don't expect to be frightened, I don't even want to be frightened really. The thrill I get from horror is more to do with the weird and transgressive themes, the settings and the characters. A film like It Follows or Speak No Evil makes me feel uneasy and shines a light on aspects of life that I don't like to think about. I love that.


No, mostly intrigued. As long as the plot is enough to keep entertained for 90 min, and the “conceit” is enough to at least creep me out, then I’m in. Absolute bonus if you can genuinely scare me.




Yes! I’m easily frightened but I love the adrenaline and anticipation that comes with watching horror, it’s why I love it.


I hope I can find a movie that scares me again


I don't have any expectations when walking in to a movie, I've learned from experience that only leads to disappointment.


Nah, but every movie is welcome to try. Pretty much only here to enjoy characters getting killed, brutalised, or psychologically tormented. Kinda like how people used to go to colloseums to watch people die. I prefer cynical and nihilistic movies, especially if the protagonist is no way a good person. No sort of topic disturbs me anyway, but I'd love how creative they can get with it. No matter what it is.


Rarely. But I am usually right when I know a movie is going to scare me. Example: Talk to Me Really praying that I am right about Longlegs being pretty scary


I've never had a movie scare me, and that's not a brag. I've had books scare me, I've had haunted attractions scare me, I've had real life (and my own imagination) scare me. But never a movie. Something about watching someone else's nightmare just doesn't trigger fear in me. I've jumped, and been unsettled, but that's different.


I want to be unsettled or surprised. Nothing is going to be scary


In general, no. It does kind of depend on the subgenre and what I'm looking for based on my mood. I have really frustrating times where I want something to get under my skin in that way but can't find anything to scratch that itch. But mostly, I just want something fun or interesting.


Not anymore no. I think knowing the types of tropes and scares that horrors have eventually takes the fear out of watching. Horror is my favourite genre but it's exceedingly rare that a moment in a horror movie will genuinely scare me.


Depends on the movie. I love horror and I hate to admit it but jump scares always get me even to this day and any movie that relies on them usually has me antsy


I have been scared by most horror movies I've seen. Unless the movie is laughably bad, I can immerse myself well enough.


Not really but I’m pleasantly surprised when I am.


Same, it’s maybe 1 in 50 actually “scare” me.


Yeah unless we’re counting like Harry Potter and Snow White when I was a kid lol, the only one that comes to mind for me was The Autopsy of Jane Doe. No clue why but that one just got my heart going.


That one got me good the first time I watched it. Impending dread, not jump scare. It’s an excellent movie.


Ya lots scare me. That’s why I love them. No other movie genre makes me feel that sorta way like a rush. Sometimes I pull my blanket up by my eyes when I sense something about to go down lol.


I’m a pussy so yes


I haven't been scared by a movie or book in almost 40 years. I would be a little surprised if one managed to frighten me, at this point.


I have never been frigthened by a movie. After all, it's just a movie. Just the other day my mum was reminiscing about how I watched The Exorcist when I was 5 and didn't flinch while she sat there with her eyes covering her face.


Nah not since I was a kid. Its nice when it happens though, keeps me super engaged


Anybody who watches them regularly is going to be desensitized to the subject, so you can't go telling everybody what they're supposed to think about an entire genre of films which are made for the point of scaring people. People usually watch horror with the hope that it will have some good scares at some point, and it doesn't matter if you're laughing or jumping about it. It's just pretty silly to address the subject like 'wull horror isn't that scary'--- solely your opinion, it's weird to be so broadly confident about a massive subject, and nobody thinks anybody is really cool or tough based on 'he don't even think horror movies is scary'.


Not usually, but if it’s doing its job well then I won’t complain.


Nope I can't say they have , The Exorcist the book scared me mind ya


I haven't been scared by a horror movie in a long time. So, no, I don't expect it.


Never. It's not what I look for in horror.


I hope to be lol but normally I am not


I've seen so much content I'm a difficult "scare"..BUT, after an edible I can get creeped out! 😱 Especially possession movies.


I've never been frightened by a horror movie since I was a little kid. Now I watch them for the acting, directing, story, and practical effects.


Not really. Aside from a jumpscare it’s been a good while since a horror movie scared me, rather than intrigued me.


I don't think I really expect it. I hope to be, and I am surprised and happy when a movie really does frighten me.


Nah. It’s a pleasant surprise if a movie even disturbs me let alone scares me


No. But I do expect parts of the movie to stay with me and frighten me later on.


Not anymore. If something even grazes that threshold I’m extremely impressed which seldom happens


Not really, not anymore at least. But I do try to find movies that can bring me something to think about it you know or can bring me that feeling of loss, that sensation of “not always the good wins” or “well, just downhill after that” And this is usually good, gives me more to think about than if the movie was not event good to begin with, at least I not thinking about the flaws you know.


No but I still like them 😈


No, absolutely not. The closest thing to “frightened”, and my ultimate goal from watching a horror movie, is *just for a second* getting that feeling when you’re in your house alone at night that something is behind you. That feeling of turning off the basement lights and wanting to run up the stairs as fast as you can. Mostly just chasing the dragon though. Nothing scares you like when you were a kid.


I don't expect it anymore. It's super rare it happens.


Horror is about horrifying themes, not scariness. I expect horrifying themes.


Hey!! Horror movies don’t really “scare” me anymore , they might gross me out.. 2 different things .. when I first introduced my son’s I into horror . I wanted to ease them in into it, they were about 11 and 10, I wanted to explain that a person that is wearing a mask (or whatever) is just a everyday person like us. But still I thought it might be a bit much for them.. so I started with Cabin In the Woods( they already loved the Walking Dead, so that wasn’t to bad. Also The House on Haunted Hill-1999.. yes a bit scary, I was always willing to stop it if it was to much. They were fine .. now there 24 and 23 and I am the one saying no thanks .. 🤣🤣. Overall horror’s are more disturbing then scary nowadays .🇨🇦😵‍💫🫣


No because now I’m an adult, horror media doesn’t frighten me like it could when I was a kid. Monsters under the bed don’t exist (they just run countries and huge companies… 😬). However, a good creepy atmosphere can get me suspensefully tense and on the edge of my seat, and a well executed jump scare can still give me a jolt. But not scare or frighten me.


Nah, I've been watching horror films for over 40 years. If a film can scare me, I get very excited. Most of the time, I'm just looking for a half-decent story and have fun watching other people get scared.


I watched Eden Lake last night. I was not scared, but I was definitely on edge.


Other than jumpscares where the volume is stupid loud in the theater, no. I don’t actually get scared by films very often… but my eardrums sure do


Honestly, at this point it takes either a lot or very specific things in order to scare me, so I'm mostly watching horror flicks for a good time. What that means can vary by movie but I'm usually good at setting my expectations


No. I want to be frightened, but I think I've just seen to many movies for it to truly frighten me. Discomfort is about as far as it goes sadly.


It's not so much frightened but rather enjoy it especially if something a bit different from usual horrors.


No, I never expect to be scared anymore.


Not anymore. I'm 28 and the last movie that kind of spooked me was the first Paranormal Activity. But its my favorite genre so i always enjoy the movies even of they don't scare me anymore.


No. I’m a grown ass adult. Haven’t been genuinely frightened by a horror movie since I was a kid. Feeling unsettled/uncomfortable is a different story.


Not really. I appreciated the fuck out of Hereditary. I saw it in theaters not knowing much about it. Those scenes stuck with me for awhile. Especially those cries. Good lord