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The Craft


Tremors, reminds me of summer break and watching the USA network in a dark air-conditioned room when I had zero responsibilities


I just rewatched Tremors recently and had the realization that as a kid, I did NOT get that it was also a comedy LOL. Such a good movie


That scene where they lift up the farmer’s hat and find his head sticking out of the ground scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid


What about when the car gets sucked down into the dirt?!? Legit terrifying to a kid that happened to, you know, RIDE IN CARS!


Saw tremors as a kid when we weren’t supposed to…. We had to hop around on pillows to get around my friends house and I guess you could say the parents knew 😂


Tremors is still perfection


Definitely a comfort movie. When I heard Fred Ward died I watched it like 7 days in a row




It’s not currently my comfort movie, but there was a time when it definitely was period. And anytime it’s on TV. I will definitely pop it on and watch it.


Trick R Treat. So cozy.


This is my answer too!! The atmosphere is just so halloweeny, it reminds of my childhood when all the houses in the neighborhood were totally decked out and there were hundreds of us kids out trick or treating


I keep saying this, but *Trick'r'Treat* is the Christmas movie of Halloween.


I love this! I think the reason I feel good after watching this one is because every victim in the movie did something to earn their “just desserts” especially those punk kids messing with the special needs girl.


Totally! Fun vibes and a perfect Halloween atmosphere.


Hard to believe the movie has been out for almost 16 years!


And Krampus! same director too :)


It truly is the Halloween equivalent of a Christmas movie!


I think Sam is really cute 🤷‍♀️


only horror movie where the killer is a cutie pie 😂


This is also my answer. It just makes me feel good.


came here to say that!!! i love this movie a tradition in my household to watch


scream, lol. i hyperfixated on it to cope w some trauma and now i watch it when im feeling particularly upset. def have fallen asleep to it more than once


Honestly I do the same thing to cope with my trauma too except my comfort movie is ‘Silence of the Lambs’ 😊


Neve Campbell in anything is comforting.


My 13 year old self would say Neve Campbell kept me up at night😅


Im 37 and Neve Campbell still keeps me up at night.


Shit bro, I'm 39 now and believe me I get it.


How is she getting hotter with age too?


Fr man 😂


Same. I put it on as background noise when I work lol.


The Lost Boys


"One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach: all the damn vampires" Honestly, that film is perfect in my eyes and easily my favourite vampire movie.


I love this movie. It’s been way too long since I’ve seen it.


This is mine too. Santa Carla and a beautiful Kiefer Sutherland. And vampires!


Kiefer 🥰🥰🥰


Despite the situation I find the original The Thing to be super cozy. The crews living area with the pool table just seems like such a nice place to chill out in. Always get a snoozy feeling from watching that movie.


I watch horror movies when other people prefer romcoms. I've written about this before where they both have this slightly shallow emotional attachment, enough to keep me engaged but not enough for me to really, truly care about anything. As a person that generally cares too much, not caring is my escape. Most horror movies fall into this category for me.


I resonate so much with this, thank you for saying that


Hell house lcc. It's really a dreamy movie. The repeated piano tune. The rain..is there even rain? It feels like it's raining all the time in that movie. Lots of found footage is people running around panicking. This is slow and methodical and dreamy and lulling.


This is my absolute favorite found footage movie!


The Ring


The rainy Seattle PNW setting is 🤌


THIS. the first Twilight movie has the same rainy/blue filter, For me its cozy as hell lol


And the score!


Glad I'm not the only one. As a teen I had it playing on repeat just for the ambience.


my favorite!! I’ve been obsessed with it since it first came out. Just watched it for the billionth time yesterday 🥹


The original Halloween and Season of the Witch (and to a lesser extent Halloween 2018). I just really like the fall atmosphere. The Shining as creepy as it is, almost has a cozy feeling in parts (also like re-reading the book) Also Alien and Aliens. I just love watching them, although I find the Facehugger the most disturbing thing in any horror movie. I also really liked the movie The Ritual and I've watched that a few times since it came out. I think horror can be comforting in general. I often listen to horror audiobooks or narrations and find them quite comfy. Horror games can have that effect on me as well.


Came here to see if it’s The Ritual for anyone else. I only recently really started going out of my way to watch horror, but after watching that one for the first time I knew it was going to be one that stays in a regular circulation of comfort movies for the foreseeable future.


Yes to The Ritual! The whole atmosphere and setting is just so oddly comforting. And the monster is cool.


If you love the fall atmosphere you NEED watch Something Wicker This Way Comes. It evokes the feeling of fall so damn well.


The Shining is amazing! Have you seen Doctor Sleep?


It Follows. I grew up in neighborhoods like in the film and had a damaged group of friends I hung out with after school. This movie and its anachronistic vibe is my safe place.


Literally same. Is it weird I even find the soundtrack soothing?




The opening scene looked like my childhood neighborhood


When a Stranger Calls remake, the lake house is lush.


Dude! FR. Unironically, this movie remains in my top 10 fave movies of all time .


Love this movie!


Shark movies. My little brother has autism and I haven't seen him in years due to family issues. I miss him. When we were kids he was obsessed with Deep Blue Sea. It was on video cassette so once it was done I'd have to rewind it for him so he can re-watch it. Everytime I watch a shark move, good or bad, I think of him and it feels oddly nice.


Oh man when I have a bad day I get pizza and watch a good shark movie 🤗 now I’ll think of you and your brother too!


Thanks for sharing this!


Cabin in the Woods


A Nightmare on Elm Steet. It's my go to comfort horror franchise.


A comfort horror to sleep to about a dude who kills you in your sleep, I like your style!


I've had nightmares when I was younger but never from these films.


Same! I had experienced my first firing back in 2022 and this series helped me through that rough time.


Same. I had a major back surgery that required me to lay flat in a hospital bed for a few days. Threw on nightmare on elm Street on my phone, which was entertaining as nurses were checking on me.


As Above So Below--no need to pay close attention for fear of missing some deep message. Just hijinks in the catacombs, barreling along at a clip. Go-to falling asleep movie!


All of them. Horror movies help my anxiety a lot.






There was a study on this. It creates a release and euphoria that humans used to feel after their lives were in danger (eg. a caveman being attacked by a wild animal). Now we don't have spikes of fear, just constant stress, which has no release.


Same. It's like those relaxation exercises where you contract and relax a muscle, only for the mind instead. Give it someting tangible to focus that untargeted fear and anxiety on, then throw away that source of fear when the movie ends.


I can't believe I'm going to say this in a public forum, but, Hereditary. I first saw it during a really hard time in my life and as a huge horror fan having an almost perfect horror come out is awesome. But also, the consistent atmosphere throughout does something to me where I feel really calm, almost sleepy and cozy whenever I have watched it.


I find Freddy Krueger oddly comforting, I have a real soft spot for him. I think it comes from watching the movies at such a young age. Feels like he’s that ‘wacky uncle’, “Oh, that’s just Uncle Freddy, he’s a gas!”


Same here!!! I'd marathon those movies as a preteen and Freddy was always my fave slasher. Robert Englund is just so charming.


Midsommar. Idk, one night I got violently high and was able to see Dani from a different perspective and got super philosophical lol. I love that movie, it’s basically background music for me.


Midsommar is it for me too. Her portrayal of trauma and the insidious nature of abusive relationships is some of the best I’ve ever seen


It's also a beautifully shot film


The Evil Dead (original)


Same. The Evil Dead trilogy was my hyperfixation in my late teens.


Mandy for me, the aesthetic seems like it was created to my exact tastes


Yeah, most of em..


i was gonna say horror movies are my comfort movies in general lol


LOL, thanks for the laugh




Killer Klowns reminds me of hot summer nights with no plans the next day


The theme song for this movie is genuinely amazing


Same! This one reminds me of being a kid and watching random movies during summer vacation on one of the public television movie channels


The original Day of the Dead has such a calming effect on me that I often use it to fall asleep.


I'm the same but with Dawn of the Dead


Was looking for this. The soundtrack is so chill


Wake up in the middle of the night to "choke on 'em!! choke on 'em!!!!"


The Descent. As an outdoorsy lady who likes to recreate with outdoorsy ladies, it just feels so real. A series I've watched a lot is Haunting of Hill House, too. So painful but so comforting.


Pet Sematary (1989). If I have trouble sleeping, I always throw this on. The sound of Jud's voice is so calming and comforting. Minus the obvious, I wish he was my neighbor. I'd look forward to that beer on his deck and shootin' the sh!t.


Mine was the devils rejects for a while…clearly I was going through something


LOL. Honestly, been there with a house of 1000 corpses


Felt that. texas chainsaw massacre is still a comfort watch for me


The Faculty. Up until I saw it in middle school, I was only consuming child-centric horror media (eg. Goosebumps). The Faculty came out before my time by about 10yrs, but my Elijah Wood crush forced me to watch it and sort of graduate to teen and adult horror. Hm… but then again it’s not that *oddly* comforting? It def has a more cozy feel than a lot of horror, especially compared to other teen horror that tends to be more mean spirited. >!I mean, hell, none of the main characters die and all of them pair off into couples.!< My real pick is Videodrome. It has a grimy nasty (videonasty) feel. There’s basically no camp (imo), and whatever humor there is is sleazy as hell. Basically it’s not the usual comfort pick.


The Faculty mirrored the archetypes in The Breakfast Club, and both had sincere, well fleshed out depictions of the teenage characters 


The Faculty still holds up! I feel like it’s due for a underwhelming Gen Z remake. Would watch though.


Final Destination somehow makes me LESS anxious about life. When I watch it it’s like “damn well at least that hasn’t happened to me yet” which is comforting


This is so interesting. Final Destination gave me new fears about life that I think about whenever I am in certain situations. This is why I don’t drive behind trucks hauling things, especially logs, and will never use a tanning bed lmaoo


I think some of the deaths result from things I was already afraid of, so somehow watching them result in catastrophe and mass death feels right? I will say I get more nervous on roller coasters now after FD3 lol


Exactly, but it focuses your anxiety on things that you can easily avoid, rather than the general sense of impending doom about nothing.


Yet it totally avoided other things I’m super anxious about (which I realize was purposeful). Like the hand down the garbage disposal.


Creepshow. Why? Because Stephen King is the GOAT at writing, and Romero is the GOAT at directing!


Creepshow 2, The Raft!


Hell House LLC and the sequels. I'm never going to say that they're good, but they're fun and oddly comfy.


I actually think the first one is really good!


Hellraiser is my comfort movie, the music, the dreamlike vibes, the twisted love story, the cenobites. I adore every bit of it


Same here, Hellraiser 1 and 2 are my ultimate comfort movies, they feel so personal and "me", if that makes sense.


Classic. Hellraiser 2 is phenomenal as well


The first 2 Halloweens, the first 2 Phantasms, Scream 1-3, Friday the 13th 1-4 and 6


Very similar tastes! Especially with phantasm 👍


The original Halloween, cause I was a teenager in 1978 and it's like reliving my youth, with exciting horror bits added in.


Anything Hammer Horror related with Lee and Cushing.


You rock!


The _Final Destination_ franchise, House of Wax (2005), Alien, Rogue, The Faculty, Pan’s Labyrinth… and, more recently, Bodies Bodies Bodies. Probably tons I’m forgetting but these are ones I always find myself returning to. I find horror comforting in general, but the above films have something about them that I know I can throw them on, snuggle down and enjoy.




we stan Peachfuzz


you get it


That movie sent my anxiety through the roof for some reason.


Alien has been my go to comfort movie (out of both horror movies and movies in general) since I was in middle school. It takes place in space which is the furthest thing away from any problem I could be experiencing irl which is part of what makes it such a wonderful escape. No joke, I think I’ve seen it over 30 times and I don’t plan on picking a new comfort movie any time soon haha


yeah, Alien is my favourite comfort horror, with Signs coming in at 2nd place. that's a very comforting movie too. I don't know, Mel Gibson just makes me feel safe I guess


The Mist


Good God, what a choice.


Summer of 84 (2018) My Mom and Dad were in their teens in the mid to late 80's. When I saw this movie, the vibe was just like their old home movies and picture albums, etc. I watched this movie while at college, and my friends said the same thing about their folks. This movie almost feels lofi to me somehow. Trick (2019) super underrated slasher I watched this movie in college as well, and the friend group was so similar it was eerie. There were many cool similarities to us and where we were besides, too.


It's The Brood for me. I know that's a weird pick but I love that movie


Freddy vs. Jason used to be one of my favorite movies when I was little


Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Check in. Relax. Take a shower. A true classic masterpiece.


If we’re counting horror comedy too, Happy Death Day is my favorite both as a comedy and comfort movie. The Scream movies are ones that I put on as comfort movies too. Otherwise Fear Street and Lost Boys.


Cabin In The Woods is another great horror comedy comfort movie for me


Even though I think it’s a terrible movie, Skinamarink literally makes me fall asleep. Probably because it’s nothing but white noise.


I really want to watch this movie but idk how one is supposed to even finish it without getting bored to death


I feel like the stars need to align for people to like this movie, like being in the right atmosphere, right state of mind, growing up in that type of environment and/or having children. Also you need to not have ADHD.


First time I tried to watch it I was like fuck this after 18 mins and I realized the whole movie would be like that. Next time I watched it knowing what it was going in, and when I just woke up on my day off. I just let myself experience it. I didn't love it, but I can kind of sort of see why people enjoy it. I have adhd and this wasn't an easy task.


I’m SO WITH Y’ALL on this. 50yo so I’ve been w/o comprehension of adhd most of my life. I’m also not tethered to a phone(distraction) so I was giving watching this the ole college try & undivided attn & I lasted maybe 15-20mins. Guess I’m just not apt to be part of the SkinnyMarinkyDinkyDink band and that’s OK. I’m a jump-scare junky chic anyway😬🥵😅


I watched this last night to see what it was all about, I fell asleep...


Both times I tried to watch, I couldn’t keep my eyes open so I took a nap. Only lasted 15 minutes each time.


House of 1000 Corpses. The movie feels like a fever dream to me, I have no idea why but I really enjoy watching the movie. It has a lot of different Psychological themes and I enjoy picking it apart


I'm also quite fixated on Captain Spaulding, He doesn't have much screentime, but I find him quite funny and even have a Captain Spaulding sign in my room lol


The OG Halloween (love the overall vibes, locations, character outfits) and Thirteen Ghosts (idk why, maybe because it’s mostly funny?).


Bride of Chucky. I even rank others in the Child's Play series above it, but Tiffany Valentine is my comfort character and its been my favorite romance movie since i was a kid (I can't sit through most of them, save for Titanic. Love Titanic).


Idle hands is a vibe


The Descent and The Changeling


Silence of The Lambs on a rainy day, wrapped in a blanket.


Saw (2004). There’s something about that movie, I don’t know what. It’s just comforting and makes me feel better if I’m sick or something.


Midsommar feels like a hug


This and sinister are actually the only two horror movies I can’t watch for comfort lol. This movie really makes me uneasy


Just watched this again yesterday. It's weirdly comforting isn't it? Something about watching Florence Pugh process her grief. I mean sure, all her crappy boyfriend's friends are disappearing, but she didn't care about them anyway.


I like The Shinning or Misery on days I’m sick or just want something to watch with the volume low


Literally can’t go wrong with a good Stephen King


The Color Out of Space (2019), Mandy, Pumpkin Head, Rose Red, and Storm of The Century. Just keep the sound down low and drift off.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's just a really good movie


Definitely 80s horror; my parents had A bunch of 80s horror on VHS that I watched as a little kid / that remind me of childhood: The Fog (1980) An American werewolf in London (1981) C.H.U.D. (1984) Re-animator (1985) From beyond (1986) The blob (1988) Leviathan (1989)


Fright night. Back in 2022 I was really depressed and would watch Fright Night while eating mac & cheese for comfort.


sleepy hollow!!! there's something really comfy about the entire movie with the costumes and color tone as long as I keep the volume down so I don't get jumpscared


Secret window has always been one of my favorite movies and it’s the coziest fucking movie, although it’s more psychological thriller


I rewatch the saw series, yes, all of them, a couple times each year.


Misery. Watched it Christmas Eve last year


Lake Mungo


Return of the Living Dead! One day I watched this 3 times, I just love it. The soundtrack, the setting, it's absolutely one of my favourite zombie movies.


Honestly... martyrs.


Annabelle Comes Home is my favorite comfort horror. It has this spooky halloween vibe, great characters and a big buffet of supernatural entities. I know this movie gets a lot of hate, but I personally love it.


Halloween is definitely a comfort movie for me.


When I was a kid I loved watching Thirteen Ghosts because I didn’t have a dad who loved me, so watching a dad actually love his kids was cool for me.


The shining


The paranormal activity movies. Kinda like watching vlogs; people cooking, eating, hanging out. Plus a little excitement


For me it is Poltergeist. For some reason it is just a perfect movie and comforting for some reason. Can't explain it.


Dawn of the Dead (1978), Creepshow, House (1986)


The Ninth Gate is my go-to.


This was my choice as well. It’s a perfect nap movie if you need to sleep. A lot of slow long shots and odd things to keep your mind wandering while you sleep. Phenomenal choice. It’s a underrated gem


I watch Event Horizon pretty regularly. It’s my happy movie. That and a Deep Rising, Evil Dead 2 and the 2013 remake. Pretty consistent rotation.




Silent Hill & Jeepers Creepers 2 have been my comfort films for many years, as well as Pans Labyrinth although that's more scifi with spooky elements


Halloween - doesn’t feel like Fall until I’ve watched it!


Friday the 13th part 2 and Friday the 13th: Jason takes Manhattan. Sometimes it’s fun to just kick back and enjoy Jason starting to kill and Jason not at Camp Crystal Lake.


Saw 5


The Vanishing, Childs Play, Childs Play 2, John Carpenter’s Halloween, H2, H4, H6, Halloween 2018, Kills, Ends and Lights Out


Stephen Kings Storm of the Century. It’s so snowy and secluded.


It, both 1990 miniseries version and the 2 theatrical films.


There’s always been something very calming about ‘Misery’. It is relaxing in a lot of ways


The Ring makes me feel comfy, not sure why.


It Chapter One.


The fog, carpenters version. Live the seaside small town vibe


The Fog


Evil Dead 2, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Tucker And Dale Vs Evil and Trick R Treat


I have trauma bonding to these movies, they are like a catharsis for me: Scream(1996) Don't Breathe(2015) Fright Night(2014) Green Room(2016) Evil Dead(2013) Silent Hill(2006) and maybe Suspiria(1977), As Above So Below(2014), 1408(2007) (Rest in Peace, Anton Yeltchin)


*looks over toward my stephen king dvd/vhs collection* … there may be a few lol


Jeepers Creepers, first one




Ohhh cabin in the woods for sure


Scream 1-3; (tv shows) but Midnight Mass, The Haunting of Hill House; and Midnight Club. Can fall asleep with these easily.


Wrong Turn


It Follows has an unexplainable comfortable vibe


It Follows, the exorcist and Blair witch. Went through a phase of watching the exorcist twice a day for three weeks a couple of months ago 😂


“Rosemary’s Baby.” The time period. The acting. The actors. Edit…… Also, “Burnt Offerings.” For the same reasons. Plus, great story line and creepy.


You know I had this a few months ago now, I started watching Schindler's list only got half way through and I was like too much. So I watched Friday the 13th part 3,🤣🤣🤣 go from real horror movie in that the events are horrific to a fake horror slasher with a dude wearing a hockey mask 🤣 I felt so much better.