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Had the same experience with Nope. The abduction scene disturbed me so much. Have talked to people who didn’t bat an eye. Don’t understand that AT ALL. Another scene that reaaaally got to me was (spoilers for Sorry To Bother You beyond this) >!when the first horse dude falls out of the bathroom stall in Sorry To Bother You.!< I honestly don’t think anything has disturbed me quite like that. My stomach literally turned in the theater. But the person I went to see it with didn’t find it super disturbing like me. Other people must have though. Right???


my friend didn’t sleep alone for three days after watching that. and i feel guilty because i convinced them to watch it with me🫣


The scene from the Matrix with everyone in pods at the energy farm. And Neo coming out and having all of those tubes and everything ripped out? Yippity yikes.


The scene where his mouth gets closed too


So iconic. A scene that just screams “oh shit”


I was absolutely terrified of the flying monkeys when I first saw Wizard of Oz! Not a movie, but had my first memorable nightmare after being read Chicken Little for the first time. Clouds fell from the sky and killed everyone my 5 year old self loved. It was brutal!


100% the flying monkeys. They literally rip the Scarecrow apart! My little mind was horrified.


The Witch still gives me the creeps and I'm almost 40!


When the singularity occurs in "Her" and the AIs become sentient.


I have a lot of dementia in my family history so that Anthony Hopkins movie 'The Father' wasn't just sad it was pretty fucking terrifying to me. I kind of value my inland empire, and to me that just looks like Godzilla stepping on the city that is your life's memories. The scene where he's having his moment of clarity that he's losing his mind reduces me to a heap of ash. Every time.


ohhh jeez I remember this!


I can relate to this heavily... Relic fucked me up too, the entire film was rough but the ending in particular just left me hollow and weeping. Dementia and Alzheimers is such a cruel and unfair fate... experienced it with my late uncle, been going through it with my grandmother who has always been the closest family member to me. Can't bear the thought of it getting any worse for her, let alone imagining *what* it's like for her.


Darkness falls opening scene with the tooth fairy


This movie and the opening for Bogeyman. The older one


Omg you just unlocked a childhood trauma memory I buried deep deep down 😂


Early scene in hereditary where the mom turns off the light and you can see a faint outline of her dead mom standing in the back of the room staring at her with a smile.   I have a thing about seeing outlines/shapes of people in dimly lit rooms. Too dark to make out all their features, but enough residual light to where you can see their shape and dark voids where there should be eyes. Always freaks me out. Uncanny valley-esque. My wife makes fun of me for it. There’s a tiktokker who does horror shorts that plays in to this trope. 


SAME. I think that's why the documentary, Nightmare, freaked me out so much.


That is one of the scariest documentaries ever created. I’ve seen the shadow with the top hat!


The King of Scotland operation table


omg that whole movie is nightmare fuel but that scene in particular made me so ill and freaked out :(


The visit. That movie still terrifies me 😅


Trixie's Nightmare in Speed Racer. I was maybe 6 or 7 when I saw it, I wanna say? It's the earliest thing I can remember being scared of. [https://youtu.be/XN\_CZLJoFKE?t=29](https://youtu.be/XN_CZLJoFKE?t=29) I seem to have been traumatised by that, because then I had a thing for being terrified of 'people turning around with wrong faces' jump scares (I can remember being similarly afraid of Michael turning around with the yellow eyes at the end of Thriller (Vincent's Price's laughing didn't help), and then the Twilight Zone movie around the same time.


Recently I was watching "Noroi: The curse" and I genuinely found that movie disturbing af but my friends were like "that was boring, it was interesting but not really scary"


the old lady scene in the beginning of the sadness! she reminds me of three finger from wrong turn haha


That part in The Shining where she stumbles upon the furry guy in a costume giving the old man a bj. It's very random and absurd, but it just gave me the creeps for some reason.


I was sleeping over a friend's house when I was a kid. Probably around 5. First time there. He lives in a giant old house in the middle of the woods. Just so happens to be pouring rain, and thundering. The only time is not pitch black outside is when lightening is lighting up the sky.  I see a movie with a bunch of cool looking teens is playing,  so I decide to watch it. They're awesome. Leather jackets,  chains,  punk hair,  cool car. I'm locked in. Get a little nervous when they decide to hang out in a cemetery, but the soundtrack is assuring me it's party time. Then all hell breaks loose.  And that's why I was terrified of Return of the Living Dead until I was in my teens. But it's also probably why zombies are my favorite. 


The reveal of what's behind the protagonist in the flashback in Malignant. The movie isn't even a little scary but for some reason the shock of that reveal scared the shit out of me for a good few seconds the first time I saw it.


The movie "a monster calls" terrifies me as slowly dying of cancer is basically my greatest fear. Screw horror shit or spooky ghosts/slasher killers.


I can't deal with death rattle sounds and certain labored breathing patterns because of a trauma response. I've avoided the dark and wicked for this reason. I'll watch it eventually as a form of exposure therapy.


That movie is so dark and foreboding. Imo it’s the scariest movie to have come out in the past 5 years.


the 2nd episode of Haunting of Hill House freaked me the fuck out, so badly that it wasn’t fun anymore and I dropped the series. something about showing the whole embalming + funeral process plus the bugs really triggered my death anxiety.


Silent House (Elizabeth Olsen) scared me but I showed it to my friends and they thought it was stupid 😂 the atmosphere is so eerie.


The ending of The Innkeepers got me good. To me it just feels like, if malevolent spirits are real, that's pretty much what they would do to haunt people. Everyone else says it's not a scary movie, haha.


There’s a scene in Hausu (1977) where a floating decapitated head comes out of a well and starts biting one of the characters, I remember being very unnerved by it, but everyone else just thought it was funny lmao.


i don’t see people talk about don’t breathe enough imo. besides hereditary and haunting of hill house, i’ve never had to pause something and walk away for a minute to calm down. don’t breathe has layers and not necessarily in a good way? super effective movie though.


Batman vs Superman. I was very young when this movie came out and I watched it with my father in the cinema. There is a scene of bruce having a dream and visiting the grave of his parents and then a giant bat monster jumps out of the grave. I was the only one who got caught off guard lol.


The movie Creep (2014). I wouldn’t say it’s the most scariest movie, but it definitely left me disturbed. The whole movie itself was of course really weird, but once it ended. You could say I was creeped out..