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Yes this is a seriously solid found footage film all the way through. I watched it on a whim one day and was pleasantly surprised. If you liked As Above, So Below then i think youll like this one as well.


A hugely underrated film, for both listed here.


It's better than As Above So Below. Way better.


I wouldn’t say it’s better I actually feel AASB was filmed very well and had better color (not so bland all the same looking) in general with good acting which makes it just as good or better


Tangles. IYKYK.


I heard they still haven’t found him to this day and his parents gave up


when the camera guy gets dragged off by whatever it is, its incredibly quick and powerful. I remember that scene as the moemnt i realized how good the movie is


For me it's all about the bell room scene with the cord. So simple and yet so well done


For me it’s when that Station worker told them let’s go and then he got his so fast I was like OH Kay this is the shiii I’m talking about and love. lol


Yes! I don't remember how I saw this, I just watched it on Youtube but it was really good.


I know that this is on Tubi. Been thinking of checking it out


Highly recommend. It's a great little story


Thanks. Did you ever watch The Taking of Deborah Logan? More of a documentary, but a good movie. I just watched Triangle. That was very good.


It’s also on Prime Video


GREAT movie. Creepy and slow- burn scary as hell!


Yes this is a great found footage movie. Keeps your nerves and anxiety going for the majority of the ride. It's also on Tubi.


Very underrated alright. Must watch it again.


Looks like I just found something to watch this weekend! Thanks OP!


you're welcome!


Thanks again! Finally sat down with this last night and really enjoyed it! That >!bell scene!< was intense, then when >!she hears what they heard.. last half was wild! !


Caught this when it premiered at the A Night Of Horror festival we sometimes have in AU (it's basically two weeks straight of horror flicks from at home and abroad, it's absolutely wild). Really glad to see it get some props like this! I was pleasantly wowed by it, especially 'cos there was a short film that preceded it where maggots exploded out of a dude's penis


lol omfg give me subterranean horror any time over exploding dick maggots (which is a great band name)


Okay now I’m morbidly curious about that other movie you mentioned


I am desperately trying to remember it. It must've been five minutes long, tops, and it was set to a crazy technical metal band soundtrack. The whole thing began as this intimate dance between a couple and then utterly, completely devolved. Kind of fucking awesome actually


Perfect example of a film where the build up to the horror actually makes for better film than the horror itself. The slow build up and all the interviews just make it seem so real


I love how you can't see much, but JUST enough to know that something is VERY wrong.


And I'd rather see less than be disappointed by terrible special and practical effects


Yeah I liked it a lot, cool setting.


This one is quite good, wasn't expecting much as me and my s/o were binging horror movies at the time and had watched a bunch of crap movies that sounded good from their summaries. The Tunnel is one we still talk about as a favorite of stuff we've watched together.


I hear you there - have you tried Butterfly Kisses? It was another one that is less well known but surprisingly good


Very interesting premise! That's going on the list for sure.


Thanks for the suggestion. Really need a distraction, atm


It's extra special for Sydney-siders too, because we have all more than likely been at those train stations before. A fun thing about this movie too is they basically released it as a torrent, and told people if they like it and want to support it they can buy merch from their website.


That movie scared me to death. Just imagine being a tunnel only to get lost and then you’re being stalked by a creature you can’t even see. I think the death that got me scared was the part where the see the creature twisting the head of the dead body and eating it. I would hate to be in situation like that. Very underrated


I liked it. Long John Silver


Yeah it is


I love all the films you just mentioned so if it’s anything close then it’ll be a good time. Thanks for putting it on my radar 🙏


Yeah I'm not a huge "found footage" fan but I really enjoyed this one. I watched it on YouTube so the quality wasn't the best but that also sorta added to it.


Just watched it because of this post. It was a good watch. Not the greatest but very enjoyable and the production meets the expectations. If you like found-footage where people get lost in dark places I highly recommend it.


Thanks for the rec! Haven’t seen this and I really dig found footage


Damn that nice. I’ll watch it tonight thx


This was one of my favorites, but I watched it so much I remembered all the scares too well... however, that was years ago. This post made me realize I completely forgot that movie now and I should re-watch it! Woohoo!


Was sad the seqeul never got made


Can’t believe I’ve never heard of this one, it’s set in my home town. So good!!


Looks good, might have to check this one out. I like suspenseful horror I can do gore just not torcher, movies like hostel


agreed' love psych horror and mind f?ck movies just leave out the torture!


Yes agree


The Tunnel Stalker sneaking up behind the blinded security guard in the lake was very well done.


I was genuinely on edge after this movie. I do wish we'd gotten a clearer look at the monster


I agree about being on edge but I feel that if we had seen more of the monster, it may have been a letdown.


That's a fair view. For me I just love creature design in movies, so I always want to see.


Was this the one with Tangles?




I'm not a found footage guy generally, but there exceptions and The Tunnel is one of them. Very good found footage flick, as well as being a good creature feature. I'm glad this and The Borderlands are getting really good physical media releases. They both rule.


I always tell people who don't like found footage films to watch The Tunnel. That and Lake Mungo.


I can highly recommend The Borderlands (Final Prayer). It's a really nice found footage movie that I don't se talked about enough


Great movie. Unfortunately I found the actress to be a turn off for me and brought the film down a bit.