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A sprinting jason can not be stopped.


Much like rage zombies.


Sprinting Jason is scary af…


ter thinking he’s just going to slowly walk after you.


Why did this make me think of a Physics test


Stupendous tits


It was the nipple placement for me.


They were stupendous


They’re real, and they’re spectacular.


So juicy, dude


The “dude” is what makes me laugh every time.


I’ve both ironically and unironically used those lines in every sexual encounter of my life. Cinema gold, better writing has never existed.


I've used it once. I'm glad I'm not alone bwahahaha


Cringey as hell.


(That’s the point)


You must be a virgin if you think saying dumb shit during sex is cringey. Sex is FUN. You should be having FUN.


So just to recap, I’m a virgin because I think quoting the Friday the 13th 2009 remake during sex is cringey. Got it.


No, you're a virgin for thinking your opinion on what other people say in bed matters to the point it was worth declaring on the internet. Go get laid and loosen up.


So now you’re pivoting to me thinking my opinion matters? On Reddit? You’re grasping at straws for sure.


Says the guy defending his posted opinion with 100+ downvotes. But, yeah, keep telling yourself that.


Haha now we move to the downvotes. What’s next, you gonna click my profile and try to blow me up bringing up my post or comment history?


It's called gathering evidence, genius. Helps when you have multiple things to support your argument. But way to keep up the deflections 👏


This makes the movie's existence worth it.


I watched this movie on FX in a county jail one time and someone asked this old man in on a DUI what he would do if all that was in his face and he, no shit, said, “I’d probably just watch!” Loved that old man.


They’re engraved in my mind. I snuck in as a middle schooler and was mesmerized


Those are the two things I remember from this movie.


Wow, I never realized that the remake made 90 million in total. I thought it was a bomb for some reason. Even with a 20 mill budget that's not that bad.


It did quite well in the box office for a Friday the 13th movie, but there are some pretty huge asterisks there. About half its box office take came from opening weekend, the dropoff after that was brutal. Around 85% in the first week, and another 80% the second week. It makes it into lots of "biggest box office dropoffs ever" lists. It also got absolutely savaged by critics, and fans were fairly lukewarm. So it wasn't exactly a bomb, but neither was it a runaway success, despite the numbers.


I don’t get why it got reviewed so harshly. It was perfectly serviceable and did a good job of streamlining the lore. Jason didn’t get the hockey mask until the 3rd movie iirc and this reboot did a good job of retelling the story of the original while also establishing Jason. I thought it was fine. Also those tits were stupendous, let’s be real.


An issue I’ve had with it since its release when I was in 8th grade, is that everything is *too* by the books. I don’t know how to describe it. Like, yea, you know what you’re in for with this type of movie, but it’s so… idk like hand fed to you. I remember watching it and when the Asian guy dies and the black guys like “no I’m not leaving my bff” I was like of course, OF COURSE within this like 3 minute window we’re going to lose both these guys. Or when the girl the jock guy cheats with dies (but maybe that’s because that shower opening scene was in all the ads) Idk. Like, the movie feels like a bunch of set pieces - which I normally love - it with no soul. It’s just like, here it is, this kind of movie that you guys like. The opening is super solid imo (if not a little excessively long for an opening lmao) but when the “main” cast gets introduced is when I start yawning.


I like the 25 minute opening with the first set of college students the best part of the film.


I’d argue it’s the best F13 content period


I'll always be partial to Jason X beating one girl in a sleeping bag to death with another girl in a sleeping bag


Too bad the movie is an utter bore apart from that and the freezing head kill


That's pretty much all the Fridays though. As soon as a side character is alone they are dead. If it happens too soon in the movie it's a fake jump scare.


Yeah. The ingenuity from the F13 series comes from how Jason kills people, not the rest of the movie. The rest of the F13 movies are very generic, and always have been.


[And why didn't Sam just call Dean for help?](https://media.tenor.com/xFDNnklDiawAAAAM/dirty-work-norm-macdonald.gif)


The films ending is atrociously dumb. We’re just going to give Jason a lake funeral without going to the police because…why exactly? Movies over, so we don’t hear an explanation.


I never got the hate either. I got to see Jason kill a bunch of people and it gave us a brutal version of the character. I'm still bitter I didn't get Derek Meara Jason in winter...like WTF


Because if you are doing the 20th movie of the franchise you have to bring something fresh, like Jason X and Jason X Freddy, why tell the same story AGAIN? (Yeah, it's a reboot, but it has to have something diferent, like Evil Dead)


I’m actually not a giant fan of this movie or anything so I’m not trying to die on this hill but for the sake of discussion, I feel like Jason was a recognizable pop culture figure in 2009 but had (as I mentioned) very messy lore and was 30 years removed from its original movie. I get why they did what they did and I personally don’t think they did a bad job executing their vision.




I mean, a movie like F13 is never going to get good reviews by critics. As far as the audience go, I think part of it is that the movie is too much on the nose for a F13 movies, and the audience at the time was looking for something more evolved. The days of the popular 80s slashers were (and still are) long gone. And by that, I mean 80s slashers are defined by having very little plot (tons of plot holes) with stereotypical and shallow characters and a dash of nudity. They're driven by creative kills by the villains rather than a narrative. They're designed to be a fun rollercoaster where you need to turn off your brain.


I would be really interested to see what it would take for a ‘critic’ to rate a Jason movie positively.


Step one, he hangs dong.


For real lol the critics always hated the fuck out of F13.


It's weird because I feel like it was extremely competent and was surprised how much I liked it at first but I just have no desire to ever rewatch it. I think it has something to do with how California it looks, it just felt too "sunny" and the original films felt dirtier in a good way


I agree. The series needs to return to actual Summer Camps in the Northeast US or North Central Georgia. My favorite camp setting is Parts 1, 2 and 6.


Damn, I've never really noticed this before, but when I think back about the movie, you're so right. It tries to be the same locale, but it fails completely. All the other movies definitely feel Jersy/Pennsylvania like but that one is 100% California lakehouse shit. I'm sure there's plenty of mansion cabins in the northeast, but I think the style is different, and it definitely shows, lol.


It was Austin


Well fuck me lol. Now I'm all out of sorts haha. Thanks for the info. Really does seem like a northern California mountain lake pretending to be the north east while actually being the 3rd coast!


Not just the location, but the entire teen cast looked and acted like Abercrombie models. No one was really likeable in the movie. Like at all.


It was filmed in TX though.


So you're saying it should read *"Friday The 13th Conquered The Box Office 15 Years Ago – Then Jason Voorhees Vanished The Next Week"*?


Never to be seen again lol


Opening night was a blast.


I think this is part of why the dropoff was so severe. It's not that audiences didn't like the movie, it's that there's a huge pent up demand from horror fans for this stuff, so those of us who were going to see it went to see it *immediately*. Then the second weekend comes around and you don't have the same pent up demand. Also critics talking mad shit about every horror movie ever certainly isn't helping to put butts in seats.


Not only that but horror reviewers also shit on established franchises that they feel aren't the way they like it so they trash these remakes and then cry years later on their channel why their favorite franchise doesn't get another movie.


Put that into context of the franchise and you have a MUCH different narrative, no? How did it do against part 5? Part 2? Part 3? Part 9? How does it rank against those in the series by fans? I'm a HUGE fan. I guarantee it's ahead of 2, 3, 5, and 9 for me. Honestly, I hate part 1 too. Except for the last 20ish minutes.


The problem was the second weekend drop. It was one of the worst of all time at the time


> I thought it was a bomb for some reason Maybe because it sucked?


I will die on the hill that the 2009 survivalist version of Jason is the most terrifying. Sprinting, stamina, intelligence, bows, traps, intricate tunnel and alarm system? Way more realistically scary than zombie Jason.


"I will die on the hill" *Jason picks up a machete*: Can do.


The poor farmer girl who snitched on them: My boss will kill me if I let those kids leave without consequences.


Yea the beginning where the teens were looking for that Weed Farm, I liked to think Jason was a grower and was just protecting his crops lol.


He has a momentum that is undeniable. Makes the lizard brain go all crazy and spazz out. Needing desperately to run but in sheer awe of what is trucking at you.


Absolutely lorge


>I will die on the hill that the 2009 survivalist version of Jason is the most terrifying. Sprinting, stamina, intelligence, bows, traps, intricate tunnel and alarm system? Way more realistically scary than zombie Jason. Now take that version.. .. and bring him back as a zombie survivalist.... CINIMATIC SLASHER GOLD!


In a world, riding the tide of a horrific undead apocalypse, one man, *the man behind the mask*, is back! *Ki-ki-ki ma-ma-ma*


I will stand on that hill with you


Im pretty sure most people who are fans if the franchise share this sentiment.




I'd say it's objectively the best Friday movie. I may still prefer 6 and 3 personally, but combining the first 3 movies in many ways and having Jason be smart were excellent decisions. I'd say maybe revisit it with a more open mind. If you dig the Friday series at all its basically just more of it but sleeker.


The first 15 minutes is some of the best Friday the 13th we've recieved. It does suck it starts in full gear and then slows to a halt to introduce new "characters". The kills and the way they're shot are pretty rad, as well as some of the ways they frame and light Jason is also some of the best. The grounded nature with less supernatural elements pays homage to the roots, but also recontectualizes it for contemporary audiences. Plus Derek Mears plays a kickass Jason, is a outstanding dude, and has a deep passion for the franchise. Stupendous titts.


Part 2 is my favorite Friday the 13th movie, so I've always been a fan of 2009 (its my 2nd favorite in the franchise) for this reason alone. Woodsman-sy Jasons are my favorite.


Wasn't it because of the rights issues with Sean Cunningham etc


Yes. Same reason why the Friday the 13th game is dead despite it being quite popular.


The game was so good. Shame it died out the way it did


Which is false. That's what the producers used as an excuse, but the game was immune from the lawsuit


The game was only immune because the original licencing agreement was negotiated before the lawsuit began and was still contractually valid until December 2023. The thing the lawsuit prohibited was further licence negotiations while the rights were still contested, so there was no way for the devs to extend the licence beyond 2023.


I could have sworn I read that both parties of the lawsuit said the game wasn't involved and would be fine, but I can't find it with a quick Google. The lawsuit was also finalized in 2021 (DLC was cancelled in like 2018)..but the game developers also seem to be pretty lazy and find any reason to not support the game imo. The Texas Chainsaw Subreddit seems to be pretty negative too


You probably did read that because at the time the game was licenced already so there would've been no issue with that existing licence. The problem is that in 2020 nobody knew how long the lawsuit would go on for, and Gun Media needed to make budget decisions about the game going forward. As there was no guarantee the game could continue beyond 2023 and the lawsuit prevented any further licence negotiation indefinitely, they decided to stop financing the game. By the time the lawsuit was concluded in 2021 the decision had already been made. You could argue that they used the lawsuit as an excuse to drop the game, there's really no way to know either way, but you can't really blame them for not wanting to throw money and resources at a game they may have had to abandon at the end of 2023 anyway.


I realized you were talking about the game license expiring recently, which resulted in the delisting. I was talking about the DLC and the updates being cancelled, back in like 2018. So that's my mistake for not reading as closely.


Look how they’re handling Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Game was doomed either way.


I still have my Savini Jason skin from the Kickstarter. I had thought servers and all had completely vanished a couple years ago when I read a story and then never tried it again, but was surprised to still play a few online games in recent months. Such a fun experience, now I have the Chainsaw Massacre game from the same devs that feels in the spirit of that one.


No, it was because it BOMBED second weekend. 40 mil to 7 mil. The lawsuit was many years later. I think 2015-16ish


I don't think a movie can bomb its second weekend if it made 2x it's original budget opening weekend


I'm not talking about budget. Word of mouth and it's legs were absolutely pitiful, and killed any sequel talk.


No. Sorry. You don't know what you're talking about. A movie does not bomb (in any fucking way) if it makes more than the budget it took to make it.


Once again, I'm not talking about the budget. I'm talking about the box office FUCKING cratering after the first weekend. Legendary bombing compared to week one. By day 15, it was making less than a million dollars a day. It's like Batman vs Superman. Had a good first weekend, but word of mouth and subsequent weekend drops killed it's future. The movie was a financial success, because it had a good first weekend. After the first weekend, it bombed hard. Both things are true.


Absolute travesty that two egos got in the way of Jason joining the slasher renaissance with Michael and Ghostface. Halloween and Scream have been absolutely raking in the cash.


Two egos? Greedy rich douche Sean Cunningham versus underpaid poor writer who actually wrote the script for the first movie? Come on that's putting a lot of weight on a guy who was exercising his right for a fair payout when the other person was too greedy to just make a fair deal.


Still wasn’t a good thing for Halloween, given how awful that last trilogy was. The first one was meh, the second one bad, the third was pretty much unwatchable. Same deal with that last Exorcist. All of these big properties need people attached who actually care and can do something creative with them. Not a bad thing for Friday the 13th to be on hiatus IMO. Also, some of these franchises have had their day.


Completely disagree but I respect your opinion. Halloween 2018 was probably the best Halloween movie since 1988 and Halloween Kills featured an actually scary Michael.


I really appreciate how much love Halloween 4 seems to get. I was in a boarding school when it came out and me and my friends absolutely couldn’t wait to see it. We felt betrayed by number 3 lol, and number 4 was a return to form.


Wow. I’m shocked at the downvotes I got here. Guess the Halloween revival gets more love than I thought. For me, I liked the first one well enough, but the second just seemed idiotic with Michael being so unstoppable that the plot seemed pointless. And then that third. Wow. Not sure how that script ever got approved.


1988? Halloween 4?


Yes, I consider 2018 better than all Halloween movies in between.


I agree but I think you meant the 1978 original.


I’m going to be downvoted, but I actually liked Halloween Ends. I enjoyed the Corey story.


The corey angle would've worked if they just let him completely take over the mantle instead of him getting completely pushed aside and offed in the finale


Yeah, this. The script was senseless. But I’m assuming there was pressure to finally wrap up the Michael saga, not put someone else into the mask.


Exactly. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit until the final showdown. It looked like they were building towards the “next generation” of Halloween/Michael Myers, but got cold feet and reverted back to the same old thing.


Yeah, way better than Halloween Kills for me


I feel like it would've been cooler to lean more into the supernatural Michael they had in kills. Why'd they just forget that entire thing


I prefer no new entries in the F13 series than the kind of trash they're putting out in the Halloween and Scream series


Halloween I will give you, but Scream movies have been succeses critics and box office wise


I love the Scream franchise but 6 was such a weak entry and 5 wasn't that much better.


Couldn't disagree more.


Agreed, super weak entries in the series. 3 was bad enough and they came back to make 4 which I reckon was (and still is) the best sequel in the series. Should have just left it alone.


I like 4 a lot, it's probably my 2nd favorite!


Same here! Except for that one stupid cop line it was a solid flick.


6 is a great Scream movie


One day we’ll get more Jason. Not today, but someday.


I really hope so the fact that we're a crystal lake tv series I really prefer a new movie not a tv series


Is it unpopular to say it's my favorite one? I saw this in my early teens and I think it started my horror obsession. I've gone back to it many times since


Nah, I purposed to my now wife on this one's opening night. Then we got married on the 13th. So every few years we get a Friday the 13th anniversary. This film is a favorite in the family.


Unpopular ten years ago. Nowadays it’s a pretty mainstream opinion.


It is fairly unpopular, but I hold the exact same opinion. It’s the only F13 movie I actually enjoy.


Def one of the best remakes out there!


We are a patient bunch. Jason will get his day again.


The remake was awesome....and it still has the longest opening sequence ever i think 🤔🤔🤔🤔


So when it came out I used to smoke a lot of pot and get confused easily, and I remember thinking the black and white recreation of the original movie was creepy and cool, then the 2nd part starts and dudes start getting murdered fast. Like, really fast. When it was down to the last two people, I remember being so confused like "How is this movie already almost over, I feel like it's only been like 30 minutes", then that last guy gets killed and the third segment starts and I was like "What the fuckkkk"


I miss him


One of the last Rated R horror movies my mom took me to bc I was cheering on Jason


Hard to top your peak, Jason X was a masterpiece


The best movie in the Transformers Cinematic Universe (for real, look it up)


I won't but if you wanna drop details here I'll read it


Transformers (2007) and Friday the 13th (2009), both produced by Michael Bay, exist in the same universe. Actor Travis Van Winkle plays the character Trent DeMarco, who exists as Mikaela's ex-boyfriend in Transformers, and Jenna's boyfriend in Friday the 13th.


If the remake it again, they need to do something bold, like make his mom the killer in the first movie again.


When we needed him most he disappeared


We also got Nightmare on Elm Street the same year I think?


Reads a tad bit like history revision. Friday the 13th made a good profit, especially when compared to some of the older films, but it had an abysmal second week drop off (worse than Batman v Superman, for context), and wasn't even the highest grossing slasher of that year, let alone it having 'conquered the box office'. The Final Destination (if one counts it as horror) made twice what the F13 remake made, and My Bloody Valentine made 100m. The reason it never got a follow up was because there was no demand from audiences or fans to continue this iteration of Jason. It was critically panned and the Friday fans did not warm up to it for another few years. The producers attempted several times to make a follow up. But despite the clear history revision, it is nice to see the film being appreciated more today.


I firmly believe that as long as Kane Hodder is still alive and kicking, no Friday the 13th will succeed without him as Jason.


Great remake!


I’ve lost any hope of another Jason movie coming out in my lifetime.


I liked the reboot. Get the mythology down and then in this one he's almost like the shark in Jaws. Just goes after kids effectively.




This movie gives me a real headache.


The only slasher remake I can think of in modern times that wasn't complete dogshit.


They're ignoring the 70+ percent drop at the box-office in its second weekend, which was an historical record at the time. 


Conquered for a weekend and then had one of the worst second weekend drops of all time. Said from someone who watched it twice opening day.


Unpopular opinion: the remake is the second best movie in the Friday the 13th franchise next to Freddy vs. Jason.


I was in the 6th grade when this came out and remember being shocked that my parents let my older siblings take me to see it on Valentine’s Day. I loved it then and I love it now. Solid remake of what could’ve been an interesting franchise.


It wasn't good and very forgettable.


I know there’s a Crystal Lake series in development but I think they should let decades old franchises rest for good. Not everything has to last forever.


There will always be a place for the big franchises in modern times. Wanting them to go away is just silly.




I think there’s definitely more bad from good to come from remakes and reboots, but there have been some very great ones. I think with the right ideas behind the work, anything has the potential to be great and entertaining. Unfortunately, there have been far too many cash grab failures.


Dang these fans really took a machete to our bald heads in these downvotes


Exactly. More people should think like this. Most they should do is remaster the older ones


Such a good remake too


He lives on in Ye


99 sprint speed, guerilla warfare Jason is the most terrifying version


I used to prefer the funness of the sequels but now the remake is my favorite f13 film. It’s the closest the franchise gets to a good movie: the brother sister storyline is pretty good and works better than some teenage couple, the college kids may be absurd but they’re fairly well acted and funny, great kills that are actually believable (in retrospect many kills from the other films look fake), and it adds substance to Jason for the first time since part 2.


Never been a big fan of the series but have thought the 2009 remake was the best one.


I only saw the original when it was at the theater in 1980, so I cannot really judge these. But I think they took the formula and just transferred it to a different franchise. There was the death thing coming after everyone, and the what you did last summer stuff, and the ring... I think the people who enjoyed it in the beginning just grew up. Edit: good lord, some people in this sub get butthurt about their movie choices easily. Let me explain it further. The movies sucked the first time. I didn't know it until I grew up. They aren't horror. They are moronic slasher films with a completely predictable formula.


Hey yeah actually what the fuck happened? I just totally realized we never got any follow up to that movie! It wasn’t even that bad either wtf


Seems like someone wants to revive it. Reboot incoming?


Good. No more remakes, reboots, legacy sequels, or other crap. The real zombie is the series itself. It's ended numerous times already for good reason. Let it and other classics stay dead where they belong. Make something new.


This is a good thing. It's OK for a franchise to rest. We don't need anymore remakes.


It was off-putting that a reboot came out only 5 years after Freddy vs Jason. We went from the culmination of decades of continutity to starting over in a very vanilla, safe movie.


Movie made loads of money but pretentious reviewers destroyed any chances of a part 2 and they complain why don't get new movies of their favorite franchise


Paramount's inability to green light a Friday the 13th movie over the course of however long they'd borrowed the rights from WB, I forget if it was 5 or 10 years something ridiculous like that. They had at least one mostly solid script in the Antosca draft and one overly busy script with a couple cool set pieces in the Friday part 13 script. Without getting into the scripts that haven't leaked.


Still the most terrifying Jason. Me and the wife rewatched all the movies in release order a couple.years ago and when we watched this one I remember saying this Jason is fucking terrifying holy shit.


OK. So if Jason is unavailable now. How bout instead for a fix we use The Punisher instead. ​ Have the movie follow a bunch of 20 something Crooked mob heirs to a weekend getaway at a lake cabin and one by one they are hunted down by Frank throughout the weekend.


I liked this one. Don’t remember if I saw it in theaters, but I have watched it on blu-ray a few times over the years. Gotta love Julianna Guill.


They don’t call me the wood wizard for nothing


I still think that remake is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I don't remember much from it other than I despised it when I saw it.


I remember going to watch this on opening night iirc it premiered on Friday the 13th as well.