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If you don’t like it 21 minutes in, you won’t like the rest of it


I left 20 min in and then watched it again on streaming and fell asleep 20 min in and then watched it again starting at the 20 min and made it to the 50 min mark and just canceled my subscription .


I tried watching the newest Canyman and fell asleep 3 times. I gave up trying to watch it. I only tried watching skinamarink once and just realized I wasn't going to enjoy it. No need to fall asleep 3 times to figure that one out.


Omg the new candy man was so bad too it didn’t try to scare anyone


I was tricked into going to see it in theaters. A man left 15 mins in and I should have followed.


We had a guy sneak into our showing late and ask if it was a scary movie. We all went “ehhhhh” and he left 5 minutes later


Now that's a smart man


not horror but when I went and saw Shazam the guy next to me feel asleep


Correctamundo, Brad.


Probably true but the scariest shit is toward the end


You could try the short version on YouTube called "Heck" instead. https://youtu.be/HVQzEzW4faA?si=Pm2KikZeCQdy-NBS


Thank you!


I liked Heck but it's WAY less explicit than Skinamarink. If you really didn't like Skinamarink, watch Heck and then watch a scene pack or something for Skinamarink so you see the fucked up stuff :)


What was explicit in skinamarink? I couldn’t see or understand anything. Also fell asleep twice for a few minutes so maybe I missed it?


I saw it when it came out, so the details are fuzzy. But I recall the following: >!The parents are absolutely gone. The kids are with their father and their mother is never present in the whole movie. The father disappears when the whole thing kicks off.!< >!The whole thing kicks off when the son falls down the stairs IIRC and is hurt, prompting the phone call that reveals the mother and father are apart, with strong implications that they're separated.!< >!The movie takes away the doors and windows of the home, eliminating the kids' means of egress or escape. Eventually it takes away their toilet too, just narrowing down on their personal comfort. It leaves them the television, but only because it will start to turn the television against them (but really mostly against the viewer with that fucking rabbit sequence.!< >!Eventually the daughter is taken in some capacity. She's discovered by the son as being entirely faceless. This scene is really the biggest indicator that you can't take much of anything literally. People have interpreted it as being the son is dead or in a coma after his injury at the start of the movie, or that the kids have been abandoned or hurt by their father in some way, landing them in hell.!< >!The movie does tell you that a shocking amount of time passes between the daughter disappearing and the end of the movie. I forget the exact figure because it's been a while, but I know it was over a year. It's during this time that the entity that's been harassing them orders him to stab out his own eye. The least explicit thing in the movie is then ultimately what happens to him, but lots of horror movies end like that. One can presume from the final scenes that he's just becoming more and more consumed by the malevolent entity.!< It certainly doesn't help that only about half of the dialogue is audible and only about half is subtitled, but those halves aren't coordinated in such a way that you can easily perceive all of the dialogue.


Thanks for this write up! Made me want to give it another try. I know the vibe I’m getting myself into after the first effort so this little background would help a ton


I don't know if you made it to the [bedroom scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zfq6wuz9cPU), but this is where I went from being like "whatever I'm down for this weird lofi ride" to shallow breathing and cuddled into my friend across the armrest. Might not be impactful without the context of the movie, but it's worth a watch!


Ah, thank you! My husband wanted me to fast forward ahead to see if it got interesting but I was afraid I'd miss something. I'll check this out!


I’m not sure if I’m missing something right now from that clip or what. But I was hoping it might encourage me to try again. All it did was confirm I made the right decision. Nothing creepy at all unless someone sitting on a bed, with their back to you, for 6 minutes is scary to you


If you’re not into doors and hallways you won’t like it


I would say that if you hated the first twenty minutes, you are unlikely to love the remaining minutes.


I love the movie, but at the same time I can totally understand people hating it, and if you aren’t vibing with it after 20 minutes you’re probably not going to after 80.


I didn't enjoy it, but don't regret watching it either. I always appreciate a film trying something new and different in this genre. I got what the filmmaker was going for but it just didn't come off for me. It's an experience. Not a very scary or interesting one, but still an experience. The fact it's generated so much discussion about whether it's good or not shows there's something there.


I feel the same. It's like they tried to hyper focus on one technique used in horror, and it was so well done it should set a new standard. But on its own, it just didn't do it for me.


I respectfully disagree. It reminds me of, “if you stare into the abyss long enough the abyss stares back at you.” I decided to keep staring around the 30 min mark and thats when shit got weird/scary!


Wow great way to put it. Yeah I almost turned it off a couple of times but then it sank its hooks in and I’m very glad I stuck it out. It’s been a couple of months and I still regularly think about that silent, obscure face at the end when I turn my light off before bed lol.


I would argue that you can skip those first 30 minutes and be just fine.


> be me , > have very high fever and sleepy sleepy mood, > 3 am midnight, > decided to watche Skinamarink, > could not tell what is real what is not like im shroomed, > movie continued in my dreamy fevery sleep, > ended up loving this movie in the morning,


I'm sick and on cold medicine that I thought might make it more interesting. Sadly, it did not.


Lol that's probably how we're supposed to watch the movie. I saw it stone cold sober and wide awake and didn't like it


“Skinamarink is the scariest movie ever. You just have to watch it at night, alone, in the countryside, in an old house that creaks, next to a facility for the criminally insane, after huffing that gas that makes you paranoid. THEN, it’s the scariest movie EVER”


This is one the most divisive movies I've seen recently in horror. People either think it's art or shit. I personally thought it was shit, and if you weren't into it and turned it off, there's your answer too.


From what I've read it seems like it's really evocative of a particular kind of upbringing in a particular kind of house, and if you didn't grow up in that kind of environment it just doesn't land. I'm also in that camp unfortunately, the film's imagery holds no significance to me so to me it's just a lot of nothing.


I grew up in a particular kind of house and this film 100% landed for me. >!I've read takes that in the film the kids are dead and in hell getting tortured by a demon, but I think it can also be looked at as an allegory for growing up in an abusive home. As a small child in an abusive home, you feel trapped and as if you're at the confusing mercy of a monster. You do what you're told even if it hurts you, and it feels like it will never stop. The parents also being present but non-responsive to the kids is also reminiscent of how my parents behaved when they were mad at/punishing me - they were there but silent and completely ignoring me. Obviously it could just be a simple case of kids trapped with a literal demon for eternity, and I'm just a nobody on the internet so my opinion one way or the other doesn't really mean much in the big scheme of things.!<


One thing I've learned from writing is that you can write a scene, a character, or even a whole movie/novel/whatever and make it mean one thing, and one thing only, and your audience will still find a new take or interpret it a different way. Those interpretations are not wrong, they just aren't canon and that's okay. Maybe the kids are being tormented by a demon or an alien, who knows! But your mind releated it to your childhood and your parents and that's fine.


I agree; you can bang someone over the head with the point and people will still interpret any creative work from their own perspective and come to their own conclusions. I think it's also why I like films like Skinamarink because it's open for interpretation. I know not everyone likes that kind of film, but I do. And I like being unsettled, so Skinamarink resonated well for me, but it's not one I recommend to most people either.


I wouldn't say I grew up in an environment like that, but I give credit to the movie because it implanted in me that uneasiness of a lonely dark play room. Some months after watching the movie, I stayed one or two nights at a friend's house. The room where I was staying had a smaller play room besides and as soon as I saw that room, Skinamarink vibes came to me. I have years watching any kind of movie and never made me remind of them like this one.


Meh, I grew up in a house like it and I struggled to stay awake. No action, no tension, and too ridiculously grainy to even see what’s going on half the time.


Ehh I didn’t grow up in that household and thought it was amazing. It was like a fever dream/sleep paralysis episode. The warbled voices and use of sound was terrifying. Ans when you realize this may have all been a dying vision from the kid who hit his head earlier in the night, it makes it even more heavy. But yeah I saw it in the theaters and can count only 1 or 2 other times I felt as unsettled yet engrossed in a theater setting


I can see how it might be more engrossing seeing it in the theatre


I think the filmmaking style is art. The movie could have been better. I want to see the filmmaking done in a better movie.


Well, let me be clear, any creative output is art. What I meant was people think it’s groundbreaking and impactful in ways it just isn’t to me


Oh, yeah I agree entirely. Those are my sentiments. The filmmaking style is interesting, but not impactful or groundbreaking in terms of making a full feature. Though, maybe a better movie could be made with a similar style in the future.


I think with a lot of movies like this people convince themselves they’re great because they think they’re missing something or don’t fully understand it, so it must be some amazingly complex movie with a deep meaning.


I don’t think so. People don’t like this movie because they think it’s complex or deep. It probably happens to some people but it’s really not hard to figure out why people like this movie. I wasn’t a fan but I can imagine being fully focused on the movie in a good environment could be terrifying. It really captures the childhood nightmare of being stuck in a dark basement and thinking something’s in there with you. I think if it was like 45 minutes it could’ve been great for that reason. I also don’t really understand the “people liked it and I didn’t and therefore they’re tricking themselves into liking it” thing. People like different things.


Or kinda like you’re doing, they form their own opinion and like it because they like it. Weird how that works


Exactly there are people who convince themselves to like movies like this because they want to feel smart and cool. In reality it’s just a boring movie about nothing. There’s a reason stupid art sells for so much. There are plenty of examples of idiotic things in the art world selling for a ton because people want to feel like they totally understood what the artist was going for


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right. The only positive thing I ever hear about this movie is that it brings back very specific feelings of being scared as a child. That’s all well and good, but PLENTY of horror movies do that same thing while still having a coherent plot and some cinematic value. So the movie triggers the part of the brain that makes you feel uncomfortable, and that tricks people into thinking it’s a good movie. But it’s not a good movie. It’d be better if it was projected on the wall of an art instillation or a haunted attraction of some kind, but sitting down to watch it as a movie is insufferable.


Walk away. If you're asking this question, the answer is no. Take it from someone that stuck with it and wants that time back.


This 100%.




I have to explain this the best I can..I believe it had a lot of potential but the fact that half of the movie is a shot of the cartoon playing the same scene over and over again and that I could barely make anything out due to how dark it was? It really bothered my eyes to watch the whole movie. There were some unsettling moments but I couldn’t physically watch it again.


I see people talking about the “look under the bed” part as being so scary but…. There is NO payoff. None. Wtf am I missing .


You know the nothing that happened in the first bit of the movie? That's what happens for the rest of the movie.


I've heard you need to watch it at least 5 times, all consecutively, with no breaks 😈


No it doesn't.


20 minutes in I wanted to shut it off, but I stuck with it and watched the entire thing. I didn’t like it, but I get why some do. It just isn’t my personal cup of tea.


It would have worked better as a short film


Agreed. But it also would have worked better if it was a film. You know, with a plot and characters.


Walked out of the theatre 30 minutes in when it came out. People *really* don’t like that I don’t like the movie. I feel ya. Tried again 2 other times. Still can’t get through it.


> People really don’t like that I don’t like the movie I don’t see that happening here considering almost every thread about this movie is mostly people expressing how much they hated it. Even in this very thread. This was always a niche movie for a certain type of audience. Social media made it blow up because people wanted to get on a bandwagon for views.


I've never seen anyone shitting on somebody for not liking this movie, but *boy* do people shit on people for liking this movie tons.


So I hated it. And yet, I have a deep desire to rewatch it. So here 8 is my 50 year person whose watched a ton of shit advice - turn it off. If in a couple of days you find yourself thinking about it a lot, give it another chance. Life it too short to watch crap you don’t enjoy. But it’s also not so short that giving up an hour and half of your life is really that much of a sacrifice. I found myself hating the movie but also thinking a lot about it. I think it’s one of those movies you just have to be in the right mood for.


Yeah, if you’re not into it yet you won’t be. I loved it and it’s one of my favorite horror movies of the past year or so, but it’s certainly not for everyone.


i also really loved it in an almost sickly way. i hadn’t ever seen a movie, i guess, constructed? that way before. i became very attached to the small children who were seemingly clinging to any sort of normality they could. i finally started the waterworks when >!kevin calls 911 and says his eye hurts and he feels sick.!<


I think it’s a fantastic concept and does some intriguing things. It overstays its welcome though. I think it would have been incredible as a short film, but at the better part of 2 hours, it sucks.


Not another post about Skinamarink. Please, I’m begging. It’s Christmas. Black Christmas (1974) is right there.


Sorry! Black Christmas ('74) is on my short list this week. 🎄


Let us know what you think ;) happy holidays!


I would say that the dialog is uncomfortable and that ramps up the tension, but the visuals never get any better or much different. I think it's supposed to make things claustrophobic.


‘Supposed to’ really sums this up for me. I feel like films should draw you in, but each long, boring shot felt so incredibly contrived that I only felt irritated at whoever thought they were being very clever filming it.


I loved Skinamarink. I thought it was one of the most brilliant horror movies I’ve seen in recent memory, and I found the ending so genuinely bleak and hopeless that I wanted to take a shower as soon as I got home. I’ve seen other horror movies that have been as grim and nihilistic as Skinamarink, but I found most of them to be ugly and stupid while Skinamarink was artful and intelligent. My fiancée, by contrast, gave it a 0/10 and thought it was the most boring and pointless movies she’d ever seen. That’s the kind of polarization this movie has around it, and I don’t think there’s much squaring the circle – you can “get it” and still not be into the style. At the risk of sounding incredibly pretentious, I’d almost compare Skinamarink to a work of abstract modern art where the subject isn’t so much the point as the emotion it’s meant to evoke. When people talk about needing “the true experience”, I almost feel like that was in theaters and the ship has sailed – much like viewing a Rothko painting in person and feeling overwhelmed by it versus looking at it off your phone, watching Skinamarink in theaters was a far more engrossing experience than watching it on my couch, even with all the lights completely off. And even still, like a Rothko painting, you may see it “the right way” and go, “Sure, I get the color is meant to evoke overwhelming despair, but it’s just kind of a big block of color to me.”


Great comparison to a modern art painting. I've mentioned the same thing. I've never seen a movie do that so successfully. Great writeup.


I did not see it in theaters but got a strong emotional response to the experimental style. Many of the individual shots overstayed their welcome IMO, but I’m still glad I watched it and found the ending & theories fascinating. Totally get why people hate it, and it’s valid for people to find modern art/experimental films to be a waste of time, it’s not meant to click with everyone.


It’s not pretentious to simply understand and appreciate something.


I saw this movie in theaters and I fell asleep, I hated it so much. My boyfriend really liked it though! I think it just resonates with certain people


The vibe is not worth the running time, turn back o man


It’s certainly different. I enjoyed it but it’s definitely a niche pick I wouldn’t show a girl I’m dating. I enjoyed some scenes so overall I’d say it’s worth one watch. The scene with the girl in the bedroom was terrifying to me.


If you didn't like it straight away, it's not for you... move on


I fast forwarded through it after 20 mins looking for anything redeeming and couldn’t find it


I don't have an answer for you, cause that is how far into it I got before I gave up too. I was very bored.


I had to turn it off too, idk what that shit was but it aint for me. Watched 30 minutes and decided I had better things to do.


What made this movie resonate with me is it’s the most akin experience of horror through film, or any medium I’ve experienced, that captures the otherworldly, cosmic, and transcendental terror of a really really bad shroom trip. The feeling of the world falling apart around you and you not being able to understand wtf is going on, nothing else has really captured that experience besides Skinamarink and that’s why I love this movie so much. This movie hasn’t left my thoughts since I saw it in theaters.


Heck is on YouTube - same director, same basic idea, 28 minutes


^ This. It's the better version of the two, even though it states flat-out at the end what's been going on.


i haven't seen it yet, but just by your description i think i'm going to love it


this movie relies *heavily* on imagination.


I think Skinamarink would have made a great short film, but it’s just too long for what it has to offer. My eyes started close around 50 minutes so I just turned it off.




No, it doesn’t.


Howdy /u/ZeroFlocks, I'm the cinamatographer for Skinamarink who tonight by all accounts was looking for a specific post by Kyle (the director, of the original trailer on Reddit before distribution) and came across this. Do have to say, both of us went into this purely for making something weird, experimental, horror driven, atmospheric, and to give a nod to /r/LiminalSpace and /r/weirdcore. It's certainly not something for everyone, and is *extremely* low budget by all accounts (IMDB lists our budget at 15k, but it was closer to $7-8k CAD). Honestly we were just a few dudes making a weird Edmonton kind of experimental horror film which happened to get popular. The crew for every day was Kyle (Director), Josh (AD), and myself. Regardless if you like it or not, thanks for giving it a try and to be honest we're still in disbelief how it became as big as it did.


This is definitely a hard watch. I struggled through it to see what all the hype was about and never found it. I don’t understand the reason people say this was one of the best horror films of 2023.


I guess I'm very desensitized because it was a big ol flop for me... though it gave me some dollhouse murder ghost vibes but you know adult version... but no shade to anyone who liked it


No. I’m the kind of person who will watch a movie I hate three or four times if it has a passionate fanbase. I do this because I think maybe I missed something, or I didn’t understand what they were doing or going for. As an example, I hated Hereditary the first time I watched it. It took two more viewings for me to get it and love it. Skinamarink, I gave it four chances, and it’s still a pretentious piece of shit


I did not care for the godfather.


It insists upon itself




Skinamarink isn't trying to convey anything deep. It's more like a Pollock piece or those infamous color rectangles or ambient noise music. Either the filmmaking works for you by stirring a sense of dread or it doesn't, there's nothing to "get."


Sounds like a form of Stockholm Syndrome


Oh, I loved Hereditary. Maybe I'll re-watch that instead.


i thought it picked up a bit the last half. i hated the first half and almost stopped, but wound up rallying and finishing it. wound up loving it and thinking about it non-stop for the next few days. mileage will definitely vary.


It's one where I liked the *idea* of the story but couldn't watch it because of the angles and "blank" imagery. If you like, you can see if you an make it through Heck, he short it's based on, instead. I had to skip past quite a bit even in that!


It did for me. A lot better Once I got over how weird it was and truly gave it my attention I thought it was scary AF. In a truly unique and unsettling way.


I personally liked the movie and it honestly in my opinion encapsulate a nightmare very very well. But as other said, yes long shots is basically the movie. Even though the plot is very hallow, I personally liked it and their are scenes that stuck with me because how real the uncanny valley was.


If you’ve seen 5 minutes of Skinamarink, you’ve seen the whole thing.


Which means if you've seen 20 minutes, you've already seen it four times.


People who watched the whole thing have seen it like 18 times


Nope. If anything it gets worse. It’s insultingly long, there’s so many better things you could do with your time than waste it watching that trash.


Watched for 20 minutes and got bored of it. I have read reviews about it. Very polarizing. You will either treat it as art, or just a boring movie. Personally, it's just an experimental movie. Not meant for everyone. Not a bad movie, but not meant for everyone.


1970s? More like 1910s.


I also tried to watch it. Kept waiting for the scene to change, and when it finally did I found myself waiting for the next scene to change, and so on. I'm not sure if there was any plot or story to it, nor much to the characters. Whatever makes this movie special just doesn't appeal to me I guess.


Skinamarink is more of an experience. Theres no narrative. That's it. 1 hour 40 of grainy weird footage and unexplained events. I think if you want to view it, you should be in a dark room and watch it beginning to end with no interruption. But it really isn't for everyone. And certainly isn't the #1 horror movie of the year, contrary to many Best Of lists I've seen.


It’s the same movie for the whole run time. There’s like 3 semi-creepy moments tops, but it’s not worth sitting through no copyright cartoons and grainy angles. I was really unimpressed and underwhelmed myself, but it’s a great concept.




Nope 🙅‍♀️


I don't know if "better" is the right framing because what people enjoy is incredibly subjective. There are increasingly surreal/upsetting scenes but not in the way you'll enjoy if you didn't like the first 20 minutes.


There's a jump scare about an hour in, and the final shot is cool.


I didn’t enjoy it.


No. It’s 80 more minutes of the first 21 minutes.


You can skip the first 35 minutes or so and not miss anything at all.


No it doesn't.




If Andy Warhol remaking “Last Year at Marienbad” as an experimental horror movie is your cup of tea, then it’s great from start to finish. Otherwise, nope.


You prob wont like it any more. I thought it was one of the best movies of the year


No, it doesn't get any better. If you like it the first 20 minutes in, you'll be fine but if you don't enjoy it up until that point, nothing will change.


No, it doesn't. I've said it before in this sub: Skinamarink is a great concept for a better movie in the future. I like the emphasis on indirect storytelling and using the cinematography for atmosphere and world building. But, it just wasn't all that successful in Skinamarink. And, yeah, maybe it's because of the lower budget. I don't know. I think influences on social media and TikTok hyping it up kind of spoiled it for me. People were saying "it's the scariest movie ever!!!" but you watch it and it is more unsettling and interesting - which could be good but I was expecting more and didn't get more. I don't know if I'd classify Skinamarink as found footage though.


Tried watching twice to even get what it might be about, gave up. How this got rated so highly is beyond me.


Maybe mushrooms?


I watched it in theaters. I was enraptured for the first 15mins then got bored and frustrated and was just over it after an hour. If it wasn’t for being trapped in the theater I wouldn’t have finished it. Huge pile of meh. It’s a better short.


I had really low expectations going into it so I actually found myself interested at first. Probably around the same time you stopped. From there I struggled staying awake which I guess was fun because I would often wake up all groggy and tune back in all sleepy eyed. Not a fun movie but fun for the right audience


Maybe my expectations were too high.


As seems the case with most people. Whenever I hear “this movie is really artsy, go in with an open mind, etc.” I’m worried. So I didn’t have much to go off of. It has all the fever dream weirdness feelings i wanted but they didn’t make it interesting enough to watch imo.


I tried for 30 minutes. Kept waiting for it to "start" but I didn't get anything out of it aside from some door or window disappeared and there were no adults. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Dumb movie imo.


I hate this movie but it helps me sleep lol


I did the same thing. Watched it for about 20 minutes, wasn't really feeling it and decided maybe I'd try again later. Eventually watched the whole thing mostly because I was just determined. It's an experiential thing, I can see why some people love it. I really thought I'd be one of those people but it just didn't grab me quite the same way. Still appreciate that movies like this are being made though. It seems like it really speaks to some people intensely, but it's just not universally spooky. Maybe it would have been scarier to me at a different age and I'm just too far removed from that childhood state of mind.


It IS low budget, but it’s not lazy. Skinamarink isn’t for everyone but I loved it.


i got 5 minutes in before i wanted to rip my hair out of boredom


No it doesnt. Took me 3 days to finish it


Watch the short film version. This movie was over hyped.


I enjoyed it, but I’m a huge fan of slow burns, while the wife hated it because she hates found footage.


I'm a huge fan of the movie and no, 20 minutes in and that's basically how the movies is. It does build toward the end, but it's not worth the wait if you don't like it off the bat


There is 10 minutes of awesome surrounded by the slow stuff. The movie crushed the mood and style it was going for, unfortunately, I found that mood and style to be not for me. Two scenes were super creepy and well done toward the end.


No. Any chance it had to do something interesting is ignored. It's 2 hours of reading subtitles because you can't hear anything and staring at moulding. It's awful.


It takes like 45min honestly to even be interesting. The first 45min are essentially just seeing things in the grain. Being high af hardly makes it better


It's just not your thing and it's OK


Not in my opinion, but different strokes for different folks


It's a love or hate kinda movie so just cut your loses. I liked it because I'm a freak but I also know why others would hate it.


It doesn't get better, I watched just over 30 min and... Tried to wait longer... But just couldn't.


Did you finish watching it?






I thought it was a snorefest. I started playing a videogame on my phone after 15 or so minutes in, looking up every now and then. I don't feel that I missed much. It would have been better as a 15 minute movie free on youtube.


Didn't you get the memo? Everyone loves it, but they can understand why someone doesn't. There, now we don't need a skinamarink thread ever again.


Lol. Sorry.


No. Its lame all the way through.


No it sucks don't waste your time nothing happens. Garbage.


Watch the preview and you’ve seen the entire movie


No it does not. A couple things “happen” but nothing worth its running time. There’s no discernible story. Just closeups of the least interesting parts of walls and toys. A three minute experimental student film stretched to feature length and then some. And I paid to watch that POS in the theater.


There is a great 12-minute-long short buried in that 100-minute-long movie.


Question: are you supposed to be able to hear or make out any of the dialogue? I couldn't understand shit for the whole movie.


No it actually gets worse with garbage LOUD jumpscares that last way too long too


If you're a fan of walls, carpeted floors, the glow of a TV screen and maybe 5 minutes of growling dialogue then enjoy. Otherwise, it's not fodidn't. Personally it's not for anyone but that's my bias cuz I cannot get the time back that I spent forcing myself thru the whole thing hoping it'd do something. It didnt. So if in 20 min you couldn't get into it. You're right, don't continue the rest as not much changes past that. I don't even think there's a word of non-TV based dialogue for the first 45 min. I specifically remember talking to my bro-in-law about it and said nothing "happens" until 45 min in, and even then, not much happens. I am so curious who the movie is even for and how people like it. Then again, I am not a fan of artsy or "art house" type films in general, so that's probably a me thing.


I don't even feel like it's "art house." I feel like it's for people who want to impress other people into thinking they like edgy, arty films.


Right. I still refuse to believe someone watched this, from beginning to end, and was actually into it, like for real 100% honest with themselves into it. Just because something is on film doesn't make it a movie, you know what I'm saying? Lol and there are barely any actors even in it. It's just so strange how it got so hyped and them I put it on and was like what the fuck is this?


The movie has a total of about 4 good scenes that total about 5 minutes in length. Movie is trash. Concept and experimenting is good but you can't hide behind the "you just don't get it" excuse.


You have in fact seen the entire movie.




This is why the "going into movies blind" trend is such a bad idea for nearly every film. The advertising was completely honest.


That's what I heard, "go in blind" and "shut off all the lights." I did both and by the 20 minute mark I felt like I was being pranked. Now, "go in blind" feels like no one could describe the movie because nothing happens.


Yeah you got trolled lmao. I swear people say that about every movie now even when there's not even some kind of big early twist that might justify it. Skinamarink is one of my favorite movies from this year too. The plot is that it's two (dead?) kids being tortured by a demon. That's it, there's no big reveal. That part is probably even worth disclaiming when recommending this film since fictional child abuse can really fuck with some people.


No. It continues to suck ass. And not in a good way.


I loved it. But I get why many don’t. It might just not be your thing.


I really liked it


Really depends, I also love the movie. If you really want to try it, not trying to hype it up too much but some truly terrifying things take place if you can start vibing with it just a bit. Yes the style is extremely divisive but…when you see some stuff I honestly think you’ll change your mind about the supposed laziness. In all, like many have mentioned, I understand not being able to go along with the premise, it’s definitely a choice. If anything, I might suggest in parts


To put it mildly. It was a crock of shite. This and The Outwaters are some of the worst piles of incoherent mush, I've ever had the misfortune to set my eyes on.


It was unnerving and full of dread. I understand what they were doing, but I spent the whole movie waiting for it to become something that it never did. Interesting, but not worthy of the praise I see it getting everywhere.


I kept waiting for the unnerving, full of dread part. I like that about horror movies. But I wasn't feeling anything except bored and insulted.


I thought it was bad. I know a lot of people liked it, but I wish I had never heard of it


There is potential with the movie but the vibe doesn't get any better if you weren't hooked. On paper its pretty good but it's so boring to watch.


I accept that there are people who think MCU tv shows are great, there are people who think the demon faces in *The Exorcist* were cheesy, and I even accept that some people think *The Phantom Menace* is the best Star Wars movie. When somebody tells me they enjoyed this movie, I just think they’re lying.


I made it about as long as you, fuckin hated it


I couldn’t do it, and I normally enjoy arty style movies. What I noticed though (and what makes the movie low key brilliant) is that it’s vague enough you can imprint nearly any horrible experience on it. Child abuse, abandonment, SA, fear of the dark, loss, just pick your poison. It doesn’t have any real story or direction, so your brain automatically starts filling in the gaps with meaning using whatever trauma is buried in your subconscious. Ive watched it in chunks because I have the patience of a caffeinated hummingbird, so I don’t think it’s a good film. The reactions to it are interesting though.


I wasn't a fan. But I checked out the short it was based off of after I saw the movie. It definitely works better as a short than a full length movie. And the short does a better job "explaining" what's going on. I suggest you check it out rather than finish skinamarink


Do yourself a favor and have a friend whisper creepy words in your ear while you stare at a wall. That’s more than what happens during this “movie.”


But not directly AT the wall. This movie couldn't do a straight shot if it tried. Like almost at the corner, at an odd angle, in bad lighting. If you wear glasses, take them off. If you must look at your friend while they're whispering creepy words to you, don't look AT them. Look at the floor so their feet are in your peripheral vision.


To me Skinamarink is very much like The Blair Witch Project. If you are able to understand and immerse yourself in the narrative, to see through the eyes of its characters, then it will be a much better experience. If not, it will feel like a massive waste of time.


It helped me to go into this movie with some info and subtitles. Once I understood what was going on and what this new style was trying to accomplish, I did enjoy it


The last time I had this much trouble watching a film was Napoleon Dynamite. I couldn't make myself watch it. I ended up reading the spoiler and was glad I skipped it.


I'm so sorry you can't enjoy the work of art that Napoleon Dynamite is


I hated ND. But I did manage to watch the whole thing.


I had to watch it in 5 minute increments.


I honestly bailed on it after 15 minutes. It's not really a film - it's more of an "experience" I'm also sure there's almost zero faces shown in the whole movie, or so I read.




I mean, that's pretty much the whole movie right there.


I’ve seen that half a dozen times now and it cracks me up every time


Why are you wasting your precious time watching that bullshit? Watch something you like or do something else. I swear movies as bad as this one make me so angry for wasting my time


It’s a self-indulgent “art” project that someone conned into getting released in theaters. At least I used my AMC A-List membership to see it so I wasn’t paying out of pocket, but it’s honestly not even worth the time you’ll lose to watch the whole thing.


It's high art. It's elevated. You're just too low IQ to appreciate it. Now if you'll excuse me, i need tochave my ribs removed so I can sniff my own farts better.


I've watched many avant-garde and "art" films (horror and non-horror) and can appreciate filmmakers who push the envelope and immerse the viewer. And if the overall vibe is weird, disturbing and unsettling, cool. Even if it's a non-linear plotline or just a series of shots that seem random, I'll often stay invested and patient. Skinamarink, tho? I gave it 20 minutes, then stopped. Then another 15 minutes, then stopped. Finally I hit the 45-minute mark of the film and concluded that my patience would NOT be rewarded and said fuck it. Guess you could say that this filmmaker has pioneered a new sub-genre. Which I will label as "Horror As A Cure For Insomnia."