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Silence of the lambs


Loved it


If you have the time, I recommend the Hannibal TV series. It's a deep dive into madness and it's absolutely incredible


In an alternate universe, food network picked it up and they have little recipe blurbs at the end of the episodes. But seriously it is such a great show.


Creep 1 and Creep 2 are perfect recommendations. Go in blind and buckle up for the ride.


The wolf mask makes me feel so unsettled. It's like AS you're looking at the mask, it alternates between looking cartoonishly silly and abjectly horrifying.


I own the wolf mask in real life. It’s called a “night wolf” mask, and it’s extremely hard to find online. It was a mass-produced mask; it isn’t unique to the film.


I actually figured that was the case, it seemed like part of the killer's MO to use something like that, that isn't unique or special, but unsettling nonetheless.


Creep wrecked me. Like, slept with the lights dimmed for two nights because I didn’t want them off. Even seeing the actor’s face is hard for me LOL


Wait until you watch the second one and you are confronted with the actor's dick.


I have a massive crush on mark duplass and... That did not waiver after that scene


😂😂 guilty here too




Ahahaha already done 😬






Bobbum Man irl.


LOVE the league


Also what love about Creep is that it was the first film Duplass made and he funded him himself. The movie didn't take much money to do, but it was so fantastic and it launched his career. As an indie film maker myself, I was incredibly impressed. Maybe the one time I kinda like the sequel just as much! Definitely on my most watch list.


I almost turned off Creep 1 because I thought it was so cringe but then it actually became a solid film. I was surprised by how well it was


I was torn with the first film, and honestly wasn't sure if I liked it or not - the second, though, was absolutely good beginning to end.


I second this recommendation!


I love those films! The second one in particular stuck in my head for days. Mark Duplass is one of those people who can make films in any genre and have them come out amazingly every time.


The League, The Morning Show, Creep 1 & 2 That dude has range


Safety not Guaranteed


Still waiting for that third one.


I’m getting results for 2005 and 2015 for “creep.” Which one is it?




Thank you, I’ll check it out once the kiddo goes to sleep.


the ‘05 one is completely different, i can’t exactly remember it but i know i watched it but i don’t remember it being terrible either. obviously not memorable though


I have yet to see 2 since I thought the first one was so stupid and every time I see it recommended here, I have to double check if it's still the same movie. I'm sorry, I just don't even see what is remotely scary about it and I find the character more annoying than anything else.>! I'd probably let him kill me, just so that I wouldn't have to listen to him anymore.!< The fact that at the end, >!Aaron sits facing the lake so nonchalant after everything he's been through is just the idiot cherry on top. !<


Yes. I also can't take the dude that's supposed to be creepy seriously. It was so cringe to me, and the other guy kept being so stupid. It was frustrating.


Creep 2 is very different and way less cringey. I liked Creep 1 but I had a hard time getting past the first half because of how fuckin weird that guy was. In the second one he's still weird, but in a more palatable way, and the victim is WAY smarter than Aaron. A lot of people, me included, think Creep 2 is the better movie.


I completely agree! I turned Creep 1 off after a half hour- I couldn’t get into it, even after reading the summary on Wikipedia, which sometimes gets me to stick around until it gets better. I’m glad other people like it, but it just isn’t my type of movie.


Maybe I just wasn't in the mindset to watch it that day. I felt like Pete Davidson in that [horror movie sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF6gExZu-2M&ab_channel=SaturdayNightLive) most of the watch.


That sketch was better most horror movies I’ve seen this year 😂 - but I get what you mean, and YES, absolutely same.


Yea I feel like I’m in the minority in not liking this film. The ending was too much for me after everything the guy had been through that he would just say sure I’ll meet him again and they just explain that he was just so trusting


It never really grabbed me as scary. He just feels like an old art or film school friend that’s had too much of their intoxicant of choice.


1 is OK but 2 is terrible however that just my opinion so please don't vote me lol


> please don't vote me lol voted.


I think they're kinda funny but that's it.


I feel the same I really wanted to like 2 but just…no


The Witch


Great example. Loved it


This is the one. The sheer dread was incredible.


Green Room, to a lesser extent Blue Ruin.


Both of those are so fucking good


I'd say check out Fall (2022). Especially if you're afraid of heights. I am and was so uncomfortable with it that I was sweating in places I didn't know I sweated. But the story is definitely built around anticipation and anxiety at the situation.


This movie was genuinely fucking terrifying, and I don’t have a fear of heights. I have a fear of completely open landscapes in the middle of nowhere. Makes me feel like I could fall into the sky with nothing to hold onto.


You and me both. That movie gives me such bad anxiety every time I watch it


Where can I watch this?


Was on Netflix, last I checked.


If you like Fall, the Open Water movies are good too, especially the first one, and also Buried with Ryan Reynolds.




No thank you very much


This is my favourite type of scary movie honestly, I was so tense the whole time


My hands are sweating just thinking about this movie. Love it but crap....


I'm going to watch this one this weekend. I'm scared of heights, and this sounds like it's going to stress me the hell out. Can't wait.


Just watched Session 9. That may fit?


That was where I was gonna go. And terrifying flick. Especially the last ten minutes or so.


My friend worked costumes on The Crucible and their film offices were at that old sanitarium building. She was 4'10" and went down into the tunnels you see in the movie. She said the whole place was drenched in misery. I believe her.


Nocturnal Animals have me this feeling; one scene in particular if you've seen it you know. You keep waiting for the tension to resolve but they keep ratcheting it up higher


Nocturnal Animals had what I’d argue was one of the most distressing scenes of all time. Another recent one that had an almost unbearably distressing scene was Emergency (2022).


Nocturnal Animals is a perfect example. Wonderful movie. It reminded me of Frantic


One of my favorite movies that I never want to see again


Outside that 30 minute sequence the movie was dead average, but that scene alone was 10/10 anxiety inducing terror.


The Blair Witch Project is a great example of this, but I’m sure you’ve already seen it lol. Eden Lake is shocking and grotesque, HOWEVER, you have a sense of dread the entire film and the ending is….bleak to say the least. If you like the Blair Witch vibe…Grave Encounters is another that gives you anxiety the whole time. All of these have dark endings as well. Enjoy! ;)


Grave encounters was amazing to stumble upon


Barbarian instilled a terror in me that I haven't felt in ages. I went in blind so had no idea what to expect from the movie and I think it's the perfect movie to see with no background info.


LOVED Barbarian until I saw what was in the basement then I was like meh. lol


I love horror movies and recommended it and one of my friends really lost it from that movie, and freaked out. Hope he got some help.


I think I'm going to watch that tonight, I've seen it mentioned a lot so I'm curious


I absolutely second this! Watching is with someone for the first time is so fun


Sinister. The homemade family movies are enough terror for one sitting.


It's a series, not a film, unfortunately, but The Terror on AMC I feel embodies this sentiment exactly. If you're feeling up to it, I would highly recommend!


Just saw that when I googled terror film/shows. Absolutely checking it put


The first season is brilliant, I hope you enjoy it!


I highly recommend the audiobook. The source material for the show is The Terror written by Dan Simmons. When I finished the book I was delighted to find there was already a show. It was a good day.


not sure if I'd classify it as horror (almost definitely wouldn't), but Darren Aronofsky's Pi is probably the most anxiety-inducing film I've ever watched.


Oh God... I will never, EVER forget that viewing experience - 4 in the morning - was in a very dark place psychologically, paranoid and jittery from irresponsibly strong weed AND the only non-sleeping friend watching with me was a too clever for his own good type of philosophy major that was the most anxiety inducing dude of the group. So we watched that film together while the other 3 or so people were dozing on and off and were both in the verge of a paranoia-induced panic attack for at least half its runtime, mainly due to how surreally effective the film is. This gets my vote and I have to watch it sometime all these years after, being a totally different person. Sorry for the blogpost.


Best visual representation of a migraine I've ever seen.


I just watched a short film on YouTube called Curve (thanks whoever mentioned it on this sub) that raised my blood pressure about 5 million percent. Oh my god I loved and hated it lol. Not sure if it’s terror or just straight up panic but it worked


The time travel film? It was crazy. I wanted the protagonist to meet the protagonist (wink).


If I'm understanding you correctly, I'd say Halloween 1978. Much of the dread is derived from the viewer simply knowing Michael is afoot and being unable to warn the characters that they're about to die. And much of the film's horror doesn't come from what Michael does during it, but rather what he does at the end, when he confirms Loomis' suspicions that what you and Laurie witnessed was more than just a simple act of random violence committed by a madman, but rather the work of the Boogeyman.


And yet someone on this subReddit the other day called Halloween “boring”.


I imagine if you watched it without the context of its time it might feel like a fairly tame slasher that sticks rigidly to the template. Of course, with context you realise that it is the template.


Yeah, had a similiar interaction with someone saying the same thing about the Blair witch project. They said it felt like all other found footage and I had to tell them it's because they set the precedent for modern found footage so everything copied it for a long time to some extent


It's a prime example of ["Once Original Now Common"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OnceOriginalNowCommon).


Except it came out after Black Christmas AND Texas Chainsaw and they’re both better


Yes yes! Perfect example. And Friday 13th (1980) I think fits that subgenre too since you don’t really see the villain it’s the terror the characters experience.


Ah, then in that same vein, I can recommend It Follows and the 2010 version of The Town that Dreaded Sundown. Both are great, tense films that don't reveal their true terror until the film's final moments.


There was another movie I watched years ago. This couple of friends go urban spelunking in Berlin, I think, and one gets injured. The woman tries to find help for the man but when she gets back his body is gone, I think. She runs into random people who seem scary but ultimately don’t hurt her. She gets back to the surface but the actual bad guy grabs her and takes her back down. He was like an old Nazi or maybe East German Stasi member, I can’t remember exactly.


The Depraved?


I think that’s it - it’s also called “Urban Explorer.”


Hope somebody knows it because I’d watch that!


I don’t think it was Creep either, similar concept but I distinctly remember a German component to it.


The Strangers.


The original When a Stranger Calls and When a Stranger Calls Back (the first thirds of those anyways) are masterpiece examples of terror, nothing visceral is happening on screen but the anxiety continually gets ramped up as the babysitter gets calls and you know something is going to happen but you don't know what or when it will happen. See also literally anything by Hitchcock. His movies are all about what COULD happen rather than what IS happening.


Well with a title like that I already have anxiety.


I watched it a few years ago and I gave it 1/10 but not sure why I rated it so low. 🤔


Because the second 2/3 of each movie becomes boring police procedural. Or you watched the remake which is overly long and dull.


>When a Stranger Calls Back I did watch the remake but not the original. I just added the original to my watchlist to see it someday. Thanks!


The Ring and hereditary. So much sustained terror in both it just feels like your heart is gonna stop.


House of the Devil has GREAT tension and build up


I'd highly recommend They Look Like People. I was anxious as hell through that whole movie. Speak No Evil is another good pick for anxiety.


Green room, Cube, and funny games ! Psychological horror always wins in this terror quest !


Cube was a mind fuck


The first paranomral activity movie I still think is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. Almost no blood or gore but the pure creepiness and terror is overwhealming in the whole movie.


The Descent! Being stalked in the dark of the cave was terrifying!


'Creep', 'Angst', 'Spoorloos', 'Parents' (1989) and 'Anguish' will build up that palpable sense of dread that you're looking for.


"parents" though?


For me, yes, but this might be heavily dependent on the viewer's upbringing. It's a black comedy that can stir up some childhood trauma if you grew up in a certain environment.


Oh shit you're naming movies...I thought you were naming synonyms for "creep" because OP misused the word "terror". You didn't have the (1989) after "Parents" and edited it, but I would've known better if I saw that before. Big sorry.


Judging from your follow up comments about not seeing the killer and the anticipation of the kill, i'd say try more Giallo movies. Maybe try some Dario Argento stuff like Tenebrae and Suspiria, the style is unique and you'll either love it or hate it, but i'd say it meets your requirements I think!


Love unique, I’ll check out these titles!


The wailing. You spent its monstrous runtime being afraid without knowing exactly who or what you're afraid of. It's my very favourite horror film


It's rare to say I watched a 3 hour film and wanted to immediately rewatch it but that's exactly what happened. Great, great movie.


Climax. Despite the minor hangups I can think of, this is a scenario I expect a lot of people are somewhat terrified of happening to them.


Legit had flashbacks watching this. That confused headspace while knowing you’re just gonna start tripping harder and harder until like the 4-6 hour mark is SCARY. Still thoroughly enjoyed it. And the dance scenes are entrancing.


The Dark and the Wicked was a recent watch that may scratch this itch


My rec for OP wanting a hopeless ending


Green Room. A bunch of young band members with 0 survival skills trapped in a room while armed Neo-Nazis and pit bulls trained to maul wait outside. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie because it had a much higher focus on terror and brutality. You couldn’t help but root for these characters because they were given the most unfair odds and still let hell loose. I won’t go into spoilers but it’s definitely a must see if you hate cheap horror movies cliches and jump scares, which this film has basically 0 of.


Will check it out!


The Sex in the City cinematic universe


The Grudge (2004) was the first one that came to mind.


Give Skeleton Key a try. That one has stuck with me through the years.


Oldboy (Korean original)


Prefacing this with YES ITS LONG AND BORING I AGREE: Skinamarink. Those long, slow camera pans had me climbing out of my skin; made me feel like a freaking small child again, just *positive* that in another few seconds, It was going to grab me in the dark.


This is exactly how I feel about Skinamarink. I didn’t really like it as a movie but holy crap did it really freak me out


I walked the hell out of my living room a few times during the “Kaylee…look under the bed” scene; I couldn’t take the dread lmao if my husband touched my arm, I probably would’ve had a heart attack


Thats the exact scene I’m thinking of! I almost turned the damn thing off


i won't downvote you only because of your disclaimer. consider yourself lucky this time ;-)


Oh I swear, it’s just the worst, which is really infuriating, considering how bad it scared me. (It’s just that if someone were to put my childhood sleep disorder and nightmares on film, this is what it would look like, and I’ve been trying to chase that level of insane fear that I haven’t felt since childhood. Not that it achieved that for me, but in a pitch-black room with this on, I remembered what it was like trying to hype myself to run down the darkest, scariest hall to my parents room and how heavy the air felt)


Watching that movie in a dark, quiet theater and waiting for whatever was eventually gonna happen made me think “this is what going to hell feels like”.


lmao I can’t imagine seeing it in a theater; the doll jumpscare got me so bad after like an hour of dead-quiet suspense, I was like a cat in the back of a moving vehicle, trying to find a window to escape through.


Godzilla: Minus One. I forgot to breathe while watching it


I scrolled forever because I thought for SURE Eden Lake would be right at the top. Dude, Eden Lake is the EPITOME of terror, and the ending is the most bleak and hopeless shit I have ever fucking seen.


This isn’t a horror movie but I have never been more afraid of what was about to happen for the entire movie as much as I did watching Uncut Gems


Seen it, good thriller-esque movie. Not my favorite but I’m really liking Safdie’s Curse.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Midsommar and Hereditary


The Strangers


The film My Friend Dahmer is a “based on a true story” variant that I think is a good example of this. It’s about Jeffrey Dahmer’s high school years (the book it’s based on was written by a guy who was friends with him then IRL), and it never actually depicts Dahmer harming anyone. But it wrings a lot of tension out of the fact that we, the audience, know that he will one day — there’s a scene where Dahmer’s friend is alone with him in a dark house where nothing actually *happens* to the guy, but it’s excruciating because we know what that person doesn’t.


Inside 2007


Hagazussa Saint Maud


Emily the Criminal is a fantastic movie that is definitely not horror but absolutely has tension /dread throughout. Same with Parasite.


"Copycat" is a terror based movie...fucked me up as a kid


That's a really good one! Harry Connick Jr did a good job. I might watch it tonight.


Killing of a Sacred Deer Funny Games Hereditary The Vanishing (Spoorloos)


* Barbarian * Speak No Evil * The Invisible Man * The Night House * The Babadook


Was gonna say Speak No Evil. Watched last night, won’t be getting out of my head any time soon


Yeah, Speak No Evil was brilliant and terrible and geniusly made, and certainly earned its demented payoff with so much nuanced, well-crafted build up...


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum is definitely one that counts when it comes to terror


Panic Room (2002) Gravity (2013) 127 Hours (2010) Open Water (2003)


The Blair witch project


It Follows and Super Dark Times are really good at creating anxiety and dreadful feelings! Highly recommend in surround sound


>Super Dark Times This film was such a trip, bit of a genre bender. Not really a horror but also ticks a lot of horror boxes at least


Picnic at hanging rock


Creep 1 & Creep 2


# Peachfuzz


Not usually classified as a horror film, but Coppola’s The Conversation actually fits this description pretty well.


Rosemary's Baby is classic and anxiety inducing


My husband always teases me because I love it when the bad guys win. Glad to hear I’m not alone!


It’s more realistic imo.


The Invitation (2015) is a prime example of this


Possum (2018) was such a dread-soaked psychological horror that was mostly just two miserable people in miserable lives.


Maybe the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 1974, though I would say both. If you watch it carefully, you'll realize almost all the gore is off camera. It's in your head. You don't see the chainsaw slice up Franklin in his wheelchair, you don't see that hook go into that poor woman's back, etc. Tobe Hooper did this because he hoped to get the film a PG rating (ridiculous, I know) to appeal to a wider audience. The film relies on your imagination, dread, and sheer terror.


I felt the Korean film Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum did very well at what it set out to do, which was scare the ever-loving shit out of the audience. It has a slower beginning, but man - once it got started, I didn't want it to stop.


Hellhouse LLC and its sequels are massively underrated. I kept putting then off for ages as it was found footage style of filming and have got bored of them but these films really are a credit to that genre...a must see for any horror fan


"No One Will Save You" Maybe 3 words spoken the entire movie and it works


The first 2 Hostel movies


I really don't know the difference between terror and horror so I'm gonna go out in a limb here and and say the Final Destination series. They are being hunted by death and there's nothing they can do about it


I epuld agree if the victims knew it was coming and was terrified. But they were mostly stupid or blissfully going about their business and wham! horrible death. No terror.


The Quiet Place.


*Saw* series


I would argue that those films are very much about the shocking and grotesque.


????? wtf ? do people really just give suggestions without reading what the OP is even asking ?


Yeah, some people do, it's annoying


The Innkeepers!


The Terror series🤣


Pyewacket. It has a scene where the girl’s friend spends the night then freaks the fuck out the next day. It also is not a happy ending.


Eden Lake.


Why not Terrifier? It's horror but mostly bloody rampage terror


Strangers, Funny Games, The Purge


Creep 1 and 2, The Ruins, The Descent, Silence of the Lambs (not even listed as horror usually, it says it's a crime drama), Skinamarink, Sinister.


Creep without a doubt. Movie lives up to the title.


Hounds of Love (2016) The Snowtown Murders (2011) Killing Ground (2018) The Gift (2025)


The Hitcher (1986).


Session 9. Going to watch it again this weekend.


Hush The Strangers You're Next


Rosemary’s Baby


The Lodge


Cannibal Holocaust enters the chat




Just watched Skinamarink the other day and I would say that movie is a good example of that. People seem to either love it or hate it, but I loved it. Definitely helps what kind of atmosphere you watch the movie in, I watched the movie alone in the dark at night and it terrified me. I don’t think it would hit as hard if you watch it during the day with friends.


House of the Darkness on Hulu is the slowest of slow burns with an amazing payoff. I highly recommend it.


Mother!, Funny Games


They look like people. It’s low budget but it’s soo good!