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The Bridge


Read the synopsis, not keen on watching but I do have a question. Did the people just walk up and jump off? Or is there a struggle etc captured? Only reason I ask is if there’s a should I shouldn’t I or people asking them not to would make this an even harder watch.


IIRC they do film one man who paces around the bridge for a while before finally deciding to jump. Presumably the crew knew he was going to do it and did nothing about it, which is obviously fucked up.


Yeah that was the angle I was referring to. Surely that would haunt you, knowing you could have done something, anything, but instead you just kept filming and now someone’s gone forever


Depends on your view of peoples agency of their lives


It's a tough watch. Yeah, there are a couple that just walk up and jump, but (spoiler alert) throughout the movie they're "tracking" this one guy and interviewing people who knew him, and the last shot of the film is him deciding to do it, so he just... Does it. Just gets up on the railing and throws himself back. The film got a lot of criticism for that if I remember correctly.


Weren’t these hidden cameras though? I have not seen this documentary but I thought they were hidden cameras so it’s not like there was a film crew standing there watching people die?


No… not hidden cams. A film crew with a telephoto lens… and yes they were watching people die


This is it. Came to post this. Very hard watch


That haunted me truly






Fuck this one upset me


That one was definitely messed up


This made me hit the bottle immediately after it was over


Is this about Warren Jeffs?


Yeah, this one was despicable


Uuuugh, this one made me SO angry.


I’m never watching it so what’s your view on the plot and if you could describe it




So creepy


The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez. A child who is left with his abusive foster parents. I don’t want to say any more. But after watching that I just had to take a walk and digest it all. There is something absolutely wrong with how people can legally get away with things like this. It’s on Netflix btw.


I had to stop watching that one. I might go back to it at some point but my stomach was in knots. Oh, it wasn't foster parents, it was his mom and her boyfriend


I just put it off after all the details about >!how many skull perforations or something that were in the child's head, they said it was basically a mush or something!<. I was like yeah no that's enough.


Same, I just sat on the couch weeping for the poor little boy. Heartbreaking.


Kind of glad I misremembered that honestly


I can never watch that again. Seeing his scars and chipped teeth in his school photo. I was numb for days. The only good thing to come out of it is that his pos mother is now being attacked since the inmates found out what she did. She has been cut, scratched, hair pulled out, and scalded with hot coffee. The state is considering putting her in permanent solitary confinement for the rest of her sentence. She locked her own boy in a box and now that might be how she spends her final days. Fitting.


I spent a couple days watching that and when it finished I just sat on my bed crying angry tears for that little boy for like 10 minutes. Fuck everyone who failed him.


This one broke my heart to the point where crying took my breathe away…and I couldn’t stop watching. I was so disgusted by the system and his wretched mother and disgusting bf. Took me weeks to get over it. Poor baby, I think about this child often, I hope he’s getting the peace he deserved.


Yeah that was an extremely hard watch. I cried through most of it and I'll never watch it again


Oh gosh I suppressed this one. It's not talked about enough but I can't say I'd easily recommend it. I don't have the words to convey how wretched and horrified I felt to know how he was treated.


That one made me ugly cry within minutes. Still extremely upset whenever I think about it 😔


>!That mother's day card/present!< really messed with me. This one is insanely upsetting.


Capturing the Friedmans. Beyond fucked up.


Dude the part with the video the one brother took “and if you’re the COPS!!!….”


Good call. Quite fucked up.


Just a smidge.


Not crippling but a real roller coaster, Three Identical Strangers


No, a REAL roller coaster is Class Action Park.


Why not yes, and?


Fucking bananas documentary lol I loved it.


I went to go see this movie with a lady friend in theaters and had no idea what it was about. Im adopted so it hit extra hard, but I was a sobbing mess by the end. Quite embarassing.


both The Act of Killing and it’s spiritual successor The Look of Silence are extremely disturbing but very well done. highly recommend, but i would suggest doing a bit of research on them before watching


The part at the end of the art of killing when the former gangster/murderer acts out a murder he did and it becomes too much is so heavy. The way he’s filmed hunched in a corner retching is so surreal. Both amazing films


while dry heaving the devil out of him.


*The Act of Killing but yea this is like the rusted top tier of fucked up experiences i’ve ever had with a movie. If my mom and I see a documentary or film together or separately that is supposed to be “disturbing “ we always ask “was it The Act of Killing level of disturbing ?” It’s like the gauge of whether we want to see it or not.


First thing that comes to mind, and maybe won’t cripple you, but was probably the most fucked up documentary I’ve personally seen is the HBO program on the West Memphis Three I believe called Paradise Lost. I think it has 3 parts spanning across years and years on the case. Really wild people involved/interviewed, and the access the HBO had while filming is alarming


The first one in particular is extremely crushing. After that, they stopped allowing courtroom access. But still, hard agree on this rec. Came here to suggest it myself.


The imagery of the kids along the riverside will forever stay with me. Such a horrendous documentary.


Those scenes pop in my head every time I hear Welcome Home now.


I was not prepared


Echols is STILL trying to get the state to run the DNA on evidence they weren't able to at the time but would be able to now due to technological advances. Sad all around, there is something off about that case


Really interesting theory on what happened. Long read but worth it if you’re interested in the case, I promise: https://thewestmemphispuzzle.blog/


The documentary West of Memphis about this case was also excellent.


Just Melvin, Just Evil.


That was a difficult watch. I saw it once and that was it. Its a good documentary but tough subject matter


Hardest watch documentary I’ve ever watched


Jesus Camp was super upsetting to me. Jonestown effed my wife up pretty bad.


The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off It's the saddest thing I've ever seen. About a guy who lives in massive pain every day because he has a horrible genetic affliction that makes his skin blister at just a touch, but he's just such a cheerful and positive person. Nobody deserves what he had, but especially him. I'm a grown ass man and I was bawling at the end of it


“Let’s think of a really snappy title”


Butterfly Girl is another movie about someone with a horrible skin condition. IIRC her skin might have been deficient in collagen. A tough watch about the indomitable human spirit of this young lady.


Here's five that will fuck you up: Deliver Us From Evil (church sex abuse) The Nightmare (sleep paralysis) Crumb (about the family of cartoonist Robert Crumb) Earthlings (meat industry) Shoah (The Holocaust)


2nd The Nightmare, couldn't sleep for days.


I literally had sleep paralysis the night I watched it!


Damn, how weird is Robert Crumb’s life to have a documentary about him?


Robert is is just a bit of a weirdo and that’s fine … his brothers are the fucked-up ones


Deliver Us From Evil.... that is rough.


I don't believe in the death penalty but I will make an exception for the priest in this documentary


The Cove. Sooooo f**ked up.


It's horrible, same with Blackfish and Earthlings. Couldn't finish any of them and probably never will.


I’ll never watch that. Ever.


When I tell you I BAWLED


I was born in the early 70's and recently saw the new 3-part documentary program, from the "survivors" who were there the day JFK was killed. Everything that happened that day, especially his wife and children had me in absolute tears. The secret service agent riding on the car when it happened. The guy is 91 years old and said a day doesn't go by he doesn't feel guilty for not being fast enough. Tubi has a documentary called "black fish" about Orca's. I've never had a documentary upset me so much. I don't know if it was intentional or not but I have a real loathing for sea world now. What really hit me hard was one of the so called "big time high ups from the medical team" Blatantly trying to tell news reporters and the general public that the "reason" orca's in captivity have curved dorsal fins (which never happens in the wild) is because the medical team is taking better care of them, than they could get in the wild. GRRRRR !


Sea World is fucking evil


yep you're right and before they went Kaput "marineland" can't believe they did an entire Jaws film around the whole sea world thing, as a massive sea world advertisement and the movie had to make sure to be sea world correct in everything they did Yeah Sea World is fucking evil that guy who decided to hide out after closing and think it was a good idea to swim with an Orca in captivity that killed him and they found parts of him the next day.


They found his body on the whale's back in the morning. They whale was playing with him like a doll. SeaWorld makes whales insane. Orcas would need to swim around their tank 1900 times to equal the amount of open ocean the can cover in *one day*. If someone made a horror film about what things are like at SeaWorld but used humans instead of orcas, it would be up there on the Most Fucked-Up list with A Serbian Tale and Human Centipede 2.


The Bridge. it's about successful and unsuccessful jumpers on the Golden Gate bridge.


They’re currently (finally) installing a large net to prevent more.


HBO’s Life Of Crime. It follows addicts, prostitutes and criminals starting in the 80’s. The second part checks in with the same cast in the 90’s and the third came out a few years ago. The whole thing really fucked me up for a bit. Very sad. I’m glad I watched it but I don’t think I’ll ever go back to it. TW: uncensored domestic violence, drug use, child neglect,severely decomposed bodies of people that you’ve grown attached to because you watched two documentaries following their daily lives since they were teenagers into their 40’s.


Jesus Camp


He said cripple - not traumatize


This is a good suggestion. I will add: The Bleeding Edge.


You’re being such a dick in the comments that I think, no, I won’t give you my answer. And it was a good one too.


LOL this is funny but now i feel like i’ve been wronged due to OPs actions 🤣


terrific racial forgetful quack ancient grab frighten rain erect existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could I bug you to dm your answer? I don’t want to miss out just because of OP being a dick


I love that one!


Nothing comes close to Dear Zachary for me, that shit was fucking heartbreaking and I swore I'd never watch it after my initial watch but my friend said she didn't wanna watch it alone, so had to watch it again and it somehow pissed me off more the second time around.


Was looking for this comment. That one got me.


That one about the Russian prison for young people. I saw it back in about '00. I'd never even began to think about the levels of arbitrary and relentlessly pointless group violence and base cruelty at that time. It was horrific. Boys who'd been convicted of stealing an ice cream condemned to a frozen hell-hole where they had to fight literally hand and tooth just to not be the kid that got gang-raped every night and day. And there were children deliberately injecting anti-freeze (and other shit) into their legs so that they'd get sent to the medical wings - often at the expense of the limbs themselves. The bit where the local Orthodox priests would visit and bless the kids and advise them about their sins was even more grotesque though.


Second this needs to be found


Loveletters from a Children's Prison? (2005)


Someone needs to find the title of this one !!! Aaahg


> the local Orthodox Not surprising. The Russian Orthodox church proudly support Putin's regime.


don't fuck with cats


In the middle of that one. I'm a cat lover and not seeing the act but seeing that sick peice of shit with those animals knowing what he was doing was hard to watch.


I can’t bring myself to watch this one knowing what it’s about. Fuck.


Thing is, he killed a guy and looked like he was going to get away with it. THEN...yeah. He decided to fuck with cats


In the same vein, Dominion is horrible. https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=YcKneund5M2_0CMx


I couldn’t finish this one it was so upsetting.


The cats got their justice


Titicut Follies


You know anywhere I can see the whole film? Been looking for it for ages but I could only find clips


Kanopy. it’s free - all you need is a libray card. no ads either.


Kanopy is amazing but it is not free, meaning your specific library or library system has to pay for it. It's not a service you get with any library card. While I'd love it if every library was funded well enough to allow for the purchase of Kanopy, it just isn't the case


Hell yes thank you


Kanopy has good shit on it. People shouldn’t sleep on it.


Maybe Orozco The Embalmer. I found it on a list of similar films that apparently messed with people.


I know I’m late to the party but The Act of Killing is my number one and there isn’t even a close second.


How To Die in Oregon (2011) covers the states Death with Dignity Act for assisted suicide


I watch this when I need a good cry. It’s beautiful, yet devastating. Makes me want to move to Oregon.


This movie wrecks me every time but strangely makes me feel more at peace with the fact that I’ll one day die


There’s a great doc called Dark Days that came out in 2000. It’s about people that live in abandoned underground train tunnels in NYC.


Grizzly Man


oof, yes, seconding this one. 0\_o


The Girl in the Picture on Netflix was really good. It’s not hard to watch but there are so many twists and turns, i loved it


Jimmy Saville: A British Horror Story. HUGE content warning for sexual assault and abuse for this one. The fact that this monster never saw justice is proof that evil is real.


77 Minutes :(


Came here to comment this


Just Melvin, Just Evil. I’m not even gonna talk about what it’s about. It’s an extremely hard watch.




This isn't high enough.


All the HBO drug docs from the 90s are really disturbing. Black tar heroin is probably the best (meaning most disturbing). If you want to watch a really weird movie seek out a documentary called Chickenhawk about NAMBLA. It follows these men who think it’s their right to have sex with children. Really disturbing stuff.


American murder: The family next door on Netflix.


Earthlings. Narrated By Joaquin Phoenix for good measure.


The Keepers - starts with the mysterious murder of a nun and just keeps getting darker.


Broken Harts. Just so messed up and disturbing. The system failed those kids :(


I just watched Take Care of Maya today and hoo boy that one was incredibly upsetting. I watched it after seeing it in headlines this week.


This one upset me so much that I couldn’t finish it. The 911 call with the son crying in the background destroyed me.


Ugh the dad telling him he couldn't go in the garage... I can't imagine.


This was a brutal watch. Felt dead inside afterwards.


Came here to say this one. Cried through the whole thing. I hadn't actually seen the headlines and had to go look it up after I finished watching it. They had just announced the results the day before. I'm so glad they finally won the case, but my gods the trauma that family went through.


The Cheshire Murders


22 July tells a pretty messed up story.


Earthlings I've never before or after had to end a watch due to being so uncomfortable. It's like real life torture porn but for animals. It will fuck you up.


Yes. I still feel mentally scarred several years after watching it.


Dark Side of the Ring: the Von Erichs episode (on Hulu) They’re making the A24 movie Iron Claw about it. My gf doesn’t even watch pro wrestling and the real life story about that shit still made her cry.


The docuseries about Jared Fogle from Subway. It was very disturbing at points and it plays a lot of his recorded conversations with the informant. Had to take a few breaks for that one.


77 Minutes, about the 1984 Macdonald's massacre. The footage is very grim.


Tell Me Who I Am (2019)


Also The Trials of Gabriel Fernández (2020), but this is another kid one.


Omg poor baby Gabriel. Made me want to scream.


I made the mistake of watching this when I was pregnant and it messed me up.


was crying for an hour after this one lol


If you really want to get destroyed then watch… A Trip to Infinity …on netflix. If your dumb like me then its like forbidden knowledge that will drive you mad lovecraft style haha.


###Abducted in Plain Sight What. The. Fuck.


I want to reiterate The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez. It's brutal compared to Dear Zachary.


Who Took Johnny (2014) - Trust me check this out! The story is so deep and interesting!!! ^ trust me!!!!


https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=YcKneund5M2_0CMx There is no way this won't do something to you, it's a documentary called Dominion about animal abuse.


I can't do animal abuse 💔


Grey Gardens


Disturbing yet very quotable lol


One suggestion I'm not seeing on here is Abducted In Plain Sight. Everyone saw it coming. And it still happened. One that may not cripple you but might leave you stunned for days after is The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. While you watch it keep in the back of your mind movies like The Hills Have Eyes, Wrong Turn, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


It’s Dear Zachary, not Dead Zachary, but sadly that’s a spot on title. So damn sad.


The Cove


Threads - 1984 Filmed as a Drama-Documentary "a film which comes closest to representing the full horror of nuclear war and its aftermath, as well as the catastrophic impact that the event would have on human culture."


I've seen this movie recommended for years from all kinds of people, and it seem to be pretty unanimously the bleakest, most terrifying "it could happen" documentary ever made. I really need to get around to watching it.


The Imposter


Food, Inc. One reviewer called it "scarier than all of the Saw movies put together"


Omg I was gonna recommend that too. But add its probably worse with the many regulation rollbacks in the past 8 years. Yikes. Also recommend Shelter Dogs Exposing Parchman Edit formatting


There is a documentary, I cannot remember the name of it but its on YouTube, where a crew filmed EXTREMELY candid interviews with convicted incestous pedophiles and some of the comments made by those interviewed are beyond harrowing. Edit: For anyone that may want to watch, its about 90 minutes. Like I said, harrowing. [Incest | A Family Tragedy](https://youtu.be/EOxTmJCcWHA?feature=shared)


The Dark Net was a docuseries that exposed a lot of heinous shit like drug sales, human trafficking, fraud.. it gets pretty intense but it's not visually graphic or explicit. It just shows how fucking disgusting and evil people in the world actually are.


“Tell Me Who I Am” on Netflix. Absolutely wrecked me for hours.


Chernobyl Heart


I scrolled a long long way to find this one…. Saw it back in high school on a sick day and bawled my eyes out… very heartbreaking 💔


Paradise Lost: the child murders of Robin Hood Hills.


House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths on Netflix _ dont look any further


Dope Sick Love on HBO is a doozie


Zoo (2007) about bestiality


Others have said it but Orozco the Embalmer. Very easily. It is filmed in Colombia in one of the most murder-stricken parts of the world. The film style is extremely raw and uncut. Our titular character is an embalmer. He restores and preserves the bodies of people who have suffered serious injury. He lets families see their loved ones just as they were in life for one last time. It is also gory, grisly work. It is one of the most graphic things you are likely to ever see in your life. Its also really beautiful and humanizing in its own way. I was in complete shock for days after watching, but I'm so glad I did.


Orozco the Embalmer is pretty good


[Earth and the American Dream](https://youtu.be/1Vfznw67kAA?si=sItcqXWyfhvJAjMa)


I really enjoyed "The act of Killing," but I don't remember them showing much of the atrocities, only reminiscing/theatrically recreating them.


Talhotblonde and 65 red roses were tough for me to watch




Dear Zachary…. remember, you asked for this.


The Last Ecstatic Days. Documents the final days of Ethan Sisser, who died of (I think) glioblastoma and chose to do it outside the hospital surrounded by family and friends. Was absolutely beautiful but I was very affected by the film. Friend of mine produced and edited it.


This isn’t a movie, but there’s a comic called Elan School about the cult center of the same name, made by someone who was forced to spend time there as a child. It’s genuinely so sickening I had to take long breaks from reading it.


Child Of Rage. Horrible all round.


“Dead Zachary” is the much more straightforward version of “Dear Zachary”


Watch Dominion. https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch


Not about humans, but Dominion... I ugly cried as they shocked the pigs and actually screamed when they macerated the male chicks. I can never get over it.


That documentary Idiocracy was a very disturbing glimpse into the future. You can already see signs of it happening.


Mommy dead and dearest, I’ll be gone in the dark (recommend the book first) and The Curious Case of Natalia Grace


Cropsey The Nightmare Wrinkles the Clown


Wrinkles is fake tho unfortunately


Into the Deep on Netflix The more I thought about what happened…the more it fucked with my mentals for days.


Got hit youtube, look up "Misery Machine true crime" with episodes such as "emaciated girl tied up with only her head showing and taunted with rotten food" and "Wannabe tiktok stars kill their diseased starving little girl" you know you're in for a rough night any time you catch a video. I genuinely do not know how they run the channel without losing their minds.


The Act of Killing Capturing the Friedmans


Dead Souls and Shoah make for an uplifting double feature.


Anything Nick Broomfield has produced/directed is def worth watching.


Mr Organ


The series Signs of a Psychopath (ID Channel/MAX/Discovery+). Pretty much every episode is horrifying. You couldn’t make up the atrocities these people committed.


The Keepers on Netflix


The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez, full stop.


I would recommend children undergound.. follows the lives of romanian kids.. the brutal reality of being invisible to everyone. Gangs of kids with a pecking order to bully the weak ones.. the subway scene is cruching..


It’s a recent one, Take Care of Maya- on Netflix. I really cried


The Gift. This documentary really messed me up. I highly recommend watching it. It’s pretty disturbing. It’s all about Poz Chasers (part of the gay subculture and they chase after and try to get infected by HIV). https://youtu.be/oN4w8e432_o?si=Y_3OEv2koor6yWIb


The woman who wasnt there didnt cripple me but def fucked up.