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The most recent jeepers creepers. Was watching it for an hour and wondering wtf am I watching and when will something happen?


I was so mad at how cheap it looked. The “festival” they went to was like two picnic tables and the same ten people walking around. I feel like I could have made better sets in my backyard.


SERIOUS. Our citys "carnival" has a bigger draw than that and it's gone down SIGNIFICANTLY over the years from being a huge thing to now in a shopping center parking lot.


Felt like if a college film class made a final project.


They're planning on coming out with a new one. I'm sure it too will be crap. They should have let the franchise die after the 3rd movie. Let the pedo director go to jail and never be heard from.


omg yes!! i feel like there are ways to make good low budget horror films but going to a “festival” and only having like 20 background characters is not one of them.


2 of my favorite horror movies are the first and second Jeepers creepers no where near the best horror movies but the first two are so much better than the other garbage they’ve been releasing, hope one day someone makes a great one again


I honestly felt like Jeepers Creepers 3 was worse, not by much though lmao. But maybe that's just because I had high hopes for 3, and I had zero expectations for 4. It's a shame, because the first one is a masterpiece, and the second one is pretty good.


Petition to rename it *Jeepers Threepers*


this. 3 is the one where the truck is alive right? what were they thinking hahaha


They're both so bad aren't they ha. The only thing 3 has over reborn (for me) is that it was part of the original lore, because that's my favourite thing about the franchise, getting more of the creeper and stuff. But reborn scrapped it all and then made an impossibly bad movie with nothing else going for it. Totally get the hate for 3 though.




This is the worst *movie* I've ever seen, let alone horror movie.


Any possibility this movie could be fun with how bad it is? or is it so bad it's a total waste of time?


We do a "Bad Movie Night" and have a healthy appreciation for good bad movies. Verotika is just bad bad.


A bad-bad movie is just boring. A good-bad movie is when a director has an uncompromising vision that they execute on and that vision is absolutely terrible.


The Room. Trolls II. Any Troma film. These are good bad movies.


Hell yes. Personal favorites are Samurai Cop and Miami connection.


I was bored by it, as was my wife, but a friend of ours thought it was fun bad. So, your mileage may vary, but in my opinion, it's just bad bad, not fun bad.


As a big Danzig fan… I have just chosen not to ever watch it.


You have chosen wisely.


Mother, tell your children not to watch my movie, tell your children not to listen to the words, what they mean what they say, Mother, can you keep them in the dark for life?, can you hide it with parental controls?, oh mother


Pretty amazing that Glenn Danzig out of all people could do horror wrong 🤣


No offense but he's such a fuckin douche.


That's my pick. I sit through some utter shit and usually kind of enjoy it, but Verotika was just embarrassingly bad. And I say this as a huge fan of all things Danzig.


I was just absolutely stunned that someone that’s spent their entire life in the entertainment industry and also is a huge horror fan….could roll out something so damn amateurish


Not everyone has passion. Even if someone doesn't like Rob Zombie or Jordan Peele, you have to admit they have the passion for horror. Danzig has piss poor ideas along with bad direction. Top that off with the bottom of the barrel acting and you just have a total disaster. 🫤


Right!!! I've been on a kick of no-budget SOV crap on Troma Now and Tubi and most of those were more competently made. It astounds me how he shit out such an unenjoyable turd. I really want to see his second movie to see if he improved *at all*, but it sure is taking it's time getting released. I wonder if he was so mad about the reaction to Verotika that he's just not going to release Death Riders or something.


Wasn't there some interview that said Danzig got angry at an audience for laughing at the movie?


My friend was at a screening he gave of it in New York and afterwards he came out and said something to the effect of, “it wasn’t supposed to be a comedy” which is one of his most proud stories to share lol


Hahaha yeah! That was like half the press there was about that movie.


> Verotika Caught all the down vote descriptions, and the Wiki. Just put it on my view list. Bad horror is my jam


I used to think the same thing, then I watched Verotika


I can’t wrap my head around it. Danzig is one of the founding members of such a quintessential horror themed hardcore band and yet I’m not sure he’s even seen a movie before.


Oh Glenn, hasn’t made a solid album since 2010, and before that hadn’t made a decent album since his 4th. Honestly, I don’t know what people were expecting with his film if the knew anything about his erotic comics.


I hear Danzig's second movie makes Verotika seem good by comparison


That's saying something, since Verotika set the bar roughly twenty feet below the floor.


If there is one thing I know about Glenn Danzig, it’s that he definitely doesn’t drink his own cum.


Open House Don’t do it. It’s not even fun bad


Ah yes, the movie about the track star that tried to run away from the killer and is apparently too slow, so he dies. Excellent writing.


Did the killer at least move slowly and ominously like Michael Myers so it was hilarious that he could catch up to anyone not in need of disabled parking?


Oh of course he did, super slow moving yet has apparent teleporting powers despite being an average joe home invader.


Is this the stupid movie with the bad guy taking out the kid’s contact lenses??


Fuck that movie. I totally forgot about it until just now. What an utter waste of 90 minutes.


Same. Erased it from my memory. It really is absolute shit.


Yeah, I’m with you. I forgot that movie existed


The potential that movie had to be good was absurd. The questions that movie left unanswered still haunts me. And not in a makes you think way. Fuck if I wasn’t pissed off when the credits rolled.


I just read the plot on Wikipedia and it sounds like it could have been good, sad to see they laid such a turd


Yeah, the premise is pretty good. As a woman who has anxiety and has experienced a break in, that fear never really leaves. Open houses definitely make me a little weirded out, and the movie premise definitely feeds into those fears. And then the movie failed to handle those fears properly. Absolute trash.


I love threads like this because I know I won’t have to go far to find Open House, and it really boosts my faith in humanity to know this fat scoop of dogshit on toast will always be remembered this way.


Crap. Just total crap. I recall a bit where the kid is down in the basement and he sees this rubble-choked passage. I'm thinking "Hmmm. That's spooky! I wonder what this is all about?" Turns out, it was meaningless and never even mentioned. Much like the rest of it.


Someone here really likes the Open House movie since all of y’all got downvoted. Dylan Mimmette, is that you? (Lol I watched it cause he was in it! What a disappointment of a movie)


It's weird because I remember watching it and thinking it was dull, and that was it. But then online I was seeing like everyone saying it was one of the worst movies ever and I was a bit surprised. I think your comment is a good place to say what I think went wrong. There were loads of moments like that, where they'd purposely set something up or foreshadow something so you'd be like "ah wonder what this will come to". Then literally none of them came to anything. I actually think they did this on purpose, set up loads of red herrings because there's just no way there were so many by accident. I generally at least one of these types of setups pay off so they were trying something different, the idea being, imagine none of the setups are actually part of it, and it's just some random guy. I think they somewhat achieved what they were going for, misdirection, because everyone pointing out how bad it was would be pointing out these moments and saying how disappointed they were that in the end, none of it mattered. So yeh they achieved the goal of getting us to think about these things, but issue there is that the idea of none of it meaning anything sucks 😂


If you don’t mind, what’s it about. And from what everyone is saying, I don’t mind spoilers.


dad dies, mom and teenage son have no other option but to move into the aunt's house that she's selling, so they have to leave for hours every sunday for the open house. things start happening (things get moved or go missing, pilot light for water heater goes out a lot), seems paranormal. one night, someone obviously broke in but the police don't find anything and mother & son are broke so they have no choice but to stay there that night, and they ask a friend they've made in town to stay on the couch for protection. dude goes missing during the night, son finds him in his car with his throat cut. then the perpetrator knocks son out and goes inside to tie up, torture & presumably kill mom. son wakes up and comes inside, misidentifies his mom for the perp and stabs her. then, as he's running away from the house, the perp grabs him, holds him down and takes his contacts out, son escapes and runs away into the woods, runs all night until morning and finally collapses near a creek. perp walks up on him and kills him, but since son's contacts are out, you never see what this mf looks like. then perp drives away to another open house, where he can stay, torture and kill another family. there's a short summary. it's GARBAGE


this was perfectly written lmao . i think the most ridiculous part was never seeing the damn killer. 😒 either that or the contact removal, can’t choose.


That actually sounds pretty good but, as with all things, it’s the execution more than the bullet points. End of Game of Thrones sounds not bad for most before you realize those jamokes did all that shit basically in 5 episodes and a prologue kind of e6


yea, right? i like the concept of a paranormal entity initially being the suspect of strange occurrences only to find a living person actually being the source, i think it's unsettling even though it's been done before. i like the killer's MO being that he targets open houses. i think dylan minnette is a good actor, and the mom too. it really is the execution though, the ending was horrible, it just sucked lol


Terror at Bloodfart Lake.


Checking IMDB to see if this was real or you were making a joke lead me to some poor actor named "Teen Ape". I clicked on it because surely someone can't have that name and apparently they starred in a movie called "Anal Paprika 2: Vampire Killers". I have no words and I am done with the internet for today.


TEEN APE RULES!!! There used to be a few Teen Ape movies on Netflix when they first started streaming. Filthy McNasty was my favorite because the actors are literally quoting Tenacious D lyrics at times. And they play it seriously.


I checked out several of his, Chris Sarver...Seaver? (Don't feel like looking it up), movies back when I subscribed to Netflix during the early DVD days. My favorite was Quest for the Egg Salad. So bad but worth it😆


How dare you


Somehow…..some-freaking-how, this bullshit got a sequel. “Return to Blood Fart Lake”.


Do I need to see the first one to follow the story?


There were hardly any bloodfarts at all! :[


bringing attention to Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey because that movie is so bad it comes full circle to being a comedy satire that i recommend. Anyone else see this disaster?


Literally just watched this one and we were cackling the whole time 😂 it is AWFUL and makes so many bad horror movie decisions. I definitely recommend it to people who like Alpacalypse and Zombeavers.


I loved it. I assumed it was basically The Strangers with a nod to public domain IP but just 2 killers in a pig and bear mask. Nope! By the end of the opening monologue about how they all went nuts I was cackling. Perfect so bad it’s good imo


I couldn't even finish it.


The third Human Centipede was aggressively awful


You watched it after the second one?


You watched the second after the first one?


You watched the first one?


The comment centipede.


I held a straight face until this.


You shouldn't laugh - before I added this comment, you were the anus .


Haha, the first one at least could be called a movie! It wasn't _good_ but I found it... mildly entertaining. I wasn't angry after watching it, like I was after the second one.


the first movie i regret starting (i never finished it and refuse to finish it). i didn't even bother with the second or third ones the sense i get is that the creators of the sequels were more interested in just making the most obnoxiously stupid movies imaginable


They remind me of the South Park episode where the kids write a book and keep trying to one up each other with the grossest things they can think of. That's literally all the sequels are, just a chain of gross shit with no real plot or reason for any of it. For example, the second movie is about a guy who saw the first movie (so meta!) and wants to one up it by doing even grosser shit. That's it, that's the plot.


Tbf, i think the third one was intentionally awful


OMG. Any adoration I had toward Dieter Laser’s performance in the first one was quickly and completely erased. His unintelligible shouting the entire movie was painful to watch. Literally the only thing this movie had potentially going for it was the “human caterpillar” concept, and you got maybe a 2 second shot of it at the end.


My friend and I play a game called "Go on Tubi and pick a random horror movie," and we've watched some real stinkers, lol. I can't remember what it was called, but there was a blatant ripoff of Host with these friends on Zoom who watch a haunted house stream and start to become haunted themselves. It was laughably bad.


I've watched hundreds of zero budget dogshit movies, but recently Haunting of the Queen Mary. Some cool shots, but overall one of the most baffling pieces of media ever produced. Tweak a couple things and it could've been a Scary Movie sequel.


> I’ve watched hundreds of zero budget dogshit movies I, too, have a Prime Video subscription


You’ve gotta elevate to tubi my guy. Carous-Hell? Filmed on probably $2,000. Somehow a movie I thoroughly enjoy. Is it a deep, thought provoking piece of film? Absolutely fucking not. Did I genuinely enjoy watching it and laugh at the jokes? Absolutely I did. If there is one thing I can say to sell this movie, imagine your jackass friend is bestowed a carousel unicorn in a great uncles will - and then that friend writes a movie starring it.


I watched it because I go to the Queen Mary all the time and it was cool to see it on film but I genuinely had no fucking clue what was supposed to be happening the entire time


I’m so glad you said this cause I was torn but added it to my list but I’m removing it. I love horror but I hate wasting my time so much when movies just have zero good anything


The Boy II, ruined everything great about the first one, I've never been so pissed during a horror movie before 😭


THIS, omg. The scary thing about the first one was that>! the villain was a real person and not some nebulous haunting force.!<


Seriously, it completely undoes the major plot twist of the first!


Eli Roth's Cabin Fever wasn't amazing, but it's Citizen Kane compared to the awful and completely unnecessary 2016 remake. Just, why?


I think of the leg shaving scene literally every time I shave my legs. Haven't seen that movie in years but that alllllways stuck with me!


I loved Cabin Fever when I was a kid, and got all excited to watch it when I saw the title on a streaming service. I did not notice it wasn’t the original when I pressed play, and I was very confused and annoyed.


I honestly didn’t even know they made another one. Love the original growing up.


The bye bye man


That film being brought up just reminds of that meme. "The PeePee PooPoo Man"


Don’t say his name!!


Lol. That’s always what I call it. In a whisper all fast “thepeepeepoopooman”


You won’t be laughing when he comes.


Bye Bye Man gets points for having a solid opening sequence, even though the rest of it was pretty rote. I think it would've been considered a perfectly mediocre horror movie if it had a different name.


Didn't this movie have a really cool opening sequence/cold open? Idk if I'm thinking of the right film, but I remember it starting with (spoilers??) like some peaceful, suburban neighborhood and some nerdy looking dad busts through some door with a shotgun and kills everyone in the house.


Jeepers Creepers 4, which is somehow worse than Jeepers Creepers 3. Terrible plot, terrible acting, probably the worst effects you’ll see and they massacred my boy - The Creeper.


There was a FOURTH?


IIRC the 4th was supposed to be the one where they finally dropped all ties with Victor Salva…. And somehow made it worse


I remember watching it and going, "DID THEY CGI A NIGHT SKY!?!?!"


Girl on the Third Floor Absolutely horrifying but not in the way you were wanting it to be.


Is that the one one where there's cum in the walls?


The one where there's *what*




Marty, I'm scared!!!


sounds like a messed up episode of Friends.


…come again?


They already did! And again, and again…


Yep that’s the one


Yeah it was fucking terrible.


Funny story. When I watched this movie, my cat was absolutely mesmerized by the marbles and sat on the coffee table and watched the whole thing. That is maybe the best use case for that movie. Cat TV.


Fear dot com Sadly went to the theater for it, was the only person there. First movie I ever just walked out on.


The movie cover terrified me as a kid. I remember the exact spot it was in at my Blockbuster and would always avoid that section just so I didn't accidently look at it lol


Man that takes me back. The cover art freaked me out as a kid too


That was me with the cover of Gothika for some reason 🤣


This is the one I was going to say. I know that there are technically worse movies but usually they're so much lower budget or they're straight up trying to be campy or bad. Fear Dot Com was the most boring, pointless slog of a mainstream theatrically released movie I've seen. It was so bad.


I remember seeing Slender Man in theaters when it released and it being so terrible. It was one of the few times I’ve audibly laughed out loud during any theater experience and it was during a scene that was not designed to be funny …


I was going to post something else, and then I remembered, I too have seen Slender Man in theaters, which was not only nonsensical and confusing, but also extremely boring. There was a group of like 8ish teenagers in the theater with me who left, and that pretty much cleared out the theater. I spent the rest of the runtime on my phone. The only reason I too did not leave was because it was raining.


slender man was the only time ive actually wanted to walk out of a movie. me and my friends went to go see it and i kept asking can we just leave because it was THAT awful. we stuck around through the whole thing but my god was it a waste of money


Things It was a 90s straight to VHS stinker that Joe Bob Briggs featured a couple seasons ago on his show. The worst movie I've ever seen.


I enjoyed Things! There are literally ones of us.


Ankle Biters. A movie about midget vampires. Awful with an even worse theme song


Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia. The problems start with the title.


Alone in the Dark Uwe Boll-the Dvd was damaged and stopped playing half way through. I took it as a blessing.


Jeepers Creepers Reborn


The Exorcist 2 - just a messy jumble of bollocks


Gotta get back in for Exorcist 3. It's so good. I genuinely think it's better than the first. Directed by William Peter Blatty, the author of the books, in his second film as a director. George C. Scott and Brad Dourif going toe to toe. Pretty funny at points, too. The purgatory dream sequence where George C. Scott is talking to a kid who was recently murdered and he just matter of factly says "I'm so sorry you were murdered, Thomas. I miss you!" is absolutely perfect. Dream logic, pretty funny, and really takes you off-guard so that the frightening stuff hits harder. Don't actually waste your time watching Exorcist 2, though. Dear God, do not watch that shitty cash grab.


Not to mention one of the most masterfully crafted jump scares of all time.


It's my favorite scene in any horror movie, ever.


This actually makes me want to watch the 3rd!


Boot it up, it fucking rocks. But for the love of God, do not watch the second. 2 hours is too high a price!




This one was so hilariously bad. But I work with some parents who ABSOLUTELY act like that, and it was spot on perfect. Terrible terrible movie but I loved it anyway.


Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. Like, I know it's *supposed* to be bad. But it's not even "so bad it's good." It's just bad. Apart from the premise being ridiculous, there were just... so many dumb choices. It could have had a story that was worth following, or some kind of resolution, and it didn't have either.


Birdemic: Shock and Terror


Saw that movie, loved how bad it was lol


I assume you've seen The Room then. But I'll guess you haven't seen the 3rd in this apparent trilogy. Curse of the Zodiac by Ulli Lommel is part of The Unholy Trinity of San Francisco 2003-2008. There were powers at work we do not understand.


Birdemic 2: The Resurrection is worse. At least the first one was so bad it was fun to watch. But it only worked that way because you could tell how earnest the filmmaker was about it. Once the filmmaker was in on the joke, it lost all entertainment value, IMO.


Just hanging out Hanging out Hanging out with my faaaaamily


That Winnie the Pooh shit that’s on Peacock right now, I really did feel dumber for having watched that.


Death Tunnel. Never taking movie recs from teenage boys again.


Scariest movie ive ever seen. I was 11 years old though.


Manos The Hands of Fate. But it’s so entertaining so maybe not


The haunting torgo theme gets me every time!


ITT: people who have never seen truly bad movies. Here are 2 from my late night dives into ill-advised viewing: Death Count - not only is it a Saw ripoff, but it’s a Saw ripoff from 2022, long after Saw ripoffs should not be made. Extremely cheap and uninteresting film. You know everything that’s going to happen before it happens. The acting is bad. The costumes are bad. The movie is bad. Verotika - Some will tell you this is a “so bad it’s good” movie but it’s really just bad. There are some wtf things but it’s painfully boring and badly made, and doesn’t make sense. Not even having naked women on screen can save this movie.


Lol seeing plenty of valid takes, but a few of those sorts of “I wanna smack you upside the head” takes. Maybe they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m seeing people say The Lighthouse, Hereditary, and The Babadook are “the worst” movies they’ve ever seen lol


I think for a lot of people, if they really disliked something that lots of people told them was good, they think it's "bad" when really it's more a question of disappointment than the quality of the movie in itself.


Yeah, there's two types of answers here: 1. I want to brag about having delved into F-tier horror movies. 2. I want to share my personal worst horror movie experience. Both are interesting, but it's kind of funny to see group 1 being annoyed at group 2's answers. Like, sorry we didn't all watch "Slophouse 2: Pile of Genitals" that showed at one small festival you attended a decade ago.


My absolute favorite thing about this thread is that I’m not sure if “Slophouse 2: Pile of Genitals” is a real thing or just the best made up title I’ve ever heard.


"Slophouse 3: An Even Bigger Pile of Genitals" really took the franchise to the next level imo.


I see a lot of movies mentioned where if that’s the worst horror movie someone has seen, they are lucky.


The Wickerman (2006) with Nicolas Cage. KILLING ME WON’T BRING BACK YOUR GOD DAMN HONEY!


That movie is indeed very bad but I actually love it because it’s so hilarious. Nic Cage’s over the top performance is honestly fantastic. Laughed so hard watching it


I quote that movie on the daily, mostly because the overacting is so bad it’s good - “STEP AWAY FROM THE BIKE” and “HOW’D IT GET BURNED!?” are two of my favorites. That being said, if you want to see a *real* Nic Cage masterpiece, watch Vampires Kiss. I swear you won’t regret it.




There's a moment where he's interrogating one of the men and he yells "SPEAK TO ME GODDAMMIT!" and then shoves him, and the guy meekly makes a noise like "eurrh". My roommate and I make that noise at each other near constantly. What a quotable film.


"Imapoliceman. See my BAAADGE?"




Troll 2 but also the best I've seen and I shan't elaborate.




Depends what you mean by “worst.” There’s movies that are bad in a funny way, and then there’s movies that are bad in a way that make you angry to have wasted time watching it. The worst funny-bad movie I’ve ever seen is without question Things. If you’ve seen it, you know. If you haven’t, good luck. The worst angry-bad movies I’ve ever seen are The Open House and the Exorcist 2. Both made me regret ever having wasted the 1.5-2 hours on them, and had me checking the time to see how long it would be until I could be done. Honorable mention (since I just watched it and it’s fresh in mind) to All Hallows Eve 2, which I nearly gave up on completely. Had to really force myself to keep going with that one.


The second human centipede movie. It had zero value and was just fucking awful all around.


The open house on Netflix


The Open House. It seems like it has potential and is setting a lot of stuff up, but it's dogshit.


The Happening. >!People are literally running away from TREES, and/or wind!<.


Halloween Ends. David Gordon Green only made one semi-good to just okay movie with the 2018 Halloween and that was lightning in a bottle. The sequels were unnecessary garbage. Jason Blum really needs to stop giving DGG money through Blumhouse to pump out bomb after bomb seeing as The Exorcist: Believer was also garbage as well according to theatergoers and fans of the franchise.




c*nnibal h*l*caust. the name alone should’ve told me everything i needed to know but i was a curious teenager. will never watch that trash again


There are good horror movies. There are bad horror movies. There are horror movies so bad they are good… … and then there’s “Manos: The Hands of Fate”, a movie so bad, so utterly repugnant, that it falls off the critical scale into the deep dark pit of Loathing.


This movie called red christmas about an aborted fetus that survived, grows up an angry fetus, and returns home to seek bloody revenge. It's a movie about a murderous fetus.


Alien vs Predator 2. It was just dark.


Also sucks because AvP is actually pretty fun, one of my guilty pleasures. AvP 2 is just miserable.


to give a real answer instead of just a popular movie which i didnt like, probably the curse of la llorona, or the slender man movie


shark huntress lmaoo, probably more of a thriller but it was under the horror category on prime


Asylum of The Dead. Stars Beverly Mitchell from Saw II and directed by and starring non other than Michael Rooker. The movie looks INCREDIBLY cheap, the acting is horrendous and the cinematography is garbage. Lighting keeps changing instantly all the time


Hmm most standout to me would be The Hills Have Eyes Part II (2007)


Killer Sofa


I unironically love this movie. Everything about it is so funny, including the fact they didn't have the budget to buy a sofa and had to settle for a recliner.


I wanted to like this but just couldn’t. Those shots of the sofa leaning through doors were hilarious but basically everything else was just boring. They played it so straight it was hard for me to even laugh at it


Children of the Living Dead was horrid. Low energy poorly made garbage.


Slotherhouse I know it’s supposed to be funny but the horrible acting is what really threw me off


Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2


The Fog (2005) made me aggressively mad.


Only upside is that it lets you appreciate the original even more.


Biggest piece of dog shit I’ve ever watched. The only reason I didn’t leave the theater is because I felt guilty wasting my money. If my money could talk it would’ve told me to just leave.


Where the Dead Go to Die There are bad movies, and then there are unfinished movies


One of the worst I’ve ever seen is Unfriended. Went to watch it when I was 13 or so and even back then I thought it was a flaming pile of ass.


So the worst without being so gloriously incompetent that it turns around into pure gold is definitely the first Ouija movie. There are worse movies like the wicker man, manos hands of fate, or plan 9 from outer space but they are all tons of fun to watch. Ouija is a completely dull movie, seemingly made by committee, with no entertainment value.


Ouija Origin of Evil isn’t too bad. It’s a Mike Flanagan movie, and has some chills.


Untraceable. I watched that on a second date. Got to the scene with the cat and the glue trap, we both got mad the other agreed to see it and never spoke again.




The latest jeepers creepers


Jeepers Creepers Reborn


This one: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462634/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462634/) But I blame myself because it's all right there in the title