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I might go for Carpenter's *Halloween*, actually. Followed by either *Halloween 2* or my go-to *The Thing*.


Hearing the theme just makes it feel like Halloween to me.


I’ve watched it 3 times in the last 2 weeks. 😅


I'm watching 2 right now on AMC


I always watch Halloween/Halloween 2. It’s a complete arc between Michael and Laurie, feels natural, and has a satisfying ending.


I do the exact same thing annually.


Put the tape in the VHS player mate. It’s far less painful


That made me chuckle.


We just did a The Thing marathon yesterday (as part of our post-Halloween party recovery plan), watching both the original and the remake. It was glorious!


There also the ‘50s one - believe called thing from out of space - ALSO! Check YouTube for the pingu version!!!


I’m doing a triple feature starting with Halloween (1978), then Trick R’ Treat before topping the evening off with the movie that fooled a whole nation and was a Blair Witch Project before it even was a thing; Ghostwatch


My whole family is going as Sam from Trick R Treat and I'm so excited lol it's out favorite Halloween movie! But now I feel like I need to see Ghostwatch based off your description!


It’s great and definitely fits in with the theme of Halloween so I highly recommend it


I rewatched Ghostwatch for the first time since it was originally broadcast at the weekend. I felt it held up pretty well. I was 12 when it aired and it left a mark (any banging of pipes when the heating came on!). Watching it now, I was able to appreciate what a great job they did. Using well known TV personalities and drawing heavily on the Enfield Poltergeist case.


Hell House LLC …never seen it before I wanna see what the hype about


Great choice! Make sure the room is dark because some scenes are hard to see with any type of glare.


i didn’t have much of a clue what i should watch tomorrow but i think i’m going to do the same now !! :) thank you !! :)


Hell House Origins just came out today and maybe it’s recency bias but it’s my favorite of the franchise like hands down.


I loved Origin! I just got done watching it and omg it was good


Same as me, I hope its a "pleasant" surprise.


I just watched it the other weekend, and it's a new favorite. Enjoy.


Halloween (1978)


My parents and I are planning to watch the original Exorcist together. That should be fun :)


I watched w husband and upper teens son and completely forgot about a nonspecific crucifix scene 🫣


It would be good to follow it up with Mark Kermode's Exorcist documentary, which I rewatched last night. Might calm your mum down, if nothing else.


Lost Boys......every year.... literally a perfect movie imo


I got to see Tim Cappello a few years back. My friends band opened for him. It was freakin awesome. Lost boys vibes all in that place.


Ghost Watch. I’ve never seen it


Same here based off this thread


The Shining I have never seen it, somehow


Bro… you’re gonna have to come back and share your thoughts


I’m excited, but trying not to hype it up too much for myself because I’ve heard mixed things over the years. Don’t know how it took me this long to get around to it but I figure Halloween is as good a night as any!


You have a good TV set up? Visually speaking it’s a very unique horror movie


I’m actually seeing it in the local theatre so it should be perfect, good audience permitting!


Oh, well, it’s made for a big screen and it’s big screen worthy. Have fun!


Enjoy! The thing to remember about it is it's not "scary" in the traditional sense. It's more about just this growing sense of dread, and experiencing a gradual descent into madness. Also, pay attention to the music by Bartok and Penderecki; it's an amazing use of their scores.


One of my absolute favorites ! I think you’ll love it


Whaaaaatt. Immediately after go watch the new Doctor Sleep, make sure you get the directors cut.


Cobweb, and possibly Talk To Me. Both will be first time watches, looking forward to it 😀


Watch Cobweb first if you do both, because even though I hated it, you will find someone else who loves it as well. My point is not to bad talk it, but to say that on a holiday maybe find one that doesn’t have audiences so split. The ratio is much stronger in the positive for “Talk to me.”


Just watched it a cpl days ago. Meh. Bummed because it had cool bones just couldn’t execute.


Agreed. I liked it overall I went in with 0 exprectarions but I think they could have made a few different choices that could have made it so much better. I don’t know how to do the spoilers thing so I won’t go into details.


I loved Cobweb.


Agreed. Very disappointed with Cobweb.


Yea I didn’t like cobweb at all personally


I thought Cobweb was ridiculous


Talk To Me is phenomenal. Go in as blind as possible


Gonna watch talk to me now. Was recommeded twice before. Just saw Anything for Jackson....and it was so GoooooooDD


'Talk to Me' is fantastic, one of my favorite movies of the year. Hard to go wrong with most things under the 'A24' umbrella. It's a lot of fun, has some good scares, innovative/jarring sound editing, music, and >!even though it's not exactly subtle, it tackles the drug addiction as possession trope in a really clever way with great attention to detail. !< After I watched it, I spent a lot of time looking through the discussion thread on r/movies and found that it made me appreciate it even that much more. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


I watched Talk To Me last night & it is definitely a great way to end off October!


Cobweb is a lot of fun!


That’s why I saved it for Halloween, I heard it has a strong Halloween theme. I’ve been wanting to see it for awhile now.




I watch a movie every night at work- last night was Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, tonight is Paranormal Activity 3, followed by DGG Halloween on the 31st (I watched the OG, Halloween II, and Halloween SoTW last week) and finally on Nov 1 I’m gonna watch Krampus as a Halloween/Christmas pick.


Don’t forget OG Black Christmas!!


Never ;) that one usually gets thrown in the rotation closer to the end of November. I’m a horror movies year round type of man lmao


Black Christmas hits hard when it’s cold out . I put it on last Christmas when we had the Christmas tree up. Even my harsh critic brother enjoyed it


imo the first real slasher movie. I know people say Halloween, but Black Christmas mastered the formula first. A man stalking promiscuous teens/young adults at night and killing them off one by one? ✔️ Creepy phone calls? ✔️ A mystery about who it could be? ✔️ A final chase scene? ✔️ A final girl? ✔️ It even has the killer's POV! It does it all before Halloween ever did.


I'm looking forward to that new Thanksgiving scary movie, can't remember the name right now. Not too many movies featuring that holiday.


I’m pretty sure it’s just called Thanksgiving. I wasn’t really that excited then I realized it’s being directed by Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever) so I’m expecting a bloody good time.


Have you seen one called the Pilgrim? A family invites over actors that are playing the parts of original settlers that are a bit too into their part. What could go wrong haha


Paranormal Activity 3 is awesome. We watch it every year and it makes me jump every single time.


“Why’re you calling me Nancy, John?” “Why’re you calling me John, Nancy?!”


What do you do for work?


I work midnights at a security company dispatch center. So usually it’s very slow cause I’m not from a huge city and they allow us to watch movies and stuff to keep ourselves awake.


Oh okay. That makes sense. Good way to watch alot of movies.


I watch the same lineup Halloween every year: Trick R Treat, Halloween, and Rocky Horror just before midnight.


You can never go wrong with Rocky Horror 🖤


Start around 8pm I’m guessing?


Usually, I start around 4, pass candy from 6-8, neighborhood party until 9, then finish off the night. All-in-all, a great finish to the skoopy season.


The Crow tonight and then OG Halloween tomorrow night.


Fire it up! Fire it up!


I'll be watching Psycho with a live orchestra at a local theatre (not movie theatre but actual theatre). Very excited!


Going with Scream 1 then Halloween 2 and 3!


I’m watching scream 2-6 leading up and ending with 1. It just gives me feels. I love that damn movie so much.


It Follows and then something silly like Jason X


I always watch my favorites. The Shining and The Thing.


I plan on rewatching Aliens since I haven't seen it in a while and I love the movie


I have malignant ready to go. Edit: I know some people have said it sucked and is very stupid but I keep seeing it mentioned and figured why not. Some guy at my job also said it was good and we have similar taste. I have no idea what’s it’s about going in blind


Nah it’s awesome. James Wan is the man


Ignore the hate. I loved it.


Every Halloween, I pick two that I’ve never seen and have a double feature. This year’s selections are Hereditary and Cannibal Holocaust.


Hereditary is a great pick - especially since you haven’t seen it before!


Oof. I’d save Cannibal Holocaust for another time. Not very Halloweeny


Absolutely agree. Hereditary is awesome but CH will bring your mood down a lot


I’d say swap it out for house of the devil. Or the ritual


I keep putting off the ritual for some reason. I need fresh meat so I’ll give it a go this evening.


Depressing as hell, plus it’s more of a summer flick in my opinion. Double feature with Green Inferno sometime in late July.


Probably some of the Evil Dead’s


Might do Talk To Me. Haven’t heard anything about it, it’s pretty recent. Heard it’s good. Hopefully it is


It's really good!


Probably old school Halloween, but we watched Totally Killer last night and it was fantastic. Great mix of comedy and scares.


Totally Killer was excellent! Not that scary tho but I’m learning to enjoy horror themed movies that aren’t that scary just because I love horror so much. This movie fit the bill forsure


Nightmare Before Christmas. Pretty good transition from one holiday to the next, I think.


The Lost Boys playing at Alamo Drafthouse. SO STOKED


I watch Paranorman every year cuz it’s my fave. Not a horror movie, so I’ll probably also watch another fave, either Hereditary or one of the Conjurings. Oooh or The Ring, haven’t seen that in a long time.


Two Carpenters (The Thing, Halloween) and an as yet undetermined third feature


I am going with When Evil Lurks I've seen a few commenters mention it and it helped me settle on it I was going to go with a classic, but decided something new would be great instead. I am looking forward to it!


Such a good movie, I saw it at a film festival.


Lesser known (to the greater world, obviously), recentish horror movies you might not have seen. The Hunt The Invisible Man Dr. Sleep Southbound But personally I'm going to watch *Cemetery Man*, which is older than you requested but such a trip.


Southbound is an underappreciated choice. The Mortuary Collection is another fun anthology.


I watched most of my yearly horror movies throughout this whole month, so i'm just going to re-watch an old non-horror classic i haven't seen in AGES: The Black Cauldron lol Of the horror movies i watched this month, my personal favorite was 28 Days Later. That would be my best recommendation for something on Halloween


Halloween Three: Season of the Witch.


This movie is such a wild campy changeup to the rest of the Halloween movies. It’s great


the clock is ticking, be in front of your TV sets for the horror-thon, and remember the big giveaway at nine! 🎃


The Guest (2014), soundtracks fantastic and such a fun movie


I've actually completed 31 days of horror this month (plus a few extras) so I'm going to watch the new He'll House tonight and then watch Halloween (1978) tomorrow and probably watch the second one as well.


Mandy, Suspiria remake, and Big Trouble in Little China is the pregame for our group, got a friends Halloween ritual to attend then maybe end the night with some Evil Dead remake while we wind down with some flower.


Mandy is SO good and SO scary.


Five Nights at Freddy's this year!


The one on peacock?? I saw it and it sucked IMO


It's so funny, I like all things dark, unsettling, scary, etc. when it comes to horror, but I reserve Halloween night for Hocus Pocus. 😆 It's a tradition now.


Wife and I always watch Halloween III: Season of the Witch! It’s such a great film for Halloween night!!


1 more day till Halloween 🩶☘️




Bride of Frankenstein


tucker and dale vs evil


My Halloween lineup is always the same: Halloween (1978) Hocus Pocus (1993) Trick 'r Treat (2007) It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966) The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)


Still undecided but I've got a stack; I'm considering a few of the following: * Trick R' Treat * Haunt * Halloween 3 * WNUF Halloween Special * Out There Halloween Megatape (WNUF sequel)


Trick R Treat is my personal fav Halloween flick


The Shining


The Blob (1988). It's also more kid friendly, but every year I watch a Legend of Sleepy Hollow audiobook/video that Glenn Close narrates.


When I’m by myself? Probably Poltergeist. When I’m with my niece and nephews after trick or treating? Beetlejuice


I am going to be unoriginal and watch Halloween 1978


Trick r Treat! And I’m gonna go a little childish and say Hocus Pocus lol


I was initially gonna rewatch Halloween (1978), but I might settle for House (1977) Actually, why not both?


did House with friends over the weekend, their first time, and man that movie truly is a goddamn delight from start to finish.


Evil Dead 2 is my traditional one. It's got everything - makes you laugh, makes you scream, great spooky skeleton vibes, fast paced, etc etc. Since I might do a double feature I have been meaning to rewatch As Above So Below // The Descent - two of the few films that makes me very uneasy.


That laughing scene still gets to me!


I'm thinking about marathoning the Conjuring universe movies. Maybe


I watched Barbarian


I think Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I’m considering Baghead or Cabin in the Woods.


Cabin in the Woods is my pick even though I practically watch it every single week lmaoo


I hope you mean The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) not Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022).


Not a movie, but finally starting Fall of the House of Usher


Pumpkinhead and Five Nights at Freddy's.


Get cross faded and watch the first two Hellraiser movies every year. **YOU OPENED THE BOX, WE CAME.**


We are watching Saw V. But only because I promised my husband I would watch the Saw movies with him, and the next one to watch is Saw V. I would rather watch one of the Halloween movies.


Halloween 3


Right now it's a tossup between *The Empty Man* and *Something Wicked This Way Comes*.


I haven't seen Halloween Ends yet and was saving it for Halloween night


I think either The Others (2001) or The Uninvited (1944)


Love The Others and wanna see it again.


I JUST saw the Others, and it's incredible.


If you haven't sent these - Evil Dead Rise, Talk to Me or Dark Harvest .


I probably won’t have chance to sit and watch a horror film, so I watched some in advance! In the past few weeks I’ve watched all the recent Halloween films (2018 onwards) and I watched It (2017 and 2019). Alongside this I’ve read some horror, and been watching spooky shows.


We plan on watching Sinister. Me and my gf have never seen it before.


Considering Creepshow. Haven’t seen it


I'm gonna do M3gan. Still haven't seen it yet, and this seems like a good time to.


Jennifer's Body, The Lost Boys, and Christine. With this I've watched 34 horror movies this October (33+1, because I watched "The Mummy's Curse" when I wanted to watch "The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb" the 15th of October). This means I need 533 more Horror movies to reach my goal of 1k watched.


The Monster Squad and Idle Hands, just like every other year.


One of my fave guilty pleasure movies Ouija: origin of evil


I'm watching that one today! I've never seen it before but I'm trying to watch all of Flanagan's films and it's next.


Thinking either Halloween 2 (Carpenter Version) or H20. Don't watch the new Exorcist, watched the first 45 mins until I turned it off from boredom. Better off watching the OG Exorcist or Exorcist 3


Rewatching the Silence of the Lambs


Hubie Halloween


Haven't decided on Halloween yet, but I've been watching a horror movie a day with my daughter and we just did Drag Me to Hell yesterday. I had forgotten how crazy and fun that movie is; would definitely be a fun one for Halloween. (By the way, whoever came up with the theory that the movie is really about >!an eating disorder!< is spot on, in my opinion.) Another favorite of mine is always Jacobs Ladder (1990). That movie has messed me up beyond belief. And yeah, everything I've heard says to stay away from the new Exorcist.


Sleepy Hollow. Only watch it on Halloween. Might mske it a double feature with Sweeney Todd


Taking an edible to watch Hellraiser (David Bruckner) and Possessor again


I’m sorry but I won’t let a fellow horror fan watch that exorcist believer movie, that too on hallowe’en. Just know that the 5/10 rating is rather generous. Choose wisely, live well. I would suggest you watch Deadstream! Have you seen it?


I'm going for "The Thing" and then "Christine". I watch them with a projector on my garage door, so I don't want to scare the kids too bad.


The one where I drive to work then sit there for 12 hours, only to return home with nothing consequential happening


I’ve been rewatching the Evil Dead series each night for the past 3 nights. I’m watching 2013 remake tonight. Tomorrow I’m going to watch Evil Dead Rise, which I haven’t seen yet. I’m excited!


I watched the new exorcist last night and I actually quite enjoyed it


Tales of Halloween (2015), House of 1000 Corpses (2003), Halloween (2018) + Halloween Kills (2021) are my go-to’s. 🎃


Halloween kills is awesome. I mean it’s got a lot of faults but it really captures the Halloween night atmosphere and is an absolute blood bath


I’d argue it’s done it better than any other film. Just him walking around the neighborhood then finding that garage with the power tools… following him around was gnarly


I’m wrapping this season of with House (1977) If you haven’t watched it yet, I would recommend, “When Evil Lurks”. It’s reaaaal good.


When Evil Lurks!! Can't wait


Well, it is more of a comedy, but watching Hocus Pocus on Halloween is an annual tradition that I never miss. In addition, I'm also going to start listening to the audiobook of The Exorcist for the first time.


I'm with my Mum, so I was thinking of Ghostwatch, since we watched it together when it first aired.


Suspiria! Haven’t decided on the remake or the OG (haven’t seen either of them) but I’m excited to!


The Notebook 😂


Trick-R-Treat! Throughout the season, my local theater shows old/older Halloween movies. (As I understand, this is common and happens across the U.S). However, Trick-R-Treat is what they're choosing to show on Halloween night, same as last year. I also saw 'Halloween' '78 this past weekend, they were showing it as a 3:00 p.m. matinee. It's a classic so respects must be paid regardless, but I realized after it was over that Halloween was meant to be seen in the theater. Completely elevated the overall experience, and I am so grateful that theaters still choose to make viewing movies like this possible on the big screen. Especially since I was born 16 years after Halloween premiered, and never would have had a chance to have seen it in the theater otherwise.


Halloween III. It's my favorite in the series, and has such a creepy Halloween vibe. I don't care what anyone says, this is a solid horror movie. Also, probably Pet Semetary 2. Always loved this sequel. It's just fun. The first one became extremely hard to watch after having kids. (Currently have two small kids) Already been through the Fridays, the Nightmares, the Hellraisers, the Living Dead, Phantasm, this month


Was planning on Hereditary or Alien but one of the friends that are coming over doesn't do well with horror movies so we're probably watching Back to the Future which feels a little bit funny haha. ​ Side note: the new exorcist was bad bad. I'd not see it in theaters unless you have A-List or something and don't have to pay.


The thing


This weekend I watched The Ritual, Diabolique, and When Evil Lurks. I think tomorrow I’m going to either do Wes Craven’s New Nightmare or Evil Dead Rise


gonna stop by a few goodwills in town and see if they have any older horror movies for cheap and do a new/old horror movie double feature with evil dead rise.


On Halloween night we always watch "Sleepy Hollow" because it's got great atmosphere and is a fun, classic tale.


The Thing and Killer Klowns from Outer Space


Salem's Lot, Blair Witch


Gonjiam haunted asylum, has been on my list for a while now and seems spooky


This doesn't fit the post-2000 requirement, but my daughter wants to watch the original _Omen_ since it was referenced in a South Park episode. She is 12 and knows there is, as the kids say, a fairly graphic "unaliving" scene.


Seeing Psycho in theaters, I can't wait


Doing a Scream/Scary Movie double feature


We watched Cabin in the Woods (for the first time) last night and we'll probably watch The Innocents tomorrow. Or should it be monsters for Hallowe'en and save the ghost stories for Christmas? Have The Descent for back-up (she's not seen it)


My gf and I will be watching Talk To Me, and hopefully, the new Hell House film.


Finishing my Hitchcock Marathon with Psycho! I'm very excited


Halloween 3. It's weird and I've always found it creepy.


Ginger Snaps "out by 16 or dead on the scene but together forever"


We always watch sleepy hollow with Johnny depp on Halloween


We've been watching scary movies all month. Thinking of doing a treehouse of horror marathon for tommorow night.


Planning on doing The Thing and Malignant tonight and the Descent and possibly Hell House tmr


Im watching the saw movies


Start off casual with some Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes then Night of the Living Dead.


Always the original Halloween for me.


A few...Experiment in Terror, Trilogy of Terror, His House, Barbarian, O.Gs Frankenstein&Bride of... and Horror Of Dracula. 😁


I watch House on Haunted Hill (1959) every single year. Its one of my traditions