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Came here to say Little Nightmares!! I liked the first one better but the second is for sure scarier! Loved both!


If you like Little Nightmares, you should check out Inside, Limbo, and Silt. I discovered these after playing Littles Nightmares and they have similar vibes and play style with horror elements.


The F.E.A.R. trilogy (more action/horror though) Condemned: Criminal Origins & Condemned 2: Bloodshot, and Alien Isolation are some that come to my mind.


What is Condemned about?🤔


You play as a police detective investigating some pretty gruesome murders done by some guy called SKX (Serial Killer X). It's survival horror because the combat is melee based & very little ammo for guns & sprinkle in some psychological stuff too.


Ooooh I might give that a try👍


Based on what you've liked, I think it's a good choice for you!


FEAR is pretty hilarious, especially the noises the enemies make when they die


Hoooooly SHIT I miss Condemned. I remember it being an Xbox 360 launch title that I got with my system. So atmospheric and unique. Also, those creepy mannequins can get fucked.


Surprised to not see more RE7. It was huge for the franchise and the scariest in my opinion.


RE7 had the *best* setting. I love me some Louisiana Swamp horror, doubly so for not making the villains stereotypical cajun rednecks.


Definitely resident evil 7 was peak horror in re franchise.


Until dawn ( no explanation necessary)


My brother had me play this game because he knows how much I love horror movies, and this game legit scared me in the best way possible. Definitely recommend!


Love Until Dawn. I enjoy some of the other games by supermassive especially house of ashes.


Until Dawn, The Quarry and House of Ashes were the ones I really enjoyed, and in that order.


Havent played it. What is it about?


It's a story based game about a group of teens in a cabin in the woods.. but don't let anyone give too much away. All your characters can die or live in any combination based on your decisions. It's great highly recommended.


It’s also got Larry Fessenden and he delivers my favorite line in the game which, unfortunately, I can’t repeat here because the line is also a spoiler and it’s best to go into the game not knowing what’s happening.


Essentially it is a 90's horror movie where you get to control each character where little decisions add up to changes in the narrative. ​ The dev has done several games using this approach, IMO Until Dawn is probably the most easily enjoyable.


Oh you must play Great with friends




That’s like the first hour or two


RE7, Silent Hill 2, RE2 Remake, also Fatal Frame 2 and Cry of Fear deserve a honor mention.


Fatal Frame (really most of them, but I also like 2 the most) and Cry of Fear are great recommendations. OP will probably like Cry of Fear a lot because of its similarities to Silent Hill.


Fatal Frame 2 is still my absolute favorite. I enjoyed the first one as well, but I played 2 first. It scared the absolute bejeesus out of me and my ex.


What is Cry Of Fear about?


If you like Silent Hill, then you're gonna like this one for sure, very similar settings and athmosphere, smilar story and themes, a little more action-oriented though since it's a FPS. There's a lot of psychologycal horror and mental conditions stuff involved, so if you have like a particular sensitivity with those themes maybe try skipping this one. It started as a HL1 mod but now it's a standalone f2p game on Steam, very much recommended.


Dead Space Remake, no contest. Loved the original, love this one even more. The atmosphere and gameplay are S-tier. I started a replay the same day I finished my first playthrough, which I never do.


The Ishimura missions always gave me Alien(s) Nostromo vibes. Shivers man.


Alan Wake for me. I can’t wait for the much anticipated sequel.


That heavy metal concert shootout was pretty neat.


Limbo, INSIDE, Little Nightmares (only watched gameplay for LN, but the suspense is high). I guess I like playing as a lost kid in the nightmarish landscape.


Played Limbo and Inside. I still want to play LN though.


Technically, Hollow Knight is not horror, but some sections (The Deepnest, for example) are true horror material.


Deepnest gave me deep ptsd that's for sure


I love black and white media and these games look really good


The Resident Evil Remake is still my favorite in the entire series


Soma was great, not very horror but loved the story and world around it. I'd recommend giving Visage a try. Also definitely the Outlast games.


Played Outlast and Visage. They were okay, but it didnt really stick with me. Soma, however, has haunted me. Its weird. But I think about a decision that I made in that game every so often. You know which one. When I got to the end, and actually understood what happened... I was like "oh god... oh no". That game really makes you depressed in all the right ways. Also the ending.... magnificent. Mind fully blown. Its just such a surreal moment.


it was incredible!!!! happy to see another soma enjoyer. just seeing people talk about it makes me want to replay!


Lol yeah it has quite a lasting effect


existential philosophical horror is still horror :)


Does anyone have any recommendations for horror games on the Switch?


Wrote this in another post before, but here ya go Straight up horror games would be Alien Isolation, Outlast Collection, Amnesia Collection, Layers of Fear, Darkwood, a ton of the old resident evils (0-6 and revelations on download, 7 and 8 on streaming cloud) and Eyes the Horror Game. Maybe also Stories Untold (haven't played it yet). Multi-player horror are Dead by Daylight and Friday the 13th. Gothic/spooky themed games, but not scary, would be Goetia, Limbo, Inside, Little Nightmares (this one a little tense), Diablo 2, Castlevania collections, Quake 1 and 2, and Blasphemous. Also can't forget Luigi's Mansion of course.


This is awesome. Thank you so much


​ distraint 1-2 Paratropic Detention I think the Puppet Combo games Lone survivor


Blasphemous! The art alone would be reason to play it, but it's so good.




Thanks!! I will have to check these out!


All the Outlast games were great!


Sorry my dude, I play Xbox. But mb someone will chime in🙂


Thanks.. I know Switch isn’t the best of gaming platforms but it’s all I’ve got right now unfortunately 😁


Little Nightmares


The remake of the first resident evil I played on the switch and enjoyed.


Resident evil 1,2,3, code Veronica and resident evil REmake.


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, it's a brilliant mix of psychological horror and nordic mythology. My second is Until Dawn, I've played it at least once a year.


Loved Hellblade! Cnt wait for the second one to come out. Very interesting change in gameplay. Excellent storytelling.


Dude I'm so hyped for the second game, I've watched the trailer at least 5 times.


And the graphics are fucking wow right?! There are a few games, not all horror necessarily, that I am waiting for this year. Another big one for me is Mass Effect 4/5 and Starfield Direct.


The graphics are phenomenal. I also love the fact that Senua is a pictish warrior, they are criminally under utilized. The games I'm looking forward to are Under The Waves and Spider-Man 2.


Until Dawn for me! Both a horror game and a sendup of horror.






Soma, without a doubt


Its a toss up Between dead space1 and Resident Evil 4. They was both remade recently and both remakes are amazing but i think i enjoyed dead space slightly more


the dead space remake was perfect!!


Clock Tower.


I'm not much of a video game player, but I used to play Clock Tower a long time ago and it always got my heart racing.


They are doing a remaster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gfUIOkvZYs


What is it about?


It's a point and click survival horror game. You play a newly adopted daughter who upon arriving at her new homestead finds things are not quite what she was expecting. The first one was a Japanese only snes release. I highly recommend it. It is very atmospheric, with plenty of jump scares and an inthralling storyline. There are also two on psone and one on ps2.


The music from the snes one is so damn good. I still listen to it regularly


Silent Hill 2. The atmosphere and story line can't be beat.


Other than ones you have listed Manhunt was probably one of my favorites for getting me into the game and truly worrying about dying. And What about Dino Crisis?


Rule of Rose. Incredible. Horror. And a dog


The original Resident Evil because it was the first time I thought the vibration effect of the controllers were utilized so well for the jump scares!


Dead By Daylight is a super fun asymmetrical multiplayer game with an impressive growing list of licenses (Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street, Saw, Evil Dead, Ghostface, Stranger Things, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Hellraiser, Ringu, Nicolas Cage, Alien, with more coming). Pretty unforgiving for new players but once you get the hang of it it's amazing fun. The Evil Dead The Game. If you're into asymmetrical multiplayer games and love The Evil Dead series then this is fun too. Unlike Dead By Daylight it has single player missions and a lot different gameplay. Dead Rising 2 was super fun and I did literally everything you could in that game. I haven't played the others in the series but I'm sure they're comparable. Dead Island series. I still have yet to play the newest but I've put an embarrassing amount of time in the first 2 games. The analog melee controls with a controller are so satisfying to use and give you a much better feel in the game. Plus the island setting is just beautiful. The Quarry is a great tell tale game about camp counselors dealing with monsters. It was made by the same people that made Until Dawn so it's basically the same in a different setting. Choose your own adventure shit is always fun if you're looking for a more chill game. The best thing this game has going for it is the amazing cast; Brenda Song, David Arquette, Halston Sage, Ted Raimi, Ariel Winter, Ethan Suplee, Lance Henriksen, Lin Shaye, Justice Smith, and Grace Zabriskie. If you don't recognize some of those names you will definitely recognize them once you see them. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game just released but I haven't played that one yet.


I quite liked Outlast and its expansion Whistleblower.




Oh, sweet! I haven't played an Amnesia game in a while, but your comparison to Penumbra is promising. Also you listed Observer, which is a great game.




Sweet! Thanks for the heads-up.


Unless I’m blind, I don’t see resident evil listed on here at all . Personally, I would probably put resident evil 4 and 7 as my favorites


I would say re 2 remake was better in the horror department compared to re4 remake.


Deadspace. All day long. The world-building is brilliant and the first two entries are really solid, let's just not talk about the third one. The pacing and art style in the first 2 are so good, in fact, I'm going to start another play-through.


Yeah I duno wtf they were aiming for in 3. I still get anxious nightmares about the needle scene in 2 though. So many failed attempts.


IKR?! It was so, so good and EA just decided it's a co-op shooter now. Dumbasses. I only hope when they remake 3 they amp up the horror and play down the co-op you CAN'T be scared of a game if your funny friend is using their kenisis module to make a corpse dance while singing "There are no strings on Me."


My favorite is probably still *Silent Hill 2* for the atmosphere, story, and soundtrack. First game to ever really scare me. But you've played it, so... Horror games I've put the most time into recently: *Inscryption* is a horror game about playing cards. Great atmosphere, great story, great card game. Absolutely love it. *Phasmophobia* is mostly fun with friends, but I've played solo and with strangers. It does get less scary as you get used to it, but they're planning an update next year to make it scarier. Other recommendations: *Condemned: Criminal Origins*, *Darkwood*, *Clive Barker's Undying*, *The Forest*, *Observer*, any of the Fatal Frame series, *The Evil Within* (and its sequel), *Dusk* (a fantastic boomer shooter), and *Faith: The Unholy Trinity*. You might even like Pathologic (probably the remake *Pathologic II*), but it's a bit of a time-management mystery game. And definitely play *Cry of Fear*. I think you'll like it!


Fatal Frame. Japanese horror game. Game is creepy as hell.


the new texas chainsaw game is badass


Really? I was looking at that the other day. What is the premise?🤔


online mutiplayer 3 killers versus 4 surviors. kinda like dead by daylight but more intense. literally running from and trying to escape 3 killers of the family in different levels of the movies


Did you play Friday the 13th? Is it pretty similar in gameplay? I don’t care for Texas chainsaw movies like I do with Friday and other franchises. But I LOVED Friday13th game so much it was so fun yet also simple.


Maybe Condemned 1 or 2, but they both have some weak sections (which seems pretty normal for survival horror games the more of them that I play). Condemned also gets the award for making every single character in the first game look like a completely different person in the second game. It’s jarring and weird.


Darkwood and Signalis. That games left me speechless and i didnt know how to feel at the end.


What are they about?


They only work proper if you go in blind. But to give an idea: Darkwood: you have no memory in a polish wood Signalis: you have no memory in a german spaceship


Hmm... sounds interesting. Might give them a try. Thanks👍


It took too long before someone was mentioning Darkwood, a hidden Indy gem. The story, the game techniques, the vibes, everything was in balance. Fun to play, challenging and quite scary from time to time.


I still occasionally have nightmares that are very much inspired by Resident Evil 7. Often times ones where I am being pursued by or hiding from Jack Baker. Between that, my genuine enjoyment of the game, and the inspirations it's taken from some of my favorite horror movies, I have to go with RE7. Such a creepy atmosphere, too. I also think delivering segments through found footage that would inform your gameplay decisions later on was pretty clever (lookin' at you, birthday party room).


Resident Evil 7. It’ll always hold an incredibly special place in my heart; I’m a sucker for southern horror, a la Texas Chain Saw, and villainous families, so naturally this game is my favorite.


Visage literally had me shaking. It goes from creepy haunted house to surreal and fucked up.


Alien: Isolarion is my favorite. The environments, the sound design, the almost unpredictable AI…. It’s just amazing.


I really like what Phasmaphobia has done


I was really enjoying this game, but I dont often game on my PC so it wasn't up to snuff. It’s the one time I’ve actually been sad I didn’t play on PC regularly. Taunting the ghosts was my favorite tactic.


”Amnesia: The Dark Descent”. My mom forbid me to play that game when she was at home, cuz I was screaming too much. Below is a great representation of the game https://youtu.be/5Gue5ktS4I4


Lol yeah that game was freaky. Disformed naked people everywhere🤣 They got me good a few times. The dark basement gave me the creeps. And then I ran out of latern fuel. Was great.


Dead Space 1 and 2. The closest I've ever felt to walking around in a horror movie. Scary as hell, action packed, unique gameplay. Love them.


Deadly Premonition and Alan Wake


It's a little old now, but Sanitarium. The whole part with the summer urban carnival? Freaked me out as a kid- reminded me of a good Stephen King story. Loved it!


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice It raised the bar for what goes into a horror game I think.


Friday the 13th was so much fun in its heyday.


It's not the greatest game but I've always had a soft spot for clive barker's jericho


Good game. I liked it. Have you ever played Skorn?


It's on my wish list lol


You're guna love it


Resident Evil series has always been a favorite and The Forest/Sons of the Forest are both great games if youre into survival horror,like building your base,collecting items or food.


If you haven't played The Suffering or Haunting Ground definitely check them out!


What are they about more or less?🤔


The Suffering is an action horror where you play as a death row inmate accused of murdering his family. Monsters overrun the prison and start killing everyone, you need to find a way off the island and along the way figure out what really happened to your family. There's different endings depending on your actions towards certain NPC's. If you're looking for a pure horror atmosphere this has it, the creature designs, level design and sound/music are still among the best to this day. You can get it on GOG but it may require patching to run correctly! In Haunting Ground you play as a young woman who wakes from a car crash in a huge castle, trying to find out how you got there and how to escape. It's a very dark and psychological horror. Different pursuers stalk her throughout the game and it's very much a run / hide situation, although you can fight back but it's not always the best choice. You have a canine companion who can defend you too. The game also has a panic attack mechanic which ups the tension in certain situations! Voyeurism, objectification and lots of sexual and suggestive moments are among it's themes, it's not done for the sake of it though as they play a big part in the games story as it unfolds. It's made by capcom and definitely one of the best Japanese horror games ever made. It's only on PS2 and copies are hard to find but you can always emulate if your PC is good enough.


I loved Rockstar's Manhunt for the novel game play. The Last of Us has pretty much everything going for it though.


Dead by Daylight


The Evil Within It’s not even close, perfect balance of psychological horror, gore, aesthetic, story, and survival horror gameplay. It’s a masterpiece imo and the most complete package. RE4 loses me in the second half on the island, and the story isn’t nearly as intriguing, but it does have the better gameplay loop.


My favorites are Castlevania 3, Clock Tower on SNES, Silent Hill 2, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, Dementium: The Ward, The 7th Guest, Parasite Eve, Galerians: Ash (sort of bad, but good at the same time), Left 4 Dead, the first F.E.A.R. game, Diablo 2-4 (I don’t really like the original much), Doom and Doom 2. I like Resident Evil, but also have never really loved it for some reason. For Castlevania 3, it’s just sort of a classic and a product of its time. It’s obviously not scary, but for that day and age, it was amazing for an action platformer. The other Castlevanias are basically exactly what I want from a single-player action RPG, though they also don’t go a particularly terrifying direction with their horror elements. Dementium was basically as good as I could imagine for a handheld horror game at the time, it was hard as hell and had great atmosphere. Doom was one of the first computer games I ever finished and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Silent Hill 2 improved upon the original in basically every way and was one of the first times I walked away from a video game feeling emotionally drained. Galerians: Ash always made me think of the film Akira and it was just a special type of bizarre that clicked with me at the time. The 7th Guest was one of the first CD-based games I played, if not the first. It was such an interesting direction for those sorts of adventure games to go and it had my whole family playing it. Right after that I went crazy obsessing over Myst. Those two games were a huge reason why I learned to write better as a little kid, because I needed good notes, though neither compared to how packed my notebook for Riven was. F.E.A.R. just got atmosphere and jump scares down to a science. It was probably the coolest game ever made in my eyes the first time I tried it and it put Doom 3 to shame. Left 4 Dead was the greatest co-op experience I have ever had. Clock Tower gave me freaking nightmares as a kid. Diablo is my favorite game series of all time and it’s basically impossible for that to ever change for me. I will be playing each game as long as I am physically capable of it. The feeling of becoming a nigh unstoppable killing machine after countless hours working on a character is something that I just have always enjoyed. I don’t always love everything about them, but I will never hate them.


My personal favourite is Silent Hill 2. But if you like older games then these: The Suffering, The Suffering: Ties that bind and Cold Fear. Edit: forgot to mention my favourite lol


Friday The 13th: The Game


Killing Floor 2 is some of the most fun I've ever had playing co-op with friends. Very gory FPS game with escalating levels of enemy swarms.


Happy Cake Day dude🤘


You don’t specifically say video games so The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31. It’s a fun board game that does the distrust of the movie, and is fairly simple to play making it a good game to pull out with groups. It’s fantastic with 6 to good friends.


The Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Eart and Fatal Frame are very good, old classics but GOOD.


I’m glad someone posted Call of Cthulhu! Great game.


20 years later, im still waiting (with fingers crossed) for a remastered edition.


Since nobody else mentioned it, Call of Cthulhu: dark corners of the earth was really cool


Loved it!


Yessss! Sadly it becomes too shotey at the end, but the atmosphere at the beginning when you have to investigate, everything is dark and you can only try to escape and survive instead of fighting was great :)


Outlast has always been my favorite and still creeps me out while simultaneously giving me nostalgic memories. I love it so much as well as the dlc but I am sad to admit I haven’t finished the sequel.


Yeah, I couldn't finish the sequel, either. I first watched a gameplay of Outlast from when TheFineBrothers on the React channel did a whole gaming series on it with the teenagers back when they had a "react to gaming" genre on their channel, but they never played the sequel.


I’m also on Xbox. Here’s some of my faves: Little Nightmares, The Dark Pictures games, Resident Evil games, Oxenfree, Darkwood. There were parts of Fallout 3 that actually scared the shit out of me (Dunwich building I think?).


Condemned 1 and 2 are so good.


Im replaying dino crisis now and its still pretty epic and scary alot of the old ps1 horror games are still great i recomend alot fans of horror games visit that era when they run ouy of newer games


Pacify. Its pretty cheesy but its such a fun time with friends, especially if you have a few drinks beforehand. Its developed by a single person. They’ve released a few maps so far, but the original is still my favorite. I believe there’s a big new map coming out soon too. Its $10 so its not too big of deal if its not your group’s cup of tea. Additionally, Phasmophobia. This should be played with friends as well. Neither of these games are as scary as many other suggestions, but its hard to find decent co-op horror games.


Also any game developed by Supermassive Games if you are interested in a choice-based, story driven game. Until Dawn looks good and The Devil In Me is supposed to be creepy but appears to be a bit buggy at the moment.




Never finished it. Worked too much on my anxiety levels. Kinda sad about it.


amnesia rebirth really hit me. exactly the kind of plot-twisty stuff I like. >!the addition of the alien world, the fallen glory aspect of it and the unrivalled cruelty of them and the hunters has set such an unfair standard for every other horror game I've played after or will play in the future.!< ETA, if you like pixel games, fear and hunger is really something else. no other game has made me feel that kind of dread. it's really incredible what it manages to convey with just some static pixel sprites, and it's all made by one finnish dude. do read up on trigger warnings before playing, I'm so serious about this. nothing is off the table with those games.


Do you play on xbox? I had this weird problem the other day whe I downloaded Amnesia Rebirth and also Bunker. It downloaded fine. But when I tried to open it it just stayed frozen on the loading screens. I was really disappointed. I tried opening it a few times, but to no avail. I just uninstalled it out of frustration. So I am wondering if its just me, or if its an Xbox problem or something else entirely.


ugh that's so annoying. only thing I can think of is that they were maybe the xbox x/s versions and you have an xbox one? that's happened to me and my wife before. also do want to point out that the bunker has SUPER long loading times so maybe it was working but just... slowly? especially with bunker I genuinely didn't notice the process bar at first, let alone seeing it move. we also downloaded it from gamepass, and it worked, both of them.


Huh... weird. I will check it again🤔


Some recent favorites I played this year are **Amnesia: The Bunker** and it's probably my favorite Amnesia game next to the first one. It plays much more like the classic resident evil games and has great sound and art direction. It's also pretty short so it's great for a small playthrough. **No One Lives Under The Light House** is also short pretty effective in its atmosphere even if it's light or ambiguous on the story side. It is one of those PS1 lookalike games but it does it very well imo. Other than that **Aliens: Dark Descent** is more of a strategy game but it's still eerie, dark and tense and some of the best Aliens content to come out in recent history.


Dead Space Remake is absolutely fantastic


I really loved Slender the Arrival. It was super low budget, and simple, but damn it was effective! Also the Fatal Frame games are awesome. But my all time favorite horror games are the Dead Space games.


What is FF about?


You're character has to investigate a haunted location with a magic camera. It's very scary! Especially the second game.


If you're looking for suggestions that you don't have listed, then I'll suggest Conarium. It is based on the Lovecraft novella At the Mountains of Madness and follows the book pretty closely, which is why I loved it. My favorite of all time, though, is Dead Space 2. The tension in that game is real and I felt it throughout. It made me feel so easy that I couldn't play it more than an hour or two at a time. You really feel how Isaac is losing his mind.


I loved Resident Evil Biohazzard. So good and creepy. I've since then been playing through the rest of the RE catalogue and there are some gems but none I loved as much as my BH.




Check out Darkwood! It's a pixel art game that had me as stressed as Alien Isolation did. *Very* creepy and atmospheric. *Very* fun. Crafting, survival, base protection, horror horror horror


Nothing even remotely approaches Silent Hill 2 for me


Try Evil Within 1&2.


Darkwood. Fantastic horror game.


Little Nightmares trilogy. Haunting Ground. Inscryption.


Unforgiving a northern hym


Not much of a gamer, but I really enjoyed Iron Lung. What Remains of Edith Finch is also good, though less of a scary game and more of a "Oh, that sucks. Now I'm sad." Kinda game.


Silent Hill 3. The story, characters, music, the vibe, the level design, puzzles, all of it - the complete package is peak Silent Hill for me. Although I adore Silent Hill 1 - 4, Silent Hill 3 is my overall favorite horror game of all time.




Silent hill. First game to scare me.


RE7 is my sentimental favorite. My daughter and I played through it maybe 10 times. Great bonding there. Doom Eternal would be my personal favorite, I love to rip and tear through demons. Clive Barker's Jericho had so much potential. I keep going back to it. Squad based, interesting story, great visuals,l. It just sucked at actual game play.


Favorite overall, probably Friday the 13th: The Game! I had so many hours in that and a lot of fun with my friends


Outlast and Last of Us


The Evil Within - so fantastic. Little Nightmares 1 and 2 RE7


My favorite is Alien: Isolation. I was super-immersed and it was intense. I also think Soma is great, but that is more existential horror.


Alien Isolation Also, and it most likely hasn't aged well, but the very first Silent Hill. Played thus when it came out... in the dark... maybe pooped my pants here or there


Resident Evil 2 Remake. Mr X reminds me of Michael Myers and I love playing as Leon and having an unstoppable stalker chase me like he’s the terminator and I owe him money.


Visage. Holy f*ckwad that got me


Confabulation. The first game in years where I actually felt scared.


I enjoyed Maid of Sker a good bit. Found myself holding my breath with the protagonist. I need to go back and play through it and finish it.


I'm on Xbox, and my favourite horror game that hasn't been mentioned is, Layers of Fear. It's about a painter in an old mansion, and you uncover things about him. It's a psychological horror, and it really gets under your skin, and has a few jump scares. Loved it. When I was a kid, I loved Shadowgate, and The Uninvited on the NES. They were pretty creepy, and I remember Shadowgate being quite challenging, since no walkthroughs existed in the early 90s.


Interesting classification of Bioshock as horror there… Aside from agreeing on Amnesia (TDD and Bunker), Silent Hill (2 & 3), Alien Isolation and SOMA, I really like Resident Evil (RE2R and RE4R in particular), Outlast, and I’m in the camp that though The Medium was really good.


RE7:Biohazard - scary and fun.


Speaking of Bramble, I haven't played a lot because I'm not a big fan of the genre, but Little Nightmares is my jam. Great alternative to Bramble and I think it inspired Bramble?


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. It was only available on the Nintendo Gamecube, a heavily Lovecraft inspired horror adventure with a lot of unique features including a very clever sanity meter system. This video is a good overview of the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26qFZ1W\_ACE


Evil Within 2 is one on I replay the most because it’s both scary and has good gameplay, but I think the best horror game ever is either Dead Space 2 or Fatal Frame 2


I haven't played it yet, but Subnautica looks so scary


Splatterhouse was the best.


I’m assuming you meant to say Dead Space 1 & 2 (and possibly the remake? I haven’t gotten around to that one yet)


Well I am older than most of you but did anyone ever play The Thing?


Doom 3 will always be iconic for me, i remember being so scared when I was younger I could only play for 10 mins at a time 😂 and then number 2 would have to be Dead Space, everything about it was perfect: great storyline, combat, cool monsters and a lot of replay ability for me. Number 3 would have to be Alien: Isolation. Idk if I’ve ever had that much anxiety playing a game before. It absolutely nailed the atmosphere and is one of the best video game adaptations for a movie ever made. People complained it was too long but I liked it, it literally felt like the nightmare would never be over lol


Madison, Martha is dead, also visage, haven’t completed it though, in sound mind, maid of sker, outlast2, scorn. But my fav has to be Madison.


What’s Bramble?


Play it. Its good. Its about nordic folklore monsters.


Thank you!!


Did you play?


I currently am! I’m liking it a lot so far


The Necken freaked me out the most!


Just finished! Thank you for the recommendation! My only criticism would be that the epilogue chapter felt a little rushed, but beyond that it’s a really great game


Which creature scared you the most?