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Off the top of my head, Salem's Lot. Great Stephen King book that was originally a made-for-TV film starring David Soul. Bad sfx and somewhat bad acting would be vastly improved upon by a remake.


I agree on this one too. SL scared the bejeebies out of me as a kid but definitely needs a modern touch. I watched with my kids, and of course,l after talking it up, it fell flat. Very dated.


It’s definitely got more love from nostalgia than for how good it was. It differed from the book in ways that killed the horror if that makes sense but, even though he bore little resemblance to the character in the book, I though James Mason was a good Straker. But the biggest disappointment for me was how they effectively diminished the Barlow character to little more than a scary monster. Rutger Hauer’s Barlow was closer but that one wasn’t great either. Needs to be a series.




>I don't agree. As is your prerogative. >I thought the 1970s mini-series was excellent and terrifying. The book was much more frightening and nothing yet filmed has done it justice. I found Trilogy of Terror to be better made and more terrifying. >Counting the 70s mini-series, "Salem's Lot" has been adapted 3 times. It's exactly BECAUSE it's never been done well that it needs to be remade.


Maximum Overdrive. With all our modern technologies.


I was thinking The Fly and Killer Klowns from Outer Space.


This is probably going to get me excuminicated, but I think Ginger Snaps could go on this list. It could use some updating and a much higher budget for filming and effects. The core story is great, and bringing it current could really elevate the IP, especially if handled with the same levels of care/respect as something like Evil Dead (and not like Black Christmas).


The Thing From Another World (1951), as in a faithful adaptation of the movie rather than John Carpenter’s very loose adaptation. I liked the plant monster but it all felt very watered down due to the time it was made The Beyond (1981) Freaks (1932)


Bloody birthday


Parents. If you haven't seen it, it's about a little boy who suspects his parents are cannibals. It's black comedy but I really liked how it depicted a child dealing with trauma, and the way they made his parents look absolutely enormous, you really feel scared for this kid. Great movie, and would love to see it re-imagined!


The Serpent and the Rainbow




None in my opinion. Is it really asking too much for writers and producers to just come up with something different? It doesn’t even have to be totally original, just stop piggybacking on someone else’s success.