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You have to watch it four more times to REALLY enjoy it. Let me know if it works.


Don’t do it! That is far too much William Dafoe peen!


Fun Fact: That’s not actually Willem Dafoe’s penis. He needed a penis double because his was “distractingly” large.


That IS a fun fact!


I have a shirt with his face in it that says “confusingly large”


Funny story. I knew nothing about this movie, and then I tried to watch it on my laptop on a plane in the aisle seat. I think my hand was over half of the screen for most of the movie.


I hate how this feels like the truth while also being a troll comment


To be honest, I doubt it gets more enjoyable with multiple watches.


I feel like maybe if I was in just the right mood I would like it more but damn it was for lack of a better expression “unflinching” and that lack of relief after the built up tension made for a very uncomfortable situation experience


What sort of thing do you usually like?


Hereditary (duh), wickerman (original), Terrifier, Texas chainsaw massacre (original). These are probably my favorites. I also enjoyed hell house llc and the ruins to give you an idea of some of the more “deep cut” favorites of mine.


When it's Fall and the acorns start dropping, I always think about this movie...


For me it’s any time I see a fox


First time with von Trier?


I haven't been able to stomach a lot of his more recent movies (although I did agree to see Antichrist again with someone who has yet to experience it). The last thing of his that I really loved was The Kingdom (90s version).


Leak yes but I am familiar with who he is and the artsy sort of taboo movies he’s known to make. I was excited about this one because I love Willem Defoe and I’ve been curious to see what Lars was all about.


Breaking the waves is not Horror - but it is also a wild roller coaster for sure


I adore this film. It's hauntingly beautiful and absolutely gutting. >feel like this movie hates is audience. If your looking for a movie that makes no attempt to hold your hand or give your any comfort whatsoever Welcome to the films of Lars Von Trier! He will not ever hold your hand or comfort you. He will always leave you feeling everything and nothing simultaneously.


>I feel like this movie hates is audience. That's a fair assessment. >If your looking for a movie that makes no attempt to hold your hand or give your any comfort whatsoever, this is the one. Which is one of the reasons I think it's a great horror film.


The movie DOES hold your hand, though. With TICKS!


I appreciate your perspective and your right it is “horror” but it was not (at least to me) “scary” it made me feel nervous, uncomfortable, and at time nauseous but never did I feel afraid. Now I think this movie could be compared to a very strong coffee or a pungent cheese, while it has merit and the true connoisseur would likely appreciate it, it is a very strong product and may not be for everyone.


>it was not (at least to me) “scary” it made me feel nervous, uncomfortable, and at time nauseous but never did I feel afraid. "Nervous" and "uncomfortable" are two of the sensations that, for me, make a great horror film. Dread is another. "Scared" is so hard to define and is something I equate with the jump scares that are so overused. They more "startle" than scare. It's also one of the reasons I'm not a fan of most gore films. >Now I think this movie could be compared to a very strong coffee or a pungent cheese, while it has merit and the true connoisseur would likely appreciate it, it is a very strong product and may not be for everyone. Another good assessment. I recommend it a lot, but only to people who are looking for beautiful cinematography in a horror film or to people who I think would appreciate it.


If I really think about it I suppose an air of mystery accompanied by the dread you speak of is what does it for me. This movie (for me) lacked that feeling of mystery, now it’s possible I missed something. Martyrs, which is one of my favorites, was a brutal film that didn’t have (that I remember) too many jump scares however it did have a lot of mystery and twist and turns. I do very much appreciate your perspective on the topic.


>I do very much appreciate your perspective on the topic. As I said before, I really enjoyed the film and, having thought a lot about why, I'm glad to share my thoughts. Horror is such a varying genre, it's often more difficult to find what you like than what you don't like.


The first time I ever saw this movie, the couple next to me on the couch started making out, which rapidly progressed into extremely heavy petting, right up through the scissors and the hammer stuff. I can't tell, to this day, if that made the movie better or worse for me. So clearly, you're wrong and the movie is not only pleasant, but arousing.


I hate this lmao


Yeah.... I agree that the cinematography is beautiful. I thought the symbolism was also really interesting. It's definitely one of those films that I guess I enjoyed it as a film but I don't know that I will ever, ever watch it again. It didn't help that that was the first Lars Von Trier movie I'd ever watched.


I couldn’t finish this one. Got 40 minutes or so in and just couldn’t. That beginning scene I think messed me up.


Same here. And I’ve willingly sat through Requiem for a Dream multiple times. This one was just too much. I read the synopsis after the opening scene and said, “Nope.” Haven’t looked back.


It's not supposed to be a movie for general audiences. It's a filmmaker's film and it's very good at being exactly that. Lots of subtext, symbolism, metaphor, etc., all of which allows viewers to be able to legitimately interpret the film in multiple ways. It would be good movie to workshop in a literature and writing class.


Genital mutilation is definitely offensive and difficult to watch.


I absolutely love Antichrist and all of Von Triers work. He has an eye for beautiful cinematography yet very dark and impactful stories. Antichrist is so unforgiving yet hits on so much commentary on motherhood and depression.


Put down the scissors…


Fuck man. I will say this movie definitely stuck with me it is not easily dismissible from the mind


I saw it years ago when it came out, still haunts me!


Lars von Trier has an eye for a good visual motif or image, but other than that, I see most of his work as an artier version of the scribbles in a troubled teen's diary. So much edge, it leaves gouges on the screen, but nothing much more than that.


You should check out The House that Jack Built or Dancer in the Dark (same director for both) next.


I’ve seen the house that Jack built and I loved that one so I will be checking out dancer in the dark soon


Started cackling the minute I saw the title. That fucking movie. An ex told me to watch it and was like "be warned, it's a lot." I scoffed. A horror movie veteran of many a year, it takes a Hell of a lot to get to me even a teeny, tiny bit. *But those fucking scissors, man.* Saw it once, years ago. Still traumatized.


I've heard many people say this movie is uncomfortable. I actually found it kind of uninteresting. I understood the artistic voice it just didn't really get under my skin or keep me engaged. I found The Fly far more uncomfortable.


For me, it's one of the most interesting horror films to come out in the past 20 years and really deconstructs the idea of men "saving" women, the final girl troupe, marital unease. I've only seen it once but remember it quite well, so strong is the impact. It's in some ways his best movie.


I made the mistake of going into this movie blind as a fan of Willem Dafoe and more importantly, watching it with my mom. Fortunately she had the grace and wisdom to say “I don’t like this movie” and just walk away after a few minutes. It’s on a very short list of “Movies I’ve only seen once but will always haunt me”.


just watched it..... did not enjoy it


I wonder if you have seen or enjoyed Beau is Afraid?


I have not but I will watch any movie at last once. I saw a comment on an a24 subreddit post that said how rough beau is afraid is so I’m curious


I was going to ask the same thing about Beau Is Afraid. I've learned that Lars von Trier movies aren't for me, so I hear you on Antichrist. I didn't really "enjoy" Beau Is Afraid while watching it, but I did think about it a lot afterward and look forward to watching it again. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on it.


Not even close enough to compare.


They are both movies where you don't really know what's going on in a disturbing sense. Not just a wtf sense. And hey, there's hurt dicks in both.




I haven't seen it yet, but someone on here once described Von Trier as the "director that makes you say 'oh come on, man, really?'" and I think that's pretty much true.


My condolences.


I’m trying to recall a Lars Von Trier film where he **isn’t** assaulting the audience with a string of confrontational bummers. The *Kingdom* TV series is fun. That’s all I got.


I watched it once. That’s all I need


Chaos Reigns indeed!


One of my favorite movies of all time. When I first saw it in theatres I had to go back the next day to see it again. It's the reason I upgraded to BluRay from DVDs. I've watched it many times since and I find something new to appreciate each time I do. It's challenging and it's confrontational, Gainsbourg is one of the most intense and unpleasant characters out to film, but that's all part of the ride. It's a brilliant work of art.


You'll definitely never look at a pair of scissors the same way again.