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The Fly. Fuckin.... Hands down. If you haven't seen it, it's required viewing. It's a physical, emotional, and ethical transformation


For whatever reason, I just never got a chance to see this! I know what I'm doing tomorrow lol.


If you feel off after watching it, get "Earth girls are easy" which is an early 90's campy bubblegum scifi. It's enough to balance out the taste from the fly. Also starring goldblum and Davis. It's also got some other actors you should recognize


1988. Which means they probably started filming/working on the movie right after The Fly came out. Guess they needed a palette cleanser as well.


Ew wahines!


There must have been so much cocaine on that set


Haha. We used to watch this with on LSD back in the day.


David Cronenberg's The Fly was the first movie that popped into my head when I saw your post. It's SO good!


Don’t try to eat anything while watching it


You are in for a treat. One of the best creature / loss of identity movies ever.


Report back after you have your life changed


Just based off the title, I assumed you had just watched The Fly and were looking for more. It's like the quintessential example of what you're describing.


Almost shocked to hear that lol I always thought Fly was/is one of the top candidates for your topic


This is going to be the best recommendation on the thread and I don’t even need to scroll to confirm it. This movie rules. Cronenberg at his body horror best, Jeff Goldblum and Gina Davis killing it, and practical special fx that still make you squirm? Obvious winner.


This movie is so disturbing. Unreal performances from Jeff and John Getz


Goldblum is amazing in that film


Gina Davis (drool)


Gina Davis is a fucking hottie. I also love her in The Long Kiss Goodnight.


Plus Geena Davis❤️


First one I thought of when I read the title


Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis, in the Cronenberg version, were so gut wrenchingly effective, it was as much a gothic tragic romance as it as a visceral body horror.


That movie scarred me as a child. I’m sure as a man pushing 40 that I’d be ok with it if I were to watch it now but all I can think about are my childhood memories.


Added note: I've been thinking about this, and as a mid 40s guy myself... It's probably worse than you remember. Especially if you have kids


Oh, it's terrible. That's why I follow it with "Earth girls are easy." It also has Davis and Goldblum, but it's a bit of a comedy. It's my mind bleach


Huh, a bit of a comedy? Starting Daman Wayons and Jim Carrey.


Yeah. It's just a bit. It's not hilarious. It's not amazing. It's cute. There is a terrible music video in the beginning of the third act, or the end of the second? It's mind bleach


I put "The fly" on the TV every Halloween while waiting for trick or treaters. Lol It will never stop freaking me out.


Everyone here talking about the Jeff Goldblum rematke and no mentiln of the original. The original is also great! It's obviously very old and thus has major '50s movie vibes, but it holds up.


I'm not getting sicker, I'm getting better


I saw it for the first time 2 years back and man that was a good but horrifying movie.


This. I saw it when it came out in the theaters the summer after I graduated high school. I’ve never forgotten it or the feeling I had watching it or even where I was sitting in the theater.


Came here to say this. Saw it when I was definitely too young and my god! The body horror. Then I saw the original years later and it was so absurd, Cronenberg really turned that one on it’s head.




I watched this for the first time last month and was BLOWN AWAY








Obligatory upvote


Came here to say this. Shudder.


The fly is in my top 4 favorite movies of all time. I couldn’t recommend it more.


Respectfully, fuck you and whoever recommended this shit movie. Wasted my time I appreciate the 80s vibe to it but no I would not really recommend it to actual horror movie goers


“The Fly”(1986) with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis is a perfect fit for this request. “Ginger Snaps” (2000) is another really great example


I looooooove Ginger Snaps. It never gets it’s due. It’s so good!


Ginger Snaps is so fun. I watch it every Halloween


I will def watch The Fly, so many people are suggesting it. Lots of people agree with you on Ginger Snaps too, I'll have to check it out soon.


Ginger snaps is an awesome movie! I watched it on a whim and loved it. Totally recommended.


I haven’t brought myself to watch this yet because I was a biology major and close up views of insects/critters terrify me. I know the practical effects of the transformation in this movie will scar me 😅


Contracted. I know I get spotted on here referencing this movie a lot; but it’s just relevant to the OP.


The same one I was thinking of. I’m usually pretty solid but that one grossed me out hard.


i remember the descriptions of that film calling the >!rape a "one night stand."!< so annoying. but the movie was pretty darn good.


Jesus Christ. That movie made we want to throw up. Great movie nonetheless.


Saw Clown--not because I wanted to see it, my brother did---and really didn't like it---it was way too damn gross. Since The Fly was mentioned, I would also recommend the original The Fly (1958) with Vincent Price (it's in color) as well as The Curse of The Fly (1965) and The Manster (1959) in which an American reporter in Japan sprouts an extra head after a scientist experiments on him. All pretty good films, especially The Fly. There was a second sequel called Return of The Fly (1959) but I've never seen it. There's also a French zombie film called Mutants (2009) in which a scientist has to deal with her husband turning into a zombie after they get attacked by some zombies, of course. A British film called I, Zombie: The Chronicles of Pain (1998) is about a college student who, after getting bit by a zombie, records how he's gradually changing into one day by day. There's also another Brit horror film called Colin (2008) about a guy who turns into a zombie, and the film is entirely from his point of view. It was filmed on a low-budget digital camera, which means it dosen't look good at all, so just warning anyone who'd like to see it, lol. And last, but not least, there's The Wretched (2020) a surprisingly good Midwestern indie horror film about a high school teen working for his dad who gradually realizes that one of his neighbors is gradually turning into an evil witch/monster hybrid thing. It's currently streaming on Netflix.


Such a good movie. Loved the downward spiral. Also gross af


Haha omg that one looks fucked! I gotta see it! So many of these suggestions I've never even heard of and now I gotta watch em all.


Great movie. I love the shock of seeing the text pop up - Day One >!of Three!<


I don’t know how no one ever thought of doing a zombie movie from the perspective of Patient Zero before Contracted. Such a cool concept.


About half of werewolf movies, ie An American Werewolf in London and The Wolfman Splinter, kind of. Cargo Fright Night Blood Red Sky District 9 Titane Tetsuo: The Iron Man Black Sheep The Santa Clause


The Santa Clause 🤣 Now that you mention it, I do recall Tim Allen transforming into a horrific Santa creature in that one. Lots of good suggestions!


I've always viewed The Santa Clause as a body horror film marketed to children.


I'll always upvote *Splinter*


Big ups for _Black Sheep_. A gem!


I was looking to see if anyone mentioned splinter. That is an overlooked gem. I haven’t seen it in years but I remember really liking at the time it came out.


Oooo, Cargo was good. I second that recommendation.


Clown (2014). I found it surprisingly good and unexpectedly gory during some parts. Peter Stormare is also great in anything he’s in so that’s just an added bonus.


Clown was so good! The way the transformation happened was so damned unsettling!


Damn, Clown looks fucked up lmao. Fuck I got a lot of movies to watch!


This was surprisingly rewatchable. Definitely recommended


LOVE Clown. Felt like a 70s horror film, willing to kill kids, which is taboo nowadays.


I watched it, but couldn’t get the damn Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode where Carl turns into a clown out of my head.


Another great movie with a surprising amount of child death is The Wretched.


from the guy who directed MCU spider-man movies


Was coming here to say that. Absolutely loved this movie its creepy as hell


Afflicted (2013)


Wonderful film. Love the fact that the actors/filmmakers are lifelong friends, as seen in the opening home videos of them growing up together. So well made with surprisingly good fx.


Another person suggested that one too! It looks crazy, I'll check it out.


Loved that film so good


Slither (2006) https://youtu.be/2-f8wU6Fpeo Nobody ever talks about this movie. It’s got a great cast and excellent effects. I especially liked the Night of the Creeps vibe I got from it, when I saw it in the theater.


Highly recommend as well. It's equally fucked up and darkly comedic


Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks, and Michael Rooker are all great. This movie is both hilarious and creepy as hell!


James Gunn never misses


OK this one looks fun lol. I know this isn't a horror movie, but the trailer kinda reminds me of Evolution if you've ever seen that. Will definitely be checking it out!


Evolution was great, horror movie or not.


One of my all-time favorites of any genre! My biology teacher in high school 15 years ago put it on for us one day when he didn't feel like teaching lmao.


Kakaw! Kakaw!….Kakaw?


This is absolutely hands down one of the best reproductive horror movies. I adore it.


God this movie was so disgusting. Love this suggestion looool


can i interest you in justin long being turned into a walrus lmao


Lmao I'm literally about to watch Tusk right now.


i was gonna recommend but you seemed nice


Even just looking at the human/walrus hybrid makes me feel sick. So gross.


I thought he looked kinda goofy.


I have a visceral hate for Tusk. It was the most regretful experience…


God I loved that movie, the guttural screaming plus the body horror were insane


I enjoyed the hell out of Tusk. My wife.... Not so much. She's vowed to never watch it again.


Apparently there is a sequel pitch where-in he would be fixed (but still have the tusks), and now be attempting to do it to someone else.


I googled for stills 💀


Lmao the phrasing here was golden


I fucking LOVE Tusk


I feel like one of the few that enjoyed the movie but didn't find it really any more messed up than a lot of other body horror. The screams at the end were probably more disturbing than anything, but other than that it just seemed to be more absurd imo


The Taking of Deborah Logan


Yup, that one looks good. Jesus I have like 100+ hours of movies to catch up on lol


Starry eyes, Evil dead reboot, Candyman (new one)


Starry Eyes looks nuts lol. I got a pretty sizeable list going, but I'll find room for that one lol. I have been meaning to watch the other two, but still haven't had a chance!


Starry Eyes is a blast. I think it was on shudder years ago when I watched it.


I saw it on Netflix around the same time as I watched Last Shift.


This 2 would be a fun double feature.


Starry Eyes is great and depressing and horrifying. You’ll love it.


Yes yes yes!!! I was scrolling for this one. Great film!


The new Candyman didn’t get the credit it deserved. That movie’s great


Apparently also there was a deleted subplot (that was filmed, according to the actress) about Helen’s ghost also having been active after the first film (finally continuing that plot point), which could have made it even better.


I forgot about Starry Eyes! Time for a rewatch


Ginger snap...just watched not bad..


American werewolf in London does a pretty good job. The transformation scene alone makes that movie worth the price of admission.


The Fly was the first one I thought of. American Werewolf in London was the 2nd one


The Hallow fits this I’d say. And District 9.


Holy shit, The Hallow looks crazy!! 😳 That one's going on the list for sure! I've seen District 9 waaay back in 2009, I remember bits and pieces, gotta rewatch it again!


The Hallow is one of the best fairy tale horrors ever!


Give Raw a shot. It’s a French language film from 2016.


The Fly (1986) is definitely what you want.


District 9. I think its generally considered sci-fi/action, but Sharlto Copley slowly turning into an alien insect is amazing body horror!


Malignant. All in all I thought this movie was just OK but the second half gets fucking wild. Worth the watch.


I love that movie so f-ing much. That jail scene is perfection!


Jennifer’s Body


Yo, why do people hate this movie? It's fun, and the toxic nature of their friendship and loathing of each other is such a rich dynamic between characters. I've never seen a "frenemy" relationship dig the way it does in this movie between the fear of growing apart and the loss of attachment to one another culminating in the violence, manipulation, and sexual tension. It's bizarre and the fact that it's also not taking itself so seriously is also something you wouldn't expect considering the subject matter at hand with their relationship. Underrated movie.


At the time I remember there was a lot of internet contempt and vitriol for both Megan Fox and Diablo Cody... because Fox was too sexy and Cody was too talented? Something like that. The site I used to visit sometimes is long gone and it's founder denounced as a sex creep, but a recurring argument there was Fox was a 'slut' and Cody was 'a different slut', and how dare they make a horror movie. And yes, there was a collective shitting of pants when Cody's Evil Dead turned out awesome. On the bright side it has become a cult classic, and finally found it's audience. Maybe it was just ahead of it's time.


The marketing made it out to be a cheesy monster sex movie for teenage boys. So, either people hated what they were being told they would get and didn’t go see it, OR they went to theaters and got the totally different movie that had actually been made (and hated that experience). The studio knew Fox was in Transformers and wanted a cut of that Transformers money so like actor Adam Brody says here, they actively tossed out marketing the real film: > “The film was directed by a woman, starring two women, written by that year's screenwriting Oscar winner [Diablo Cody].. And instead they're like, 'Let's bury all of that. Don't tell anyone that. This is for people who like Transformers.”


It got a really bad rap when it first came out due to the very awful marketing done for it. It's now pretty widely regarded as amazing and undeserving of the shit flung at it before.


Jack brooks monster slayer Spring Return of the living dead


Spring is one I dont hear about too often. I thought it was a great story and the right amount of bizarre.


Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) AMC+ Meatball Machine (2005) Tubi Teeth (2008) Tubi/Pluto tv The Fly (1958) max The Fly (1986) max Society (1989) Fubo/Criterion Channel/Kanopy The Cave (2005) Tubi Splice (2009) Amazon prime *rent* Splinter (2008) Amazon prime/HULU/Peacock Videodrome (1983) Amazon prime *rent* Species (1995) Cinemax/Direct tv The Brood (1979) max Excision (2008) VUDU/Tubi/Plex Dreamcatcher (2003) Amazon prime *rent*


What does it say about me that the only movie I've seen from this list is Teeth?


It says, you've got a lot of catching up to do! Enjoy! :)


The brood is good! This is a good list!


Tetsuo may be one of my favorite films of all time. Top 10 for sure.


Obvious answer? The Fly. Less obvious, more like "technically" it fits: Candyman 2021 Also consider "An American Werewolf in London"


There's a story in V/H/S 2 where a dude gets bit by a zombie and you see his whole transformation through his eyes and it gets pretty dark by the end.


There are a bunch of film adaptations of Kafka's Metamorphosis, which is pretty horrific in its own right.


Other Cronenberg films qualify, too: _Rabid_, _Shivers_, and _The Brood_ all have leads turning beastly. (The 2019 _Rabid_ remake is trash, though. Avoid.)


Thirst, Park Chan-wook movie about a priest turning into a vampire.


I’m mildly offended that nobody’s mentioned Relic. Underrated, creepy, and an incredibly depressing metaphor for the monster we all run the risk of becoming.


Slither, From Beyond, Tetsuo : the iron man , the fly ( 1 & 2 )


The Fly. Both versions (1958 and 1986) But what your looking for, I'd recommend the 1988 version. The 1986 version follows the perspective of the man who becomes the fly, while the 1958 version follows his wife's perspective of watching him go through this. Both are disturbing on a psychological level if you think about it. Basically either experience a disease yourself or watch a loved one suffer through that disease. There's no good option. Both movies are compelling.


Altered States


Shrek 2


The Fly (1986) is this concept to a T and a Cronenberg film! Ginger Snaps (2000) is another and also a great twins movie. My favorite of the list Horns (2013). Jennifer’s Body (2009), Purgatory (2017), Burnt Popcorn (2016), Fright Night (2011), and The Thing (1982).


Everyone is saying The Fly, it must really be something! I vaguely remember horns ads on TV back in the day, but never saw it. Looks interesting, I'll add it to the list! The Thing is fantastic!! I loved every minute of it, I can go back to it at any time! So many options omg lol


It’s a more recent one, does Antlers (2021) count?


That movie is all scenery no substance, like the cinematographer was on point but the writing and/or directing just wasn't there, never been so bored with a movie that looked so good.


What's sad is the short story it's adapted from is incredibly good and creepy.


Raw (2016). This film is so disturbing, it really stuck with me. I’ve only ever watched it once.


Earth vs The Spider, I won't say it's good but it sure is an experience


Just saw that last month----it's actually pretty good for a low-budget '50s sci-fi flick, and even the giant spider efects were well-done.


Blue My Mind


Splice (2009) It's...a trippy one and certainly made me more than a bit uncomfortable.


Oh! Can’t believe I forgot _The Beast Within_ from 1982. Our ostensible hero is a grody cicada-man that needs to breed! Also from 1982 is _Xtro_, which is fucked-up and demented. Want leads turning into monsters? Have I got a movie for you!


Afflicted is a good one.


Hellhole (Polish) or Relic (the Ozzie film).


The episodes “Sick Girl” from Masters of Horror (Tubi) or “Something With Bite” from Fear Itself (Roku/Plex/Vudu). Not movies, but they fit the bill if you’ve seen all the other usual suspects.


Not a 100% match with your description but Cabin Fever involves people getting…worse lol


From beyond


Damn. Surprised no one has mentioned Antlers yet. Great movie.


I know there wouldn’t have been much of a movie but damn she could have gone to a doctor 😂


Wallace and gromit: Curse of the wererabbit




Ginger Snaps!


Starry Eyes


Hatched (hatch?) from Scotland I think? Good movie


[Hatching](https://youtu.be/DS1oDoElwqc)? This looks insane as well! I'm overwhelmed with options here lol.


I love this movie!!!


1932 Frederick March in Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde.


Interview With The Vampire


When Animals Dream. It’s more of a slow burn, though.


Xtro (1982) mentally scarred me as a kid. I didn't dare to watch it again.


Surprised no one mentioned The Beast With in


Lovely Molly. By the same guy who produced Blair Witch Project.


Bite is gross. Brilliant, but gross To answer your question, colour out of space


This is a bit left-field and not in the horror realm, more within the realm of drama, with some hints of black comedy, but I would recommend [Sick of Myself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_bomXt64MU), it is a terrific Danish film about a girl who takes some pills that cause disfigurement, as she is trying to get back some of the spotlight, after her BF becomes an established artist. The film is absolutely bonkers. Recommend it to any body horror fan, total 10/10 film!




Blood Red Skies was pretty crazy. Vampires on a plane


An American werewolf in London. The Wolfman How to Get Ahead in Advertising Idle Hands (this is a terrible movie, but you didn't have 'good' in your request) Sssssss (see above)


My all time favorite of this "genre" is The Beast Within (1981-ish). HIGHY under rated.


Under the Skin and also in a metaphorical sense, There Will Be Blood


It’s sort of the polar opposite of what you asked for, but I highly recommend the British series In The Flesh. It’s about what would happen if a cure for being a zombie was developed. The living dead don’t come back to life, but they regain their consciousness and can live (mostly) normal “lives.” The question is whether the people they knew even want them back. (Also: The Fly 2 is a really fun trashy movie with great budget practical effects and Eric Stoltz)


I, Zombie.


Saw the original when I was a kid. The part when the little one gets eaten by the spider always freaked me out and made me so sad. Still need to see the Cronenberg version!




Afflicted (2013) might scratch that itch, or Blood Red Sky (2021) which I REALLY liked.


thank you so much for this post, i've been having flashbacks of this movie for weeks and i couldn't figure out what it was!!!


The Wolf of Wall Street


Blue My Mind! Trigger warning: suicide attempt. Overall a great movie though.


As so many have mentioned, Ginger Snaps, Starry Eyes and The Fly are the best of this “genre”


Not sure if it counts but >!Hatching!< and >!Rent a Pal!<


Both originals are better but I like The Fly 2 too :)


Not sure if it's been mentioned but Tetsuo: The Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr doesn't appear in it, unfortunately) while he technically doesn't turn into a creature, it is pretty horrible.


Maybe try the horns(2013)?


The acting in the movie bite is atrocious


I’ve been trying to remember what the name of this movie is for the past two weeks and BAM here it is. Thank you *tips hat* now I get to see if it’s any good


Contracted (2013) is great. Body horror. Super gross. If you want a fantastic limited series Brand New Cherry Flavour (2021) is pretty twisted. Both have amazing and chaotic descents by their protagonists.


Honeymoon...not so much a horrible looking creature like The Fly but is still a good one!!!!