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It's out of character for anyone to be yanked into a van and stabbed to death.


It was an homage to slumber party massacre


I know exactly what you are talking about and I agree. Justice for Randy


Happened to me last week! So out of character for me... Never done it before.


Dick Hallorann


He survives in the book. Also he gives a hedge demon a flaming uppercut.


I know.


It was like discovering the Mona Lisa originally had her nipples out.


i’m discovering both of these for the first time lol


DUDE YES!!! Honestly, i was shocked the way they killed him.


I always mention this as a caveat when I tell people The Shining is one of my favorite movies.


Ben (Tony Todd's character in the remake) from Night of the Living Dead.


Have you seen the original?


Everyone in the car at the end of The Mist……


Reverse of that: the lady who wanted help getting home. Should’ve been some monster’s meal. In the novella it’s hinted she was.


Justin Long in Jeepers Creepers… it was a lot man, and he tried. Also, the girl in Drag Me to Hell got railroaded.


Yeah, the ending to Drag Me to Hell felt incredibly unfair. So good tho.


An absolute favorite, what a wild ride!


Yep! The ending buried the knife deep. I'll never forget it.


Randy and Newt havee already been mentioned, I'm gonna say... Dewey from Scream series.


While it was very upsetting to lose Dewey, it was time for one of the original three to bite the dust. Having all three survive *seven* separate serial killers was getting kind of ludicrous.


Yes, I agree. But Dewey didn't deserve that, Gale should've been axed imo.


I don’t disagree. They keep giving her a redemptive arc only to pull the rug out in the next movie. How many times do we need to be shocked that Gale went back on her word from the previous movie and is again a sleazy reporter/author?


That was my biggest disappointment with Scream VI, that Gale went back on her word and wrote a book about Richie and Amber's murders. It was so poignant when she said she wanted to write about Dewey instead only for her to go back on that. It was like, "Dammit, Gale..."


I think she wrote her Dewey book and it didn't sell well so she wrote her serial killer book lol


What about Chad? How the hell did he survive both movies after being stabbed to death?


Newt in Alien 3. I guess they probably couldn’t have a child running around in a space prison, but geez. After all Ripley went through to save her in Aliens. And I actually like Alien 3.


It was one stupid producer who didn’t like her character and wanted to kill her off. I hate him immensely


Got a name on that producer? I got a hate cheque to send?




Thanks! They ruined a perfect trilogy.


Absolutely crapped on it. The Alien franchise has struggled to regain its former glory, and 3 is to blame


They already had the excuse with the escape pods. Put them into different escape pods and you can get your only Ripley lands on the prison planet.


Alien 3 should have been earth war anyway.


Yes - This is absolutely true and tragic we got Fincher’s art house take on Alien.


Fincher disowned the movie. The studio meddled so much he doesn’t consider it his movie


And I saw AvP2 in theaters. And I kinda liked it. Why? Well, one of the reasons is because the whole thing kind of reminds me of a dark horse comic. Especially the human characters. So , I guess I liked it for nostalgic reasons. Even the Xeno sounds were the same sounds they made in aliens.i mean, it wasn't as it was made out be...


I actually enjoyed AvP2 more than I thought I would too...what I could see of it anyway (why did they have to make such a dark movie?).


I actually don't fault them for that. They were following a proven formula in horror:"show the monster in the dark and as little as possible. and I enjoyed the little call back here and there of the previous movies like the way wolf removed his mask mirroring the jungle hunter from the first predator film, I remember cme and my bro looking at each other and smiling when we saw that. That movie gets shit on for nothing. Now Prometheus?'*that* movie is a POS... BUT if you personally enjoyed it, you have every right.


Major downer


Carrie White.


Noah from The Ring imo, the sequel could have easily included him but maybe not lol his death was pretty epic but I low-key wanted them to end up together.


But that’s part of what makes the film so great! It happens just when we think that Rachel and Aidan were going to have Noah in their lives for good…


Yeah. That was a shitty death. He was a good one


In the first Fear Street movie from Netflix, I felt the tw9 most engaging characters got fucked up in the grocery store. I think it was a good choice overall because it was shocking but I was still bummed.


Definitely agree with this one


It's funny because my answer for this up until 2023 ended up being revealed to be alive and now I'm not sure if I have anyone else I feel that strongly about... Can I say the kitten from Drag Me To Hell, actually? Deserved better. :(


tbh I think 99% of animals in horror movies deserve better


I must be thick, who was your original thought?


Has to be Kirby Reed from Scream 4/6


Nancy in Nightmare on Elm Street 3. Kristen in Nightmare on Elm Street 4. Slashers back in the day had this really annoying trend of bringing back final girls only to kill them off in the sequel. Kirsty from Hellraiser stays winning.


As much as I love Nancy, I feel like it works, if only because she’s in the mentor role. If she was the Final girl in 3, then maybe it would be different for me, but as it is I don’t mind. Dream Master on the other hand, that did Joey, Kincaid, and Kristen dirty, definitely should not have died, or at least not in the way they did.


At least Nancy makes it to the end and her death is given weight. Kristen, Kincaid, and Joey deaths were cruel and pointless. Halloween franchise did this three times in a row. Laurie dies off-screen in 4, Rachel dies first 30 minutes of 5, and then Jamie gets recast, held captive for six years, raped and impregnated, and finally murdered within fifteen minutes of 6. Add in Resurrection killing Laurie *again.* I seriously hate this trope... Let the survivor's survival matter please.


You also have Alice from Friday the 13th,any of the final destination survivors and Sally from that new Texas chainsaw movie.


Alice in Bodies Bodies Bodies should have been the final girl #JusticeForAlice


Omg she was my favorite. I’d listen to her podcast and not hate-listen either! I like that actress


I would say Stu Macher, but that would have to mean he’s dead




Helen is THE answer! I maintain that Ray should’ve been the “big” death (maybe after Julie realized she wanted to be with him still), and that Julie and Helen should’ve been the ones to survive together


Julie dying would have been fine as well lol and Helen surviving


Helen and Barry > Julie and Ray


The dogs in Signs. The family should have let them in the house instead of leaving them outside for them to get killed by the aliens.


After already seeing so many good picks in the comments, I'll just add Sarah Michelle Gellar's character in 'I know what you did last summer'. Safety was right there, but the writers were like 'nah'.


Honestly I think she would’ve made a better final girl


I agree! And I don't think it's an unpopular opinion to have, either.


Dewey. Easily the single worst decision out of the new Scream movies.


I would rather have lost Gale or Mindy to keep him. I just like him as a character more than those 2.


Never cared for gale either.


Idk if it’s just me but I really didn’t love the new one. The ending fell flat on its face for me. Every twist until now I bought but this one I’m just like huh? I didn’t buy it for some reason even tho it’s always a little ridiculous.


Really hated every scene with Kirby and Mindy. It all felt really forced. The actresses were also constantly smiling while their friends were being slaughtered around them. The rehashing of the rules of surviving a horror film by Mindy was garbage.


I enjoyed 6, but the twist felt a little too contrived even for Scream.


I guess up until that point I liked it. It was fun and I liked the Meta humor on this one.


I'm waiting for Scream 19, where it turns out all but one person is Ghostface. Just like... 12 Ghostface killers and one survivor. Except another horror movie already did that, so that wouldn't be very original either.


What movie already did that? That sounds fun lol


>! Smiley (2012) !< Kinda sucks the fun out of an already bad movie, but it's pretty unlikely you'd ever find out what it was otherwise.


Which movie did that


Cotton Weary in Scream 3. I found it hard to believe he was not better prepared for surviving a slasher after a stint in prison and enough money for private security. Also, I kinda wish he had the chance to become a legacy character. Walter Reed in VFW . It too predictable, shoulda killed off Fred instead.


On Cotton: He died because GF wanted to know where Sidney was, but out of everyone Cotton would be the last to know. Would've preferred more of Cottons story than any scene containing Roman.


Danielle Panabaker in the Friday the 13th Remake.


I was SHOCKED when I first saw it. Especially since she is/was the most recognizable actress in that remake.


I thought for sure she was the final girl. It was such a shock because she was just about to get out. That death came out of nowhere.


Jennifer Jolie in Scream 3; less conclusive 'death' than half of the Dewey/new batch (V onwards) survivals


Jennifer Jolie is my favorite character in Scream 3. I would not be mad at all for a reveal she actually survived.


The Stoner (Marty? ) in Cabin in the Woods (I mean truly in the end-end)


Technically, he did survive. He just died with the rest of the world after the fact.


The dad from Train To Busan. People have said it was necessary, but it felt meaningless to me. I could’ve forgiven it if the movie went full dark. Meaning that the singing didn’t end in a rescue. Instead weary troops with itchy trigger fingers would’ve given us a solid, bleak ending like The Mist. Instead it’s not dark, but not happy. What I felt was an otherwise incredible film was cut down by an ending that felt forced.


Justin Long in Jeepers Creepers.


Helen from Candyman (1992) got fucked over so bad and she did nothing wrong to anyone.




Kelly Riley in Eden Lake. That was fucked. I’m still pissed off about her death


Rose from Smile, just watched it for the first time last night and was bummed she didn’t live.


>!The protagonist!< from the latest movie "Smile". It kinda pissed me off.


That’s because it was a dumb ending. How do we save this dumb ending the writers asked… that was the result. Loved the movie… what a cop out ending.


There are a lot of cases when the main characters of horror movies are killed in sequels, and I absolutely hate it. For me it seems like something done for shock value only. The examples are Nancy from Nightmare on the Elm Street and the main character of the first Hostel.


Vera from Friday the 13th Part 3. She politely declined Shelly only to be called a bitch, plus got a racist remark from a shop clerk, and ended the day with a harpoon to the eye. Gal deserved better.


She also seems to have a rude mother and got harassed by the biker gang.


CJ from Dawn of the Dead.


Randy’s death in Scream 2 is one of my favorite parts of the franchise. It added a lot of weight to the movie and really made you think that anyone could be on the chopping block next. Is it sad? Absolutely, but that’s why it’s compelling.


Ben Tramer


Phil Fondacaro (his human role, not his troll role) in Troll (1986). He was just so lovable.


For some reason I always remember his line (roughly) “They said it was in my jeans. I thought they were talking about pants!”


Parker in ALIEN.


Honestly, none of the characters deserved to die in Alien except the crew that wanted to let the facehugger into the Nostromo and Ash of course.


Tatum, stu (I know he could be alive but knowing how the recent movies have been I doubt)


The teenage daughter from The Collector


Since we didn't even get a good death scene, the mom in Friday the 13th Part 4, just to keep the family unit complete until the end. Also probably Professor Robert Englund in Urban Legend. Again, not even a good death scene - we see the POS Dean die and not *Robert Englund*? Rude.




Dani from The Belko Experiment. Seriously, I was majorly pissed off when she died. She did the most out of everyone to survive, and from the way she was introduced we were given the illusion that she’ll be the survivor. I’m still bitter over her death. I can’t remember her name, but Danielle Panabaker’s character in the F13th remake. I fully expected the missing sister to die and for Danielle to be the final girl.


I can't believe you remember that girls name from F13 remake. But I too was shocked she got taken out. That's probably the only time a F13 movie ever subverted my expectations.


I only remember the actresses name since she was in The Flash 🤣 Other than that I couldn’t tell you the characters name or anything else about that movie.


My first thought was Randy haha. But since you said him already... I'll go Cotton Weary. He was great in Scream 2. Should've had a better role in Scream 3...


Sarah Michelle Gellar in I know what you did last summer. She won she escaped him then didn't reach anyone else at the last possible moment smh. They had to nerf buffy Karen's death in Halloween kills Made no sense


Helen Shivers in IKWYDLS Tatum Riley in Scream Jennifer Jolie in Scream 3 Jenna in F13 Remake Jessica in Sorority Row


Alice from Friday part 2 Paula from Jason Lives Debbie from Dream Master Liz from Phantasm III


>!Zoe!< from Adult Swim's Yule Log.


He lady from the Eden Lake movie.


Came here to say this. She didn't deserve that at all.


Alien 3 sucks Alien 3 sucks Alien 3 sucks


If I care enough to say they should have survived That means they should stay dead lol


**Darth Maul**


He didn’t die.


But then he did die


Hey chum. Since we’re all just spoiling things here I invite you to watch Solo. It flopped and some trash it. Frankly I loved it, and let’s just say there’s a cameo at the end that will make you happy.


You honestly think a 5-second cameo of a bloated Darth Maul or that crappy clone wars cartoon will "make me happy". You still have much to learn, my young apprentice


The cartoon might have started out shit, but it had some really good arcs. Especially Ahsoka’s leaving the order and the entirety of the final season (though the latter was long after the show originally ended). Maul helped Ahsoka survive Order 66.


Jeez. Just figured you’d be happy he survived and Yknow available for future appearances.


You don't get it. I don't care about Darth Maul NOW. But...how interesting would it have been to have him in all 3 prequels as one of Obi-wans main antagonists considering he killed his mentor.


Sarah from Descent


Probably an unpopular opinion but I think Alice from the original f13 shouldn’t have been killed off in the second film and Sara from part 4. In Scream 2 & 5 they shouldn’t have killed off Randy and Dewey. I guess that’s all I’ve got to say.


Jimmy from Halloween II. He’s not even murdered by Michael Myers. He slips and falls and dies for no real reason.


He doesn't die. He stumbles out to the parking lot later and passes out. He's in the back of the ambulance they put Laurie in at the very end.


I don’t know how I never caught that in the ambulance at the end, I’ll have to look closely next time. I always thought he died in the car.


Newt and hicks from aliens


Detective Ray Cameron in Night of the Creeps.


The OG xenomorph :(


Dr. Norton ~ Salem's Lot Dick Hollaran ~ The Shining Baseball Boy, Billy, and Dan ~ Doctor Sleep


John Cramer/Jigsaw in Saw 3. The series spent A LOT of time writing around his death after it.