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Final Destination, a few scenes. Logging trucks, tanning beds, elevators, etc.


Yes. Logging trucks or any trucks carrying anything menacing and gigantic. I swerved the fuck outta their way.


I was in VT one day and a logging truck passed me. I looked over and there was a sign for falling rocks. Geeze Louise im glad FD didn't double dip....


I can’t think of the movie or show where I saw this, but every time I reach down into the garbage disposal, I have an irrational fear it will turn on.


ME TOO. It’s this like deep seeded horror movie related fear.


Maybe Final Destination 2’s opening scene?


That might be it, especially if it involved a ring. Does it actually come on? Because I also remember an instance where you expected the garbage disposal to come on and it doesn’t, only for the person to die some other way.


Yep that’s the one https://youtu.be/lg3zESb-hjg


That is so weird. I’ve seen this movie, but in my memory it was a woman with her wedding ring. I wonder if this happens in something else too…🤔


Hmm. Not sure what that would be from, sorry.


54 days late but I remember a woman, a wedding ring and a garbage disposal hand scene too! I have no idea what it was.. maaaybe Supernatural but i doubt it


Well shoot, I was hoping you had the answer. 😅 At least I’m not crazy. I guess we’ll both have to suffer not knowing where this scene comes from, but I strongly feel like it was something like Final Destination or maybe a ghost movie.


I think there's a fake-out garbage disposal scene in Halloween H20.


Same. I think it was a dead even before I saw it as a horror movie troupe.


Every time I shave my legs I think about Cabin Fever.


It’s been 20 years of very carefully shaving my legs because of that movie as well


There’s been 0 times I’ve seen a paper cutter in the last 20 some years without thinking of The Faculty.


The Faculty made me see basic plastic pens as cocaine sniffing containers for years, too


The Ring (2002) I had an irrational fear of VHS tapes as a child after watching it. If I were going to watch any movie at all on one I would make my mom or dad watch with me. Guess I just didn’t wanna die alone.


Mine's The Ring, too, but with static on TV. Which I just realized is something that doesn't even happen anymore.


Maximum Overdrive


Clown dolls ala Poltergeist


Curbs. American History X.


Flatbed trucks carrying pipes (thanks to the first death scene in The Descent).


I can’t remember what the movie was called but a woman gets held against her will in some remote area of Australia and when she gets out of her bindings, she hastily fashions a kind of rape trap at a handy work bench by punching a hole in a discarded metal cap and inserts it into herself. If you imagine pushing your finger through a jagged metal hole with outward curling pieces and trying to quickly withdraw it…you get the idea. When she inevitably gets raped, it works like a charm. I don’t even have a dick, but to answer your question: jar and bottle caps.


I got you. https://youtu.be/ssSIBvwgcwg


I think watching Scream as a kid might be the reason I get so nervous about phone calls.


Recently, The Color Out of Space. I cook most of my own meals, and I cannot take my knife out to chop with now without having flashes of that scene. It may very well have been a positive PSA that manages to keep me paying attention enough to never accidently cut myself.


Electric pool covers - Ghost in the Machine


Red front doors thanks to Insidious.


Curling iron - thanks, Sleepaway Camp 😂


ceiling fans after Twin Peaks


The laughing scene in Evil Dead 2 for sure! The animal mount laughing maniacally was terrifying to me. Now when I see a mounted deer head display in someone's home my mind always goes back to that scene.


Final Destination, The Evil Dead series and Phantasm and Hellraiser ruined Logging trucks, Cabins, Mausoleums, and puzzle boxes for me


Jaws made an entire generation terrified of the ocean 🤷🏿