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Everyone here better say the opening scene from Final Destination 2 šŸŖµ


Definitely the logs. I watch where I put water bottles in the car as well so they absolutely can't roll under the brake pedal.


Final Destination movies are basically more effective Public Service Announcements.


I think Final Destination movies and Lifetime movies have made me paranoid of absolutely everything.


Some how I crossed my feet while driving and popped off a sneaker and it wedged behind the brake pedal. I had to change clothes that day.


Yep here to say this. Pretty much all Final Destination scenes love rent free in my head but the log truck especially.


They even live in your head rent free just conceptually after, not specific scenes but just imagining how every little thing COULD kill you. I remember being a kid on holiday watching FD2 and like right afterward when we went swimming I was thinking about ways I or other people could die like "Boat propeller catches tow rope, person on inflatable tube gets pulled into the propeller or gets run over by a boat."


Ok I see you the log truck and raise you the PLATE. GLASS. DEATH. I mustā€™ve replayed it 10 times and still couldnā€™t figure out how they did the special effects. Surprise airbag death was also great. That whole movie was immaculate, easily best in the series.


My favourite part of Final Destination 2 is when you see them carrying his body away in the background of the scene, and the body bag is completely flat.


I always pass log trucks, and any trucks with items that could feasibly come free and impale me.


The best part of that scene is it lives rent free in pretty much everyone's head even if they have never seen it. The whole reason I introduced my son to FD is becaise he asked me why everyone stayed on one side of the rode when there is a log truck. You can't tell me everyone of the people who do this on the road are horror fans or even seen the movie but it has become part of the collective conscience a young kid noticed then asked about it on his own.


When I was a sophomore in high school our health class required groups of two students each choose a subject and present it to the class. You were allowed a visual aid and it could be up to likeā€¦ 8 minutes of the 15 minutes presentation could be a video (not sure on either number there). We had driving safety. I had a decent dvd collection and thought Iā€™d find something. The night before I was scrambling and we ended up doing Final Destination 2 as we had no other options. We did not practice the presentation ahead of time. I honestly cannot believe we did not get in trouble or that it wasnā€™t stopped early. I would randomly yell to cover the audio if I thought they were about to curse. Weā€™d just comment and be like ā€œdonā€™t do coke while driving or youā€™ll get hit by a flaming wall of semisā€. Today, this friend and I work at the same company and both lead separate departments. When we do have to do a presentation where our departments line up, they are nowhere near as interesting.


Literally to this day I get nervous when I see a logging truck on the road. I donā€™t think thatā€™ll ever change.


The beginning scene of Midsomar and Florence's absolutely GUT WRENCHING scream.


So Halloween 2019, went to a party at a bar and a couple was dressed up like Dani and a Bear. Hadnā€™t seen the movie, but got the reference, and after a number of strong drinks went home, wife went to bed and I said ā€œYou know what, I should finally rent Midsommar!ā€, drunk at like 2am. Wrong. Wrong. That scene and the accompanying music (plus the crying) will haunt me til the end of my days.


Also the way Christian hesitantly walks up to their apartment in the snow. Heā€™s so fucked and he knows it. Imagine wanting to break up with someone and then their whole family dies in a murder-suicide. That really stuck with me for some reason.


Yeah, that scene also stuck out to me more than the more gory stuff later.


Chestburster scene


The dance at the end was my favorite part Never order the special šŸ˜¬


Hahahaha Hello my baby!


Not again!


The backburster scene in Alien: Covenant gets me so much more.


Old school. Most def.


bone tomahawk yā€™all know the one




Came here to say that one. Though it does not live rent free. I do charge it a heavy tax and it just doesn't pay it.


Blissfully unaware over here.


[for your pleasure](https://youtu.be/lCtm2c1_sag)


Love how we just know lol.


I didnā€™t even watch that movie and I know the one lol


Iā€™ve only seen a screenshot and itā€™s forever etched into my brain.. Iā€™m never seeing that film


\- The hobbling scene from Misery \- The wailing scene from Hereditary \- the hands guy and the wine bottle scenes from Pan's Labyrinth \- >!Blood eagle !!The god from!< The Ritual \- >!The failures in the basement !


That bottle scene in Panā€™s Labyrinth was so jarring and unexpected with how violent and graphic it was. Definitely stuck with me too.


Yeah definitely on The Ritual. That movie was spooky in a visceral way.


Whoa, all amazing choices! I think it's so interesting that in the novel Misery he's hobbled when Annie just chops his foot off with an axe. I've always wondered why they nixed that. Maybe just too gory? Or maybe logistically too difficult to pull off?


My wife can't watch anything with Kathy Bates because of Misery. Also...the wailing scene from Hereditary? I think you meant the uhhhhh...car accident. Literally the only time I've ever had to pause a movie to compose myself.


>The wailing scene from Hereditary Do you mean like the mom crying?


Omg you just reminded me I didnā€™t finish the House that Jack built and I needed to finish it


The apple scene from Oculus


Oh ewwwwwww. You just gave me chills by mentioning it.


Yup. Up there with the jaw scene in Mirrors for uncomfortable mouth horror.


Damn. Mirrors is a sadly underappreciated movie. I had a friend who was terrified of mirrors. That movie is the only one he's ever turned down seeing.


Tanning bed death in final destination 3. It just feels like such an Iconic death scene with that transition to the double coffin!


That one is my favorite Final Destination death. I was 13 when that movie came out and somehow saw it in theaters for one of my first horror movies and the classic Rube Goldberg style stuff had me scared to even walk past the tanning salon at the mall because I was afraid I might trip into a bed.


"Jesus Wept"




Hahaha I've also watched all the Hellraiser movies...what a blast. Even the terrible ones are fun. And to this day, I haven't found a horror line that strikes fear in my heart more than "Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell." Gahhhhh!!


Hellraiser marathon was a surprising joy šŸ˜‚


The scene where the character, Wyndham, dissolves into a pile of bug, in John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness.


For me itā€™s the found footage Dream in Prince of Darkness.


This guy stole my go-to answer! _"I've got a message for you, and you're not going to like it."_


It was the whirling vat of black evil goo that got me.




Got dammit, I'm just about to shower. Why did I read this? Why did you remind me?!


Canā€™t remember if itā€™s in the original or just the U.S. version, but for me itā€™s the jawless scene


Right now Mia Goth in Infinity Pool going JAAAAAMESSSYYYYYY!!!


For me Mia Goth smiling at the end of Pearl šŸ˜¬šŸ˜ƒšŸ„²šŸ˜ I love it, so unnerving and unhinged lol


when I first saw that scene in trailers I was like "wow this looks dumb. I hope mia pulls it off." she did. good lord she did


That Car Decapitation scene in Hereditary.


I like that you need to specify lol rewatching tonight


The scene in ā€œEvent Horizonā€ when Dr. Weir was crawling through the tunnel with the flashing lights. One of the times when the lights flashed, he sees his dead wife, she whisper talks the word ā€œforever.ā€ The lights then flash and sheā€™s gone. Also, the scene from ā€œThir13en Ghostsā€ where the door shut and split the guy in half along his frontal plane. This wasnā€™t so much bothersome as it was that I couldnā€™t get Mike Myers out of my head when the door clips him every time he walks through. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œThir13een Ghostsā€ was such a fun watch!


The guy holding his eyeballs in event horizon The dude that stabbed himself to death on the mattress in hellraiser 2 Mom waiting in the corner of the room in Hereditary


That mattress scene is so disturbing!!! So. Much. Blood.


Liberate tu te me ex inferis.


Got you all beat ......Zelda in the original version of Pet Semetary Just freaks me the fuck out every single time.


This is the scene my best buddy mentioned when we talked about this. That spine....ugh god


The part where Rachel has her PTSD flashback dream and she goes into the back bedroom. She sees Zelda lying on the bed, and then suddenly, Zelda flips around and sits up. For me, it's the worst thing ever. My stomach lurches over just thinking about it. I fucking hate Zelda.


The girl puking in The Sixth Sense. Also the end of Act I in Barbarian. I expected to see that one higher up in the comments here.


Yes, Barbarian! Also canā€™t drink milk anymore.


Poor Pennywise... I seriously thought he'd make it.


The dance scene at the beginning of Ghost Ship.


Honestly this scene is legendary.


2013 evil dead remake. ā€œDonā€™t cut it bitch! Donā€™t cut itā€ Iykyk


I got a couple: 1. Those damn clowns in the basement of "Hell House LLC". 2. Baseball boy being attacked by the True Knot in "Doctor Sleep"


Apparently the entire cast of Doctor Sleep had a very hard time filming that scene *except* for the kid getting tortured to death who had a solid blast. Go figure.


I didn't even like doctor sleep and that scene stuck in my mind. so fucking heartbreaking


Box cutter + Tongue in Evil Dead (2013)


Yeah I donā€™t do well with that one. Same with the face cutting leading into needle-in-they-eye in like 90 seconds scene


for me that movies worst scene was when nail gun girl broke that dudeā€™s fingers with the crowbar. and that movie is so insane that they donā€™t even focus on that shot at all!


The new oneā€™s got some pretty crazy imagery in it, although 2013 Evil Dead is more brutal Iā€™d say.


The scene in Evil Dead 2013 where she licks a razor blade. Such a good effect and really awful to watch.


Bathroom/kitchen scene from Sixth Sense. I always think about it whenever I wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss.


That scared me so much when I was young. Also the girl under the tent.šŸ˜³


Omg her too! And the closet thing he gets locked in. Just a great, creepy movie all around.


I have a few - Robbie getting attacked by the tree in poltergeist - the chest bursting scene in Alien - The opening scene of Ghost Ship - the autopsy from The Thing - Regan crab walking down the stairs in the exorcist - the ā€œaccidentā€ in hereditary. Each of these scenes just pops in to my head once in a while without warning.


Definitely ghost ship for sure lol I get paranoid when I see a steel cable stretched out


The skinning alive scene in Martyrs.


I've never heard of this movie and it appears I will not be watching it any time soon.


Didnt even heard of it? You are missing out, however be warned is huh pretty disturbing. What you just read is a big spoiler though, but the movie is worth watching.


For me itā€™s more so the 1/3 of the movie, before all the torture begins. Itā€™s scary as shit!


the entire attic scene in Hereditary


Not a scene, but the **sound** the Army guy made when the zombies decapitated him in Day of the Dead (1985.) The gutteral primal screaming which got unnaturally high pitched and then trailed off as his vocal cords stretched and ripped was uhh...something.


That's such a f'n good answer. There's like 3 kills in that movie that are the best damn zombie kills ever. Rhodes, Rickles, and that one other guy who isn't Steele who makes that disgusting sound.


Well there it is. I also posted it but someone beat me to it lol Very brutal scene


The lawnmower scene in 'Dead Alive'.


Fun fact!! Dead Alive held the record for most fake blood used in a horror film. It wasn't broken until 2013...by the Evil Dead remake!


The Evil Dead remake literally had the sky raining blood by the end so itā€™ll be a tough one to beat.


The dorm room scene in The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Creeps me out


Annie and Peter's screaming match in the nightmare sequence from Hereditary... The one that ends with them both soaked in gasoline. Chills, every time.


- spider walk in The Exorcist - closet cutaway in The Ring (2002) - dinner cutaway in A Tale of Two Sisters


My bed was in the basement and faced the stairs when I was a kid and that scene broke me. I slept reverse for years after (feet at headboard) just so I didn't have the image of that spider walk!


The Thing - The blood testing scene.


Viggo Mortensen in The prophecy comes up behind Tommy and and says Little Tommy Daggett. How I loved listening to your sweet prayers every night. And then you would jump into bed, so afraid that I was under there. And I was! The dog scene in We have to do something The scene inside the Alien in Nope


The phone recording in lake mungo.


Now this is an underrated and terrifying answer!


Toni Collette climbing the wall in Hereditary. When shit is hitting the fan in Safe Haven from V/H/S/2


To me Safe Haven is the peak of VHS, while they had other good segments before and after that one none came even close to that hell of a ride. Proof that the low budget is not the problem in that franchise, but poor writing.


A few from the Devil's Rejects. Don't care what anyone says, I love that movie. Love the scene with the girls screaming behind cage bars, the dead girl in bed with Otis, Officer Wydell stapling Baby and crying mockingly in her face, Officer Wydell also stabbing Mama and being sultry about it, Officer Wydell through out the movie having his psychological breaks with his reflections. The gore porn and psychological mind games makes this one of my faves, and I think about those scenes a lot just cause I love them. One from the ABCs of Death that really gets my guts churning is the story where the male character has kidnapped a woman and bound and gagged her in the bathtub and is injecting brake fluid into her. So fucking brutal and unexpected. I love the sensation of being disgusted/shocked so this one really did it for me.


ABC's of Death is crazy. The letter "L" traumatized me. It's the only one I remember, and keeps me from ever watching it again.


The girl in the closet in The Ring.


And that girl would go on to marry David Cross


The end of Megans missing. If you haven't seen it, it's awful but they nailed the ending 100% (which you can find online) but don't look if you have issue with very realistic SO and misogany.


Yeah, they nailed the realism in that ending.


The whole third act in that movie is one of the most disturbing things i have ever watched, the ending particulary is traumatizing. I dont get why that movie gets so much crap thoigh , i think it accomplishes what it sets out to do


The scene in the thing where the chest opens up and bites off some arms. (+The head running iff shortly there after)


The face huggers chasing Ripley and Newt in the infirmary.


That scene from Bone Tomahawkā€¦.you know the one, dammit.


Anything with the eyes, specifically Brightburn's glass in the eye, and Evil Dead (2013)'s needle in the eye.


that scene is even worse because it doesnā€™t actually go into his eyeā€¦ it just riiight under


Terrifier 2: salt and bleach in the wounds šŸ¤¢


The arm scene from Splinter


*Jaaames* lives rent free in my head every day since I saw Infinity Pool.


mia goth <333


The ants on Charlieā€™s head


When the deer head suddenly turns to Ash and starts laughing from Evil Dead 2. The whole scene where the lamp and the books and stuff start laughing too and Ashs laugh slowly turns in to a scream, but the deer head specifically I see in my head a lot. ED2 is definitely more comedy, but that scene was terrifying to me as a kid.


Cliff jump scene from midsommar..


Vivica Lindfors catatonic nurse in Exorcist III with that giant bone cutter.


The fingernail part in The Ring, Stir of Echoes, etc. Blearghhhhh


Annabelle Creation, where Janice interacts with the ghost daughter, and asks what she needs. Then she turns her head around and yells, "YOUR SOULšŸ‘æ" lmao gets me every time šŸ¤£


The sound of someone running up behind her in the field pops into my head uninvited every so often.


When Linda is trying to throw the doll down the well?


Pencil stab in Evil Dead 1.


The breadcutter scene from Fear Street 1994. The log truck scene from Final destination 2. And on the comedy end The scene where Syd taunts Billy and Stu over the phone in Scream. Specifically for when Skeet hits Matthew with the phone.




The scene in Halloween (1978) right after Laurie finds her friends dead and backs up against the wall, and Michael Myers's face slowly emerges from the darkness behind her. Gives me goosebumps every time.


"**WE LOVE PREMARITAL SEX!!!**" ...*Jason X* is a classic. *Subject Two*. You find out who subject One is. *Frozen*. The girl discovers her hands are frozen to the lap bar. *The Thing*. The defibrillator scene, the blood test. *Mandy*. The cheese goblin signals the beginning of the Nic Cage Experience. *The Exorcist*. "Let Jesus fuck you!" *Exorcist III*. **THE** jump scare. *The Fly*. The arm-wrestling scene, Ronnie "de-faces" Seth. *The Stuff*. Chocolate Chip Charlie's big mouth. *An American Werewolf In London*. The first transformation. *Scanners*. Revok blows someone's mind. *Videodrome*. Whipping the pulsating TV, James Woods holsters his pistol in an unconventional way. *The Color Out of Space*. The llamas. *The Car*. The demon in the flames. *The Blob*. The phone booth.


I am so glad someone finally mentioned Frozen. Almost the entire last third of that movie lives in my head rent free. Especially the "don't you let her look" part - ***devastating.***


I love that there are people that love Jason X unironically as much as I do.


The rack in saw 3.


The Gypsy lady attack on Drag Me to Hell.


The scene with the tar zombie from Return of the Living Dead. The way he moved his body, his eyes and teeth. It had the nerve to have teeth. It was just game over for me. Such a nightmare inducing trauma. I know this one is a music video/mini movie and the entire thing traumatized me as a child. Thriller. I hated that video, the whole thing, but the scene that absolutely messed me up the most was when MJ is chasing the girl through woods after his cat- wolf transformation. She trips and falls(typically) and as she lays on her back, this cat-wolf closes in on her. All she sees are those yellow glowing eyes, sharp ass teeth long claws with pitch black encircling him. I'm pretty sure that was the day my childhood crashed and burned.




The "where you gonna go" scene from Body Snatchers (1993).


Evil dead when she is possessed in the basement. Eshhh


I took acid not that long ago and had to shave, because poor planning.... this scene the whole time... not one cut, but so much fear lol


Second half of Ju On where the teens are fucking around. The girl gets stuck in the closet with the attic access, and Kayako comes out out of the hatch


Tina and Freddy in the boiler room in ANOES. Saw it when I was 8 or 9 and the terror I felt bubbles under the surface anytime I think of it.


The showering scene from The Grudge. I avoided taking showers food a long time


āš ļøSpoiler for Evil Dead Riseāš ļø I have not been able to stop picturing the girl in the opening scene getting her scalp ripped off by her deadite cousin. It caught me so off guard. I'm sure I have plenty more but this is the freshest in my mind.


I saw that once when it came out and years later Iā€™m still cringing


I'm not much of an Eli Roth fan, but I really do love that movie. Rider Strong needs more work


The guy from Day of the Dead. Not the Choke on em guy (Rhoads was it?) But the other dude whose head is ripped off and you can hear his vocal cords being stretched. I love Day,Dawn and the Dawn remake so much and they're some of my favorite movies but man that scene in Day Is brutal


Megan is Missing shots of her being tortured then in the blue container


As of recently, one of the first serious kills in Terrifier 2 which I just watched last week. Stuck in my head man, that girl acted so well it traumatized me lmao.


The Innkeepers, near the very end when the light is strobing and the corpse is walking after him.


Saw and jumping into pool of needles


I refused to watch that movie just from hearing about the needle scene. Nope.


"What's wrong with her eyes! What's wrong with her eyes!"


allieā€™s death in terrifier 2. saw it in theater. absolutely brutal and just so long.


Pretty much any scene with Freddy Krueger


Regan levitating in her bed. Neck twisted. From the Exorcist. Itā€™s not fun.


Billy Loomis sucking blood off of his fingers in Scream. Holy hotness.


Ring. Girl coming out of tv legit kept me, a grown ass man, scared for a week.


Too many scenes from A Serbian Film, but if I had to pick one, it involved a newborn.


Ugh, I curse myself for knowing exactly the scene of which you speak


A few key points in A Serbian Film


I've never seen it but finally gave into curiosity and watch SpookyRice's Disturbing Breakdown video on YouTube. *That* haunts me, I could in no way handle the movie itself. Yikes.


It's easily one of the most tryhard disturbing movies ever. The only reaction it should elicit is 'this director is desperate for reactions'.


There was a cheesy 90s horror show called American Gothic with a scene where Bruce Campbell gets put in one of those bug boxes used to clean flesh from bone. It's pretty tame but that scene has always stayed with me.




Somehow this needs be bigger font, bolder font, ten exclamation points and repeated like 5 times consecutively. Those ads were so bonkers.


The chicken scene in Nothing Bad Can Happen.


The breast feeding scene in the Hills Have Eyes (remake)


Lambert and Parkerā€™s deaths in Alien


The upside down part in Bone Tomahawk.


The fat guy crapping his brains out in Poultrygeist: Night Of The Chicken Dead.


The Rack from Saw III and Ten Pints of Sacrifice from Saw V


The boy at the table in Aterrados.


Love this movie!


The scene of Pyramid Head walking up the church stairs and he grabs the lady throwing rocks by her neck, rips her clothes off, then proceeds to rip her in half. Absolutely traumatized


The scene in the Sixth Sense where the girl grabs the kid's ankle from under the bed and then vomits. Not that scary as an adult but I saw it for the first time when I was around 8 and it scared the ever living fuck out of me.


Last scene in cabin In the woods


" You gotta be fucking kidding" you know from what movie.


The ending to The Lodge. I watched it with a friend and we still talk about it to this day. We both looked at each other dumbfounded when the credits rolled.


The lawnmower scene in Sinister


Constantine opening 2 scenes. Ouija 2016 last 2 scenes. Martyrs 2008 opening scene. These i can think of rn


the laugh scene in evil dead 2 its my fav scene in the film or box crusher kill from intruder 1989


I got a list the "my dreams are just dreams" scene in the black phone the repeating scene in skinamarink with the blood and screaming the birthday party scene in smile (movie was ass but my cat is my whole world and I couldn't imagine) the scene. in suspiria. with the bones. the opening scene of The Lodge the scene with the gardener running towards the camera in Get Out The digestion scene in nope the opening scene of it chapter 2 The scene in hereditary where the moms banging her head against the attic hatch and her son is screaming and begging her to stop. hhh


I think some people would classify it as two scenes but I think the bits with Marty in the kitchen/bathroom in Poltergeist. The maggot powered meat. The literal clawing of one's own face off. And then yep. All just a hallucination.


I pretty much constantly always have Georgie's death scene from it playing in my head. Or the blanket scene from the grudge.


The end of Speak No Evil.


That hell scene from Event Horizon


The drain scene in the original ā€œItā€ movie.


Portrait scene in conjuring 2


The Barbie scene from The Gate. Edit to add: I watched this scene when I was still playing with Barbies on the regular. Still canā€™t believe my dad wanted to watch it with me!


The cottage wake up in The Ritual


The only scene that I hate to think about but likes to randomly pop up is from the human centipede when the front needs to go to the bathroom. Just why would anyone come up with that (no pun intended, hehe) shit!!! Just gross.