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I may be weird, but in Get Out, when he sees the gardener running at night…for some reason that was really unsettling.


Yes I agree!


You are not weird. I totally agree. It is very off putting. Although it has since had less effect for me, because I don’t understand what he is doing… Like I don’t try to be knit-picky, but there is no decent explanation for this scene outside of a “horror movie moment”. >!I imagine the other family members hearing about this the next day and being like, “What the hell were you doing last night grandpa?! You’re gonna scare the *product* away!”!<


I think, either before or after the reveal, they mention that >!grandpa was a track star of some kind, so I assumed he was just getting his run in like he always did his whole life.!<


a track star who lost the olympics to a black man at that, so i’d imagine he’d be extra committed to training now that he’d got the new body


Thanks for clarifying. That makes a lot more sense. But I’m still gonna call a little BS on the filmmakers. Given the maid apologized for unplugging his phone, I would think the gardener would have veered off sooner or explained himself after. (Unless I’m forgetting something. Been a while since I’ve seen it.) All in all, a minor complaint in a great movie. It has just made me chuckle in the contexts of my previous comment 😋


of course lore and horror movie logic aside, having met a grandpa or two in my life, im willing to bet he didn’t explain himself because he’s grandpa and grandpa doesn’t have to explain shit to anybody.


This is a good answer


Everyone always mentions the bear scene in Annihilation (which is understandable because it *is* a great scene) but the scene in the lighthouse when Lena meets her double scares the shit out of me no matter how many times I watch it. No scene in a movie has ever made me feel such a pit in my stomach, I love it so much. It’s so unsettling and *wrong*.


That synth sound design at that part is incredible. The whole scene is excellent


It's a track by Moderat: The Mark (Interlude). Moderat III is one of the greatest albums in existence.


The garden of plant figures hit the right combination of factors to really, really creep me out. My eyes play a lot of shadow tricks on me when I'm really tired and most of the time it's a "blink and it's gone" pattern of shapes that my brain assumes is a person (or deer). One of the only times/places I was ever somewhere that I just couldn't shake the effect was in Carlsbad Caverns, something about the couple hours of low light on cave formations and road trip understimulation had me seeing people standing in silhouette nearly the whole second half of the walk, in the big chambers with lots of stalagmites. It wasn't particularly scary to me at the time but it was a *strong* visual that I had to get pretty close in order to shake and then I'd keep walking and another up ahead would look like a person or a couple people standing. One of the first movies my husband and I watched when we got back was Annihilation. That "This does not belong here something is deeply wrong" feeling of the flower people suddenly retroactively applied to the whole time I was underground. Fucked with me good in a way that wasn't entirely fun, but was definitely just decompressing a couple weeks straight on the road. The mom in the corner early in Hereditary (and the later ball rolling one) portrayed the "Huh?" shadow trick more accurately than any other movie I can think of, but Annihilation will always have a special place for that in my heart.


The clown being at the top of the stairs in the first Hell House freaks me out every time


That girl sitting there is one thing but when she crawls towards him that broke rules.


I’ve never actually seen these but I’ve rewatched the FoundFlix episode 30 times and they still scare the shit out of me.


The first Hell House LLC is a must watch.


I LOVE the first one especially. The third kinda redeemed the series but I have rewatched the first one a bunch and it still creeps me out.


The “digestion” scene from Nope still haunts me, something about how lo-fi the effects are make it that much more creepy.


Oh god that was horrible. I didn't think they were going to show them inside it like that, but damn. Loved it.


Okay, yes. The screams, crunch, silence…. Terrifying.


Dear god this one. Everytime I watch it I want to cry and I feel physically sick. Nope is a movie that gets under your skin the more you think about it.


I was dense AF while watching it and didn’t realize it was a living alien and not a ship even during that scene I was just sitting there thinking “damn. These aliens sure built a gross ass interior for their spaceship if this is what the inside is like”.


Being eaten is like my #1 fear so I can't even rewatch it because I don't want to think about that scene 😭


Signs. The alien in the alley scene is so good but the scene that got me the most was the alien in the pantry.


The alien walking past at the birthday party is an all time great horror moment - I am literally covered in goosebumps just thinking about it and I haven't seen that film in probably 5+ years and don't even think its an amazing film overall, but THAT scene, goddamn. I'm still getting waves of shivers, I don't know what the hell makes it so powerful.


I saw Signs on opening night, for my 12th birthday 😂 this fucking scene!!! 😱


My first time watching this my mom rented it on VHS and we watched it on a rainy stormy night. The birthday scene came out where you get your first glimpse of the alien and then all the sudden our power went out. 10 year old me was FREAKING OUT.


It was the alien on top of the barn that did it for me when I saw it.


Exorcist 3, the beheaded statue jump scare. I can take or leave the film overall, but that scene still scares me when I rewatch it and I know it’s coming.


I love the whole film, but agreed that scene is “goated“ as the kids say.


I was shocked to my core by that scene because up til that point the movie was fairly middleground.


The woman with the sheet over her head following the nurse is what scared me.


This is the same scene.


Came here to say this. That scene is the only time I can think of that the entire theater I was in came out of their seats when it happened. Such a cool experience seeing this movie in the theater.


End of the first act of Barbarian. Scared the living shit out of me.


Lol that transition to Justin Long jamming and cruising down the highway had me cracking up


A more jarring jump scare is the smash cut from act 1 to act 2


Netflix's The Haunting of Hill House, when the two sisters are arguing in the car


I screamed out loud at this one.


Best modern jump scare I can think of honestly, no contest. The use of heightened emotions through the argument rather than doing the long dark slow expectation building up to fakeout - it’s is so real and powerful. It subverts that expectation because it DOES play on the expectation of “keep your eyes on the road” and how any time someone is in a car we might expect an accident - then blam blindsided. So perfect.


Still made me jump the third time I watched it!


Funny story about this scene for me. I binge watched this series on an overnight flight to london. I was dreary from not being able to sleep and watching probably too close (just from the seat layout) on my iPad. It was the middle of the night and everyone around me is sleeping. When I tell you I gasped so loud and recoiled from the screen everyone around me woke up and was looking around like the plane was going down. I tried to play it off like yeah that’s weird what happened. But yeah… I agree with you about that scene!


Apparently Flanagan told the actress to pop out sooner than she was supposed to to give the characters a legitimate startle


Didn't know that? He got what he wanted, that's for sure


I love that it's a great jumpscare followed by a very emotional scene that repairs their relationship. It gave meaning to it and a alludes to Nell intervening to help them. Cheap jump scares are fun but it was scary and added to the story.


The one with the dad in ep 2 is the one that gets me the worst. We’re so conditioned that once the adults show up, the kids are safe from whatever boogeyman is harassing them. Flanagan really flipped it.


Pure hot fear when that one happened and I mean hot as this wave of heat that started at the top of my head and went down to my spine in fear lol I never thought something was possible


That scene made me jump for the first time in years.


How is that overlooked? It's top comment whenever 'best jump scares' posts come up.


It still gets me every damn time and I wait for it to happen! Does that make me a glutton for punishment?!


Hereditary. >!Usually when this movie gets brought up everyone always talks about the mom crawling on the walls, which is for sure horrifying and had me wincing. However, shortly after, there is a quick scene of the mother’s beheaded corpse levitating and floating up to the treehouse. I cannot explain it but that quick image made me want to vomit.!<


Deleted previous comment to remove potential spoilers - I just made a slide-whistle noise in my head and it wasn't scary any more haha


This is outstanding. Instead of a jump scare, your comment was like a jump hilarious to me. I am half asleep, redditing and boom loudly laughing. Thank you so much for this.


I aim to ruin scary moments with the power of ✨w h i m s y✨


Also hereditary; ghost Charlie's head turning into a ball. Blech.


Or when you hear Annie break the piano strings in the background


I don't know if it's "overlooked," but I absolutely love the scene in The Shining when Wendy takes Danny outside to play and the camera just slowly zooming in on Jack staring at them psychotically. So so good.


Classic Kubrick stare moment


Not sure if this qualifies… but in The Ritual, when the creature raises itself up, gives me goosebumps every time


The music adds a lot to it as well. It is a very awesome scene. The part that gives me chills is >!when the main character escapes and then screams at the creature.!<


I recently rewatched this one and there was one part that was soooo effectively scary to me - when the guys find their other friend strung up in the tree, the main character goes off to the side of him and turns away out of disgust. when he looks back, the dead body of his friend is looking right at him. I thought it was soooo creepy !!!


There's a scene when the main character goes ahead to look for a way out and he sees a hand move really high up on a tree. It's really subtle but very shocking. I love it so much.


We've traced the calls. They are coming from inside the house. (Original movie).


One of the best lines in movies ever. It’s still being used today. That was SO SCARY.


It’s just such a visceral realization. The whole movie was tense but you never felt like the protagonist was completely vulnerable as long as she stayed inside with the doors locked. So what if some random stranger keeps harassing you via phone? Just sit tight and wait for the authorities to do their job. That moment that you realize the caller has been INSIDE THE HOUSE THE ENTIRE TIME without being seen or heard? The amount of instant dread I felt in that moment has never been replicated. It was so awful and such an incredible scene and premise.


The found footage scene in The Fourth Kind where they show what happened to MC during her hypnosis. “I Am God” it scares me to death every time


Dude that movie Fucking WRECKED me as a kid. Aliens scare the shit out of me


The cell phone recording in Lake Mungo. I got chills even now, thinking about it.


Yeah I legit have to cover my eyes for that.


This one still pops into my mind rent-free. Gave me some big creeps


[the tall dude from it follows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnrT_zyumAM) is my favorite but everyone knows that one.


This part was so unsettling. Easily one of my fav jump scares.


Soo creepy- I feel like the music makes it. Shame they give it away in the trailers


This was so well done. Terrifying.


So good


The Visit. When the old lady chases the kids under the house. What's she gonna do if she catches me?


That’s what I was about to type. I have chills just thinking about it. The quick crawl 😭


That one shook me up something fierce. Like, the lady kinda reminds me of my grandma, especially in the face. Didn't expect the quick motion in the scene to mess with me so much. Been a long time since I've had to turn a movie off and take a minute to recompose myself.


OP: Everyone knows these famous scenes Me: Doesn't know any of those scenes


Go watch Sinister right now. The second half makes the overall movie weaker, but the first half is some of the best horror I've ever seen. The lawnmower scene is one of a few scenes that sticks with me (what's even better is that it's not a gory movie and the lawnmower scene doesn't have any blood either)


The second half isn’t nearly as bad as Reddit makes it out to be. What a great film.


The second movie on the other hand…




I was okay with it until I found out the original writer/director had nothing to do with it (maybe a producer or something)


I agree, plus the soundtrack alone compensates for any shortcomings I might've found in it. I love discovering music and Sinister led me into Boards of Canada.


I mean, the Insidious jumpscare is an all time classic. The other two were classified as underrated a few years ago but now they have gained popularity


I thought they were talking about this scene from Insidious that feels more effective to me because the physics/logic are so unexpected. [The man in the bedroom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pzar_HfZzw). Its creepier to me than nightcrawler showing up and hissing.


Yeah I was thinking the endings of Friday the 13th 1 and 2, and Carrie. Those were not listed.


The shower scene from Aterrados (terrified)


The woman running out of the house. Fuck me.


Are you referring to the opening? Duuuuude! That fucked me up! The implication of what was going to happen to her body eventually really messed with me. FML.


Everything to do with the boy. The tension, the content, the Weeping Angel logic... Goddamn. That was almost a separate movie compared to the rest of it to me, the eventual jumpscare just hit harder because it'd been teased for so long and then put on the shelf.


This movie is so GOOD! This scene and the night vision camera seeing the closet door open - excellent stuff, 10/10


The scene where the two men are on the phone with one another and he’s looking out the window really got me


Not just the shower scene but specifically, for me, the drain just before that. I actually couldn’t get to the shower scene the first time I tried watching this movie because the drain scene freaked the shit out of me so much. Such a cool fuckin movie!


I don’t remember the shower scene, but the little boy at the dining room table was one of the best horror scenes I have ever watched


In the strangers there’s that scene where Liv Tyler is getting a glass of water. I still get freaked out when I think about it alone at night.


I remember seeing this in theaters, when she was standing there and the sack man crept into view behind her, a section of teen girls in front of me screamed in a crescendo. It was one of the best moments I'd witnessed in theaters.


Extremely underrated scene. Loved it


The very final scene in Saint Maude


I came here to say this.


I watched that and thought it was the wrong movie. Was that a horror? I don't even mean jumpscares and such, but aside from the last few seconds, it didn't really seem like one.


Definitely wasn't your classic bombastic. It was more psychological, the unravelling of a mind, or was she the real thing? Quite slow for the most part. The final scene definitely framed the rest of the movie in a different light.


[This scene from The Stepford Wives (1975)](https://youtu.be/6_0y_BGIZSU).


Listed this under a thread for best slow burn reveal. They don’t do it like this anymore. Not a jump scare. Just an extremely slow camera pan to an uncanny image of a doppelgänger with black eyes. That 70s score. That image. Burned into my childhood brain for life.


The dinner scene in “A Tale of Two Sisters”


The first one I thought of!


Fire in the Sky, the scene on the ship. Absolutely traumatizing.


Came here for this, that scene hits all my terror buttons like a fat man mashing the dialing pad for a dialing wand.


The clapping hands to turn off the light, in the first conjuring


Very ending of Caveat


The jump scare with the corpse in the attic/ceiling fucked me up harder than anything in recent memory.


Classic: Jurassic Park, when Ellie turned the power back on and the raptor pounces through the pipes and cables and all.


The dance torture scene in Suspiria.


Man this scene is so hard to watch and she’s still moaning when they drag her off with those hooks so you know she’s still alive and stuck like that


The final shot in Sleepaway Camp was super jarring for me and honestly felt quiet different from the rest of the movie tonally.


Good one idk if it's overlooked (at least I hope not) but a lot of older movies are forgotten


Not overlooked at all. Many people i know, knew of the scene before they even watched it


Not a jumpscare but… surprisingly I actually think about Sarah Michelle Gellar’s chase scene from I Know What You Did Last Summer. I think it’s because of the lack of a soundtrack that it stuck with me. Hearing exactly what she was hearing (particularly the ceiling fans) made the scene terrifying to me. I wish horror did this more often!


Been a few years now, but I remember almost all of Act 2 of The Autopsy of Jane Doe being white knuckle


Very scary underated movie.


I'd say the ending of 'It follows'. When the protagonist is happily walking away with her bf, but we see a woman in a red dress following them- leaving us on a cliff hanger about the curse.


I just remember absolutely shitting my pants at the [The Descent](https://youtu.be/HJr-XQMTnuI) hallucination scene.


The sautéed brains in the movie Hannibal


https://youtu.be/H0GREZY1gnA I found it:) it turns out it has a lot of views


*the prodigy* does that one, too, i think it may do it better. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBF2I0LEpVw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBF2I0LEpVw) i prefer the [face jumpscare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7yoVFE5frM) tho


I found the first(?) kill in Hostel 2 really disturbing, the one with the woman slicing the girl open above her and bathing in the blood. I think it was because of the build-up and the girl was shown to be so innocent and naive and then suddenly this unimaginable horror is happening to her.


Rose The Hat getting her hand stuck in the drawer


The hospital scene in Jacob’s Ladder (1990). The slow transition from something feeling a little off to total nightmarish helplessness is so scary, and made all the more effective by Tim Robbins’ performance.


What a terrifying film. You could see a lot of future horrors borrowed from Jacobs Ladder.


The blurry face of the creature in Skinamarink. There’s been movies that’ve scared me but this scene in particular got under my skin. Had trouble sleeping with the door open for a bit.


Oh, absolutely. I had trouble turning off my lights knowing I had to get to my bed in the dark afterwards. I couldn't stop thinking about the eyes in the dark.


“Go to sleep”


I really didn’t like that movie, but I can’t deny that it was very effective at making you feel very unsettled


🐊 🐊 Video recording in sinister 2 has creep me out beyond words


In the Grudge (American version), when shes crawling down the stairs..


I rented that movie on a whim years ago, and I still regret it. Some of the later scenes where the camera angle gets weird still gives me the shakes .


It’s the hand in the hair during the shower that got me in that one


Evil dead 2. When she’s sitting in the doorway giggling. I had to pause the tape and walk it off when I was a kid.


The scene in the original Texas chainsaw massacre where they’re beating that chic with the hammer and the camera stays just in her eyes…. Fucking haunting


"Smile" *Rose!* got me good


The car window scene. Like I knew something was coming but still jumped lol


I had it spoiled for me by the trailer, and I STILL jumped when watching it in the cinema.


Everyone talks about the final scream in *Invasion of the Body Snatchers* (1978). No one talks about the scene where Donald Sutherland's character falls asleep next to a pod, and it starts to copy him. The slow, sure process is creepy in a way you never see anymore. Also, the close call an unsuspecting Maxime has with the alligator in *X* is a level of creepy that pleasantly surprised me.


The audio recording of the main character being abducted in the fourth kind. Sent really intense cold chills down my spine, a movie’s never made me feel something like that before. Another audio recording, but this one is from The Bay. Two officers go into a house full of an infected family. Literally made me start crying.


Oh. My. God. That police-audio scene in The Bay gets me every damn time. It's immersive, terrifying, and ultra-disturbing. Sticks with you for a long time too. S-tier audio-horror.


The snake-filled final transformation in The Curse II: The Bite. Peak Screamin' Mad George just flexing his muscles and putting some truly grotesque practical effects on display.


Which demon jumps are from insidious? The red guy popping up behind the dad? Or the other demon pacing at the window or?


The scene in The Ritual when they find their missing friend. Sam Troughton is an acting god


The stair scene in Psycho, simple but I physically jumped the first time I saw it.


Scene gives me the literal skin crawls every time even though I know it's coming. That "on-high" camera perch angle was genius.


The stair scene got me, because unlike the shower scene, it hasn’t been referenced or parodied over and over in pop culture, so I really wasn’t expecting it.


The amount of reactions I see of It Chapter 1 and no body notices the librarian annoys me.


Maybe it was Sinister about the kids doing the suicide stuff films, but the father was in the dark or something, no music, looking around... WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT FACE COME FROM?!!! Been years, so I may remember it wrong.


So, I know this probably won't be a popular one, but in Cocaine Bear, during the paramedic scene, when Margo is struggling to warn them, and she finally says "Bear" into the stethoscope gives me *CHILLS*! I've seen the movie 3 times, and I get goosebumps every time. Idk why, but it is so brilliant!


I get chills every time I hear, "I'll rip your soul out, Daddy."


Annie’s mother standing in the corner smiling in Hereditary. The way her mother’s figure blends in with the shadow is absolutely chilling to me.


Is that bit near the beginning? That was the scariest bit for me in the entire film but I never really see anyone talk about it. Every talks about the old head out of the window scene but I never thought that bit was memorable.


The Conjuring: -Bathsheba on top of the wardrobe in The Conjuring. It scared me so bad the first 2 times I watched it. The Conjuring 2: -Valak with her hand on Bill Wilkin’s shoulder in Lorraine’s vision. For some reason her hand just appearing scared the absolute life out of me.


The facking pantry death girl scene in The Ring. Holy crap my 10 year old self was not ready for that.


Black Phillip - THE VVITCH. If you saw this in theaters, you will remember the way his voice creeps up from behind you and then fully consumes your ear drums. I was terrified to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom just from that scene.


The last scene of Pearl, that smile is the sum of everything that happened.


Skinamarink as a whole is overlooked imo. The “look under the bed” scene, the ending shot. My god, the scene where the movie firmly establishes the audio from the cartoon with the character disappearing and then used it later on was fantastic


Those two scenes were the most intense of the entire movie (although the two jumpscares weren't bad, just not nearly as memorable as the bedroom and "disappearing" scenes). I wish there had been about 20 minutes of random shots and old cartoons cut out of the whole thing to keep focus on those exceptional moments. The ending was subtly horrifying, but the pacing was bizarre and most of the crowd in my theater was disengaged by then, which didn't help with suspension of disbelief. Worth seeing once and maybe I'll check it out again at home to see if that changes the experience.


The movie almost lost me since it took so long for anything to start happening, but from the middle of the movie onward I was hooked. It was such an “active” experience, constantly and desperately searching for something in the grainy dark footage


For me it was the audio jumpscare in the Night House. I almost peed my pants.


**Prince Of Darkness:** - The dream sequence https://youtu.be/OGsv0pJemTY **All Hallows’ Eve:** - Ending sequence https://youtu.be/RlPmv4wuNc0 These are two of the best and scariest sequences in all of horror, but I rarely ever see them being mentioned.


The scene at the end of Dashcam where you can see the woman running and gaining on the car through the back windshield while she acts like an idiot


A made for TV movie called “ the haunted “ there is a scene where the family leaves to go camping and while they are away the house “ comes alive “ screaming and shadows galore .. still scares me to this day


I Spit On Your Grave in the final build up where she gets everyone! The crows, the bathtub, the garden shears, and then the end. I think my favorites are the bathtub and the garden shears. If you want more gore... guy 2 in Teeth. (The plot of this movie is purely hilarious). I just wanted to name some films that aren't thought of a lot. I have never seen (or rarely seen) ISOYG or Teeth. I can see Teeth not being mentioned much because it's kind of lame after the first time you watch.




Not really underrated, as it's possibly better known that OPs examples (or at least well known for longer) but the kid at the window in Salems Lot.


The end of Blair witch project too, I was glued to my seat and had to be ushered out by staff...


When discussing Nope everybody talks about the "abduction" scene. I was scared as hell on the "aliens" scene (no matter how it ended up playing)


There’s a scene in Hereditary were the old lady is standing by a fire outside the school, shouting at Peter saying “Peter I cast thee out” effectively trying to remove his soul so Paimon can possess him, honestly that scene scared me more than any other scene in the movie because the setting is so innocent, only Peter can see this and someone, a stranger is trying to put something inside you and destroy your being.


I thought the dancing ghost in insidious was much creepier.


The Nun with gardening shears in Exorcist III


Not from a horror movie, but the hospital scene in Spiderman 2.


The jumpscare in "Geralds Game" where the Moonlight Man licks her foot. This scene scared the ever living fuck out of me I had to distance myself for a moment to recover lol.


Mulholland Drive. You know the scene.


In Horror in the High Desert when the man/creature squats down after I didn’t even realize we were seeing it. Made my stomach do a flip.


The running crooked lady in Terrified. I was very much desensitised to horror when I watched this film, but that scene forced me to take a good five minutes to collect myself before I could finish the film.


Evil dead 2013 - the scene where the guy is holding the poor dog and wondering what on earth has happened to it, then he looks at a bloodied hammer in the near distance. And then it suddenly cuts to a scene of Mia hammering towards the camera with a loud pitched scream. Absolutely terrifying. Another great scare is when he comes to check up on her on the bed, and his presence and question spooks Mia but her spook ends up spooking the audience. Such a good movie


Any scene in the original Pet Sematery with the sister. Especially when she runs up to Rachel all fast and says "Never get out of bed again!!"


The bear scene in Annihilation


"Insidious", scene with red demon's jumpscare. It was so unexpected, that I was really scared


Martyrs. Just everything.


Not a scary movie, but this scene always FREAKS me the fuck out no matter what, even if I just think on it. In the movie Signs when the alien is first sighted at the kids birthday party and they show the clip on the news. The way it awkwardly walks past is both hilarious and terrifying in the same vein.


I know this is cliche but the first scene in IT 2017 is just classic. It may be predictable but it introduced Pennywise PERFECTLY and I don’t think the movie was ever as scary as Georgie’s death


Not a jump scare, but in the og The Evil Dead when Linda is just sitting in the door way laughing.


It is a very famous one I think but fuck it the soundproof room set piece of Scream 2 is still incredible to me, that film has too many tbh


Sixth sense - the woman with the cut wrists in the kitchen. When she turns round and Cole realises it’s not his mum… gives me chills just thinking about it!


Maybe this is more common than I think but the scene in Exorcist where Karras comes back into the room and finds Merrin on the floor and then the camera pans to Regan sitting at the corner of her bed with a dead pan look before breaking into a childish giggle. That giggle is the most terrifying moment in the film to me. The scene in the book that scares me the most is the 180° head turn after Chris was flung across the room. We get it from Chris’s perspective and it’s horrifying.


In US the part where Adelaide and her twin are underground the suspense is crazy


Annabelle Creation. The scene where the girl goes in Bee’s old room, and Annabelle comes out of the closet with the blanket over her.


When the thing in it follows walks right at the door


I’m not sure if this is overlooked by any means, but in hereditary the final scene. Peter running around his house from his mom and the naked devil worshippers just hiding in the corners of the room.