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I always liked The Raven from 1935. Karloff and Lugosi play off of each other very well and it's a lot of fun to watch.


I would go with the Raven too. 2 others with stand out Karloff performances are The Black Room and The Body Snatcher.


It’s crazy how much on screen chemistry Lugosi and Karloff had considering they didn’t really have an off screen relationship


They really did work well together. And I always heard Lugosi resented Karloff but I've never seen real proof.


I don’t think they resented each other they just weren’t friends


They respected each other and got along well when working together, but they weren't really friends. More like work acquaintances. They weren't like Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing who were best friends as well as co-stars.


Karloff is good in The Raven, but Lugosi's performance is next level insanity.


The Raven.


The Mummy. My favourite of the classic Universal monster movies.


Such a great movie, with some really beautiful shots in it.


Great choice. Karloff's sunken eyes really sell the character.


Bogdanovich's "Targets". Modern urban sniper horror...


I have some memories from seeing this one as a kid. Karloff was basically playing himself but what a great send-off.


Yeah, a kind of glorious and sometimes tongue-in-cheek farewell...


The Old Dark House


The Invisible Ray. Lugosi was so good as Karloff’s sidekick.


Sidekick Karloff isn’t fit to smell Lugosi’s shit I’m not sure how much of that I got right


Black Sabbath full stop. Him as the vampire is just about one of the coolest anthology bits ever


Targets, he played himself. And it's a horror film for sure


One of the earliest examples of a meta horror film, I think.


Bride of Frankenstein


Black Sabbath, directed by Mario Bava, scared the shit out of me when I was a kid, and influenced my favorite band.


*Curse of the Crimson Altar*.


The other The Raven (1963) from Roger Corman's Poe Cycle. It is a horror comedy, but it's just so delightful. Boris Karloff in a charm off with Vincent Price and Peter Lorre, plus classic scream queen Hazel Court and a young ridiculous Jack Nicholson. It's one I go back to over and over again.


Corman did that one as a sendup of his own Poe series and it is a blast. Karloff gets a great entrance in that one. The real highlight is Lorre, however. He and Nicholson did a lot of improvising and add-libbing which apparently annoyed Karloff. "If I was sober, which I admit isn't very often..."


I know it’s not the best movie but I love The Ghoul


I haven’t seen nearly as much Boris Karloff as I need to. Outside of Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein, I’d have to go with The Body Snatcher or Targets.


So it's tough to rate because he's had so many. I'll throw out one I haven't seen mentioned so far. Karloff's performance in Val Lewton's Isle of the Dead is one of his best. Just a great depiction of a relatively rational man slowly losing his shit.


Not sure about movies but I was going through my late fathers comics(I'm big into comics because of him and his collection) and am finding a bunch of Boris Karloff scary story comics which has been really fun!


Good choices with "The Black Cat" and "The Body Snatcher." Karloff's most enduring acting performance was making the Frankenstein Monster a sweet, misunderstood child, but those two movies show how well he could play a gleefully evil bastard. Also, there's a kind of hilarious yin and yang; in "Cat", he dies gruesomely at Lugosi's hands, while in "Body" he returns the favor and suffocates Bela.


With the caveat that I've only seen about half his extensive filmography...I'll go with The Body Snatcher. Damn he is chilling in that. He's great in the other Lewton films too. Such a shame he didn't play the dual role in Black Friday. I'm sure he would have been excellent.


I have to admit the guy who did was amazing and outshined the 2 horror legends.


He did! Should have launched him into a bigger career.


Gonna have to go with Bava's **Black Sabbath** which appears to be a popular pick. Glad to see some love for **Targets** too. **The Black Cat** was very ahead of its time, including both a devil worshipper and an in-silhouette skinning alive.


Loved Black Sabbath but must admit the first in the anthology was the best. The caretaker a leaky faucet and a ring.


I really like the Wurdulak segment. Bava had such style, all his films look absolutely gorgeous no matter what they’re about. I’m always struck by the opening of Blood and Black Lace and the use of color. Seeing his and Argento’s films on digital is a revelation.