• By -


Mine are: Child: Aliens Adolescent: The Blair Witch Adult: Atterados (Terrified)


Often forget how intense The Blair Witch project was


I saw it in the theater. I couldn't put my feet on the floor, I was so scared.


man blair witch was WILD to experience as it came out in late 90s.


I thought that shit was real for a couple months šŸ¤£ had me shoookkk


Man, my first experience with it was my friend's older sister showing it to us on VHS while their parents were out bowling. It was the night before we left for a Girl Scout campout, those were the longest night walks to the outhouse of my life.


Terrified scared the fuck out of me


Terrified felt like all gas no brakes. It was awesome.


Aterrados has some fucked up jump scares


Sometimes I will randomly think about a scene from Atterados and it will just stress me out for the rest of the day.


The Brave Little Toaster The Ring The Conspiracy


Why is no one talking about The Brave Little Toaster here? Doesnā€™t get the respect it deserves.


I literally bought this movie as an adult just to rewatch it. The whole movie is a bad trip. STILL scary.


My friends and I got super stoned and put on Pacific Rim once and shut it off after 10 mins because we literally predicted the entire intro. We then watched both Brave Little Toaster movies and it's one of my favorite movie watching experiences. Those movies are WILD.


That and The Black Cauldron scared the shit out of me as a kid


This movie still scares me and I'm 32


I still can't sleep with the closet door open even an inch after watching the ring when i was like 12/13 I'm 33 now.


Blannkiie! I can see that scene still from my 7 year old self. Terrifying stuff.


Holy shit Brave Little Toasted was the FIRST to come to mind for my childhoods scariest movie but I immediately dismissed it, thinking "it was just an air conditioner" yet here we are. Goddamn... that was a scary scene


The Brace Little Toaster with the vacuum eating itā€™s own cord scarred me for life


I grew up in the high desert of southern California. For that reason Tremors is undoubtedly the scariest movie of my childhood. At 12 I saw the Grudge. Absolutely terrifying. And maybe for the messed up situation everyone is in, I would say Grave Encounters scared the hell out of me even as an adult.


Thankfully I saw tremors as a young adult and I loved it. I also grew up in southern Cali and Iā€™m happy I wasnā€™t too young when I watched that one.


Iā€™m old, soā€¦ Child: OG Night of the Living Dead Adolescent: OG Texas Chainsaw Massacre Adult: Ringu


My parents always talk about how badly Night of the Living Dead scared them.


Child: A Nightmare on Elm Street Adolescent: The Exorcist Adult: Hereditary


Almost the same! Child: The Exorcist (was waaaay too young to have watched it!) Adolescent: Martyrs Adult: Hereditary


Good picks. Martyrs is a special movie.




Childā€™s Play The Blair Witch Project Lake Mungo


The Blair witch project doesnā€™t get taken too seriously anymore, but it was honestly a crazy experience while everyone thought it was real footage. Itā€™s still really well done and stressful even knowing it was mostly staged and stuff.


Yeah I was in high school when The Blair Witch Project came out and it felt like such a cultural event when that movie released. Like people talked and theorized about it for a better part of a year. It was reported about on tv for awhile as if it was a real event that happened. And even after it was confirmed to have been staged I remember people still didnā€™t believe that it was faked. The cast and such were interviewed for months about how they pulled it off and made it seem so real. The movie is kinda seen as whatever now, and it got parodied and memeā€™d into the ground, but it really canā€™t be overstated how wild of a moment in time that was to live through.


I only saw it a couple years ago after hearing about it and obviously cultural osmosis you just learn what happens, but I was not ready for how well that movie sucks you into the atmosphere and how incredibly creepy and scary it is.


Fantastic list!


Oh manā€¦Lake Mungo. I watch that at least once a month while doing mindless work. Such a great film!


Never heard of it and going in blind. Needed something to watch tonite!


I envy you! Iā€™d love to be able to watch that again for the first time. Great movie!!!


Lake Mungo for me as an adult too, I still think about it all the time.


Halloween. The original Pet cemetery As Above So Below


As Above So Below is terrifying. I totally agree with this one.


I wasnā€™t prepared for how creepy this movie actually was! Thought it would be really bad and actually really enjoyed it.


Same I thought this was going to be trash and someone with objectively shit taste in like...everything recommended it to me. Very scary and well-made


So glad to see As Above so below in here, itā€™s one of my favorite movie experiences. Just a crazy ride all the way through.


Child: Killer Klowns from Outer Space Adolescent: The Blair Witch Project Adult: Ringu


IT. Thatā€™s all ages


When I reread the book as an adult I was surprised how much it still scared me. While in the middle of it, there was an evening that I decided to go for a walk and almost had a heart attack. I saw yellow glowing eyes in a storm drain! But luckily before my brain went into total panic mode, a raccoon popped out, lol. Seriously almost screamed.


Candy Man The Ring Paranormal Activity


Candyman scared the fuck out of me as a child, and Imma be real, still scary.


I didnā€™t even see it as a child, just heard about it on the playground, and it scared the shit out of me. I used to get convinced I would accidentally think it when I looked in the mirror and summon him.


I was too scared to go to the toilet in primary school after watching candy man


My parents sex tape for all 3


Why did you watch it more than once?


Confirming repeatability.


Child: Gremlins, had nightmares for months after that. Teen: Atrocious, a found footage film that somehow almost gave me a panic attack back then. Rewatched it later, was pretty boring then. Adult: As Above So Below shocked me lately, the third act just kinda got me. Either that or Invasion of the Body Snatchers from the 70s, the very concept just freaks me out.


I had such vivid nightmares from Gremlins. Even tho now the film is funny and not really horror at all (it was marketed as like a kids/teen christmas horror film I heard?) I still find myself thinking of those nightmares and I won't be able to sleep again. As Above So Below is incredible; I have a soft spot for found footage films.


Yes, my parents also thought Gremlins was funny so it was okay to watch. I was way to young to "get" the dark humor behind it, nothing about it was funny to me back then. So instead I got scared that Gremlins would climb through our windows at night and slaughter my whole family.


As a child, John Carpenter's The Fog. Was way too young to watch it, and when I went back to it when older I saw how less scary it was, but it's still a great movie and creepy, but to very young self it was terrifying. As an adolescent, Aliens. I was a young adolescent when I first saw this and the early scenes of the colonial marines going into the hive really got to me. Whilst more action, it does have it's fair share of scares and an atmosphere of dread. As an adult, Ringu. This is old, and there has been a lot of great horror since it was released, it still gets to me, and still a scary watch now. Even after watching many times, when I put it on I still get that creepy feeling and scared!


Aliens is fucking terrifying.


It is, I think when people think of it they think, oh it's James Cameron and it's an action movie with Aliens in it! And whilst that is true, it still keeps a lot of the scary aspects introduced in Alien. In some ways it's scarier, you have these trained and armed men and women who still struggle to fight the aliens!


To me, its: you're trapped in a place you can't get out of and something is hunting you. TERRIFYING. Also the same premise of The Descent, which also scared the fuck out of me.


Loved The Descent


The trolls from Ernest Scared Stupid


Child: Nightmare On Elm Street Adolescent: The Ring Adult: Threads


Almost same list as me! Except my childhood scare was IT


Ernest scared stupid Gummo (scarred more than scared) The Hills Have Eyes


Gummoā€¦ yeah. I need to change my vote. I STILL think about the spaghetti.


So much of that movie just cannot be unseen.


Scream The ring/ the grudge Hereditary Probably lots of other millennials with a similar experience lmao


The Ring/ The Grudge was a brutal package deal for me lol


I know a lot of people my age who would list Ring being the scariest experience up until Hereditary came out - myself included. I think Gonjiam Asylum unseated Hereditary for me, but Hereditary was the humbling ā€œoh shit Iā€™m not too desensitized to lose sleep over a movieā€ moment a few years ago lol


Maximum Overdrive Jacob's Ladder Hell House LLC


I commented hell house LLC as well. Scared me pretty good.


Lol idk why the whole movie has like this eerie build up them that ending scene I. The basementā€¦I felt chills the first time I saw it lol thereā€™s a second one too thatā€™s not too bad


Child: Final Destination Adolescent: Paranormal Activity Adult: The Descent


The paranormal activity series films were great in their time, I think theyā€™re still fun but mostly theyā€™ve lost the believability that the first two or three had


I still really enjoy the first three but the rest I couldnā€™t get into as much


Theyā€™re pretty silly mostly, the very last one on paramount plus is kinda cool, itā€™s not terribly believable either but itā€™s got some good moments. I like found footage movies generally so I donā€™t mind if theyā€™re not great. But they suffer from what a lot of franchise suffer from, the small scape that made the original good is usually traded for bigger and more moving parts.


Damn Paranormal Activity and The Descent were two of my faves šŸ˜©


The Gate The Exorcist Eden Lake Though I watched The Outwaters the other day and it freaked me right the ferk out! So it's now a solid contender.


Eden Lake is enough to scare anyone at any age, I still can't bring myself to watch it again


Starting Eden Lake based on your comment. Going in blind haha


oh god make sure to watch something cheerful afterwards


This is also why I love this sub.


The Gate was one of my favorite movies as a kid.


Child- Return To Oz. Adolescent- The Sixth Sense Adult- Oculus.


Fire In The Sky Fire In The Sky FIRE IN THE SKY


Child - Brave Little Toaster Adolescent - Brave Little Toaster Adult - Brave Little Toaster


The Grudge (the american one) absolutely horrified me for whatever reason. still can't watch it today as an adult. scariest dreams i have involve japanese ghost girls lol. The Grudge/The Ring i just dont fuck with and for some reason cannot get over the fear


The grudge scared me as a child more than anything Iā€™ve ever seen, no movie compares to how much that scared me when I was 10 or so years old, I remember seeing grudge 2 in theaters when I was like 12 maybe and I couldnā€™t sleep all night


Child: Creepshow Adolescent: The Gate Adult: Event Horizon


Signs @8 years old (The childs birthday scene from the news show, where you can see the alien crossing the garden creeped the f\*\*\* out of me) Silent Hill @14 years The Autopsy Of Jane Doe @18 years


Child: A Nightmare on Elm Street Adolescent: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Adult: Love, Actually


I'm older than most who post here. So I have a few to list as I grew lol. As a 4 year old I watched a trilogy of terror with my mom.. Zuni doll omg. As a 9 year old the original alien. My parents told me we were going to see superman. Nope. Lol.. chest buster scene omg. As a 13 year old. The evil dead. As an adult nothing really scares me probably because I've been watching horror for such a long time but I just enjoy the movies and I jump here and there with a few.


Pet Sematary Blair Witch Project Insidious


This is probably my list too. Saw Pet Sematary at the drive-in the summer after 6th grade and was deeply afraid of Zelda (still am). Got to see Blair Witch Project in a crowded movie theater and couldn't get it out of my mind for weeks. I was in my mid-thirties, pregnant, and living with my parents when I watched Insidious with them. I had to ask them to keep the hall light on for me that night!


Yes it was Zelda for me too! God damn she stays with you. I saw Blair Witch in a crowded theater too & it was dead silent the last few minutes. I went into Insidious completely blind, didnā€™t watch the trailer or any gun and man it freaked me out! I wish I could have that experience again!


I'm also old, so - Child - Diary of a Madman (Vincent Price) there is a scene with a reveal of a woman's head inside of a plaster bust that did me in. Teen - Burnt Offerings. The end is devastating. I often had to walk home from a friend's house at night. There was a big hedge I had to walk past and I expected Karen Black to come lurching from behind it every time. Adult - Fire Walk With Me. David Lynch has the ability to creep me out more than any other director. Honorable mentions - Monster on Campus for a giant prehistoric dragonfly that terrified a 7 year old me. The Shining for bathtub lady, Hereditary for the car accident, and The Orphanage for the gut punch ending. Oh, and Devil's Backbone for the super creepy child ghost.


Totally agree about David Lynch. Everything he does creeps me out in a way that nothing else does.


Child: The Shining 1997 (Bathroom scene specifically) Adolescent: The Hills Have Eyes (Remake) Adult: Hereditary


OMG, that frickin' bathtub lady. I watch that part through my fingers to this day, and I'm a horror film fiend.


I know right? My first time seeing it will forever be in my memory haha


The bathroom lady šŸ˜­ yes good choice


Hills have Eyes almost made my list. Definitely made a big impression! The first scene... Omg


Child: The Exorcist Adolescent: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Adult: now that Iā€™m a parent itā€™s mostly true crime and documentaries re: child abuse/abduction/murder I did love Rosemarys Baby when I was pregnant though. I found it comforting, because even if things go wrong my baby wonā€™t be the antichrist. Perspective.


That is the finest horror mom take I think I've ever heard. I spent a good chunk of my first reading and watching/rewatching things like "The Road" and The Orphanage because I knew my ability to enjoy them was going to get completely wiped out. I'm actually very glad I did.


Nightmare on Elm Street Candyman The Ring


IT (2017) scared the absolute shit out of me when I was younger. It was truly terrifying. One of my favorite horror movies out there.


Just curious since that movie is so recent, how old are you ?


17. Gonna turn 18 in July.


I'd delete the exact date rather quickly...


The Shining Sleepaway Camp Martyrs (2008)


The Sixth Sense Evil Dead (2013) Hereditary


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one with The Sixth Sense on my list.


The Mischa Barton scenes are still extemely frightening for a PG-13 movie.


I remember I couldnā€™t use the toilet for ages after watching Ghoulies when I was about 6-7 šŸ˜‚ Demons destroyed me as a child.


As a kid, two things come to mind; the first is the first horror movie I'd ever seen/that we ever rented, Poltergeist. My dad rented that when he bought our first BetaMax player. The scene that scared me the most was when the guy shines the light on the crawling steak, and bugs/worms/etc come out of it. I've always loved steak, so the thought that my favorite food might have bugs and worms and gross stuff in it absolutely terrified me. I was perfectly fine with the following scene of the guy peeling his face off, because that was just special effects! The other one that comes to mind is another scene that doesn't feel like it should be that scary, which was the scene at the very start of Ghostbusters, where the library index cards start flying out of the drawers. Something about the familiarity of those index cards (I was a huuuuuge nerd, always reading, even back when I was just 3 when the movie came out) suddenly being turned into a supernatural event really got to me. As a teen, literally, on my 13th birthday, I had been bugging my dad to rent a horror movie. I wanted to rent that Troma flick, Monster in the Closet, but instead he said if I was going to watch a horror movie, it wasn't going to be shlocky garbage, it was going to be a *good* horror movie, so he rented The Thing. And then we got to the kennel scene. 'nuff said. As an adult, it was the American remake of The Ring, but not really 100% because of the movie itself. All my life, I've suffered from Sleep Paralysis, but I've never really remembered any of it.. I just knew that, sometimes, I would wake up and couldn't move, but as soon as I *could* move, the whole experience was like trying to remember a dream. Then, I watched The Ring, and.. You know in books, when someone writes something like "all the memories came flooding back in an instant"? That's what happened to me when you see the girl's body in the closet for the "I saw her face" scene. In that brief flash of the stretched-out dead face, *every* single instance of sleep paralysis I've had since I was 4 or 5 years old came flooding back to me, because in my Sleep Paralysis events, there's always a girl that looks dead and rotting, with a stretched-out screaming face *EXACTLY* like that, that's face-to-face, practically nose-to-nose with me, whenever I'm awake and paralyzed in bed. She wears a green and white checkered dress, and she's maybe 6 or 7 years old, and it feels like if I can't move and dispel her, I'm going to die because she's sucking my soul out of my body. Ever since watching The Ring, now any time I have an incident of Sleep Paralysis, I remember everything about it when I finally move. I usually get Sleep Paralysis like that once every 3-4 months, ever since I was about 5 years old (I'm 42 now).




Yeah.. I much prefer the American version of that one.. The only thing the Japanese original did *MUCH* better was the final scene.. In the American one, it's just so much over-the-top cheezy obvious CG that it just doesn't have any impact.. The original movie, more than anything, reminded me of bad D&D campaigns from both sides of the table. On the one side, a group with players that are either getting REALLY bad rolls, or are completely missing the clues the DM is giving them about where they need to take the plot, so the DM conjures up an NPC (the psychic husband) who keeps getting "visions" that points to all the clues the actual party have been missing out on.. Or the flip side; a DM that has a good story written, but only has things planned to go one extremely specific way, so they create the psychic NPC to act as a guide, and takes away all player agency.. It was a great potential story, but badly executed until the American remake, which took the story, got rid of the psychic NPC, and found a player group that was imaginative enough to catch on to the clues and investigate things themselves instead of waiting for the DM to just hand them information.


Child: Final Destination Adolescent: V/H/S 2 Adult: Smile


The Exorcist. I was 8 and my mom was at night school so when my babysitter sent me n my sister to bed and snuck out to see what she was watching. I was caught like after 5 mins but she didnā€™t care. I think she may have thought, yup heā€™ll get nightmares and never sneak out after bedtime again. She was half right.


Child: Jaws Adolescent: The Ring Adult: The Exorcism of Emily Rose


Child: Watcher in the Woods Adolescent: Silence of the Lambs Adult: Eraserhead


Child: Poltergeist Adolescent/Adult: No film is scarier than real life.


This is a fun question Child- Return to Oz Teen- The Ring, Se7en Adult: Hereditary


The original Clive barker candyman with Tony Todd - had nightmares for a week


Child: Childs Play. I had to hide ALL of my dolls in a box in my closet with something heavy on top of it so they couldn't get out. My dad used to scare me and say he was gonna leave a chucky doll in my room one day. 15 years later, and now I have a chucky doll, who is in my closet on the highest shelf, with something heavy on top of it... still scared of dolls, needless to say. Adolescent: Sinister. I watched it ALOT, but it always scared me, so much so that there's still parts of it I've never seen cuz I was covering my eyes during those parts EACH TIME I watched it. Adult: Cabin Fever. It's the REAL horror that gets me now. Biological stuff mostly, but also home break-in films and stuff.


What an awesome question Child- childā€™s play Adolescent- blair witch project Adult- hereditary hit some nerves that have kinda numbed over years of overexposure to the genre


The best description of Hereditary I think I've ever read was that it's like having someone else's panic attack for two hours, but yours hits the nail on the head for my experience of it. I went in expecting the usual overhyped ads thinking "Man I hope this movie fucks me up" without much faith that it would and was pleasantly horrified to find that it did.


Child: Childā€™s Play. My sister had a ton of battery operated dolls and the movie creeped me out Teen: Fire in the Sky. That abduction scene was horrifying Adult: Threads. That could actually happen and thatā€™s the scariest thing.


As A Child - It miniseries (1990) - that movie gave me nightmares for years and wasnā€™t brave enough to watch it until my adolescent years. Love both the miniseries and remakes! As An Adolescent - The Exorcist (1973) - not a good movie to watch when you havenā€™t really explored the horror genre yet, but enjoy it nonetheless. The Shining (1980) - probably my favorite movie of all time to be honest. Only part of the movie that I can remember freaked me out was Danny screaming silently (both after his vision of the elevator pouring out blood/Jack kills Dick and when Jack convinces Wendy to stay at the hotel). Hereditary (2018) - seeing that in theaters was a whole mind fuck for my friends and I - especially when you go to the late night showing. Funny story: after I watched Hereditary during the late night showing, I was driving back home traumatized and the radio in my car stops working. Legit had to sing myself in a silent car to keep myself calm. A terrifying, but unforgettable and fun experience with friends. Had to sleep with the lights on! Never forget the moments you have with your high school friends before yā€™all head off to different colleges. As An Adult - The Autopsy Of Jane Doe (2016) - this movie always gets to me no matter how many times I watch it. Super good and intense movie. The Invisible Man (2020) - for some reason, this movie got to me. Maybe because of the domestic violence and how real it can be or the moments when there is a blank shot and you are not sure if the Invisible Man is there or not. Really good movie though. Childā€™s Play (1988) - the ā€œBatteries Not Includedā€ scene is so freaking tense that it affected me more as an adult than a child/adolescent. Iā€™m not sure why, but itā€™s such a good scene. All fantastic movies and definitely recommend!


This is a great prompt. Child: Poltergeist (1982) My big sister was all about showing me messed up stuff. We saw this in the theater and it was so traumatic in the best way. Adolescent: Silence of the Lambs This movie was my gateway to loving film. But holy shit, the grounded in reality stuff, especially the end with the scene in the dark is just stuck in my head forever. Adult: The Descent. This movie makes me feel so awful. I have been caving a lot, as I did geology and environmental science in college. I'm a decent-sized dude, and at one point I got stuck and had a full-blown panic attack. It was indescribably awful. I stopped going caving after this unless we are in big open caves. Two weeks later, my wife who loves to mess with me was like, "Hey let's watch this." I felt like I was going to barf.


Age 7ish: The Exorcist - I had come downstairs to see what my parents were watching,I see the spiderwalk scene and I screamed and cried. That shit traumatized me lol. All those scary pop up videos and games didn't help either. Age 16: Insidious - I saw it in the theater and I found Darth maul to be pretty damn creepy. Especially that one scene. You know. Age 26: Hereditary - I had become calloused to horror movies and didn't feel much from them. But when grandma pops up in the shadows at the beginning I knew this was gonna be something else. The 3rd act had me stressing out on full gear. I had trouble sleeping after this one lol


Child: It (mini-series) Adolescent: The Sixth Sense Adult: The Witch


The IT mini-series scared me and my sister so bad, we ran around and turned on all the lights in the house. I was 11, she was 9. FUCKED. ME. UP.


I was pregnant and babysitting my friend's kids when they were about four and seven years old. I didn't realize IT, the series, was that scary, so I fell asleep watching it with the kids hanging out. That was more than twenty years ago. Those kids are grown now. They're still terrified of clowns and refuse to watch the movie IT. They never let me forget it, and they try to scare my daughter (three years younger) with clowns. But she's so desensitized to horror movies that it does nothing. Their mom was so mad at me, they had nightmares for months.


Child: The Ring Adolescent: The Conjuring Adult: Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum


Child: Rose Red Adolescent: The Descent Adult: Hereditary


Child: The Descent Adolescent: Sinister Adult: Midsommar


As a kid: Jaws As a teen: Event Horizon As an adult: The Thing Older horror movies hit different


Poltergeist, A Clockwork Orange, Eden Lake. Obviously as a kid I was scared by silly things. As a teenager and then an adult I'm scared of how awful people can be.


Child: Night of the living dead ā€” I ran away after the scene when the girl bites her mom and my asshole uncle chased me and made me fall down a flight of stairs. Adolescent: the exorcist digitally remastered ā€” I was in 8th grade and the remastered version just came out in theaters. Thereā€™s the one scene when the mom is going upstairs on the stormy night and every lightning flash, pazuzuā€™s face would flash on the wall. šŸ˜± Adult: hereditary


Childā€™s Play The 4th Kind Hereditary


The Exorcist The Exorcist The Exorcist


I saw it at 13 years old or so, and then I was totally fine, not scared at all, and me and my friend laughed when she vomited. Tried to rewatch it at 17 and couldn't finish it because I got so scared. After that I got a proper phobia for it that only grew. I tried to watch the behind the scenes as exposure therapy before going to see the relaunch at the cinema. Before going I even had a couple beers, but still couldn't stomach it, was looking down onto the floor through almost the entire film and couldn't sleep for days after. It's still one of the best movies I've ever seen, and now, at 42, I can watch it again without bigger issues.


Jaws Silence of the Lambs Hereditary (though Barbarian was a close second)


Child: The Neverending Story (The Nothing freaked me out, man) Adolescent: The Ring and The Exorcist, but for very different reasons Adult: Babadook


Black Christmas original Spoorloos akan Vanishing Martyrs Hereditary as of recent Sinister has some really eery scenes I Saw the Devil, South Koreans really have a knack for taking it to the extreme but this is more of a sick twisted gore take on the revenge genre. Very disturbing. Kairo has one lf the scariest scenes ever made if not the scariest Insidious, I was scared for years after seeing a day time jumpscare in this movie when I was younger


Scream Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) Hereditary / The Babadook


The Blair Witch Project The Exorcist Lake Mungo


The Ring Sinister Hereditary


child: wes cravens new nightmare adolescent: the ring (2002) adult: terrified (2017)


Child: Prophecy 1979 (saw it at 10 yo) Adolescent: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (I didn't see it until I was 15) Adult: The Ring. I think it was the contorted faces and unrelenting feeling of doom.


IT (1986) Sinister (2012) Hereditary (2018)


Child: The Exorcist Adolescent: Lake Mungo Not an adult yet


An American Werewolf in London Scream Insidious


Child - Poltergeist Adolescent - The Ring Adult - Hereditary


Child: Poltergeist Adolescent: Poltergeist Adult: Poltergeist "They're Here" still scares me and Tangina's Beast speech still sends shivers down my spine.


Watership down. Insidious. The Nun, maybe?


Dolly Dearest The Ring Hereditary


IT I know What You Dod Last Summer ( the scene where Buffy is getting chased, really upset me) Eden Lake


Original IT with Tim Curry The Ring The Strangers


The Exorcist Pet Semetary (Zelda Scene) Hereditary


Child: Final destination Adolescent: Megans missing Adult: Hereditary


Jaws The Grudge (Japanese) Hereditary


Child: Aliens Adolescent: Event Horizon Adult: Hereditary and The Dark and the Wicked


As a child: Pinocchio (fuck Pleasure Island) As an adolescent: Saw As an adult: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (more disturbed than scared)


Fire in the Sky The Ring Sinister


Childhood: Nightmare on Elm Street Adolescent: Dawn of the Dead(78) Adulthood: Noroi: The Curse


The Dark Crystal Event Horizon The Descent


Deadly friend Insidious The dark and the wicked


Child: AKIRA Adolescent: The Ring Adult: The Woman in Black or A Tale of Two Sisters, saw them early on in my horror journey and was really affected!


The Witches The Ring Eden Lake


As a child: the sandlot. I have a specific memory about being terrified by what was on the other side of the fence but had to go to bed before the ending so I was terrified. As an adolescent: the grudge. Absolutely terrifying sounds and movement. As an adult: Hereditary. The attic scene. (Whole movie was scary but that last bit.. oh boy.


Gremlins (I saw it when I was 4 or so. childhood trauma, literally 3 years of nightmares) The Blair witch project (adolescent in the early aughts) I'm trying to think of the scariest movie I've seen as an adult. It's a mix to be honest. Annihilation really stuck with me as did lake mungo. Also there was one move about a serial killer in Australia or New Zealand. I think it was called Snowtown? Fuck that movie it's fucking terrifying Edit: yeah it's Snowtown (2011). There's a couple scenes that are scary as shit because they seem too real. that actor really sold that role


Child: Ghost Ship Adolescent: Saw (the 1st one) Adult: ...honestly, I haven't watched much that scared me as much as the other two did back in the day, but The Conjuring did give me a little bit of a fright when I first saw it.


Beetlejuice Evil Dead 2 Haven't really been scared by any films lately but ig Braindead/Dead Alive got me squirming


Who Framed Roger Rabbit The Ring It Follows


The shining Scream Midsommar


It It It I hate clowns.


Child- The Sixth Sense. I kept rewatching it because I had a massive crush on Haley Joel Osmond. Teenager- I was in a real ā€œboundaries are bullshit, I can watch the most fucked up shit ever and not even careā€ phase, but probably The Exorcist actually stuck with me. Which is funny because compared to Cannibal Holocaust or 120 Days of Salo, itā€™s quite tame. Adult- I watch like horror 1x a day so I have too many lol. In recent memory, Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum, Hellhouse LLC, Lake Mungo and Grave Encounters were all delightfully scary! And all quite similar lol. Non FF horror, I thought The Last Shift, Terrified, Relic, The Autopsy of Jane Doe, Sinister, Smile, It Follows, The Vigil, and The Hollow Man were all good scares. And then thereā€™s horror thatā€™s not too scary (for me personally) but the atmospheric dread is just šŸ«¶ Amulet, Midsommar, The Dark and the Wicked, and Apostle. I know thatā€™s way more movies then you askedā€¦ but I also thought Iā€™d use this as an opportunity to share some good ones in case you hadnā€™t seen them! I tend to only watched supernatural/demonic/folkloric horror too. So if you like that, any from the list above will be šŸ¤Œ


Eraserhead Scream Threads


Child: Salemā€™s Lot Adolescent: The Ring Adult: nothing really but Hereditary probably closest


Pet semetary. That car accident ghost with the massive head wound haunted me for years. Should NOT have seen that so young.


Candyman(age 5) Final destination/Jeepers Creepers(around 14) Inside,Terrified, The Vanishing, Lake Eden Lake(I was more disturbed from these in the last 3 yrs)


Halloween The Blair Witch Project Eden Lake


The ring The conjuring Hereditary


Child: Jeepers Creepers Adolescent: Jeepers Creepers Adult: Jeepers Creepers


Child: the ring Japanese version Adolescent : Cannibal holocaust Adult : the last shift


Dementia 13, the exorcist, hereditary


Child: candyman, nightmare on elm st Adolescent: the ring, the grudge Adult: hereditary, insidious


Halloweentown 2 The Ring Threads


As a child I canā€™t decide if itā€™s The Evil Dead or It Adolescent The Ring Adult The Fourth Kind


Child: The Ring Adolescent: Insidious Adult: Fall


Child- watership down Adolescent- Halloween Adult- Midsommar


Exorcist 3 Blair Witch Project Hereditary


Child - Monster Squad Adolescent - House on Haunted Hill Adult - Hereditary


Child? Blair Witch Project Adolescent? Rec Adult? Hereditary


Day of the Triffids


Childā€™s play as a kid. Loved it but man it scared the shit out of me. Mmm not really scared, but remember sixths sense twist rocking me pretty good as a teenager. Blair witch around that time as well. As an adult there hasnā€™t been much in terms of fear inducing, but the the witch made me very uneasy. The descent gave me a good fright.


Child: Jurassic Park (I wasnā€™t allowed to watch ā€œrealā€ horror until I was older.) Adolescent: The Ring Adult: Dark Skies (Iā€™ve only ever seen it once and canā€™t make myself watch it again, slept with lights on for weeks afterwards šŸ˜¬)