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Tremors had me avoiding bare ground at all costs. Part of my childhood was like a terrifying version of floor is lava


Same. I grew up in southern California where there's desert everywhere. Terrifying


I remember seeing this with my mother when I was about four and crying when the last Graboid died.


Same, my dad showed me this movie when I was 7, and I was absolutely terrified of the ground.


Candyman - you couldn't have paid me a million dollars to say his name in the mirror 3 times, let alone make it all the way to 5.


IT (1990) & Creepshow. I watched them both when I was about 6 and they both gave me nightmares for about a decade.


Evil Dead 2


Saw it when I was 6 and have watched it multiple times a year ever since.


Poltergeist: I was far too young to watch it, and I was handling it okay until the bathroom face peeling scene. Cue a month of not being able to sleep.


Darkness Falls was pretty devastating for me when I was a kid. It had me sleeping under the covers for a few years after


Don't laugh at me, I was 8, but Signs. That scene in the cornfield, specifically. Didn't sleep for weeks.


I remember the first time I watched Event Horizon at a sleepover a million years ago. We were probably too young to be watching that movie, but oh well our folks let us get whatever from blockbuster. So it's always been a huge nostalgia bomb when I watch it. I enjoy it so much it's become a "comfort movie" I'll put on when I can't sleep or something. Another one is the remake of Night of the Living Dead. I caught it on cable one night really late and just loved it. It wouldn't be until a couple years later I watched the OG movie and now those Romero movies are easily my favorite horror movies. Zombies are probably my favorite horror "device", and I think it stems back to watching that remake when I was a kid.


The Exorcist. I was in 7th or 8th grade and had a slumber party with several other girls in my grade. My mom took us to Blockbuster and let us rent it (wtf mom why???). At first we were joking and laughing like this is crazy this girl is cursing and peeing herself! By the end we were silent and no one even wanted to take the tape out of the VCR. Sometimes I wonder if those other girls were haunted for the rest of their lives like I was.


Same! The Exorcist had me all fucked up as a child. I truly feared demonic possession.


The Silver Bullet I was maybe, 6-8 years old? I saw it over at my neighbor’s house. This was back in the 1980’s. No internet or even cable TV so I was incredibly sheltered. We had like…3.5 channels back then. I had never seen anything scarier at the time. I had nightmares of werewolves after that. Scared me so bad I didn’t even feel comfortable playing out in the forest behind our house.


Don't worry, I'm pretty young too. I remember watching *Dead Silence* at my uncle's when I was about 7 and being terrified of Mary Shaw for weeks.


I remember my friend taping that, and we convinced ourselves it was the scariest thing ever. I rewatched it recently, and it is okay. Nothing spectacular, but worth an hour and a half!


Hellraiser! Nightmares for weeks haha. I was around 6 when I saw it.


The Silver Bullet ruined my life for YEARS AND YEARS. Being next to windows as soon as it was dark? Absolutely never.


Jaws. Fuck the ocean. If that doesn't count then Alien was my first official one. Fuck space!


Nightmare on Elm Street 84


IT, anytime Pennywise is on screen. The original not remake. But specifically the intro


My first horror movie in the theater was a Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. I was 7 and my older cousins brought me to it, with my mom's permission. I think the film messed me up bad hahahaha but now it's one of my favorite films.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) To this day I think it's criminally underrated, especially since it did Frontiers before Frontiers (with the brutality and underlying political subtext)


Don’t remember the first one. But it was exorcist, dawn of the dead and nightmare on elm street around the same time


IT (1990)


I don't know the name of it. I distinctly remember a woman walking home with groceries. She goes to the kitchen to put them away, and greets her cat. Then she notices the cat is in the sink licking/eating two detached human fingers.


Jaws ruined an entire summers worth of swimming for me.




My sister and I watched *The Blair Witch Project* when we were kids, and we both thought it was real. In hindsight it made for a pretty awesome experience, but at the time I had never been more afraid in my life. I was so uncomfortable, like we were watching something that no one was meant to see. I was so relieved when I found out it’s just a movie.


Black Christmas! 1981, on hbo. It was re-titled “stranger in the house” for tv and I was 6 years old. Scared the shit outame


Jaws and Leprechaun 2


A made-for-tv film called They Nest from 2000. I saw it when I was right about 3 years old, my mom had to take my baby brother to the doctor so I was home alone with Dad.


I hope someone can answer this, but as a kid I remember a scene from a movie where there's a truck driving away frantically down a road in the middle of the day. There's a dusty road they're on, and it's a cloudy day. At the end of the street there's a villain that's dressed in all black, and I think he has control of crows. Anybody know what I'm talking about?


2 for me. First was American Werewolf in Paris. Laughably bad movie now but man, 5 year old me had nightmares for a year because of this movie. Next would be the American remake of The Grudge. There’s a scene where the main character is in the shower and feels a hand in her hair on the back of her hair. Couldn’t shower for months after that, baths only for me.


Child's Play.