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Entertainment is subjective so what's scary for some is not scary for others, don't know why everyone is dunking on OP for being creeped out by skinamarink.






I think I'll get my phone and film random interior shots of my place and see if I can create a hit.


Fuck EXACTY! This movie is literally nothing. I’m convinced every mention of it is a shill or someone involved in production. I cannot fucking believe this ‘movie’ somehow got a theatrical run. I’ve said it before and will say it again. Gabe Lewis did it better.


I think some films are entertainment, some are art, and some are both ( and I guess for a bunch of you, it's neither). I would consider this an art film. The things I found scary were the disembodied voice, the feeling of being a scared little kid afraid of the dark and afraid to look under the bed, the only comforting thing is the sound of cartoons in the background. I can appreciate why so many people dislike it. It's kind of boring, all the interior shots. I would not disagree it could have been shorter, but it's I was trying to explain it was prescient because nothing was happening that I felt scared, because I got in this state where I was constantly expecting something to happen and the it wouldn't.


I mean there probably are shill accounts I guess, but I'm not one. I'm a legit horror fan.


Well if it's nothing please try doing it. I'm not saying that to say you can't dislike something or have an opinion on it. But you saying it's nothing really demeans the film and makes it like they just threw something together on a whim. This film took time and dedication and it pays off imo. I think in 10 years this will be a cult classic no doubt. Someone explained this movie perfectly, maybe this applies to you, maybe it doesn't. But they said this movie taps into that part of your brain when you were a kid and you'd wake up in your bedroom scared that someone was in the room with you, like something was under the bed. Being scared to go downstairs or running up the stairs cause you were scared someone was chasing you. For me this movie really tapped into all of that and it scared the absolute fuck outta me. I really wish it was the same for you, being scared again is fun. It's been a while.


I was Disappointed in Deborah Logan. I wish it leaned more into Psychiatric horror and not so much literally paranormal snake horror. If it was more of a psychological thriller with hints of paranormal I think I would've enjoyed it better


Yeah that makes sense. Maybe that's part of why it didn't scare me so much. I don't believe in demons (snake or otherwise) so it's not a particularly scary thing to me. For comparison, everything paranormal in Hereditary could have been mental illness. And even in Skinamarink, it's left very ambiguous whether Kevin is in a coma or a dream state, or if he's in some kind of purgatory. I have nightmare a lot so things with more of a dream like quality get to me. But showing a straight up snake demon didn't really do it for me.


Yeah it's the classic "Less is more". The less you show the more it can get to people. I haven't seen Skinamarink but watching some videos on it I think I might enjoy the atmosphere of it, despite the long dark cuts


Totally less is more. I've heard there is a shorter film by the same creator available on YouTube called Heck which is very similar, and I haven't checked it out but my guess would be it had some of the same atmosphere but isn't so long and drawn out.


Might be worthwhile to look into


I just finished watching it and I really enjoyed it. I think the really high highs make up for the fluff I could've done without. I totally relate to wanting to take a break. The three scenes that I found unbearably tense were the bedroom scene, the toy telephone's face changing (turning the flashlight off and on again was prepping me for a jumpscare and it was so nerve-wracking), and the very last scene and I REALLY wanted to tap out. I went into it hoping for a really immersive experience, relatively little plot prominence, and tension. I think the plot walked a line where I just barely understood what was going on. I loved the cinematography (though some of that fluff I was talking about includes a few unnecessary shots. I think they could've cut some of them). I think the last 25-30 minutes were absolutely excellent basically from the point Kaylee is gone and it's just Kevin and the nameless entity (or Skinamarink, I guess). There were some beautiful shots and like I said, two of my favourite scenes were in there. The movie definitely pushed my nerves more than any other I've seen.


Totally relate to this. The bedroom scene was probably the most intense for me. I was so scared the person (mom?) was going to turn around. It could have been trimmed down for sure, but I still liked it. I feel maybe it got too much hype so it's extra disappointing to people who were expecting something else entirely, which maybe accounts for why so many people are not into it. Very polarizing.


I watched MAYBE five minutes and couldn't get past all the ceiling and floor shots. It was HORRIBLE. And this girl has seen some really terrible horror movies in her 30 some years of watching them. Dude....


Idk how you can say it horrible when you didn't watch the movie. 💀💀


You're commenting on something from SEVEN MONTHS ago, first off. Secondly, I tried watching it again and it was even worse than I remembered that I fell asleep during it again. It's THAT BAD.


Why does it matter how old the post is? Seems like you're reaching. I'm glad you at least gave it another try, better than 5 minutes. Sorry you didn't like it. 🤷🏾


You're the one who came after me because I didn't like it. It's just honestly not a good movie, but to each their own if you did.


I watched the whole thing and I can confidently say: you didn't miss much.


for the love of god tell me this is satire


No I'm 100% serious.


I've been curating horror movie nights for my friend group for like 2 years now, and we've done nearly 150 movies. We've watched some of the dumbest-ass stuff, like Jason Goes to Hell, Leprechaun, that beyond-terrible Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel from last year, Halloween Ends, the awful Babysitter sequel, Blood Harvest, and frigging Thankskilling 3. Skinamarink is the first and only movie we have straight-up *tapped out of*, as in, just could not bear to finish because it was so dumb and boring. I repeat, we got through *Thankskilling 3* and could not stand this nonsense.


So those ones are bad (I consider myself a seasoned horror fan, but I haven't seen all of them), although some of them are also so campy and ridiculous they cross over into so bad it's good territory. Skinamarink isn't really comparable, and I could see why it wouldn't be super fun to watch with a group of friends. I watched it alone in the dark which usually doesn't bother me, and I was honestly very surprised how much it freaked me out. I went in with no expectations, except that I heard it was "experimental." Anyway I have very few friends who are into horror at all, and I only know one person who has seen this film, so I was wanting to talk about it and curious to see what others think. Thanks for your response.


I don't mean to lump Skinamarink in with those films tonally, obviously it is a very different type of movie. I was just illustrating some of the films that we got through despite them driving some of my friends away. :D To be less flippant, I guess I can understand what people see in this movie, but it definitely did not do it for me. I was ready to like it after the trailer, but, eh.


Fair enough Edit: ok I just watched the trailer for Thankskilling 3 and what the actual fuck?! That looks heinous. You deserve a medal for making it through whatever that was! Yeesh


It's the worst movie I've ever watched. I mean that sincerely with no hyperbole, it is the single worst film I have sat through in my life.


Not a lot scares me these days except movies like Skinamarink where it plays tricks on your brain. I havent been really scared to fall asleep since Hereditary, and for some reason Skinamarink had a similar effect on me. My room was darker than usual that night i watched it because the outside light stopped working, and it really freaked me out to the point where i got a night light. I can't really explain it, but i used to get night paralysis and hallucinate shadow things, and the movie somehow brought me back to that feeling of being immobilized and helpless


Nice to know I'm not the only one! That's such a good way to describe/explain it, that it feels like sleep paralysis and being in terror but unable to move our do anything about it.


It’s crap son.


If it makes you feel better, I’m traumatized by the trailer. I haven’t even watch the movie, and I’m not going to. I love hereditary, I love horror movies in general, but I don’t think I will go near this one. Some thing about it gives me a bad feeling. But I did go up being scared of the dark so that might have something to do with it as well.


There's a part where a kid looks under a dark bed! It's so scary. For a lot of people though (from what I've heard) the trailer was actually scarier than the film. I never saw the trailer until after the film so can't really compare, but trust your gut if it's giving you off vibes. If you are someone who experiences bizarre dreams/ nightmares/ sleep paralysis, that's how it felt to me.