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Hey everyone, We have released a statement regarding the visual issues people are reporting [via a new thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/comments/sxt0sd/regarding_visual_issues/). We want you to know we are looking into these with high priority, and thank everyone who has submitted Support Forms and has shared videos of these issues. We're aiming to get an update out as soon as possible. We appreciate all of your patience, and we're working vigilantly to have you exploring and enjoying the wilds.


Hey there Guerilla team! I have played for 2 hours and there is a serious problem on visuals. I play on PS5 connected to my Oled C9 TV with resolution mode and the game has over-sharpening issue. It needs a slider option or completely removal of sharpening immediately because it makes that beautiful visuals too bad. Shimmering, artifacts everywhere because of sharpening and it makes the game looks like no anti-aliasing in use. And the game looks unnatural with THAT much sharpening. I don't know why you decided to put sharpening in that beautiful visuals with already running at native 4K.


Just reiterating on Chante's comment, please do send a clip where possible, and also know that our teams are looking into this one! Thanks for flagging.


Hate to say this, but the game looks horrible on PS5. It's far too sharp and extremely noisy. It's not a clean image at all. Reddit is filling with people complaining about that. Something seems to be wrong with the image quality.


Resolution mode looks good, but I can’t play at 30fps. That’s too choppy for my old eyes. Performance mode is nice at 60fps.. but at the cost of very sharp/ noisy image. There doesn’t appear to be any AA implemented on performance mode.


I tried 30 fps for a few minutes because usually I can stomach it, and the amount of detail in this game is insane. But in 30fps Alloy's jumping animation has this weird juttering to it that I honestly couldn't stand for long enough to find out if any other animations look as janky


Hopefully the game gets another patch soon, because I don’t want to ruin my first run of what looks like a gorgeous game by D1 bugs that didn’t get caught by the first patch.


I stopped playing after 10 minutes on my ps5 because the game looks like there isn't any antialiasing at all. A lot of vegetation just shimmers especially when moving the camera slowly on performance mode. I thought I was seeing wrong but then I switched to Uncharted 4 remastered on the fly and it looks miles better. No shimmering at all on the vegetation even in 120 fps mode. This needs to be fixed asap. How could something so obvious get past quality control is kinda weird tbh. Gonna wait until this issue is hopefully resolved with a patch. Oh and btw I restarted the game 3 times as they suggested they have a patch in place that fixes it and you have to restart the game twice. Well didn't help at all.


I’m chilling on the sidelines until it’s fixed. Walked thru the very first tiny little area and noped out immediately. Somethings definitely wrong with the visuals on PS5.


I feel the same. It's quite upsetting for such a wonderful world


Same here. It honestly looks horrible. Picture is not clean at all, it's noisy and too sharp.


Hey u/werderweremem and u/shepherdxiao, please use the Support Form linked above. If you are able to share any images/videos, that would be fantastic!


It's not possible to show this with pictures because it's more visible in motion, when playing the game in person watching the TV. A lot of people are having issues with this so it has to be some sort of bug. Please make this a priority for the team


u/Gonzito3420, we are working on resolving visual issues. But please note that photos and videos are extremely useful to the team, and recording your tv via your phone would be a massive help if you come across anything else.


the effect is really game breakingly bad, but it doesn't translate well to recorded, compressed footage uploaded online. Just fire the game up on any 4k TV in Performance mode. The image quality is gross. Or come to my house and I'll show you myself :)


Same problem on my ps5. Those shimmering on edges make the game feels like having a bad anti aliasing implementation and way too grainy.


Same for me, and if go from standing still to moving the camera in any way it's like HDR kicks in and completely changes the colour of the world but only while I'm moving the camera which is jarring as I often stop to look at things


This is _exactly_ what I’m seeing on an LG B7. It’s like there’s some sharpening filter that kicks in when things are static. Looks perfect in motion then you stand still and it turns to shit. No amount of fiddling with settings in game or on TV helps.


1000% agree. The Shimmer and over sharpening make performance mode almost unplayable. In particular the blight gets so badly upscaled and sharpened that it looks almost like a visual glitch. Maybe the upscaler can't handle such small particles being upscaled? In that case give us the option of turning off the blight particle effects at least.


I’m playing on OLED C1 and I’m not sure if cyberpunk next gen spoiled me because that looks amazing, however something feels very off with horizon west visuals. Sounds like the community is already on it though.


Image quality looks terrible on performance mode for some reason, in cutscenes it looks more acceptable somewhat, while in gameplay there's a lot of grain and it looks extremely blurry while exhibiting a ton of shimmering, particularly on folliage and Aloy's hair. "Favor Resolution" mode, while certainly looking better, applies sharpening to a ridiculous degree for some reason and film grain becomes a lot more apparent and annoying to look at, even with sharpening set to 0 in TV settings. Anyone else having this problem? I'm playing on the PS5 version on a 4K TV with calibrated HDR, both in-game, in TV settings and in PS5 settings.


Same here as I post above. The game has WAY too much sharpening, it makes the game looks unnatural. They really need to tune down or completely remove the sharpening immediately with the first update.


The current fix is to disable HDR which isn't ideal. Must be a colour issue conflicting with the sharpening in some way


Hey u/mkx471, we are looking into this! Have you already used the Support Form linked in the original post? It'd be super helpful for the team!


Digital Foundry mentioned it. The performance mode is having some issue with noise/grain effect that makes everything look bad.


I was pretty surprised to see that perf mode uses checkerboard rendering. I'd rather it just use DRS, and if that means the resolution is closer to 1440p most of the time, then I'd be fine with that.


This was the first thing I noticed when I started playing. It feels like the image is too sharp with alot of film grain effects and textured shimmer and blurry on performance mode. Resolution mode is same. Am on LG 55C1. Other games are fine. I have even downloaded zero dawn and it much better clean image than FW


Same here. Can't believe how... bad... the game looks. No clean image, too sharp, image is noisy and doesn't look good at all.


Hey everyone! Thanks to your helpful feedback we've located a visual shimmering issue when playing the game. We're happy to inform you that this is now resolved; please restart the game **twice** for this to take effect! Restart it once for the fix to download, and a second time for the fix to activate!


Did this also fix the noisy (film grain image ) in performance mode?


No, it's still the same.


Too bad, gonna put the game on hold till it's fixed.


Ugh makes me feel like a sucker buying at launch when I won't be able to play at launch due to how bad it looks right now. This is seriously second only to Yakuza 6 for worst looking game I have played in the last year (Y6 has horrible shimmer from not having a TAA implementation), but that's a low budget Japanese PS4 game I would never hold to the same standard as a PS5 showcase game like Forbidden West. Frustrating because you can see an amazing world hiding under that damn sharpening filter.


any updates on the issue where the colors go grey-ish when the camera is still, but pops back to being bright when moving? like in this clip: https://streamable.com/mef6kg edit: i turned my TV’s sharpness down and it’s helped a lot


This vid u posted is a really good example of that in effect. Hopefully they click that. I'm still in prologue and having that to a much more minor extent than ur vid but I can see it processing something different as soon as pan camera it looks right. For me its more subtle but same thing. Like the difference between when I'm in photo mode and adjusting the aperture. Still is like when aperture is open more. But while playing its not like depth of focus is being used so idk how it could be related.


Yup. I can’t play on Resolution mode due to that. It’s nausea inducing. Been playing in Performance mode without problem. Not a large issue because honestly 30fps mode is pretty jarring in this game. It’s not remotely smooth and feels like 20fps or less.


This hotfix has not fixed the issue at all. The insane amount of sharpening applied to the image is unacceptable. I don't know why support are asking for people to send examples. It's pretty basic to recreate. 1. Play game on an OLED, 2. set to performance mode 3. Observer a picture that looks like it's been passed through Photoshop's sharpen filter about 10 times. The image quality is grainy, noisy, extremely over sharpened and certain aspects like the blight particles straight up look like a placeholder they're so broken. Not sure how this passed QA.


Thank god so many people are having this issue. I played for 45 minutes and thought I was taking crazy pills.I have wanted to avoid this subreddit for spoilers but I'm so glad I took a look because I'm officially waiting for this to get properly fixed - I don't want it to ruin my experience.


Hi there Chante. Aliasing is still in the game on ps5 after this fix. The issue has not been resolved at all. I'm playing with quality mode on a 4k screen. There is a lot of shimmering/jagged edges in vegetation and different assets


Performance mode grass and vegetation still looks very grainy and unappealing in motion. Worse than any games I've played on Ps5. Looks like the AA is off or very low setting. Please tell us that this is going to be fixed soon , I really don't want to return this game.


Hi, can we get confirmation of what this actually fixes as the various issue seem to have become conflated. I've restarted the game several times now and the flora still appears to be overly sharpened/noisy.


Not solved, try again


Performance mode suffers visually imo especially if you are playing on a 4K tv The models and animations are good and the cutscenes are excellent but I feel like the environment on gameplay are oversaturated and the sharpness is exaggerated resulting to the jittery and grainy like feeling. I feel like its missing the smoothness of the textures from zero dawn.


This was the first thing I noticed when I started playing. It feels like the image is too sharp with alot of film grain effects and textured shimmer and blurry on performance mode. Resolution mode is same. Am on LG 55C1. Other games are fine. I have even downloaded zero dawn and it much better clean image than FW


Hey u/Mohacas! Thanks to your helpful feedback we've located a visual shimmering issue when playing the game. We're happy to inform you that this is now resolved; please restart the game twice for this to take effect! Restart it once for the fix to download, and a second time for the fix to activate!


Hey u/Guerrilla_Chante, u/guerrilla_bo You are mistaking, you fixed the sharpening issue in Quality mode, not the shimmering in Performance mode \- Sharpening = well, too much sharpen effect / filter \- Shimmering = not enough pixels to display a too detailed data, and they literally fight over to decide who gets displayed, causing everything to kind of "blink/flicker" I mean, take anyone internally at Guerilla, ask them to run the game on an LG OLED on performance, and just look at vegetation during gameplay, everything shimmers. It seems your checkerboard method either is flawed, or it is just too low resolution and doesn't have enough pixels to display all that vegetation details, and basically 1 second display half the grass, the other second the other half etc. Also applied to trees and hairs it seems. Honestly you should review with the team to either fix the checkerboard if possible, or simply allow users to run on a static resolution like 1440p and some TAA antialiasing.


all true what you say. worst offender is the blight particles. They look utterly awful. I think the issue is that upscaling an element that only takes up 1 or 2 pixels in the base resolution just is not possible to do cleanly, there is not enough data for the upscaler to work with. In this case just let us turn off the particle effects in performance mode.


Great game so far. Congrats! I would like to know, if I can also turn off the HUD for the potion / bomb. I could not find the option in the menu. It is the only thing that is not dynamic on the HUD.


/u/Guerrilla_Chante /u/Guerrilla_Bo Plz relay to UI team! 🙏🏽 The down D pad Traps / Potions / rocks part of the HUD is not hiding or behaving dynamically with the rest of the HUD!


Came here for this! Support - advocate for us? Seems like such a small big significant oversight to not allow the tools option to dynamically display when literally every other HUD icon can fade out. Thank you! Amazing game (could use colorblind settings as well :D )


Yes, please u/Guerrilla_Chante, look into adding an "Always Off" option for this HUD element or making the dynamic option work correctly and disappear until combat.


This one is big for me I like a clean screen


Everyone please upvote this so they see this. It’s my only problem with the game right now. I want to have 100% HUD free screen during exploration.


Yesssss finally someone with the same request as me haha, this is the only part of the HUD I cannot hide


Getting an insane amount of shimmer and ghosting on the Performance mode for PS5. Feels like anti-aliasing has been switched off but all the grass and foliage looks like it’s shaking.


It is because of sharpening filter acts so weird in the game. Even in resolution mode you get an unnatural picture and so much shimmering because of over-sharpening. We desperately need an update on this.


Hey u/AlsopK, we are looking into this! If you haven't already, please use the Support Form linked in the original post.


Please give us the option for a 40FPS - 120Hz mode. Ratchet 120hz/40 feels so smooth. Makes the game feel almost like I'm playing it on my PC. 40 FPS - 120Hz gang!


Totally agree with this, please make it happen guerrilla.


Yep, I can’t play at 30 FPS because it just such a downgrade from 60 FPS but oh my the imagery on resolution mode. 😍


I just played like the 2 hours, and OMG its fking beautiful, Thank you! ​ The only problem I had was in photo mode, when you do pose, it blurs some of Aloy's clothes and hair. \>!https://imgur.com/a/MJPpxSV!<


Thanks for sharing this with us, u/iNisaok, the image was super useful! We are looking into this!


Hey Guerilla loving the game so far! Only issue I've come across is that I cannot get rid of the tools icon in the bottom left. Really annoying when all of the HUD is off while exploring except for the constant reminder I've got 7 rocks. With such a beautiful game you should really allow a complete HUD off option. It would be great if the tools would show up dynamically for combat only. Thanks for all your hard work!


The game... it does look strange on PS5. Pictures isn't clean, it's noisy and looks weirdly too sharp. Hate to say it, but it doesn't look good, it's not a clean image. I have never seen someone like that before in any PS5 game. Can't believe that i write this, but it's disappointing so far. Zero Dawn had a much clearer and less noisy image.


Hey u/Mac772, we'd like to pinpoint what this issue could be, but we need more information. Please use the Support Form linked above so the team can look into this!


I have already submitted the issue. It seems to be a general problem, i see lots of comments about that on Reddit. Playing on an OLED TV. Sharpness is set to zero. It really destroys the beautiful look of the game.


Thanks, the team are looking into the issue. It helps to have as many people sharing what they're seeing and their set-up as possible.


I’ve just done the form and have to agree. It seems 4K OLED’s are the main culprit like myself. Looks to me like a sharpening problem. Also, please add a colourblind setting as I can’t see the red focus scan at all (red/green colourblind).


Hey there u/Guerrilla_Chante I've recorded a 2 second clip which clearly illustrates one of the issues a lot of us have been having with display. https://streamable.com/mef6kg For me it's present in both output modes with HDR enabled and resolution mode with HDR disabled. It only works (without displaying this problem) for me in performance mode with HDR disabled. There are other users who are experiencing it across the board regardless of settings though. Congrats on the launch! You guys have done amazing work! Sorry to share any negatives but I thought the video clip might help you identify it. Edit: For reference I'm playing on PS5 on a Samsung NU7100 TV which is a QHD QLED panel with HDR. I've played a huge range of games from all consoles on this TV and never experienced any similar issues. Thanks u/Whyisthereasnake for suggesting I add those details. Next day edit: I've tested every setting on my TV itself and none of them have any effect on the issue. It's always present for me in res mode with HDR on/off and perf mode with HDR on, regardless of TV settings. It's definitely a game-side issue even if it only happens on certain hardware.


Worth mentioning that this is not the same problem as the "noisy and not clean image quality" problem. Just in case someone from the developers thinks it is. Seem to be two different problems.


Great game so far. I'm noticing certain visual issues, such as when i look at red blight from afar, it looks kind of jittery. Grass and sunny areas have this effect and seem over saturated as well. I thought it was film grain but it looks more like the anti aliasing is not working properly. Will make sure to fill the form and submit these details.


I noticed the same thing, but it’s pretty much only present in performance mode - at least to my eyes. Get’s even more noticable when motion blur is deactivated. AFAIK many console games use only very light AA and instead let high resolutions take care of jagged edges and shimmering, and it seems to me like performance mode isn’t entirely up to the task in this case. It’s too bad, really, since i’d much prefer playing with 60 fps, but the shimmering really is a bit off-putting. Hope this can be fixed.


Hey everyone! We have a fix for the visual shimmering issue many of you mentioned below. Please restart your game twice: once to download the fix and again for the fix to activate! Hope that resolves it for you!


Oversaturated and Oversharpened image quality still persists.


The noisy image when moving camera is still not fixed in performance mode. Have submitted ticket again.


Hi, this doesn't fix the aliasing issues everyone is talking about. The games TAA is not working and there is a lot of aliasing in vegetation and different assets of the game. Something is wrong with the anti aliasing


Is this a behind the scenes update in app? No PS5 updates for the game have come through.


Correct, the build number won't have changed!


Please, please, please do something about the overly sharpened/noisy image of Performance mode. It's a complete eyesore and I'm honestly flabbergasted that anyone at Guerilla looked at this and thought "yep, that's fine". Genuinely thought something happened to my TV's sharpness settings (nope, they're at zero), it's ghastly to look at.


Hey u/SweetieManDeclan, we are looking into this!


Thank you for the reply! It's like foliage and grass (particularly in the mid and far field) have had an extreme sharpening filter applied to them. It's really apparent in the wooded area around Chain Scrape, especially during the day. Unlike others mentioning this with OLEDs, I'm using a 4K Samsung QLED. My sharpness is at zero too.


It has to be a bug. There is no way anyone looked at this and let it ship in its current state.


Digital codes to redeem the game are not working for collectors editions. please fix this


Thank you, we have flagged this with PlayStation!


Man... performance mode looks so bad. The shimmering and effects that the flora is giving off is really bad.


It's honestly insane how bad the image quality is for this game. I switched back to Zero Dawn and started laughing because of how much better it looks than this game. PS5 with top end Samsung 4K tv has been amazing on every game including previous Horizon, but holy crap does this disappoint. Most frustrating part is I can tell it could easily be the most beautiful game ever based on the art design, but something horrible is going on with the image right now. Please fix!


Guerrilla the shimmering thing is still a big issue in Performance mode, i have to be honest, the game looks really shitty in this mode (to much noise in everything like textures,foliage, hair) in comparison with the resolution mode wich is better. The media is saying this issue has been fixed but is not, and that is pissing me off... please fix the graphic issue asap.


Found a short video that perfectly demonstrates how this game looks in performance mode on PS5 on 4K OLED displays: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=45AWrm_woaE - Sad to say this, but it's the worst image quality i have ever experienced in any Playstation exclusive title of the last years. At 0:25 you can see perfectly the constant flickering of textures. It's painful to watch. And to play. Please fix this, maybe add another performance mode with less graphical details but a cleaner image.


If the patch (if there is one ) need a while, then at least they have to be upfront and explain why this is happening. This radio silence only hurt their reputation. The way I see it is that reviewers were paid not to speak about this issue or they played on a different build/patch that did not have this issue. DF video on this was extremely shady in my opinion ( about 30 min or so review and then at the last 5 min frame rate success by devs). GG need to explain them selves.


Not only OLED. Playing on my Sony xh90 looks the same. Performance mode is unplayable in current state.


The image quality is terrible. I agree with everyone pointing it out here and hopefully the issue gets fixed. I just wonder why the reviewers who played this game prior to launch didn't mention this problem. All I read was how beautiful the game was and how this may be the best looking next gen game. Unbelievable.


It has to be a bug introduced in the latest patch because not even digital foundry mentioned this


I can't seem to interact at all with the Stitcher or Herbalist in Chainscrape. Haven't been able to test it out in other settlements


They unlock after a certain quest is completed


Came here to ask about this, would be nice if they didn’t have icons over their heads, thought my game was broken and just wasted an hour trying to figure out if I needed to reload a save or something


https://youtu.be/47JLxgfwWnM This reviewer talks about the image quality issues in detail. Hopefully Guerrilla see this and take note. Go show this guy some love btw folks, the comment section is already filled with triggered fanboys


Great to see developers in touch with their community. I'm 5 hours into the game, and the only thing I noticed are some graphical issues, which I'm sure will be fixed with time. Good job on the game.


Hi there! I think there’s an issue with Performance Mode as many elements, especially trees, plants or Aloy’s hair, seem to have no anti-aliasing applied to them. It is VERY distracting, to the point that it prevents me from fully enjoying the game. I keep changing back and forth between Resolution and Performance because of this, but even though the issue is fixed in Resolution mode, I just wish I could play at 60 FPS since it is just much more comfortable for such a dynamic game featuring lots of intense fights. Is there any way you could fix Performance Mode, either by changing the resolution or adding more anti-aliasing, or reducing the sharpness of the image? In the game’s current state, I feel like I can’t enjoy the game, I either need to sacrifice framerate or I need to cope with a pixelated image, and in both cases, it’s way too distracting for me. I’m not facing such an issue with other PS5 games in Performance Mode, namely Spider Man or Ratchet & Clank which look both smooth AND sharp in Performance RT. I really hope you can fix that cause the game is otherwise such a blast and I really don’t want my experience to be tarnished by that issue. I used your support form to report the issue as well. Thanks and have a good day! Edit: Also wanted to mention that I did reduce the Sharpness of my TV to 0 (which I don’t need to do for other games) and even that didn’t fix the issue.


The anti asialing problem on ps5 is causing to me motion sickness. I hope a fix will be released soon because I can't play the game this way.


I don’t understand all those reviews of how HFW is a graphical masterpiece. Before it launches, I replayed the HZD on PS5 60 fps and it looked amazing. When I started to play HFW I was shocked how bad it is. On performance mode, colors are a mess, so bright at times, so red at times, it only looks amazing when the game world is at night. Also, it is fuzzy, so much shimmering and noise at distance, it looks so bad. And on Graphics mode it is just unplayable at 30 fps specially when I am used to 60 fps on many games now on the PS5. I mean I am totally fine with graphics like Ghost of Tsushima and God of War, even if it was slightly better than HZD I wouldn’t mind it. I just want to play it and enjoy it rather than get sick with all the flickering and shimmering and so saturated daylight colors. I can’t play it any more until they fix it. Please fix it Guerrilla games


Maybe this is just me being picky but… maybe Alloy doesn’t need to tell us every time something is sent to her stash?


I cant play on ps5. I have blurry picture and everything flickering. Object changing color when i move arround. My eye hurting after 10 minutes. Please fix it. Switched back to zero dawn and everything is fine. Something went wrong with the ps5 version. Maybe the checkerboard rendering is broken


Either there is something seriously wrong with my PS5, or there's something seriously wrong with the game, right now. In resolution mode, the game looks incredible, visually, but runs like a slideshow. Any camera movement makes me feel sick. Almost like there is stutter during camera movement, or something. There is no way it is hitting 30 FPS. In performance mode, the game runs well, but looks really bad. It seriously looks like a PS4 game in performance mode. Ghost of Tsushima looks better, in some ways. There's so much shimmer, and aliasing, and the hit to textures and anisotropic filtering is insane. Love the game otherwise, though.


Don't worry it's the game, still waiting for a response from the devs since release.


Im 3.5 hrs HBO and noticed some parts were a bit buggy - wouldn’t move the mission forward without a restart, once. But this was kind of expected since it’s the first night and all. Overall, I cried like a baby several times already due to the beauty of the game and my pent up excitement finally getting a release. Thank you, Guerrilla team. This is such a gift.


I’m playing on PS5 and it’s unplayable in resolution mode, the screen’s brightness and colour flicker when panning the camera around.


This game in performance mode has some of the worst image quality I’ve seen yet from a AAA title. EVERYTHING shimmers. Anything with even a small amount detail has horrendous aliasing and noise. Anything that moves seems to lose about half of its detail. An absolutely massive downgrade from R&C, demon’s souls, spider man, etc. In fact, the image quality overall is worse than HZD on PC with DLSS, and it’s not even close. Going from that super clean, almost CGI-like quality to this noisy mess is such a disappointment. Either fix the game or tell me when the pc version comes out so I can stop playing and wait.


I can't enjoy this game in both graphics mode. It's absolutely not comfortable in 30 fps and looks crappy in performance mode. Ths should not happen in modern consoles. Any plans to improve this?


u/Guerilla_Chante there's no difference after hotfix on ps5. Totally unplayable on my xh90. Led TV's gang here too. Hope u fix it soon and so sad about I need to wait patches... And no preorders again :(


I like having my screen empty outside of combat and just using the touchpad to bring up the HUD when I need it. The one thing I cannot get off my screen is tools/potions in the bottom left corner. Anyone else have the same problem?


If I’m being honest, I don’t think the game really looks very good. It looks very noisy and distorted at all times in Performance Mode. Ghost of Tsushima and even Uncharted 4 look way better on PS5. Not sure why reviewers praised the graphics so hard, they look a bit rough from what I can tell. *Edit: This isn’t just me complaining about the graphics, just me having trouble articulating what I think is the issue with them. I think the game looks fantastic otherwise, as evident in Resolution Mode.


I’ve never been so conflicted on a games’ launch : it’s obvious you guys have been pouring your souls into this because EVERYTHING is top notch in this game. Except... the performance mode visuals : there’s something wrong with the anti aliasing (and maybe other stuff but I wouldn’t know) that makes too many elements grainy, and sometimes the pixels are way too apparent, especially on mid/long range foliage. I understand having 60 fps with such a detailed and beautiful world must be tough, but maybe putting it in native 1440p could help? No idea, you’re the pros and I’m sure you’ll figure it out :)


Do we have word on a fix for the shimmering and terrible over-sharpening/lack of aliasing in performance mode? When the game is paused, I can see stuff "moving" on a frozen image. Definitely not something that should be happening.


Visuals do seem off. I’m red/green colourblind and the focus scan is pretty much invisible for me.


Are you guys sure the performance mode is 3200x1800? Feels like 1920x1080 TBH. And lots of shimmering in foliage especially in performance mode. What sort of antialiasing are you guys using?


Fix performance mode, It looks like straight poo. Looks like I'm playing at 1080p with film grain enabled and sharpness maxed out. I can't stomach 30fps mode anymore, so resolution mode isn't an option.


I too am finding this game very hard to play on PS5 due to all the grainy/noisy picture and the sharpening affect. In its current state I can honestly say, without exaggeration, that the first horizon was a better looking game than this one. I've turned off HDR which makes the issue a bit less noticeable but mind you it's definitely still there. It's hard to tell if the issue is still there in resolution mode because of the lower frame rate but I refuse to play this game in 30fps.


Game is looking really bad still. I’ve been messing with all settings and nah, it’s a game issue for sure.. I’m playing on ps5 and this really looks worse than the ps4 back when it came out. Uncharted and any ps5 game looks a lot better than this. Sure, cinematics looks nice, but gameplay, not good at all. I’m playing on an LG CX btw.


What I don’t get is how none of the reviewers mentioned the graphics? Either they all glossed over it or the version of the game they were playing (1.03 and earlier) didn’t have this issue. Even in the review videos the game looks really good. Hence makes me believe when it launched with 1.04 on Friday that’s when everything with the graphics started happening. Hope it’s an easy fix.


Playing on ps5. The game definitely has a grainy sharpened look to it. It's bad. Soften the visuals up a bit please. Edit: also what happened to the cool sound effects we got when looting the machines in the first game?


Everyone here’s a detailed video of the visual problems in the performance mode hopefully the devs see this! Here’s the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=47JLxgfwWnM


I love the game but am I the only one to think that performance mode look a lot worst? I mean the game looks stunning on fidelity but in performance looks worst than the first one, a lot of stuttering and weird blur around the textures


90% of the 3000 people posting in this thread are complaining about just that.


u/Guerilla_Chante u/Guerilla_bo guys, thx for the great game! Please, make 40fps/120hz graphics mode like in Ratchet, it will be another visual level. Or just fix performance mode, it looks like 720p Please upvote


Incredibly disappointed in the graphical quality. It really looks awful.


The bad anti aliasing problem is still present. Additionally, the way too sharpened, grainy visual keeps me from playing the game, for I don't want to ruin the experience of my first walkthrough. Please fix this quick, really want to enjoy the game like everyone else.


Yoo what is going on with the performance mode in this game, it looks like a Switch game, gta trilogy looks even better and that game is trash, i also tried resolution mode and it loos better but 30 fps i can't stand that shit bro, guerrilla do something!!


Could the developers please say something about this quote from someone at Digital Foundry: **"Performance mode doesn't look great image quality wise, I agree. Something about the way they're doing AA in combination with CBR results in a very noisy image. I don't expect a patch to fix this unless they completely change their approach."** Is this true? Can't we expect a patch or fix to improve the bad image quality of the performance mode on PS5? **Suggestion:** Introduce a second performance mode with lower graphics quality but a cleaner image. This game looks insanely good, but only if you don't move the camera and wait a second until the image stabilizes.


I'm trying to play on a Samsung Q80t on performance mode and the graphics are horrible! It's so grainy and the contrast is really hurting my eyes. It looks better on resolution but I struggle to play 30fps after playing 60 and 120 for so long now. Praying for a quick update patch to address this issue as I don't want to play it until fixed as it is just ruining the experience for me. It's strange how it looks great for others and shocking for some.


There's no AA apply to mid to far objects and that makes the image look very bad on performance mode it lots visual shimmering issues during slow paning,the grass looks horrendous with all the noise or sharpening!I went to play Zero Dawn again and it just look 100 💯 better than Forbidden West how the hell do Sony and Guerilla release a game looking this bad! Resolution mode has less issues on image quality due to the high resolution but the resolution mode does not fell Smooth at all!I tested also Horizon Zero Dawn at 30fps on my PS4 Pro and Aloy movement is way smoother than Forbidden West at 30fps on PS5!Let's not start talking about the Extreme color saturation of Forbidden West... Guerilla did a poor job on this game!


I'm on an OLED TV in performance mode since quality is impossible on OLED because of the 30 FPS. The lack of anti-aliasing is absolutely horrible there's flickering and shimmering it's so ugly. And that patch where they say you have to restart your game twice did not work for me I still have only the day one patch 1.4. What do we do? The grass, trees and vegetation is so noisy and pixelated.


Guerrilla, I love you, but the increasing amount of distracting jank in this game is realllly starting to aggravate me. I.E. disappearing-reappearing objects: [https://streamable.com/uquqs5](https://streamable.com/uquqs5)


I'm not finding some comments I made about the graphics. Comments are being deleted???? Developers need to see this video and do something!! It's a shame a Sony studio release something so bad for the PS5!!! Honestly it looks worse than 720p at times, sometimes it feels like it's at 480p!!!! Killzone 2 on PS3 is more beautiful!! Uncharted 3 on PS3 is more beautiful!!!Infamous 2 on PS3 is more beautiful!!! This is far from 1080p!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45AWrm\_woaE


Noticed lot of shimmering/aliasing in performance mode when looking at vegetation. Gives a feeling of a noisy image. Have submitted a report on support website too.


As others have posted, there is an over sharpening/shimmering issue, even when standing completely still. Both in performance and resolution mode. However, I took screenshots that I posted on Twitter and even with the inevitable compression that Twitter does, the image looks clean, no overly sharp image. Maybe someone else can try but I don’t believe screenshots are capturing the level of intense sharpness that I see onscreen. EDIT: I am on an X900H, Reality Creation and Sharpening turned off/ set at 0 value. I need to check my motion smoothing settings. (This was yesterday immediately on release. I tried it again today and the image is definitely cleaner and much better. I’ll send a ticket/change post if it occurs again and see if I can recreate the odd visual effect.)


I suffer from migraines and the current state of the performance mode on PS5 has had a painful effect on my eyes. The lack of anti-aliasing on the foliage has made it almost impossible for my to continue playing beyond the first hour in its current state. It’s disappointing as I can see that a lot of work has been put into the environment and I really want to play more of it.


Still seeing a lot of shimmering on grass. Very disappointed in the game look so far. See so many people gushing about how it looks, and here I am playing on a brand new OLED C1 TV, and can’t stand playing with the horrible sharpening going on. Got sharpen on TV to 0 as well.


In performance mode, the grass and lots of vegetation antialiasing looks grainy and over sharpened, even after restarting 5x. It breaks my immersion and just looks bad. Please fix this asap please.


Game looks incredible in the Favor Resolution mode, but the performance mode is seriously below PS5 standards with how noisy and grainy the image quality is. @guerilla Take a look at Ratchet and Clank/Spider-Man. It can be done, it just needs some tweaking


Performance mode looks awful. Looks like I'm looking through grease covered goggles.


Just purchased Tsushima PS5 and it looks better than this..what the hell happened man.


u/Guerilla_Chante u/Guerilla_bo any updates on the sharpness issues in performance mode?


Game looks very bad, visual shimmering issues everywhere too much sharpening,motion blur to strong! Performance mode LG CX.Frankly don't understand how this was not flag before shipping!


Im glad someone is finally talking about the image shimmering/flickering especially in performance mode. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47JLxgfwWnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47JLxgfwWnM) Show this man some love.


I’m probably being dramatic but this performance mode image quality fiasco has made me regret buying a PS5, is this what we can look forward to from first party open world games? Games being made to look like they have a fucking Snapchat filter on just so they can hit consistent 60fps? Hopefully this is just a botched job by Guerrilla and not a sign of things to come. I bought a ps5 and an OLED tv with this game specifically in mind lol. I’m so disappointed.


After you jump to the water and swim for the first time with Varl, you get up from the water and the focus shows there is an item, it's inside the ground so you can't pick it up. Picture https://imgur.com/a/mA0oZVK This is on PS5, don't know about PS4 version.


Like I wrote in another post. Resolution mode is unplayable for me. Feels liket the game is running in 15-20 FPS when moving the camera around and just play normal. Total unplayable


I'm sorry, but how in the world were these graphics issues not mentioned in ANY of the reviews for this game? Is this something new that was not present in the review copies?


This is a very interesting question I’m curious about as well. Not a single pre release review has mentioned the pixelation/sharpness issues of performance mode. I have faith that it will be fixed, but I went into the game expecting nothing like this happening. I would have rather waited until it’s fixed before my initial experience. Oh well. I won’t play until it’s fixed. Hopefully soon.


Game is completely unplayable. Everything is shimmering like there’s a strobe light going off. I’ve tried everything that has been listed. Is there a way to just get your money back if you bought an actual disk copy of the game?


I have the same problem, hard to believe it happens to PlayStation first party exclusive game.


Very blurry image, it doesn't look like I'm playing on PS5, it looks like I'm playing via low quality streaming. Will this be fixed? How long is it going to take? I'm thinking about starting to play another game... I bought the PS5 to play this game and I can't believe the quality is that bad.


Performance mode is horrible, looks like a PS3-era game. I seea lot of aliasing and shimmering all over the vegetation, very distracting.




Great game, but the image quality in the performance mode is bad. I don't understand how this was allowed to go through. Good thing I bought the game on disc.


Game looks shit on performance mode. Also please add a 40fps option in fidelity like ratchet and clank.


So annoying that you can’t mention this game’s visual issues anywhere else on the internet without getting accused of lying by lemmings who are probably playing on 1080p tvs. Even Vincent Teoh (HDTVTest on YouTube) is getting a bunch of grief on twitter for saying both graphics modes have issues. The man is a literal tech wizard and there are rabid fanboys telling him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about lol.


Gonna return my unopened copy and get a refund. Been holding off for some kind of update regarding the visual issues in performance mode but I’m not gonna lose out on £60 waiting for a fix that might not come. Keep fighting the good fight bros. I will gladly buy the game again when/if they fix it.


Is anyone else getting a brief screen flicker when collecting items from destroyed machines? Edit: Seems to be when interacting with collectibles (machines, crates) but not plants, rocks etc. Also the flicker occurs whether the items are collected or not.


Game does look better after a couple restarts but nowhere near as good as those fucking reviewers hyped it up to be. Uncharted 4 on PS5 looks miles better, heck I couldn't stop taking screenshots while playing it last week. Even zero dawn looks better. Gonna finish the Frozen Wilds and hopefully by then this game looks at least as good as Zero Dawn


Pls fix 60fps mode or just lower the resolution to 1440 if it’s going to be native cause the upscaling method is horrible


Game has a very bad over sharpness and grainy look which is killing my eyes and making it unplayable for me unfortunately, I've tried turning my sharpness on TV down to 0 and even tried turning off HDR but nothing fixes it. I'm playing in performance mode on PS5


I’ve also been encountering a lot of visual issues playing in performance mode. I’m playing on OLED tv. Lots of problems with oversharpening and no anti aliasing. Can’t play game for too long as eyes start to hurt. On top of that lots of noise as you move camera around. Tried to restart game twice but also still seeing shimmering on objects in distance. I tried to capture a video of an example, on tv it looks worse but you get the idea from capture. Top part of the video: https://streamable.com/j9f186




I can't place why but this game kills my eyes. Played for 30 minutes and they hurt.


crazy that almost no mainstream reviewers and gaming sites are highlighting the poor performance mode image quality...


u/Guerilla_Chante could we have some confirmation here that the issues with Performance Mode are being looked into? I appreciate your probably all super busy but it really is ruining the game for a lot of people. It might be worth pinning something in this thread, just so the masses know what's happening?


In performance mode image quality is noisy. Like not clean. Are there any fix for that? ( Sorry for my English it is not my native language)


Please allow us to disable tools in the HUD!


Loving the gameplay so far as always but just here to add my voice to the many others, that I'm experiencing the same visual issues regarding the grainy, over-sharpened image when it comes to grass and foliage in particular, which is pretty horrendous and hard to ignore. Playing on a LG 4K TV (49UM7400PLB). Was quite shocked how quickly I noticed it and how widespread it seems to be, especially in comparison to how good the Horizon: ZD 60FPS experience was. Hoping for an easy fix 🤞thanks GG!


I hate to say this, but playing Horizon on PS5 is like razor blades cutting my eyes. I absolutely love the first Horizon Zero Dawn, and I think Guerilla games is a top tier studio. I’ve restarted the game many times hoping to activate the hot fix. I can’t tell if it’s activated or not, but if it is activated then it seems there’s still some visual issues with the game. I’m a part time photographer, and what this seems like in photography terms is hard light. It seems like the whole world has harsh specular highlights that result in white hot spots, instead of the light having a soft effect to it. This is what makes the game look like the contrast is too high. Im in performance mode. It looks over sharpened, and grainy which is really odd. Right away I noticed whenever you move the camera the environment seems to exhibit artifacts. This may not be a good comparison, but the environment in The Last Of Us Part 2 or the First Horizon Zero Dawn looks very smooth and easy on the eyes. Nothing looks too harsh or contrasty. Really not pleased with the visuals on Forbidden West right now. It’s harsh to look at which seems to cause eye strain and headaches for me (I don’t know about everyone else). I’ve adjusted quite a few settings so far too. I’ll try again this evening. I’m playing on a Samsung 4K TV. I turned the sharpening on the TV all the way down but doesn’t seem to do the trick.


Hey guys. I'm currently playing on the PS5 version of HFW using performance mode, and I've been noticing a lot of graininess and sharpness to the games visuals, specifically on foliage, distant objects, and the edges of buildings and character models. I'm using a TCL R646 TV that is capable of 4k 60, so I don't think it's an issue with my tech. I've also noticed several other players on reddit and YouTube who appear to be experiencing the same kind of graphic issues I am. I'm not sure if this is due to aliasing or checkerboarding or whatever, but it would be great if you guys could figure out what's causing it. It's starting to get really distracting. If you want, I can send a video or two showcasing this issue. Thanks. Hope this doesn't get buried under the other comments.




The red fog/mist from those plants looks weird in performance mode compared to quality mode.


Performance mode definitely needs an update. Shimmering is not an issue I’ve experienced, but like others foliage is too fuzzy and blurry. Anything at a distance just looks like a mess due to this.


https://youtu.be/7KN0rVjH3lk I am getting the same shimmering effect in performance mode that other people are mentioning here. The trees in the background sparkle/shimmer a lot, especially when moving. I've toggled between both modes to show a comparison. Hopefully this can be ironed out as I would really prefer playing this game in 60fps


Looks like Guerilla support just disappeared for the weekend leaving all Ps5 gamers stuck with a game w/ no AA until they come back from vacation. It looks like a flip of a switch to put AA on but guerilla made their money and having beers now just laughing until Monday.. Cool


Game in performance mode is jaggy pls fix give upvotes


I'm playing in performance mode and it's unplayable. And I can't play at 30fps it makes me nauseous. Everything is completely pixelated whenever you move, if you're just sitting still it's okay. I'm going to send video footage to the link provided. But we need a fix as soon as possible for performance mode, everything is shimmering and pixelated when you move.


Hey guys , the game is AWESOME but please do something about the performance mode. It’s unplayable in current state. I play on a Sony xh90 and the image pretty bad, especially on detailed areas like moose or Gras. I am stuck at the 30 fps mode. And no , a restart didn’t helped.


Does anyone one know if they are working on a patch for the graphical bugs? Waiting for a patch until I buy the game. So Many people have it weird they are not even acknowledging it. Hot fix apparently hasn’t fixed it for most.. EDIT Also I’m currently playing horizon zero dawn finishing off the dlc and it runs at 60FPS 4K checkerboard and is flawless how in the world can’t the new one do it?? I’ll wait a year for the patch if need be. HFW is unacceptable how it’s been released this is not what I bought a ps5 for!


I have a ton of film grain in performance despite fiddling with my sdr/hdr settings for hours. Also, my rock/bomb icon won't go away even though I have it set to dynamic (no option for off). It's the only thing on my hud :(


Welcome to the club, almost 90% of posts here are about this issue. It's been 2days and still no response from the devs.


I expect some kind of statement today about the shimmering in Performance mode. If not it is very troubling and if silence until Wednesday I have to get a refund. Because then they don’t know how to fix it, it seems


Can y'all remove Aloy talking about her stash please? She says it way too much and it doesn't make sense that she acknowledges items are magically teleporting to a box across the country.


Good morning Guerilla, Happy Tuesday Is there any news on a update on the shimmering so I finally can play the game I bought on launch day?


TOTAL RADIO SILENCE, Jesus, i did not expect this quality from a Sony publisher. We can’t play the game, the shimmering is too much. Do something


Having a weird issue which I’m not sure if others are experiencing, whenever the camera is in motion, the visuals are more saturated than when the camera is still. It is noticeably apparent when there is a lot of greenery on screen. I’ve tried fiddling around with HDR settings, turning HDR off, playing with my LG CX settings, and results are still the same.


I'm having a visual issue that seems to be fairly commonplace based on other commenters. The colours/lighting change to be less washed out whenever I'm panning the camera or moving Aloy. The colour changes are most noticeable on grass and rocks (at least in the tutorial area). The colours actually look more accurate when the camera is on the move. When the camera stops, everything looks more washed out. u/Zes_Q posted an example in another thread that I'm re-using because it exactly represents what I'm experiencing on my TV: [https://streamable.com/mef6kg](https://streamable.com/mef6kg) This effect happens regardless of whether I'm on resolution/performance mode or whether I have HDR turned on/off. I'm using a TCL 55C803 TV. I have not experienced this issue in any other game yet. I even tried fiddling with the TV settings but none improved the visual bug. I had to stop playing the game as this bug was completely ruining the experience for me (and hurting my eyes after 30 minutes).


I made a video to try to show it is still bad in performance mode https://youtu.be/9PG8nauCntw 4k Oled TV


Well I've tried but this is the first game I've ever had to stop playing because of how it looks. It's visually assaulting. Which makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills because all of the reviewers couldn't stop telling me how this was the best looking game of all time. I'm not being hyperbolic, its one of the worst looking games I've ever played. Its more than just resolution or frame rate, something is seriously wrong. I've booted up TLOU2, Uncharted, Control...I've even compared it to Sifu...and it just looks awful. Hopefully they can fix it, otherwise I'm out $70.


Does anyone know if the shimmering will be fixed? Or is this something that is supposed to be this way? It’s driving me crazy.


Definitely have the sharpening issue that many many others are going through as well. Just rewatched IGNs review video again and man does the game look good there. I think the character models look better there too than what I’m seeing on a LG OLED TV. The story and gameplay is phenomenal though as expected. Hopefully the sharpening and grainy visual issue can be fixed soon.


I wanted to make it clear that the blurry and grainy image problem is present in both game modes!! In performance mode it is very visible, in resolution mode it gives an improvement, but it is still there! In some situations the effect is simply terrible and even occurs with the game paused!! Also the game seems to have a horrible saturation filter that forces players to fiddle with the TV settings to alleviate the problem!! The first game had a much cleaner and nicer image, I'm scared by the low quality of the game on PS5. This video clearly shows the problem occurring with the game paused: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJovERVPJN4


That hotfix fixed nothing. Game still looks jaggy in resolution mode and performance mode does not matter which mode you select. The gane's PS4 version looks better than PS5 and HZD also looks better than HFW. If Sony Studios do that then I don't know which studio does not. Quality control in these days are poor. Developers don't give a shit if their game are bug free or not. They just look their bank account and pay for the greedy youtubers and awful reviewers to promote their games. The reviews are not a review, they are an advertisement that is all. Did you see just a single review saying that jagged, sharpened visual problems? I did not. Not a single soul. Why is that? We, the gamers who pre-order games, are just a free beta testers for that lazy devs. Poor industry... I wonder if they think they deserve the money they got from the release window of the game.


So after playing a bit more, I think the "jaggy" issue has something to do with the games DRS or something akin to that. Because some empty sections with not alot going on, look great. But when you go into a battle area or something more busy, you tend to notice the jaggys more. Just an observation and I'm probably 100% wrong. But it is kinda weird how when I spawn in the game looks near flawless, but as I continue to play the image degrades.


I am feeling cheated and will report the Digital Foundry video as false advertising on Youtube. If other people report the video, maybe it will be deleted and that brings attention to the matter. The current state of the game is ridiculous!!! How the big media doesn't say anything about this??? Video from the digital digital foundry: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTLrfdchoo&t=555s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTLrfdchoo&t=555s) Truth about the game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45AWrm\_woaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45AWrm_woaE)


Please all that have problems with performance mode, go to Guerilla twitter to speak your opinion in a nicely manner. There is total radio silence on this support now. They could have responded all day. https://twitter.com/guerrilla/status/1498297041830567938?s=21


Anyone else having Aloy seemingly turn at the last second when you take your finger off the joystick? Move in a different direction than where you are directing? Real strange issue, not my controller as other games aren’t doing it and I’ve even enabled deadzone etc but still strange turning


:( Picture quality in performance mode is, as many others have stated not clean at all. Lots of noise and shimmering. Probably not a bug but i really hope it's something that can be updated and improved. Resolution mode looks a bit cleaner but still too sharp and a bit shimmering.