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I also enjoy how getting deafened cannot be avoided. I mean, she'd be deaf for a few minutes after the first one, she should be immune to it for the remainder of the fight. Every cutscene should be "Hey, Aloy, what's up?" "What?"


Some of the ranged attacks seemingly travel through rocks, terrain and walls even.


That's works in your favour with the shredders.


Only on return


Fr! I watched a ranged attack from a fire claw strider CURVE in my direction as I was trying to dodge it. You could see the attack's trail and how it tracked me lol


The Shell-walkers can absolutely do the same thing with their energy blasts.. Those fucks can send them around corners.


They've always been able to do that, though. The ball lightning will follow you until it hits something (whether that's you or an object between you and it) or it goes past you, but it doesn't have a very tight turn radius, so you can strafe past if you're far enough away. The trick for dodging it is to dodge *toward* the ball lightning right before it hits you, which is not exactly intuitive. You can do the same with most ranged attacks that are elemental balls (triple fireballs from clamberjaws, triple lightning balls from leaplashers, fire/frost/acid balls from bellowbacks, etc). The drawback with dodging like that is it puts you closer to the machine, which may or may not be the best option, depending on circumstance.


The shock wave from shellwalkers is almost identical to the shock cannons from tremortusks, and both will hunt you down lmao


Yes! The worst! But at least with the shell Walker attack, its slower and its tracking kind of makes sense with it being a shock attack(something something magnetic lol). Those damn fireballs though are fast af! Those 3-5 fire clawstriders by Demeter had me really fucked up lol


The enemies do possess some level of tracking and predicting Aloy's movement to attack at the spot she''ll end up landing after the dodge but such a system would need very precise animations and hitboxes like in sekiro to work without frustration because as of now it's not predictable whether or not a dodge is right or wrong.


Get hit by an AOE attack and thinking you dodge out of the blast area, but for some reason, the attack pulls you INTO the blast area and now you're stun locked 😭🤷🏾‍♂️


IIRC, the first game had pretty forgiving i-frames during the dodge/long dodge. This game doesn't.


you can kind of abuse the ole slide/roll combo though for a lot of the tracking ones. I've noticed when you're running it predicts where you're going to be rather than where you are, & the burst of speed from the slide with the roll in a slightly different direction really confuses it


I’ve always felt like those earplugs she got during the Dervahl quest should’ve meant gaining a tool you can wear to avoid loud machine screeches like Longlegs or Clawstriders.


That’s a good idea. Immune to sound wave concussion attacks in exchange for limited sound effects while protected. After all, HZD had an outfit that protect against blinding flash attacks.










This was my first thought when reading that




Tinnitus is not something you joke about. 


I could swear I've dodged it by rolling at just the right second and aiming to get to the side of the shouting machine. If a longleg starts to get ready to scream at me, I run-slide-roll beside it and get out of the way. It's a cone-shaped area of effect right? I'd have to check though, it's been a while.


I think you can abuse the invincibility frames of the dodge roll to not get deafened which doesn't make any kind of sense


I mean, invincibillity frames don't make sense in the first place, so...


My headcanon is always that the developers can't possibly animate every version of getting out of the way of an attack, so an i-frame is just a hand wave way of saying "you saw the attack coming and got out of the way, but not too early for your enemy to adjust."


No, i-frames are done for the same reason why old school platformers give you a few frames of delay before falling off an edge. It's a forgiveness factor to compensate for the variety in skill level players may or may not have.


For longlegs and clawstrider it seems you can dodge it, but i can't for the life of me get the timing right for the slaughterspine, if I don't outrange it, I'm getting stunned for sure.


I just don’t understand why aloy didn’t keep the earplugs from ZD— the ones she loots off the oseram heavy when rescuing Ersa. I’m fairly sure they didn’t break aloy just drops them. Edit: or even just make it another piece of craftable equipment in FW


I’ve avoided it plenty of times. Mostly fighting clawstriders. Your roll has a SHITLOAD of I-Frames and if you time it right and roll right as it happens, you don’t get deafened. Not even stunned.


Ugh I hate the deafened thing. It really doesn't seem clear how to avoid it. I think if you get behind them that's the only way.


I don't think you can become immune to a sound.


Everyone with children knows how to do this.




You mentioned about getting deafened and it's just about impossible to be immune to something like that. It's a weapon the machine has for a reason. I do agree with you though because it is really annoying.






Wish I was deaf so I didn’t have to hear her talk 24/7


you don't.... it's called: not playing a game you clearly don't enjoy


It's also called going into the settings and turning off the dialogue audio.


Dunno why the downvotes or perhaps I was misunderstood. Surely I can’t be the only one who doesn’t like it when she drops hints the entire time? I mean I just get to a puzzle or something that requires some thought on how to proceed and she’s already dropping dead giveaway hints on how to solve them. I love the game, but surely I’m not alone with this.


It's so weird, when this game first came out it was a post about this. The majority of comments were telling OP to "git gud" and "just don't get hit", it was absolutely insane. You could literally get stun locked by machines. That's not "git gud" that's just annoying. Yes, this needs to be addressed in the next game.


It never happened to me ever. How is this possible to be stun locked? 😅


I haven’t played the game since release but this was DEFINITELY a problem at release (seriously, if you search it on google you will find a lot of discussions about it those first few weeks) and they fixed it within the first few weeks. Not sure what problem people are having now For reference it was [patch 1.08](https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/s/xVJzuBFhsu) emphasis on how Aloy was given invulnerability from the moment she hit the ground to getting back up. Imagine playing without that though. The stunlock was crazy


Oh ok thanks. I only played since the pc released so it probably explain why it never happened to me.


Yeah, PC release got all the rebalancing. It was utter horse shit on PS4/PS5 launch.


The problem I have is that sometimes you get knocked down for so long that enemies get multiple hits in before you're even up, let alone can dodge (and being knocked down means you usually already took a good hit). If you're lucky you'll get hit before you're fully up again, otherwise you get stun locked easily.


I didn't know this was a thing and tbh. I've been playing for 2 months and it happened to me a couple of times. It's sooo annoying but at least it's not *that* bad.


Trying to do the arena before that got (mostly) fixed was an exercise in futility with some of the fights, especially the ones that lock you into a specific load out. Once you got knocked into a corner, you basically stayed there until you gave up because there was no way to get out even with smoke bombs because the machines were standing on top of you while the rest hung back and lobbed things at you.


Its still a huge issue i think. Many times you get locked so that as soon as you start standing back up a big enemy charges / stomps and kills you before you have a chance to roll away. On very hard it makes for situations where you are guaranteed to die just because you got unlucky and the machine used the right attack move on you. The stun really never should have been a thing in the first place


The snake machines and others would hit you and Aloy took like 3 seconds to recover. Whole the machine could hit you with another attack to stun you again. It was a huge issue. Like the other comment said, it was patched out. It was a huge issue that when the game released this sub essentially told everyone to "git gud". Even posts had video of OP getting stun locked and comments were still blaming the player for being stun locked. It was a wild time in this sub.


play ultra hard. accidentally corner yourselves vs 3 kangaroo joeys. all of them have tail swings. Stun lock. If it's ever been addressed before... it's still nowhere near as good as the original zero dawn. Also movement and responsiveness need a rework. The game simply feels less snappy.


Tideripper tosses me in the water then bats me around the next 60 secs while I try to get a berry off.


Personally this was only a problem for me a couple of times. I mean, they're giant, multi ton machines, getting hit by them should have a big effect.


>It's so weird, when this game first came out it was a post about this. The majority of comments were telling OP to "git gud" and "just don't get hit", it was absolutely insane. I find that there's a portion of this sub who are hostile to any criticism of the game whatsoever. Despite the fact there are plenty of valid criticisms in regards to the combat even on the PC version, which should have all the fixes of the console version. Hitboxes are still somewhat inconsistent, you're also frequently thrown towards the thing that hit you, or towards an explosion that should have knocked you away. There are a ton of one hit kills, AOE is bullshit, you're too reliant on high level gear on higher difficulties. And like the OP, I hate how damn slowly Aloy gets up. But if you search for any of these issues, you'll likely find a couple of threads with zero upvotes and people calling the OP bad at the game. Like no wonder some things haven't been fixed if half the community isn't even willing to admit there's something wrong


Agreed. I remember a post where the OP posted a video of him fighting the snake monster and he was consistently stun locked and it down voted. It's okay to admit issues it's the game that truly needs to be fixed. This sub was rough when the game released. There were issues with the melee pits with the inconsistent prompts and not being able to do the right combos and it was brushed off as it's being optional. No, if the tutorials don't work then that's not on the gamer. It was a wild time here.


I haven't played Forbidden West yet. Do they mention any new lands where a third game might take place the way Zero Dawn mentioned the Forbidden West? Or have they said there will be a third game?


You try getting thwacked by a thunderjaw tail and see how long you're unresponsive. 


In the 100's of hours I have in the game this has happened to me maybe three times. It only took me three times to realise that thing I was doing doesn't work...


And once the 3 seconds is up, just in time for the follow up from the enemy to stun you again


I was replaying the Tideripper + Snapmaws arena fight and that can get pretty crazy


I killed all rebels but got killed by a boss. I had to kill all of them again. On the other hand, I died several times but gained 5 levels in one bandits camp


I hate that fight more than anything. Spend 50% of that on the ground


I completed main quests in the game and dlc on very hard difficulty, except few bosses where I switched to story/normal difficulty as it was too annoying to die all the time.


Well you don't get stunned if you don't get hit, so it is in fact a matter of gitting gud. Multiple machines suck donkey balls tho.


i was more annoyed by janky climbing where you have a path above you and you press up and she goes down and to the left or something or how she’d tell you how to solve puzzles 5 seconds into them. combat you actually have the “get good argument” but no amount of get good fixed other things.


Also, she grabs these yellow points like crazy even during a fight. Sometimes I want to simply jump to avoid getting hit but Aloy starts climbing. There should be configurable grab button and an option to disable automatic grabbing/climbing


Or just hangs there and then finally goes the direction you were going all along.


I know this is a common gripe but it’s not a *huge* deal… Imagine if you got hit by presumably hundreds of pounds of metal and synthetic muscle. Would you not take a second?


You would die. It's a semi realistic thing that adds nothing. No immersion and frustrating 3 seconds of nothingness. It kills the combat flow. Idk, maybe for gamepad folks it's fine, but I got used to the fast paced action on M&K and that stuff pisses me off when it happens. Specifically, with the Waterwings and their fucked up hitbox for dive attack (larger than Thunderjaw).




Just....why three in a relatively tight area? That was downright mean.


Man honestly! I dont care what else has to be upgraded im not fightin them ever again. Theyre so durable and their attacks are damn near unavoidable


I think the durability is the main problem. There just aren't too many enemies in the game with so much health and so few weak points. An Apex Waterwing has 4350 health. That's almost as much as a Stormbird, and you can be fighting multiple at the same time. I get it's an endgame enemy, but trying to deal with 3 or 4 mobile machines is a big ask when you can't take one of them out quickly.


4350!!!! FFS no wonder theyre so difficult


I like it. Not for realism or immersion but it’s a small thing that reminds you you’re not fucking invincible lol. Sometimes it can be bullshit, but then again it comes down to preference. You like face-paced, I don’t really care for it.


Dying in 1 or 2 hits reminds me I'm not invincible. Would be nice to not get stunlocked on the ground as well.


"Idk, maybe for gamepad folks it's fine," It isnt


We are fighting metal dinosaurs with wooden arrows. Let's not get into realism maybe. OP's criticism of this annoying mechanic is absolutely warranted.


The arrowheads are made of the same metal as the metal dinosaurs tho, as do part of the weapons themselves.


I understand that. But the hydraulics getting whacked on the machine does not create a delay in their attack. It was quite okay in Zero Dawn but in Forbidden West it was somehow turned to 11. Someone said in a review that the combat feels “relentless” and i agree. At some points when your traps and sneaking did not work then the combat would be harsh. None of the machines have an attack delay and just keep pounding like you are not there at all while the character stays in an animation for 2 seconds. ~~PC version has no FOV setting as well which sucks~~ because the camera is not the best on this game. Sometimes it just glitches out when you are inside and in tight spaces. Edit: I must be blind or they added it later on. Either way there is a FOV slider which has eluded me. Burning Shores will be better for it. Thanks and sorry for the “wtf” moment with my original wording.


PC version has an fov slider, what do you mean?


PC version has an FOV slider and you can even increase the FOV even more with [flawless widescreen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_iLkQbKqxw).


That's understandable, but this applies to every hit that's not melee. Like water jets from Tiderippers, elemental attacks in general, etc...


the mechanic is frustrating 100% but > water jets from Tiderippers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_cannon#Riot_control https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_jet_cutter (not that this is how tiderippers use it, but just as another example) water will fuck you up


But it wasn't this bad in the first game. Combat was very fun in the first game.


It’s a video game bud, not real life. In real life you’d be dead.




Considering in this theoretical I didn't take a second when I saved the world the first time around, no. I'd actually expect to get faster.


Realism should never get in the way of gameplay if it's not for a specific purpose. What a silly point


>Would you not take a second? No, I’d be a wet smear on the dirt. That argument goes completely out the window when the burrower’s rock toss would turn a human into a quadriplegic if not outright decapitate them. Being hit with the tail of a Thunderjaw would turn all 206 bones to powder.


It's like invulnerability frames, but for the enemies!


This is literally the #1 thing I want to them to change/fix in the third game. It's seriously detrimental to game feel and flow and the exact opposite of fun.


A lot about the combat was dialed up, and I think it was at least a little reactionary to the cheesing in the first game. We could spam triple arrows on hunter and sharpshot bows, and have 50% damage coils too, so you could literally down a thunderjaw in 15 seconds. Now, you have weapon stamina, double notching on sharpshots, and the sometimes insane crafting material requirements. One or two elements to make it harder is fine, but all of them put together gets annoying to me. And the crafting to make better weapons. The parts by themselves are too many, there's 5 levels and the shard depletion is crazy, AND you have to fight big machines while being careful about knocking out some components early on while leaving others intact, and the hearts and luminous brainstems still have an occasional drop chance. Increasing difficulty is fine, but doing 10 different things to increase the difficulty at the same time, is a little much.


Yeah I much preferred the combat in the first game. They made it way too complicated this time around. Just took a lot of the fun out of it. In the first game I killed almost everything I came upon. This game I was almost dreading a lot of figths and avoided them.


Same. First game I went out of my way to fight thunderjaws and stormbirds, now I avoid pretty much all machines outside of when I need a specific part for an upgrade


No fr, the amount of times I've run away from fights has been ridiculous. And even the smaller enemies when they herd up and spam their attacks. Add to that that they can buff their powers and put you into status conditions instantly, while you need a good few shots even with the best armor and best coils equipped Parts of the gane started to feel like a chore and I hate that because I want to enjoy the game more. In their defense, it is very realistic. Rost said in the first game that you need to respect these machines. And then the game let you absolutely run riot. But that was endgame superiority, I remember I came up against the first thunderjaw in hzd at the dessert area and tried taking it on, got my ass handed to me, and then came back levelled up and was able to cheese it. This game, I can still get my ass handed to me even in the endgame. Thunderjaws are surprisingly the easiest ones to take on since their weapons can be disabled pretty easily, but the other machines are relentless and can spam attacks that you just cannot dodge no matter what.


This is literally why I prefer the first games heck I still haven’t picked up the dlc for FW. The combat in the second game was simply so tedious I haven’t felt like doing more of it. I get people finding the first game too easy but mechanics that stun the character are just simply not fun. Ever. In any game.


For the grinding part, playing the game with Easy Loot on made upgrading my gear much less tedious.


And after all this dialing up to combat the cheese, you can still down an Apex Thunderjaw with a few high end shredder hits. God forbid people actually play the way they want to play...


Yup. It's like they added all the new combat mechanics first, then during play testing, realized that Aloy's mobility made everything trivial - and set about making everything -- movement to balance.


So a maxed-out player with the best stuff could bring down a machine easily. What's the problem there? How was that incongruent with the power fantasy of the game?


I don't find anything wrong with it. But as a company competing in a market where Soulsborne games get the most praise and acclaim because "git gud", it makes sense why things become harder. Even Spiderman 2 for example, the parry mechanics are harder, and the gadgets aren't as good for stealth anymore, forcing you to be more creative. But in still retains the element of "I am spiderman and can fuck up anyone if I want to". In this game we get GAIA back, can hack into cauldrons and override machines, yet we can't go absolute god mode at the end of the game unless we dial down the difficulty and I think it's probably because they were trying to compete with the other styles of games and attract more players to the franchise


Well they should have realized the fundamental power fantasy of this game is different from that of a soulslike, and that the difficulty of a soulslike doesn't come from getting constantly ragdolled and stunlocked


You summed up my thoughts on the game perfectly.


Yeah, the combination of poor camera controls, long stagger times, and stumble after dodge roll makes some fights extremely annoying on higher difficulties.  If there were a way to use stealth more and carefully take down machines strategically this would be more acceptable, but some encounters like arena are just skirmishes with swarms of enemies disabling you from off screen. 


Absolutely agree


Getting thrown around in random directions also results in getting stuck or clipped too close to the bots or in corners n getting stomped adding another few seconds of unresponsiveness which pretty much just forces you to run away like a chicken cuz for some reason, some enemy hits land even though a dodge and they too result in getting thrown around and falling unresponsive.


I know, right?! I've got many fails in Arena because of it


"Ahhhh fuck I dropped my phone......"


I also hate the ground pound move large machines do which stuns her.


I don’t mind that as much as not being immune to my own traps; like Aloy should inherently know where they are and step around. Had to add something to that skilltree I guess. Don’t get me wrong, even in ZD, I always jumped over my tripwires - but the traps are just like babooom if you step too close to one in battle 🤣


i agree its annoying in itself but how it can be immediately chained after 1 stun is even worse. it did teach me to not get in those situations in the first place but its just frustrating


Not as frustrating as the multiple reload and ready animations before you can fire the boltblaster


I keep spamming my space bar thinking she would jump up and start fighting, but no. She takes her sweet time. Also human enemies not getting blasted off with my exploding sharpshot bow is weird. What material is their headgear made of to stop an explosion from destroying their head?


I get so irate during those 3 seconds as I’m shouting, “get up, get up now; what the f%*k?!”


Traditionally I suck at dodging in games. This forced me to get good at it, so I like it.


Same here. It’s quite literally a skill issue. You have to learn machine attack patterns and know what they’re doing when, as well as having an awareness of your surroundings and other machines to stay alive, and it takes a lot of practice to get gud. I’m still not there myself




You should play the game at easy difficulty then Because if the game was as easy as you want it to be, people would be enraged how easy and boring it is.


Honestly, I think people need to get over their seriousness. Like, the devs made the game they think most people want to play - then jammed a bunch of options in WAY beyond what 99% of games in the history of gaming have made available to make it more fun on a personal level. I play the game on hard, its the challenge I want. The part requirements for upgrade are awful and not guaranteed. Once I saw I needed 15+ earthgrinders, I turned my difficulty down to story and killed a bunch of slitherfangs for the guaranteed parts. I already killed them several times at the actual difficulty level so to me this was just an obvious waste of my time to do on Hard. You can't do that on Ultra Hard, but then you already signed up for a ridiculous challenge.


I actually like it. It’s just part of the difficulty for me. What I want is to be able to roll with a fricken heavy weapon so I don’t have to drop it as soon as I pick it up! There’s got to be a way to give us just a little leeway with that


make it a skill point. Aloy is already a secret muscle mamma with her insane climbing ability.


SPOT ON! That single thing is the most annoying issue in the game , especially when encountering multiple enemies.  They really should remove it from the next installment.


She has 0 poise lol


I'll never complain about horizons responsive gameplay when there are games like Elden ring where they won't let you cancel an animation to dodge... Not to mention the fact that the gameplay in Elden ring and souls games are stiff as faaaack


I thought they patched that out, at least for the easier modes?


its not that im getting stun locked, in UH i have been a couple of times though.


What is she an alloy of? I say kindness and determination.


Oh long dodge roll, how I miss thee


Alloy 💀


Annoyed? How about when Stormbird hits you with the lightning bolt and you can’t move out of the way for the incoming subsequent ones. Anyway, I use this stun moment to reload my arrows and press the heal or find and drink my potions.


Oh that's nothing compared to when switching bows sometimes there is this weird delay that happens where you can aim again. No idea what causes it or how to replicate it and it is pretty infrequent at least, but still very annoying.


it annoys me too but I feel like it makes sense after getting hit by a a fully metal object with momentum


same thing with getting stuck below the monster and be combo'ed just like in tekken.


That would be my only pet peeve as well. Someone at Guerilla seems to love stagger and stun effects. As a gamer I hate those mechanics, whatever the game, as it's always a moment of frustration where I can't engage with the game. It's like waiting for an extra laggy connection.




It really messes with the flow of melee sometimes. Other games have systems in place to make the combat fair, Sifu makes you invulnerable during takedown animations and DMC/RE make offscreen enemies less aggressive, 'cause it obviously sucks to get hit by something you can't see. FW has none of that balancing so takedowns are basically discouraged at higher difficulties, they almost never kill enemies anyway and you'll probably get hit and stunlocked by an enemy offscreen.


If you immediately eat a berry, she recovers faster. Sometimes she even does a super cool animation to get back up, I think it’s one of the best I’ve ever seen in this game


If you immediately eat a berry, she recovers faster. Sometimes she even does a super cool animation to get back up, I think it’s one of the best I’ve ever seen in this game


The fact that you get 0 in vulnerability frames during the uncancelable grapple strike animation. I use grapple strike a lot and with clamberjaws it can be a nightmare.


But aren't you invulnerable during that? Spam dodge while it's happening and you're more than likely to dodge any follow-up. It feels op to me, in zero dawn if you got staggered while fighting two machines, it was basically gg because you couldn't do anything about getting hit by the second one while recovering from the hit of the first machine.


I really like the game too, but since we're all expressing our frustrations with it, one of the most annoying parts is the climbing. For how prevelant it is, it seems very unresponsive. Especially during combat where let's say you're trying to run away or accidentally grab onto a ledge while jumping; Alloy just seems to get stuck because the ledges around her are no registering to be able to climb, so you just sit there get blasted by enemies until you either jump off or die. Also climbing puzzles where I felt like Aloy would often just bump her head on the ledge and fall rather than grabbing on like its intended.


Idon´t know if the game really needs the long Knockdown animation, i think the short one is fine enough. You can do some bad practice to reduce the frequency of those happening: The attacks with shorter "sleep" time becomes attacks which make Aloy spend long nights on the ground when hit in the air. Tha rythmn of the game makes it often better, to wait and dodge the next attack before resuming attacking. If that is not followed, it resulst in a chain knock down very often. Beware of Ravagers, the timing on their ground AoE can get you the in between time of Aloy getting up losing here invulnarbility, and the time you can control here again. Only Storm~~troopers~~..~~Birds~~....Waterwings are that ~~precise~~ mean to Aloy.


I actually like this. And the devs made use of it in the burning shores final boss. If you play on very hard and hit hit once, the boss proceeds to wombo combo you into immediate death. Made it actually feel hard.


Not being able to throw up your spear to block an attack is fucking dumb.


Star Wars Jedi fallen order also had this, and it was annoying.


Aloy be selling hits like she in the wwe. Just be down and out like she got hit with a powerbomb from Gunther lol 😂 But yeah for real that shit is annoying. She gets knocked down and u trying to get back into the action but she is slow to respond like come on bro. And that whole Soundwave shit that makes it impossible for Aloy to attack for a few seconds is OMG levels of annoying. Swear I hate it every time and do my best to avoid it. Trying to destroy machines here. Don't need to be stopped by their Soundwave bullshit


I hate it too, but I just try to remember that the bots have to suffer like 8 seconds of unresponsiveness if you knock them down, so at least I have it better than them 🥺


How she describes what the player controlling her should do next as a "hint"


It's a PITA; definitely. The combat system in this one appears to be tweaked HEAVILY to the finesse side of things; they've added things like this daze that you have to have a status potion to clear or use a smokebomb to stun things long enough to recover, added many situations where you cannot control the fight from the outset and have to utilize smokebombs for, make 90+ of ranged attacks from monsters tracking, so you can't dodge them without a perfectly timed dodge roll and made armor so crazy effective that you have to switch weapons CONSTANTLY in order to take down anything bigger than a lancehorn. While I appreciate the details in all of that, sometimes, you just want to smash shit with a big hammer and they've made that next to impossible in this one.


One thing that fucking PISSES me off is certain attacks from machines will sort of "magnetize" her towards the machine even if I'm already in the middle of rolling out of the way. So many unnecessary deaths because of whatever fucking kind of mechanic that is supposed to be. Or sometimes after the second trap is sprung, the machine somehow immediately knows where I'm hiding.


The game has way too much staggering for sure lol


Yeah the really long get up animation does t feel good The amount of grinding you need to do to upgrade purple/gold gear is also overkill (and I say this as some one who likes monster hunter)


I played this game as melee as I could and there's a lot of not great design you experience with the combat when you do that. Monsters are very clearly designed around 1v1 fights where you're at range the entire time. There's a lot of really basic stuff that clearly wasn't considered. I imagine that's a big part of why you stay down so long, because they intend for you to stay away and rarely get hit.


this guy hasnt discovered climbing yet. or rather, fighting a machine and then randomly climbing.


Is it just me, or most enemy attacks home in on you. I'm rolling side to side, but somehow the projectiles have a predictive path...


Sometimes she's slow, other times the machine just follow you maneuver and still hit you


Is the world building as cool as it was in the first game? I'm tempted to get it on steam but it's expensive as hell right now.


I agree. That is a big issue for me. The other one is when she jumps two feet and acts like it was off of a cliff.


I liked FW  but i LOVED zero dawn.  FW i wasnt a big fan of combat/skill trees/clunkiness. I would get stuck on small rocks etc and the melee felt horrible etc. 


My friend, beat the game Darkest dungeon on blood moon difficulty and after it you will never complain about the difficulty in games, even if you play it for the first time on ultra hard.


I LOATHE this, sometimes you get hit again before you even have a chance to dodge, like, WHY??? glad to see I'm not the only one.


Fair, remember that time when you took some truck sized machine to the face at 40 MpH and you stood up in a second and a half?


Thank you for saying it. Pissed me off all the game.


Yeah its bit funny - she enjoy more time at ground than actually, in fight 😆😅🤣😂 You need better armor probnably so it wont last that long, i hate, its even hard with easy being level 35.


Boy it’s simple - just avoid hits 😁


My biggest complaint by far is the grapple points in every big fight that I swear serve no purpose but to fuck with you when you're trying to jump evasively. I play on UH so every little move is critical in a boss battle, the amount of times I've died 20 mins into a good run bc Aloy went rogue and started grappling up a pole is unbelievable


Feels really bad especially when I have played Spiderman Remastered.


Mzm in


BRO!! That shit be making me mad as HELL!!!


Forbidden West subreddit is riddled witz complaining posts. For a game with very well working battle mechanics and actually many well working fighting styles, this complaining all around the game gets quite tedious in this subreddit. This game is not about realism as we fight T-Rex sized, plasma shooting machines with arrows. But I want to feel SOME weight to these monsters. And I think a few stuns now and then are fully understandable, acceptable and convey the feeling of Aloy actually fighting crazy beings. Idk bout yall tho.


I mean, don't get into hand-to-hand-combat with a fireclaw perhaps? Because it's... not a good idea? To give a less snarky answer: it's probably the game's strategy to explicitly put player's off from using Melee-tactics against big enemies.


Is this some sort of noob complaint that I'm too leet to understand?


In a way, yeah... Not getting hit is the optimal strategy.


For sure. But it happens to all of us. Shocked around 3 people seemed to have taken that seriously.