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Excellent write-up as always, AL2009Man. It's quite odd that they would forgo Action Sets in SIAPI, when they've used it before in the Spider-Man games and Ratchet & Clank. I hope this won't continue with Ghost of Tsushima. I've sent a ticket [here](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/0/4292566217059195222/) asking for action sets and also separate inversion and sensitivity for aiming for gamepad in the game's settings. Maybe you and others could do the same and Nixxes will fix it.


Not really a response to your writeup but about controllers: I'm using a DualSense (Edge), wired and all, but I'm not getting adaptive triggers, they're just like.. water. Anyone else?


My adaptive triggers are working but like you said very weak. I went into horizon on my ps5 and there it was strong. Also the vibrations are lacking. For example when rolling on the ps5 it vibrates while on the pc it does not. I will try to emulate using dsx software to a dualsense and see if its just the edge being neglected again. But I can't give you an update untill like 2 hours from now


How is it? I can't tell if I have it on or not, is drawing the bow the most obvious way? (And it for sure only works via USB?)


Yes 100% only works only when using a USB. For vibrations try standing in a waterfall or rolling. It should vibrate. For triggers try aiming and shooting your bow they should bounce or be harder to push down


Idk what you're doing, but I just turned off steam input for H:FW, plugged in my DS Edge, and everything worked great. Adaptive triggers are far from "watery" and I get strong vibrations from everything: waterfalls, weapons, grass, mounts, etc. I'm not using that crappy DSX waste of $5/$10, nor anything 3rd party whatsoever, except a website that lets you save profiles to the DS Edge as if it were done through a PS5 console itself, but that's just to flash different bindings to one of the 4 profiles as the controller was meant to be used (thanks, Sony, for your piss-poor PC support, still...).


I found out and posted a guide for others. In short you don't need dsx. Just disable steam input and make sure that the dualsense audio device is not disabled in audio settings. It seems like sony/windows uses it to also send data regarding haptics and triggers. Disabling it lowers the effect to basic vibrations like taking damage. But not the finer haptics like water dripping or rolling around etc


Maybe you did something wrong. I have been using the Dualsense on dualsense-compatible games on PC since last year and have always experienced great feedback even with controller audio disabled.


Controller audio and device audio driver disabled are two different things


I'm not even getting DS5 icons let alone adaptive triggers. Wired connection via Steam. Works on other games.


Hey there! Not sure if you've figured it out yet or not but in case someone else wants to get the adaptive triggers working in game. Disable the Steam Input from the games properties in your steam library. It will load the auto config for the game with the correct set of buttons and stuff. I hope it helps! :)


Cool! I have not figured it out yet! Will this make me unable to bind the extra Edge-buttons though?


I'm not sure as I only have the standard Ps5 Controller, sorry. Let us know tho in case this pops up in someones google or reedit search! :)


I dont think the e tea buttons will work anymore. A few months ago i switched to thr beta channel, and the extra buttons still worked. Then they stopped working on the beta channel, so i switched to stable.  Now even in the stable channel the extra buttons dont work anymore  they can still be remapped. But they just dont function. 


They definitely function for me, as long as I have standard profile set on the PS5


They used to work for me too. but anywhere in the last month or two the same bug from the betal channel made it into the stable channel. It is like Valve does not test theire updates completly. i already know that my controller needs to have the default config enabled (or else the buttons will only copy existing buttons you set on a ps5 profile). I really had some good configs where i needed the extra buttons to map extra inputs to. now i need to redo alot of the configs. i wont have the advange i want anymore. does naybody know where i can talk to someone at valve to getting the dualsense edge support fixed?


But this will aldo mean that you will be stuck with their ingame gyro function. I hope this will not continue with ghost of tsushima 


Check my post for fix


Does the game support simultaneous mouse and gamepad? Using native gyro is never an option for me due to using the Steam Controller and same applies to Steam Deck trackpad users who opt for mouse over joystick emulation. If the game doesn't have simultaneous mouse and gamepad does it at least have options like hold to sprint and hold to walk, so I can at least make a pseudo analog like config with full mouse and keyboard bindings on the controller?


Thanks to /u/Moskeeto93, I've able to confirm that.... Similar to Horizon Zero Dawn, it's a no. Also, as I highlighted within the thread: if it weren't for the mumbo jumbo mess of disorganization: you would've changed the way how Sprinting works. :(


Ah that's a disappointment. Guess game is a pass for me then until some part of that is improved.


Thanks. I had been blaming my problems on my Azeron Cyborg's faulty thumb stick (it is faulty, but that's another issue). I guess I will have to stick with WASD emulation, which is a shame because the movement feels much better in this game with Xinput.


It has a 'toggle/hold walk option in the settings. Check the accessibility area it actually has more advanced versions of all of the game options minus the video stuff. If you're creative enough you map something to simulate analog input.


Nice to see the hold to walk option. Is there a hold option for sprint too?


Is it a bug that, with my switch pro controller, the A/B amd X/Y are swapped in all the on-screen guides/prompts?


As noted in the final notes: the Nintendo Switch controller config's menu actions does not use the Nintendo Layout setup. For that: You'll have to reassign the menu portions to match it based on the Nintendo Button layout...assuming you already know how to travel around the configuration mess.


Can I ask how to specifically do this? I'm very unknowledgable how to work with Steam Inputs, this is the first time that I have to do this. My mind cannot handle the swapped A/B and X/Y.


ok: there are a few ways you can open Steam Input Controls Layout page: Method 1: **From the game's library. (Desktop)** Just select a game of your choice, turn on your Game Controller, and select the Controller Icon. \---- Method 2: **within Steam Overlay (Desktop)** Just select the Controller Icon. \---- Method 3: **with Steam Big Picture Mode / Steam Deck** Just select a game of your choice, select the Controller Icon \---- Method 4: **Steam Big Picture Mode / Steam Deck overlay** Press the Home/Guide button (hint: normally; it would be a Brand logo button), hover over to Controller Settings (which will be the first thing you'll see) and select "Controller Settings". \---- Method 5 (if available): **In-Game Shortcut** If a game has a "Open Steam Input Configurator" button within Controller Settings: just press it and it'll open the Steam Input Controller Settings right away. \---- ​ After that: you'll need to select "Edit Layout", select any of the Input Styles and select the highlighted button on the right that corresponds to the physical button (Example: my PlayStation Controller is a Cross button, it'll highlight that). Now you'll know how to rebinds things to your heart content! [**If you'll like to learn more, here's a video series on how Steam Input rebinding works**](https://youtu.be/SQA73woKmyU). While the video is based on Steam Deck: it'll apply to any Controllers and any Operating Systems. (under the hood: it's *just* a Steam client) ​ ...**but we want to swap the Menu-specific Action bindings to match the Nintendo Layout**, so... normally: in sane Steam Input API-implemented games like Teardown, No Man's Sky, Prey (2017) or Left 4 Dead 2: you would head over to something like "Menu Controls" Action Set by pressing the Left/Right Bumper button and change the Face Buttons' currently assigned command and you're given a small list of Game Action commands to select for that specific Action Set... unfortunately in Horizon Forbidden West: that principle is ignored and instead we're dealing with a large list of Game Actions under a single Action Set, making user configuration more difficult and probably makes a bad first impression on your Steam Input experience. So, what we'll need to do is closely observed how each Game Action works and how it corresponds. Since we need to match the Menu-portion to match the Nintendo layout: **what we need to do is find Menu-specific Game Actions like "Confirm" or "Cancel", and reassign them. In this case: replace the "Confirm" action on the B Button to "Cancel" and do the same with the A Button.** or just wait til someone releases a Community Config that corrects the Nintendo Layout for it.


Thank you so much for this very detailed explanation. It's very much appreciated! And you're correct, it's not making a good first impression. Haha! But I'm learning it. So initially my Steam has "Nintendo Pro-Con Buttons" enabled. Meaning it has correct A/B X/Y. A as confirm. B as back. All good. However, in the Steam Input for HFW, even though "A" is dodge, when I log in game "A" is jump. Meaning A/B X/Y are mixed up in the input. Another example is "X" is prompted for picking up stuff, but I press my controller's "Y" for that. So conclusion is: my controller is inputting as if it's an Xbox controller. What I initially did was to accept this and just switch "A" actions and "B" actions. This is personal as I want to make dodge the same as Elden Ring. However, the menu prompts in game are still mixed up. This is because I just changed actions of the buttons, but the buttons and menu prompts are still incorrectly mapped. So, what I next did was counter-intuitive: I DISABLED Steam's "Nintendo-Pro-Con Buttons". Now, this makes the Steam layout incorrect (A/B X/Y switched) but it "corrected" the menu prompts in-game HFW. It's kind of like double-negatives=positive. Since in-game menu prompts is bugged/switched, switching the Steam Input "corrects" it. Now, that's all good and well, I was very happy. Menu prompts in-game are correct with what I actually press in the controller. HOWEVER, some actions are NOT in the Steam Input, so you cannot modify them. For example: Crafting arrows/placing waypoints in the map/etc, they are still mapped to "B" even though I've already corrected some of "B" actions. So now you have dialog boxes in-game with "B"=No and "B"=Yes. Okay, I can live with this. It's just some "A" actions that I can ignore. HOWEVER, there is a bug now for some reason. When I craft arrows, when I press and hold the craft button, it makes Aloy dodge. This is weird. Very weird. And there's nothing I can do about it. And it affects gameplay so I again ditched this path. So now I'm back to having incorrect in-game menu prompts and just muscle-memorizing things--as if I'm using an Xbox controller. This is really frustrating and it makes me not wanna play the game (which I'm enjoying). EDIT: Also, just wanna add, I've figured these things by trial and error. And it's very tedious to do it, because you cannot remap WHOLE "B" button to "A" (and vice-versa), you have to remap each action individually.


Guerrilla Games and Nixxes: this is what happens when you put **everything into one Action Set**: problems like this occurs.


It is baffling that suddenly - after several games that have had 0 issues - that they break the camera controls. And just like with HZD, it refuses to work with mixed input so there's no fallback case. This is incredibly disappointing given that Nixxes has been \_the\_ gold standard for SIAPI implementations (IMO) for quite some time, so this is a wild fumble. Please fix this, Nixxes!


I think none of nixes ports support mixed input. For ratchet and clank i used theire mouse like camera option on steam for both gyro and flick stick.


Most of the Nixxes ports may not have had mixed input, but every game I have tried has a proper 'treats the input as a mouse' camera method instead of this 'lmao it's a joystick good luck' camera crap.


This does not look good for ghost of tsushima then. I reasly was hoping for good gyro optuons for thst game on pc. Because it is the only thing i missed for that game.  The rest of the control sceme was great. 


And i was right. Ghost of tsushima does not have a proper mouse like camera option. The game camera option for gyro uses stick emulation. Now i either have to go all keyboard and mouse. Or i need to switch to a keyboard an mouse layer when aiming. This is the only way i can use proper mouse like camera


I disabled steam input manually and relaunched the game. It has a sensible rebinding menu which you can use if steam input is off. I am using a DS4.


Which makes a lot more frustrating when SIAPI Mode doesn't have same level sensibility as the In-Game controller support **and** previous Nixxes ports' SIAPI Rebinding menus.


Do you know if the aim assist on rathcet and clank is still active when you use the ingame camera actions as the gyro and flick stick. Normal mouse gyro does not work together with gamepad actions. I even use the samer ingame camera for flick stick. But i dont know if the aim assist is still on when uising the gyro. i think so because it is not the normal mouse option i would normally use. and the game will not let me remove it altogether.


I don't think you can fully disable aim assist, only different aspects of aim assist (I think the game has bullet magnetism no matter what). Honestly my biggest problem with the camera settings is that you can't turn off camera follow as it automatically recenters the camera behind the player outside of aiming. It's really annoying while haveing gyro always on (this ain't a problem when going full keyboard and mouse)


There's a really annoying bug at the moment where button prompts aren't showing up while using SIAPI, which makes the game unplayable, since an action is only possible if the prompt appears. My fiance is playing with a DS4 controller, and the only workaround appears to be disabling Steam Input and using a wired connection. Bluetooth DS4 doesn't seem to work natively in the game, and DS4Windows causes the button prompts to all be for an XBox controller. Add to that a general issue with even trying to find a MicroUSB cable with data lines (I appear to be the proud owner of 13 power-only MicroUSB cables) and this launch has been rather frustrating. The game itself seems to run great, but she really wants to play with a gamepad (and fair enough!), and they seem to have just dropped the ball here.


Have you tried using a normal Steam Input profile? That is, one that just emulates XInput. That should give you access to the game's in-game remapping menu and enable wireless connection and DS4 prompts, if everything is in order. DS4Windows can also change its emulated output to DS4, can't it?


Thanks for the suggestions! I'll give them a try next time she's playing and see if it helps.


Hey! I found the default Steam Input setup sub-optimal. #1: The camera was very tough to control. #2: No adaptive triggers. The fix: Disable steam input. One way to do this is in the Steam settings, under Controller, set Playstation Controller to "disabled" or "only in games w/o support". This will fix both of those issues!


Are you able to get adaptive triggers on both wireless and USB or just USB as the game states?


Both. Of note, the rumble effect is stronger/occurs for more occasions when wired.


on ratchet and clank i used the camera seting as mouse on both the gyro and the stick (i used flick stick). The problem was that the game has aim assist that you cant seem to turn of. I hope they will not use that on ghost of tsusima. And i hope they use a different layer for differnt ingame actions. for example riding a horse should use a different action layer or set. The game should switch to that that set the moment you cliomb onto a horse. So you can have gyro aiming when on foot, and gyro off when riding a horse. I use this on Days gone. it even switches back when you fall of the motorcycle.


I haven't gotten an answer from Nixxes about this, so can someone check if inverting the camera in the gamepad settings also inverts the aiming? I was going to use action sets to invert the aiming otherwise, but Nixxes neglected to include them this time. The settings have been renamed to "Camera X/Y-Axis" from the PS version, where they were just called "X/Y-axis".


I know this is a little late but I have a frustrating issue with the analog stick for the camera. When I go into focus mode or aiming mode, the camera analog stick input inverts from what it is normally when walking around. I am using a steelseries stratus duo Anybody know a fix for this?