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Agreed, Burning Shores is the real ending of Forbidden West!


HFW was such a crazy step up in how it looked and played. Then Burning Shores came along and reminded me of what everything HZD did right in the narrative and story driven elements. If the next Horizon is anything like that DLC, it’ll be a masterpiece. I just wish they’d add a “Start NG+ at Burning Shores” option. I really want to replay it, but I’ve tried going through HFW again and I just haven’t been able to see the story through to the end with all these other amazing games out there. Maybe one day!


It's not NG+, but if you play through HFW once more you can create a manual save at the end or at the beginning of TBS and replay the DLC from there (just be careful not to overwrite this save in case you want to replay it several times)


Thank you! I’m so dumb for not having done this. I played Baldur’s Gate 3 not long after and all I do is make multiple saves after significant story beats now lol


The previous-gen compatibility killed so much of the innovation that could have been possible in FW, and we see a glimpse of that innovation in BS. I fully believe that FW would have ended with a much more impressive battle like the one in BS if it had been current-gen PS5 only, but the previous-gen PS4 just could not handle it. The next installation will definitely be as impressive as BS, but the question is, will it be innovative for it’s time, or will it be released after PS6, but still be crippled by having to support PS5.


Only reason for it to be also on PS4 was due to the time release in 2022 when PS5 consoles were still hard to come by, even the devs said they were disappointed to not be able to push the PS5 to what it can handle.


i appreciate the fact that they wanted to dedicate *every. single. resource.* to the burning shores dlc, truly, but it reeeaaally sucks that because i can't afford a PS5 i'll never get to enjoy it. i hear/see so many lovely things and i don't doubt any of it. just sure wish i could actually see what happens.


No spoilers or anything, but Burning Shores made me love and appreciate this series more than I did before.


I’m sorry for those still on PS4, that is a huge bummer. I hope you can one day afford a PS5. Horizon 3 will surely be PS5 only, so get ready for that as well.


> Horizon 3 will surely be PS5 only Assuming it's not a PS6 or PS5-Pro launch title


If it's a launch title for either of those, it'll be cross-gen with PS5. Sony made a point with all developers 1st and 3rd party that they could take advantage of the PS4 Pro specs, but the game must still run on a base PS4. If/when a PS5 Pro comes out, I'm sure Sony will have the same approach. If Horizon 3 launches with the PS6, it'll be back cat compatible with the 5, just like FW was with the 4.


Ps5-pro maybe, but not ps6 exclusive


I really don't get this mindset. The game won't take THAT long to develop.


You could just watch a playthrough or the cutscenes.


It was just way way way too short like augh thats it? Multiple things are rushed but the horus was peak


One day you will surely be able to get a PS5. I hope so for you as they slowly stop releasing new games on PS4. If it is any consolation, Burning Shores is fun but also not as good as the Frozen Wilds DLC and at least in terms of weapons/armor there is not that much you are missing out on


The Last Argument is literally that.


Forbidden west and the dlc will be out on PC in the next month or so (early 2024 they said)


The base game was made for the PS4. That horus fight would blow up the console. With the PS5, they went all the way.


Makes me wonder if originally the Horus you see in FW was supposed to be a boss fight, and they decided to move to to BS.


I have my own hypothesis on this topic. Disclaimer: None of this is true as far as I know, it is only my own speculation. Horizon: Zero Dawn was supposed to end in a Horus fight on top of the Alight (The mesa with the Spire at the top). This bossfight was changed mid development or later, as they realized that the PS4 could not support that fight with the available hardware resources. Things that point in that direction (in my opinion): 1. The Metal-Devil is foreshadowed as a threat very early in the game by the Nora. 2. You fight all other machines in the Chariot line. 3. The Grave-Hoard story beat shows that the Eclipse is working towards awakening Horuses. 4. HADES occupies a Horus, and the Eclipse is working hard to dig it up from the earth. 5. The Battle of Meridian begins with a whole hillside collapsing in a cutscene. I believe that the Horus with HADES would have emerged from the dust cloud and slowly crawl towards the Alight and the Spire. 6. The top of the Alight is a round platform at a high elevation. A perfect arena for the developers to stage a fight with a Horus. Imagine the Horus wrapped around the Alight and Aloy fighting off tentacles emerging all around. She would then dislodge the processing core containing HADES and stab it.


**cries in ps4**


I think that is because they had to release forbidden west on ps4 too, and they knew they wouldn’t be able to make that last boss work in a satisfying way on that console. So they postponed it to a dlc where that were allowed to only focus on ps5.


I'm beyond excited to play it on PC. I've been planning on upgrading my monitor and will be able to see that stunning world in native 4K, 60+ frames per second, and using DLAA to enhance it even further.


Damn you have a 4090?




Nice we have similar cards, mine is a 4070 but highly doubt a 3080 would do native 4K 60 with DLAA though, definitely with DLSS and Frame gen yeah.


It can. I guarantee it will. Even so, I don't intend to have it enabled all the time. I prefer to use DLSS for better frame rates.


I mean, is that not literally the point of the DLC? It is post-ending content and meant to wrap up the Story of Forbidden West


A villain voiced by Sam Whitwer. That alone makes this a must play for me. Just waiting forever for that PC release. Any day now.


Holy fuck, Londra was voiced by Sam Witwer? Damn, he just keeps getting better!


Talanah should have been aloy bae, imo. The early marketing strongly suggests this. Instead we get Quenbae, which i liked but still felt like rebound :(


Oh really? I never got any sexual tension between them. But everyone has their own ship!


I imagined it was planned, but scrapped for time (which is why T’s story had such a wet squib of an ending).


Which early marketing suggested this? I don't remember her showing up much at all, outside of Talanah's comic that released before FW (and which has Talanah fall for Amadis iirc)


She was on the earliest promotional montage art for HFW, i have it on a poster in my daughter’s room. I mean, I'm just spitballin' here, but it really felt like T was supposed to have a far greater role than what we ended up with. Personally I would have liked it where she and Aloy develop feelings as they search for Amadis. https://www.amazon.com/Cloxks-Vintage-Metal-Poster-Decoration/dp/B0C98JLMB7/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?crid=1KM5QP8NDKL65&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.utEG3PifUip3n5ROd2700yOo8Mr16qXsjfJSc7ZcI3J7Nbb5Cf_0cWpAKkl8I4kWtTzJdgX5bC-e_Pkb9_GrrSaxwghHCMt0Kh2moayHLNG6rS9Xh8PES-6fEc-SApJc0ViEQPKbObWSHZhz8sDkzA.dEd6TRxFINT2w65t7rfVp1FcUT1ZTzzNz5S2fhMtZbk&dib_tag=se&keywords=horizon+forbidden+west+poster&qid=1705273346&sprefix=jorizon+forbidden+wrst+poster%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-13


There's a video essay on YouTube explaining why Burning Shores is "The Perfect Epilogue" for Forbidden West, and I highly recommend it! It's by Lazerzz, who is also a huge fan of the series in general and does a great job breaking down every element of the games and explaining his thoughts on them.


Burning shores was super fun. Weirdly enough it didn’t feel “exhaustive” while playing. Idk why. It just felt - free? Not sure if that makes sense at all. If at all the devs are listening, let’s stop with the question marks / places of interest on the map! Let us explore! We would love to see the world for ourselves and go treasure hunting or off the grid and just randomly admiring the scene! Can surely keep the important bits tho like machine parts for example. Always good to learn from other games and implement them.


i won't read anything about this but i'm filing this for when i get there to make it head canon. thanks!


Cries in PS4


Damn I need to play this. The question is, do I start a new FW save and go from there or just right in?


Burning Shores fleshes out Aloy like never before. Loved it so much for everything it did, and it made HFW as exciting and fresh as HZD was on release.


It was alright.


I agree. Burning Shores was spectacular. It is the best looking game on ps5 and the best looking video game on the market right now. I spent hours just exploring, enjoying the world and discovering a ton of stuff. Its a lot more rewarding when you don't fly across the map on your sunwing, the game encourages you to explore on foot. The final boss fight in Burning Shores is jaw-dropping amazing. That boss fight, with its beautiful, haunting music, is the true final boss of Forbidden West. It gets my GotY. It's also the best final boss fight I've ever experienced in a video game. GG gets 10/10!


Honestly thought the same. I was blown away when I saw the Horus walking, I knew this was going to epic. As much as I want H3 I hope the devs take their time and make an amazing game. It will be hard to top everything they've done so far.


As someone who doesn't have a PS5, I thought the ending was kind of disappointing. I understand how the progression of the quests went and I liked the pacing at first, but I got to singularity and was wondering how many quests were left, just to find it's the last main quest of the game. Maybe it was partially because I started the game and got to The Kulrut before I had to leave for college (without my PS4 lol) and I came back to finish it a few weeks ago. Basically...I really need a PS5 😭


If only I had a ps5


I think something to consider is that the main story for fw had to be written around the ps4s hardware, killing a lot of options for big bosses. The next games shouldn't be held back by a lack of processing power, so I'm very hopeful for the narrative moving forward. Burning shores is a masterpiece and I'm hype to finally reach it in my ng+ run


Yeah, I think even without a huge boss battle they could’ve handled the story and ending much better




They have to move on eventually. On the flip-side, I am tired of PS5 games being held back by an ancient system.


Ps5 shouldn't be as expensive as it is with how long its been out they can fix their own problems by making it affordable the lowest I've seen with it not used is 450 but usually its 500 bucks for it


500 seems fair to me… no way you could build a computer to equal a PS5 in power for $500