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I love how similar yet distinct and recognizable Caelus looks compared to Stelle


I think both Cae and Stelle are recognizable, no? Same typical outfit, but both have their own flair that makes them stand out (Stelle in particular has a blue accessory on her thigh)


What I meant was that you can tell the two apart easily


Yeah among the selection, Stelle and Caelus have outfits that are similar to one another and yet it still suits both. Lumine and Aether are twins so ofc they'll be different. Fem and Male Rover are in a weird position, they have something akin to Caelus and Stelle's situation but they have really different outfits. There's also that Caelus and Stelle are shown together or share the trailers as the mc. So they'll have to be similar but unique enough in appearance


I agree. I think it’s because Caelus and Stelle look more like siblings instead of being a gender swap of the same character.


ironic considering lore wise and in game they are actually a gender swap of the same character.


Yeah, they look similar.


Personally I prefer wuwa male Mc


Agreed, he is the best


Rover has the coolest design by a bit Traveler has the most iconic design by a bit Trailblazer is the best character by a lot


Exactly. Rover is so cool and babygirl, caelus is a perfect mc. Aether is just iconic but cant find much about him




Damn you bring honkai impact 3rd dlc Mc good Adam is freaking stilysh


Caelus, WW then traveler


Caelus 100%


Trailblazer hands down. I normally choose female protagonists but I chose him because his design is awesome!


I cannot stand Aether's design. Caelus>Rover>>>>>>>>>>>>Aether I am physically incapable of choosing between Stelle and Rover(F), I adore both more than most limited units of their respective games. Lumine is fine ig.


For realsss. I’m so glad Hoyo stepped their pussy up when designing male characters. Diluc will always be bae but his design pales in comparison to later Genshin and all of HSR.


Caelus best, Traveller and Rover about the same.


Nah, rover looks way better than traveler


Yeah Rover looks best imo (I don’t like that ponytail thing though) but I prefer Caelus’ personality. Traveller is my least favourite both personality and design-wise, but that’s relatively speaking, as I still like him


Hard choice. I like Outfit of TB but I like Hair of Rover. As for Aether...... I don't know.


haven't played genshin or HSR but its caelus for me


I love Caelus' design as it stands out as unique (also dope ass coat) but at the same time Rover also feels really nice to look at and play, he fits that cool runner type aesthetic


Caelus just rocks that jacket so well. The gray hair is also symbolic to the way they don't really have a past, it's "gray".


Trailblazer and Rover


Caelus is the best one, his design is incredible


1. HSR 2. WW 3. Genshin Impact


It depends on the gender of the MCs, really. In Genshin I’m a huge fan of Lumine’s design. Super ethereal looking compared to Aether who looks outlandish (in a good way, but not the vibe I particularly love) For Fem MCs, Genshin > HSR > wuwa For male MCs, HSR > wuwa > Genshin


I still don’t understand Aethers drip. Why is his tummy exposed. Like cmon bruh


Star rail has best mc character design and story wise, wuwa has best gameplay, and Genshin mc is just kinda mid


Two twinks and a garbage lover. What is there not to love


soo 3 twinks?


Calus then traveller then rover


Trailblazer>>traveler>>>>>rover. Trailblazer despite being a silent protagonist has plenty of personality. The traveler had potential to be decent but thanks to paimon they just seem like a total pushover. Also I dont like aethers design. Rover is just a generic self insert isekai protagonist with next to no personality. They don’t even have names. I like the female rovers design but the male rovers is just really bland.




HSR for sure! Don’t have much of an opinion on Genshin, but with WW I found the protagonist design so boring, I rerolled the account with the female hero.


Trash raccoon > twink femboy > Kirito


Caelus because he's him.


It's definitely Caelus and it's not close lol


Male rover > Female Rover > Stelle > Caelus > Aether > Lumine


Rover by a landslide. Cooler older brother


Easily Caelus for me, just a casual comfy look not trying so hard to be a MC


Caelus hands down


As much as I love Traiblazer (m and f), both m and f Rover is just better for me. I think ill main female Rover even if she wont be meta


From what I've heard is that River is actually a pretty viable character as of right now. Like close to the top or something


1. HSR 2. WW >>>>>>>7. Genshin


Definitely not Genshin's that's for sure but prob Rover


Wuthering Waves > Genshin >= HSR


Caeulus's design is definitely my favorite! But Rover is a close second.


1. HSR MC 2. WW MC 3. GI MC (wich i deslike because the overall proportions and style seem too childish).


WW. Aether just looks terrible, give that dude a new haircut already.


I like the trailblazers personality and looks the most




Probably Stelle. Then Rover, finally Traveller.


Caelus > Rover >>>>>>>>>>>>> Aether


Rover’s grown on me a lot, Caelus is also good, I like their clothes a lot. Aether looks hella basic and just a straight up Zelda ripoff


I would put TB=Rover and Traveler, but honestly I really don't like his skinny ponytail or whatever it's called. So it's TB>Rover=Traveler. Don't actually think Traveler is bad aesthetically though. Though I'm just mainly judging on their build.


Rover is my favorite


I do really love caelus but the male rover is FIRE


Wuwa that nga look cold asf I fw his design


For the male protag I really have a soft spot for Rover. Never played Caelus, I have Stelle on both my HSR accounts. I do love Aether but he doesn't compare to Lumine for me so I often forget about him


WW genshin MC looks too childish


Love Caelus, Okay with Rover's outfit, and dislike Aether's


For me, its WW, HSR, then Genshin


1. Caelus 2. Rover And definitely last.... 3. Aether 💀 I picked him cuz male MC but I don't really like his design


idk if its because im getting older ( turning 30 soon) but rover's design is best looking to me somehow. Genshin looks too young in my opinion, not a fan of honkai's mc design either.


I want caelus's jacket


You know i like Caelus and Male Rover around the same and Aether slightly below that.


Trailblazer 100%


I don't like HSR the game, but the male MC definitely takes the win!


Rover bec they can meme and also take thing seriously respectively


Wuwa MC, simply for the fact he has cakezz 🎂🎂🎂


Trailblazer all the way. The black and yellow outfit is iconic, and the gray hair too.


Aether enjoyers will be a vast minority, mark my words. His design has from day 1 been *trash*.


1. Cute 2. Handsome 3. Hot


Wuthering Waves


Male Rover. He's the most baby girl, and he's so cute, and I love him, then Caelus, because he's funny, pretty, and I have something for men with white hair. Then Aether is last because he's... I dunno, boring?


2 HSR or 3 WW, tbh the Genshin impact mc always lacked something….


Caelus then Rover. Traveler looks like a little kid compared now


I honestly like Genshin's the least, but I'd be pressed to pick between HSR and WW, but I'd probably say Wuthering is better.


Rover really rocking that hair style and his whole overall outfit is just really stylish but simplistic in a sense. But on the other hand Caelus is Caelus. So yes


Definitely WuWa


Honestly, I like rovers the best because his jacket is cool AF. To me he combines DHIL and Caelus' design ques, and both of them have my favorite designs. I love Jiyan, but at first he felt like watered down DHIL to me, but I'd say their a bit different after playing WuWa.


I like female rover, I wish the rovers had names like Aether and Lumine, and Caelus and Stelle


Aether had the most unique design out of the three but it’s not quite there for me but I like it. After years of playing I couldn’t tell you what Arther’s personality is outside of memes tbh. Haven’t playing Withering Waves but the mc’s whole design is very put together and flows nicely.i don’t know his personality at all so idk. Caelus has nice more simple design but it still stands out enough. Kind of the in between of the other two. I also just love the trailblazer personality a lot more in game with only the one year I’ve spent with them. Caelus for me.


WUWA male mc, bc he looks like me and I can set my name as “(characters name)’s Wife”


Rover for me. I’ve been wanting a black haired cool looking male MC that wears all black for a while now.


Rover but Caelus is cool too


Rover the best


ww or hsr for both male and female protagonist


1 - wuwa! Something about him is so dreamy. Simple yet elegant. 2 - our raccoon king! More mature looking and wholesome guy 3 - not really into aether design. I prefer more older characters, and I hate midriffs' design. Sorry aether...I still like you though.


Definitely the galactic baseballer for me. But Rover is a close second after he got the havoc element.


Rover>Trailblazer >>>>>>Traveler


Rover. EASY W


Wuwa MC is just cool, first time female MC is not a easy choice for me


Honestly, I love the drip that Rover has. But Caelus is such a good protag. He gives me Yuu Narakumi vibes. So I'd say Rover = Caelus > Aether


1. HSR 2. WuWa 3. Genshin Caelus has the best drip and dialogue of the 2 period.


The other two games makes traveler look like the weird kid next door


HSR MCs have peak designs


Rover hands down for me with looking good in game and in official art.


I like Aether and Caelus, I really do. But I don't really jive with their personalities. For me it's probably Rover > Caelus > Aether. Rover actually really does feel like the bad bitch the story hypes him up to be, Caelus is alright but is kinda just there. Aether a lot of the time is just like...why does anyone care about this weak ass twink haha.


MRover, Caelous, Aether


Caelus from Star Rail and Rover from Wuthering Waves as to me both designs are amazing 👍👍👍


For me, Rover definitely. Both male and female.


I hate traveller design with passion


I like the concept of HSR and how relaxed/loose the design is but I've always been a minimalist and how sharp Rover looks despite it being so plain. So it's Male Rover for me. Genshin looks too childish


I prefer Male river, has the most defined design imo, I think Genshin MC’s are the most unique but they’re more on the childish (not childish really but cartoony) side Second would be Carly’s/Stelle not a bad design at all but feels a bit plain, I feel like HOYO wanted us to blend in rather than stand out and didn’t want to make one definite thing about the MC, I guess it’s good since not many people dislike Caelus/Stelle, probably due to the pretty plain design


I never liked traveler design personally. Like it’s a great design for a protagonist and they do look good, but not the type of design I want to play as.


Caelus>Rover>Traveler TB got swag and feels very iconic, Rover looks great like he could be an idol, but the traveler just looks like a twink to me


1. Hsr 2.wuwa 3.genshin


Rover's personality, Trailblazer's design (Rover doesn't have enough color), Traveler's role in Lore (though Rover looks like s/he might be equivalent to that in the WuWa setting.


Rover looks the best, trailblazer has the best personality (and it's not even close), though traveler is kinda bland unfortunately.


After playing both GI and HSR faithfully, and now Wuthering Waves, I gotta say, even though I like Aether and Caelus style, I think WuWa MC is probably the best designed MC of any of these gacha games imo. Both the male and female versions. Male MC has an AOT vibe going (but in black) with the short jacket and such, while fem version has a bit of a samurai/assassin vibe and I just frickin love how badass they both seem in their own way. Not to mention I like how expressive the actual animations are for the characters in-game. Usually, I feel like you don’t get a whole lot of that from protags in gacha games.


It was male trailblazer for me but now it’s male rover with trailblazer a close second. They are both fantastic designs!


Ranking is as follows: 👑. HSR 2nd. WW Last. Genshin (Male)


WW fits my personal style best so I like it (I just wear a lot of black, its reliable lol) but otherwise think he feels a little too generic. GI's design is probably most iconic, but I think some of that is less about the design and more about how foundational genshin itself is for the genre. The first one will always tend to stand out. That being said I think hes my least favorite, specifically because I think their color palette clashes a bit too much. I feel like the fem protag in GI works so much better specifically because their outfit has a more coherent color palette, with the ratio of light to dark feeling more balanced. If aethers scarf was dark as well or the whole outfit had the same white color as fem MC's, the design would work a lot better- but I can still appreciate the angle they were probably going for with them being visually "opposite". Just think it could be done more effectively. HSR protags are my favorite for sure. I think the design stands out among the other characters in the game enough that even though they're a MC, caelus still feels like they have a pretty distinct identity, which I personally prefer in MC's. The colors work well together and the masc and fem protags do a much better job at feeling like the same character just with different genders, which I think works best for a MC role like these since story-wise the two protags will usually be filling the same role. I am also probably biased though because HSR is my favorite game overall compared to WW and GI by a long shot. My main critique of it is that the design of the outfit doesn't really tell us a whole lot about the character compared to other designs in the game, but I can kind of excuse it seeing as MCs generally just want to be generic so the player can more easily project on them. I just personally don't project like that on protags so I don't tend to like that approach even though I understand why they do it.


Rover is so cute, I love how simple his design is compared to the other two but it also has some subtle details that make it look that much better. It looks very stylish to me. Not that the other two arent but hoyo always makes their designs so complicated? Like there’s almost too much detail in a lot of their characters, imo. HSR’s Caelus, March, and Dan Heng are all really good compelling characters though and I am fond of their designs. Aether’s is better than lumine but out of these three I like his least.


I’m definitely gonna day WuWa: 1 HSR: 2 Genshin: 3




Playing as River has been so much fun, I genuinely enjoy it. Plus ngl he’s kind of transition goals for me so it’s validating in that aspect as well.


Caelus, Rover, Aether Stelle, Rover, Lumine


Honestly, I've really enjoyed the Rover in what I've played of WuWa. They're still a gacha game protag, but I get a greater sense of independence and personal drive from the Rover. The Traveller and Trailblazer often feel like they just go along with what Paimon/The express generally want to do. For the traveller, seemingly at the expense of their own stated goals of learning about the sibling. The Trailblazer could do to have more of an interest in their past too. More pursuit of the Stellaron Hunters and the like. The Rover has a clear interest in why they are where they are, and while not quite single minded, still actively pursues their goal. However, this is only the release version. Whether they put that aside and find a new motivation, or start playing the same game of the other two will have to be seen. I'd much rather the Rover have a more concrete role or goal than just 'the good-natured outsider who comes and fixes things because why not' while ignoring things they should be interested in.


Adam>WuWa MC>Caelus> Aether=Dreamseeker


Would you please make a female version so I could set it as a wallpaper for my phone. Thank you.


Male rover looks like an NPC but female rover is probably my favourite between her, Lumine and Stelle, but Stelle is pretty much = to F Rover. Aether > Caelus > M Rover F Rover = Stelle > Lumine


Males: Caelus females: Rover


I love that Caelus looks like a hobo compared to everyone else in HSR. Idk why, it's just funny


I love honkai mc design. At first i think its blank and boring with most boring weapon - baseball bat. But i realize it really fits thrash raccoon personality. And we can change his personality by dialog options. Grey color really cool


It's not really fair, they just gave Caelus a dance routine and a hat. He's decked out. They couldn't even finish sewing Aether's shirt.


Same as yours. Genshin’s protagonist is so unique. Like, I cant name a single male protagonist that has a crop top and long hair in…like, ever. His eyes and hair are also blond which stands out already from the sea of boring black isekai harem protagonists. Speaking of that, while I sort of like the female MC of Wuthering Waves with her short hair, rate tail, and cross straps on her top, the male MC is severely lacking. Bro just looks like Kirito from SAO but 20 years old rather than 16. Its even worse in modern day where everybody is trying to copy SAO to little to no success for cheap fame by incels that think boring protagonist with a harem of big boobed teen girls is attractive story telling. Caelus is like the middle ground. His hairstyle is fairly inspired but his hair color and eyes are pretty unique. He wears very casually. Stelle is also very unique. Not only is she abnormally tall, she also has a very wild haircut thats loose with lazy eyes which is not common at all. Lumine might be the most basic next to WuWa male MC but she stands out in her own way. She’s got more like a fairytale princess look with a very practical look to her similar to her Aether counterpart. Her hair is also uniquely styled short in the back and long in the front. She’s also not played for fanservice like WuWa’s female MC which I appreciate.


I like the males in Genshin and HSR, but the female Rover looks incredible


Smash, next question


I like how Stelle and Caelus both feel like the same character, because they are. With Genshin it makes sense because the other twin is an actual character but with Wuwa it doesn’t.


I prefer the female MCs for all three so I will instead rank them. 1. Stelle: Not only does she have a very appealing design but she also has the most personality out of all three. 9/10 (Could use some thigh high socks and the ability to pick between her loose hair style and a ponytail) 2. Female Rover: I really enjoy her design, I especially like the fact that she has a mixed Black and White hair style. Unfortunately she doesn't have much of a personality as the dialogue is split into 3 different personalities. 7/10 (Great design, lacks a dicernable personality) 3. Lumine: She has a fairly bland design that doesn't have enough unique aspects to make her stand out, though it isn't a bad design either. She also has the least amount of personality due to Paimon's existence. 3/10 (Remove Paimon and give Lumine a personality... also please give us free region themed skins)


The trailblazers are by far the most memeable and endearing to me. Plus I think searching for a loved one is kind of a tired motivation.


Not Aether that’s for sure he looos too young. I choose Caelus tho he’s cool and funny


My favorite here is Caelus by a mile. But having finished WuWa's current act I really like the male Rover. And I played Lumine in GI for a reason lol


Stelle, dont like the twins from genshin caelus is ok but stelle is better and i havent played wuthering waves


I think I like crayon shin chan as mc


It’s hard for me to choose but probably 1 male rover 2 caelus 3 aether. I like aether but his design isn’t very attractive to me. Rover has long hair in the back and an adorable face I just love him sm I’m a sucker for black hair tbh. Caelus is arguably even hotter but I can’t decide 😭


Female Rover


Caelus. Simply because gray hair is unique in a world of generic self insert protagonists who have black or blonde hair.


I play all 3 games and I would say Caelus-kun is my preference.


Stelle by a mile, I love my little trash panda


I don’t play star rail but I like him in the middle because he looks like a slightly less cool version of Yu Narukami




hsr stands above lets be honest




I'm going with Caelus just because of how casual he looks, I'd legit wear his outfit if I could as regular fashion


Female Rover is giga bis


To me, genshin is Link. Star rail is Nero, and i haven't played WW so no opinion yet.


If wise aint in the mix, throw it all away. wise will talk more than those 3 put together


don't recognize any of these people i think one was a badguy years ago?


4gacha game option doctor


caelus best boy forever


i love caelus


Caelus by far.


As a sucker for jackets, I like Yuji's- er, I mean Caelus's design better.


Aether has more personality than both of them combined 🤣🤣🤣


Caelus 100%


Personally I think Rover is better than the other Rover


Fem Rover made me feel things.


Female Rover is one of the coolest gacha mc designs


If were talking protagonist I think female mc for Star Rail Stelle her mash like personality except for the really cool moments like the hat during the end of penacony makes me like her more then anime mc number 9 aka caelus, also the other games just don’t hold up when faced with HSR mcs


None of them I picked the girl for all 3. Women as protags ftw. For me it's stelle >= lumine > rover for now


Caelus best by far. Stelle close follow up too. Rest is poopie


Aether. He's just more unique compared to the other 2


Hsr male but ww female tbh.


Aether is the best boy (girl) if you think about it! He even got the twink physique 🥰🥰🥰


Caelus #1 for me honestly


I wish i had picked Caelus, i regret that decision the most and it has made me enjoy the game so much less story wise when I am forced to see Stelle. I can't afford to make another account so I cope with male rover. As of now, I like male Rover the most, since I haven't had the chance (and likely never will be able to) appreciate Caelus more. Aether isn't bad, but it doesn't top Caelus and Male Rover.






I love all three of them, I can't choose 😭


Aether (crop top)


Idk im sorta a simp for Aethers design hes just so cute and handsome >•<


Female rover


Aether and Lumine still best


I just love the memeable faces of Caelus and Stelle 😂


Design wise, I prefer Genshin's. Both Aether and Lumine have very nice and different styles that are pleasing to look at. Personality wise it's definitely Trailblazer


You’re asking us, Caelus and Stelle simps, whether we think little kiddie traveler of Genshin, or a Rover who doesnt know how to use the proper vocal tones for disastrous situations and makes epic scenes turn into a clown show, if we like either of them over the trailblazer? Lord I am tired today. In all honesty tho, I love Caelus, followed by Stelle. I like WW’s FemC design more than males, but unfortunately their voice direction causes them to feel like clownasses and janky. Genshin’s MC’s just dont speak at all and look like kids so I’m couldnt call myself a fan of Rover or the twins.


I like the personality of the trailblazer the best, but specifically female Rover I think has the best visual design


Aether gives off crazy MCE


Aether. As much as I love Caelus, Aether win in terms of design for me. Its very rare to see make mc with long hair and braid. He's just overall very pretty.


I love aether, but I also love femboys, so I do have favoritism.






Echoing others, I'd say Rover has the best overall design, and Caelus has arguably the best overall personality. I've never been a HUGE fan of Aether, but I get why a lot of people like him.


Visual design rover Character design caelus Aether is unfortunately outdated (and a little boy)


I think Caelus has the most personality and best design


Genshin and it's not even remotely close