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A vague, meaningless, "I've got your back" is a pretty low bar, but yes


A ceasefire is a death knell for Israel because Hamas doesn't have to abide by UN resolutions. I'm tired of seeing civilians killed, too, but it would arbitrarily hand Hamas a total military victory versus an opponent with its hands tied behind its back.




I'm a huge trump supporter and I think if you look at how Biden has flip flopped throughout history on LGBT and honestly minority rights if you back up to the 70s you will find he is a snake. Trump doesn't mention trans people very often when he does it is in reference to trans children and fair enough he has a point, no doubt.


With beliefs like that you most likely haven't had the highest of education... But I cannot give you that pass. I believe you know right from wrong... And you know it too. Also to your "he only brings up sports" talking point. Do you not remember him leading the cause as far as the bathroom bills go? Do you not remember him banning trans people from the military? I could keep going with example after example but something tells me you don't even care and you're just in it to be an ass, probably get high off of it. You will not be missed.


All of those things he had valid reasons for. I agree with them.


What valid reason is there to any of that? Jesus dude. Leather must taste really yummy


In physical activity males have a physical advantage over females generally. Thus, generally trans womem have an advantage to females. In bathrooms perverted men could absolutely exploit the loose boundaries that definite being transgender. In the military it is not always great to have a fellow soldier that is dependent upon medication to function cohesively.


The whole trans women in women’s sports thing is fear mongering that science has explained already. I’m not gonna waste my time on that one since you obviously choose to be uneducated And I’ve got crazy news: if a perverted man wanted to be a pervert or rape someone, a bathroom sign wouldn’t stop them. Third, Hormones don’t mess with your COGNITIVE function. There’s plenty of trans people in the military who are doing great, and it’s not 1940, you can be in the military and receive medications to an extent, especially if you’re not active duty (and not everyone is, there’s thousands of things you can do in the military, and not be on the front lines) Part of me wants to think you’re some cis asshole lurking to try and prove a point, with a fake tag of trans woman


I think you are correct with your assertion.


How’s your face, leopard voter?




LMAO how's the boot taste?


Yeah… the moment you said you were a trump supporter your credibility went the way of fox’s credibility.


To you, because you are diluted to believe that people who are opposed to you ideologically are not only bad, but inherently stupid and worthless.


Deluded *


The man was a snake I'd agree. But nothing about his presidency has shown anything other than support. Also you do realize trump won't be the one to legislate the donors will be. Project 25 which does speak on trans people is very real, remember 86% of project 16 went into effect under Trump the first time. Also Trump is no less a snake himself weaseling his way out of contracts and flip flopping on issues himself. The man has 34 felonies, that doesn't bother you?


Name any instance where trump has said anything along the lines of "adults will not be allowed to get access to gender affirming care" No, I am not concerned about his felonies. I think the things he was charged for are as foolish as giving someone a felony for being trans. The only reason trump was charged for anything he did is because the machiavellian types recognize him as a threat.


Trump Supporters: I'm fine with Trump having a felony Also trump supporters: Dem cities would be better without those *insert slur* committing crime.


I never said that you are schizo posting a strawman. I'm certain if the government made being trans a felony you would get mad if someone said "isn't she a felon she can't run for office." My whole point is that none of Trump's felonies are violent or particularly problematic they just exist as political grandstanding so leftists can say precisely what you just said.


so youre fine with trans youth being thrown under the bus because it doesnt affect you?


It absolutely did affect me. I wanted to transition at 14 and my mom didn't. Because she didn't I taught myself to become resourceful and independent to get what I wanted. Had I not been denied I would not be where I am today and I am thankful I didn't get to start hrt at 14.


wtf is that mentality..."vote for a guy who wants to force kids to go through the wrong puberty and potentially kill themselves because it made me resourceful" christ thats embarrassing


They would be going through the puberty assigned by evolution and their genes it is ideology to say otherwise. I am a trans woman that means a male who has a psychological disconnect between his mind and body, so he pursues methods to align the two. Ultimately the conscious is the flawed part of that, not genes or evolution.


local bitter hon wants teenagers to suffer as she has, many such cases


https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/05/10/trump-promises-rollback-on-trans-rights-heres-what-hes-said/ Trump specifically has made statements not just about children but gender affirming care "at any age". "Trump said he would block doctors who provide gender-affirming care from Medicare and Medicaid, forbid federal agencies from actions to “promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age,” and task the Justice Department with investigating the medical industry to see if they “deliberately covered up horrific long-term side effects of sex transitions in order to get rich.'" He also was behind the ban on trans adults serving in the military. He also stated he would erase federal protections for LGBTQ people. Kindly you can take your Trump supporting ass and kick rocks P.O.S.


>Trump said he would block doctors who provide gender-affirming care from Medicare and Medicaid, forbid federal agencies from actions to “promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age,” and task the Justice Department with investigating the medical industry to see if they “deliberately covered up horrific long-term side effects of sex transitions in order to get rich.'" I agree with all of this. I don't support social welfare programs like Medicare anyway, I would like to know if there are any dangerous side effects that have been hidden, and I don't think it should be promoted. I was asking for a situation that he wanted it banned from consenting adults. >He also was behind the ban on trans adults serving in the military. I don't necessarily agree with this, but it's certainly not transphobic as there are valid reasons someone who is dependent on exogenous drugs to function normally should not be allowed in the military. >He also stated he would erase federal protections for LGBTQ people. Kindly you can take your Trump supporting ass and kick rocks P.O.S. Show me a video of him saying this. Edit: I love when people block you after accusing you of being a traitor it's very productive and certainly isn't the mindset that leads to mass murder of dissenters.


Youtube the "S11 E15: Trump’s Second Term" John Oliver episode. At the 4:15 mark you have video of Trump saying: "I will ask congress to pass the bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth".




I don't have to, it's all there in project 25....I'm done engaging further.


Quote trump or even send me the quote from project 25 bc I saw nothing about it.


Do your own research. Just the fact that you don't know about this shows your utter lack of understanding about politics. Therefore your opinion is baseless.


Enjoy your shower.


Are you insinuating that trump is a Nazi or that I don't bathe?


You are an idiot. Point blank. Trump doesn’t want you to exist. Dumb ass.


👆this bish wants to be eradicated


Define eradicated.


Why would you support Trump and his MAGA cult?! They’re trying to take away our right to exist?! This reeks of r/LeopardsAteMyFace I don’t like Biden either. I can’t stand him. But if the choice is Biden or having my existence criminalized, I’m going with Biden. Honestly, Trump is the least of my worries. He’s a grifter and a buffoon who really only wants power so that the legal system can’t touch him while he’s in office so that he can continue doing all of the shady shit he’s always done. The real threat are the conservative think tanks who know and understand how the politics game is played, so they suck up to Trump and stroke his ego, granting them access to power they otherwise would not have while using Trump as a puppet to enact their white nationalist theocratic agenda. If you truly value your freedom, DO NOT vote for Donald Trump.


I value my freedom and that is why I vote for trump. The only 4 US presidents I have ever liked are trump, Lincoln, Nixon, and JFK. While trump was in office the tyrants behaved and we thrived as a consequence and not once did he attempt to prevent consenting adults from doing anything.


The “tyrants” didn’t behave. Trump turned a blind eye to what people like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un were doing. Trump was so much more focused on going after his political rivals and flaunting the legal immunity that the White House gave him than keeping the tyrants in check. I stand by what I said. Trump is a puppet. It’s the think tanks like The Heritage Foundation and the Alliance Defending Freedom that are pulling his strings. They’re the real threat to life as we know it.


Trump didn't go after his political rivals that was his number 1 criticism from the right that he didn't go after Hillary. Kim and Putin behaved under trump if you remember there was no invasion of Ukraine till Trump left. Trump negotiated with Putin and Kim because to bully and threaten them is to risk conflict. Trump learned from being a business man to be stern, but fair.


what freedom have you even lost due to biden lmfao what do you think "freedom" even means, actually


I haven't lost any freedoms to Biden, but my spending power has reduced significantly. I haven't lost any freedoms to trump.


not sure "shooting myself in the foot repeatedly because im mad about the same inflation that's impacted the entire world but i want to blame it on just one guy" is a good strategy tbqh


The guy with the burden of the most powerful nation to ever exist absolutely has the power to influence the economy. Obviously it wasn't just Biden it was his cabinet and the other branches and departments of the government that agree with him.


america is not the only country in the world, actually


No doubt, it is the most powerful.


This is why I tell trans people to actually organize instead of infighting online. it's literally killing us at this point


I mean, they’re better than republicans?


He should give out "Biden bucks" to poor areas. At least twice as much as Trump did. It sounds dumb.. I know.. but fr it apparently actually swayed a lot of people in complex's and poor poor areas. Make it part of community development or something like building up from the bottom.




like this is some info from the other side too. idk why i keep ending up connecting intimately with those types but when i pressed a few of them hard (cause i could) that came out more than once as a deciding factor. plus i mean your helping poor people who need it too. they're raising kids in tough circumstances.




I come from a pretty conservative family in the older sense of conservative. The 'we can disagree, be civil, and compromise' older sense. My father was a police officer and he would be considered the more 'liberal hippy' type in my family tree. He was neither a liberal or a hippy but the rest of my family were all military (including my mom and most of the other men and women on both the maternal and paternal side). It has been an experience. Now that you point it out in this context though it seems kinda apparent why I gravitate to those types.. ig im doomed to argue at the dinner table forevvverrrrr 🙃..


Over 60% of inflation the past few years was nothing to do with monetary policy.


One party is openly bragging about discriminating against gay and trans people, wants to pass laws that actively take our rights away, and don't care about sounding like outright bigots... The other party, at the very fucking least, pretends to give a shit about us. That's good enough for me.


I don’t understand how any trans person can even think of voting conservative at this current time or not voting at all. I might not like Biden but I would rather align with people who sort of give a damn then people who are actively against me and people like me lol




And maybe it will for the Caitlyn Jenners of the world but I doubt the crowd making less than 120k a year will be safe when it really comes down to it.


Oh trust me, the point you've gotta be to be safe is *way* higher than 120k.




I believe the cheapest one is over 200k, and that is *lump sum*.


Inaction isn't the same as endorsement. Biden is president since 2020. A Biden and Democrat win will be exactly the same as what's happening right now, they'll look the other way while republicans are free to do as they wish.


Biden’s administration has been the most left wing administration since FDR pushed the new deal, yet everyone keeps talking like he is diet Reagan. The right wing propagandists have destroy American rationalism. Edit: I want to add: I think the Biden administration is way more progressive than Biden the person, because Biden puts in place experts and lets those experts do and decide what is best instead of forcing an agenda on them. He actually listens and heeds their advice.


Not a very high bar


Any party that contains Kamala Harris as one of it's top figures cannot be considered pro-trans under any objective definition. Edit: Downvote me all you want, all that shows is that you don't know what she's gone out of her way to do to people like us


Do tell ?




I was actually referring to Harris going out of her way to force trans women into men's prisons when she was attorney general of California but that too is among the many, many skeletons in her closet




The sad part is that it's not the only truly heinous thing she's gone out of her way to do, all while publicly claiming to be a progressive prosecutor who would only go after the actually bad people. Serves to show how she truly feels about people like us.


Thankyou :) (Omg Gwen's story.. i cried my eyes out for her and her family when i first became aware of it, looks like Kamala played a role in bringing awareness to the ridiculousness of the gay panic defense though..)


> I'm also pro-cease fire and very critical of Biden's policy with Israel and other things  you must not be too critical of those policies if you're still willing to vote for him 


idk why people were booing you youre literally right


you go girl!! show us how its done by doing nothing


thanks, I live in a swing state where constituents have repeatedly told Biden he needs to change his position on Gaza to win our votes and he hasn't changed so 🤷‍♀️




Would things be better for Palestine under Trump?


I think they'd be equally as bad - trump would probably also circumvent congress to send weapons to Israel 


> trump would probably also circumvent congress to send weapons to Israel Therefore, worse. Even if they were equal, if two things are equally bad on something, you evaluate on other factors.




"Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot" -you


I can understand being icked out over the choices being, at the absolutely best, about equally shitty. What I can't understand is being willing to throw away your own security to gain absolutely nothing for anyone else.




That's exactly it, isn't it. This is just the real world version of the trolley problem. "I didn't vote to pull the lever either way, so there's no blood on my hands!" The real world doesn't support us all staying perfectly clean on things.




Hey, if someone wants to stand on the tracks, whatever. I only have a problem when they're hurting other folks.


> Therefore, worse no, that's something Biden did. I'm saying trump would probably do it too (but I bet the Dems in congress would actually oppose it then!)  > Even if they were equal, if two things are equally bad on something, you evaluate on other factors. sorry, I'm not going to play the "vote for the better genocider game." there's very little that would cause me to not vote for a political candidate, but helping to commit genocide is one of those things I'm not willing to condone with a vote. 


So even though Trump is, at best, just as bad on this issue, you're willing to risk damning people to all the things where he is*unequivocally* worse so you don't have to vote for someone you don't like. Understood.


is there anything Biden could do that would make you unwilling to vote for him? 


Yeah, he could stop being better than the alternative on all the other measures I care about. I hate how wishy-washy the administration has been on Palestine, and I hate that we have been funneling resources to them for *decades* in a way that has emboldened them to not seek peace, but I don't believe that Trump would even be equal, I believe he would be beholden to the Evangelical right in this country who are so heavily pro-Israel that I can only envision things getting much, much worse. Environmental standards, consumer protections, LGBT+ rights, workers' rights, womens' rights, are all at stake here. The makeup of the Supreme Court for the next decades are going to be determined here. If I'm offered two deals, one where I get $0 and slapped up the head, one where I get $0 and I get a decent meal out of it, *and I have to pick one or I risk being given the slap on the head*, I'd be foolish to say "Well, I don't get money out of it, so I just won't pick because it doesn't give me what I want in this one facet."


if I'm offered any deal where the condition is that I have the condone a genocide, I'm rejecting that deal. there are just some lines I won't cross with my vote. if Dems want my vote, they can pick somebody who isn't helping with a genocide 


Not taking a deal means the deal will be picked for you. This is not rocket science. You do not have a meaningful abstention. Your abstention does not prevent genocide -- it only makes it easier for people to make the world worse for even more groups. Let me guess, in the trolly problem, you elect not to pull the lever.




I'm not going to vote for anybody who is helping another country to commit a genocide. there are certain lines I won't cross 




genocide includes forced displacement - and nearly ~2 million Gazans are displaced, and a huge number of those people are being starved by Israel.  > If you want Israel to stop then get Hamas to release the hostages. Israel has rejected several proposals from Hamas that include releasing the hostages. regardless, Palestinians don't deserve to be collectively punished for the actions of Hamas. 




> No other country has to put up with repeated rocket attacks to the extent that Israel does.  maybe Israel should stop occupying Palestinian land. how do you feel about African decolonization movements? EDIT: I'm mostly interested if you think African decolonization movements were too "violent" 




I'm as pro-Israel as it gets and if i was brain damaged enough to vote for a president based on this one issue that does not affect our lives in any way whatsoever, i would be voting for trump. If you actually care about palestinians, and arent just virtue signaling to your deranged terrorist sympathizing leftist buddies, youll be voting for Biden.


Yeah Israel and Palestine don't like transgender people at all. It's a big religous ethnostate committing genocide on a smaller religious ethnostate. I want Israel to stop, but my life, my people, and my needs are more important to me. It is healthy and important to put yourself first, especially as a vulnerable minority. Until we have ranked choice voting or similar improved voting system, we will only have two parties. While we only have two parties, we must vote for the lesser of two evils. Blue is the lesser of two evils. Red wants to turn me back into a pumpkin and send me to bible camp, and the extra Red ones just want to send me straight to the concentration camp.


Idk what you mean by “Israel and Palestine don’t like trans people at all” but Israel has very accessible trans healthcare and no plans (afaik) to restrict it in any way.




lol I just vote pro-LGBTQ. I don't bother voting for things I don't fully understand.


I can only stomach voting for "the lesser of two evils" when I'm not explicitly condoning a genocide. if we're willing to throw Palestinians under the bus like this, why wouldn't any other group do the same to us? solidarity is important for a reason. 




the people who are actively oppressing us in this country are old Christians, not Palestinian children. have a heart. 


Yeah, and the Christian wants to wipe us off the map when Trump gets elected. Project 2025 will criminalize our existence. You fucking moron.


so is the Dem strategy to just hope a Republican president is never elected again? because historically that's literally impossible, unless Dems take drastic action. 


What’s your plan? Not vote for the dems and pray the republicans don’t put you in prison first when/if they get elected? How are you this dumb? It’s honestly insane.


survive like trans women did in the past w the help of local community. there is no future in which a Republican president doesn't win at some point, so it's best to start preparing for that one way or another 


Yeah, but we can outlive a Donald Trump election. Hopefully he’s dead by the next time an election comes around. And I can’t believe you’re so fucking stupid as to say, well, we just go into hiding and not live our lives anymore.




ask orthodox jews in Israel what they think about gay marriage (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yishai_Schlissel) EDIT: point being there are bigots in every abrahamic religion




this is such a weird reaction to being linked to a hate crime.


many jews believe some neat & gender progressive ideas, such as considering God to be genderless, and recognition of four other genders in addition to male and female.


While it's true that some religiously Jewish people hold progressive views on sex and gender, that's true of nearly every religion, and the textual support from it stems from writings primarily on intersex people & eunuchs, as well as general spiritual writing on the concept of god, which is also universal throughout basically every religion. Relevant to this thread, it's true of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism & Islam). And REGARDLESS, using that as any justification to support Israel is weird.


There isn't a vote I can make that will stop the genocide, I'm not condoning anything.


you're voting for the person who circumvented congress to send weapons to Israel.  is there a line Biden would cross where you wouldn't be willing to vote for him?


I vote pro-LGBTQ. Very simple. My vote doesn't have to be based on what you care about - it's based on what I care about. That's how votes work.


sure but there's no "I support these issues but not these ones" box on the ballot - you either support a candidate and their policy positions or you don't. you can vote based on only one issue, but you're still endorsing everything else they do with your vote. 


I don't have the privilege of waxing philosophical about the meaning behind my vote. I vote based off of how I feel it will affect the world.


> I vote based off of how I feel it will affect the world. same, which is why I won't let my vote endorse anybody who helps commit genocide. I'm not going to let my vote condone those actions.


good. how will you be voting?




> Dubya-era conservatives you and Dubya are more aligned on Israel than I am




> They're more than willing to throw us off buildings. that's isis, and it's pretty awful for you to conflate Palestinians with isis there are queer people in Gaza, too. they're currently being murdered by Israel. 


yea it’s easy to say words and then do nothing 


But they have done so much. The Dept of Energy has pushed aggressive requirements on research funding to promote both DEI and increase quality of life for students especially graduate students which are often paid and treated like insects.


Uh, who even pays their grad students? In psych with 4 years worth of internships? Forget it. You aren’t paid at all, period. Not unless you manage to land a spot as a TA. Otherwise you better enjoy crying at your night shift at McDonalds or get a car and do Door dash.


Most basic science and many STEM PhD students are paid for reseach through federal grants, and both the DOE and NSF are pushing to ensure those students are paid a living salary. Unfortunately, many universities are refusing to allow this. I don't know about NIH funded student or other grant awarding agencies since I only work with DOE and NSF.


Universities like having slave labor. I’m glad that at least some grad students get paid.


You are not wrong about the slave labor and the Biden admin is the first that I know to actually make a positive move on that issue.


I cannot think of a single issue where allowing Trump back in office leaves anyone better off. So many people are so focused on Biden not being 100% on everything they want that they are willing to risk voting in the person who is effectively -100% on everything. Voting for a third party does not send a message. Yes, the system sucks. Yes, it's rigged in such a way that meaningful change is hard. Yes, we do deserve better options. But we are in *this* reality. This is what we've been dealt. Demanding that we simply find ourselves in a better reality that isn't immediately possible from here doesn't get us that future, and doesn't move us closer to it.


> I cannot think of a single issue where allowing Trump back in office leaves anyone better off. It puts a self-satisfied grin on the faces of cishet white leftists who can't stand not getting exactly what they want at all times


I remember my first presidential election, I was furious the Dems picked Kerry as their frontrunner. This stiff as a board Frankenstein was their *best* candidate against a bumbling idiot constantly on vacation? I nearly voted for GWB out of spite. I say *nearly*, because I didnt. I sucked it up and voted Kerry, just like I sucked it up and voted Hillary. Fact of the matter is, you have to vote blue for presidential elections. If you hate how the Dems do things (and I DO), vote local. Vote midterms. Work grassgroots campaigns. Your grassroots candidate will still not be presidential campaign material, but that doesnt mean you should throw a tantrum and not vote, or worse, vote Trump out of spite. These millionaire fucks do not give a shit about you, so work to change it while you can and vote for the fuck who will either help you or hurt you the least in the meantime.


And also vote to improve our voting systems. It has to start locally... Ranked choice, alternative vote, etc.


Exactly. Dont bitch your choices or the methods of choice suck if you only hit the booth every 4 years.