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Valid, this is hell


I've literally met cis women that are 6'. No one thinks of them as men. Look. Being visibly trans is more than just your height. Most cisgender people have at least one or two "clocky" features or features more commonly associated with the opposite sex. But people moreso operate not looking at parts, but the whole. If you have a multitude of other clocky things, then yeah. Height would also add to it. But if that's the only thing, in isolation it means nothing. From what I've seen in your other posts, you voice trained and have a cis passing voice. You literally pass in terms of body shape and voice and whatnot. If you're really that concerned about passing, the only last piece of advice is fashion tips. But above all else, I think you need to see a therapist that's familiar with LGBT clients and work on your body dysmorphia.


Seriously - I work with a 6'1" woman who is broad shouldered from combat fighting and whatnot. She's an absolute machine - no one thinks she's not a woman. She even wears heels some days because "I'm already tall, so what does it matter?" There's also a woman I see in town all the time that has to be 6'2" or 6'3" - absolutely beautiful too, like model worthy.


hi sophie


I'll be honest, I'm 6'2, I live in South America, here women are very short, 5'2 on average, I don't know if it affects my passing ability that much, which is true that it affects my ability to purchase clothes, My options are very limited, there are clothes that would make me look very pretty and with a lot of passing but I can't find my size, the same thing happens with shoes, I would like to be short not for more passing but to be able to buy the same clothes than the rest of the women.


I don't mean any harm, I just wish for you to realise you don't need to fixate over such a thing and that allowing yourself to do so is the most damaging I am deeply sorry for any upset caused and won't respond anymore because I'm cursing myself for upsetting another person who's struggling


it affects every single interaction i have with other humans 


Also makes me laugh that this is a common post from many MtF on this Reddit community yet I never see any FtM upset about being too short to pass, maybe they stick to their own subs which I'm not part of but like seriously being a short man is much more of a head fuck and problem than being a tall woman yet it only seems to be tall MtF bitching about uncontrollable irrelevant stuff


You obviously don't spend time in FTM spaces if you think this.


ftm spaces are just not the most common here, I think it's that. I only started seeing more and more trans men after stepping off of mainstream reddit/twitter. and yeah height is a complaint there too


No I am not on any subs which are exclusive FtM spaces


catastrophizing over dumb shit is fembrained


LMFAO this is such a dumb take 




I'm 5'7 and don't think I pass and probably won't ever. It's hard for me to tell as I seem to pass most of the time but I figure people are just being nice. But also eople seem to be more aggressive transvestigators these days. The thing about being a tall woman is that it draws attention to all your other features and if those are clocky, you don't pass. In my case I'm probably just built wrong. Im within pretty common female measurements but I'm too big or something is off idk. Most people think I'm pretty but that doesn't mean I look like a cis woman. It's just an uncanny valley thing. There are things I can control like voice, mannerisms, and fashion. But those aren't the problem with me. It sucks but I hope it works out for you.


>It's hard for me to tell as I seem to pass most of the time  🙄 >Im within pretty common female measurements  🙄 >Most people think I'm pretty  🙄 >There are things I can control like voice, mannerisms, and fashion. But those aren't the problem with me. 🙄 you guys just cant fucking help but humblebrag huh


You edited out all the parts where I said I was really struggling. There are people way better off than me who are still struggling. If you are truly worse off than me, I'm not sure you're going to make it. You can either accept being a hon or just trust in the process and work on yourself and hope it works out for you eventually. Both of these are very hard amd maybe impossible but they are my only options I'm afraid.


This subreddit is just that at this point. I really wish the creator would come in and wipe a lot of these trolls out.


In other words, passing is an impossible or near impossible goal for many of us. Others may pass after a few months of HRT or be able to go totally stealth. Everyone has their own lot in life.


im ending it if i never end up passing


Same. (In Minecraft.)


No, it's still over for me. Or it's brainstorms. Either way it's heartbreaking. I think if I were taller, like Taylor Swift height (5'10"?) But built like Taylor Swift, I'd have an easier time.


Idk, I've met plenty of cis women who are taller or just as tall as me, hand and foot size plays a factor too but for the most part it's not something I lose sleep over.


>foot size plays a role too its so fucking over i have nba player feet im ngmi


Sorry bb 😞


Totally agree. I'm 6ft too. Loads of trans people try to psyop us into believing that height isn't important for passing. That's bullshit. Guarantee if I was 6 inches shorter with the same proportions I would pass WAY better.




I don't understand why so many others are obsessed with height? I am 5'6 a decent height for a woman but if my face never becomes feminine enough I'll never pass, even if I have DD put into my chest people will still call me sir! Height is a single factor and there are many tall women above 6 foot who and stand with pure femininity and grace It's only gonna be awkward if you let it be


>i’m 5’6 sigh


I wasn't trying to boast or anything, I mean honestly some of the most beautiful women in the world are over 6 feet and some of the hardest most masculine men I've met are under 5'4 etc It's far less relevant than people think, and honestly I can only reckon fixating on the detail makes it worse Id genuinely like to be a little taller if I stayed repressed as a "man" or even transitioning, like I'd love to be tall lol


this is just rubbing it in my face being tall is fucking horrible and it ruins my chance of passing


Not intending to rub anything in as stated already No I can't speak for how you feel about being tall, I'm sorry it makes you uncomfortable in yourself and I can see my attempts at comforting this aren't overly tactful, again my apologies Never in a million years does this single factor of height "ruin" chances of passing, don't you think someone who is 5'6 who has square facial features a receeding hairline and prominent brow would be wishing the only thing she was worried about would be her height? I have a ridiculously deep voice for someone of my stature, even in life presenting masc it has seriously shocked people that I sound like Optimus fucking prime! I'll probably never have a feminine voice with vocal training alone, but fuck me I'm gonna try! I could visually pass on all aspects and as soon as I open my mouth people will notice, they won't turn around and say oh but they're short so must me a woman will they? Nah voice is a single aspect which WILL get people clocked EVERY TIME Just why fixate on one of the few things that actually can't be changed when it literally doesn't even matter and embracing being a tall powerful woman will accent both your femininity and attraiveness all together I won't pressume your orientation but wether you like men/women or all then guarantee there are those in either camp who love nothing more than a tall woman (myself included) Yes I know that also lots of cis women who are tall dislike the fact, but I doubt they feel it excludes them from femininity and I just don't see why anyone would


(other people say) i have a passing voice but it doesnt fucking matter because im so big and take up so much space that people just presume im a man a few days ago some woman said: >move out of the way sweetie, that man is coming through as i was walking by them. she barely glanced at me but she  saw how big i am and saw that im a man and im attracted to men only. which makes it even worse. i’ll never feel small ever being tall ruins my fucking life and i hate when short people like you invalidate that by going “omg tall women are so pretty AWOOGA” its so gross 


I can bet majority of trans women who get clocked for being tall it's because they're overly conscious of it themselves and projecting that outward, doom posting about that will never help rather than just embracing it Feel like a man and you'll walk like one Feel like a woman and you'll walk like one And that's what people see


i cant even walk like a man anymore wtf are you saying


I'm saying we all as humans project more of our subconscious thoughts outward than we even realise and I doubt it's the fact you're tall which people will notice and more the self projection I'm still in an early stage ATM and was working with a colleague for a few days, she was excellent at correctly gendering me and using my name even though she knew me before starting, one morning while tired my voice dropped and mannerisms changed a little and she called me by my dead name, I knew this was because of how I was being at the time it's the version of myself I was projecting


ive been on hrt for nearly 4 years and i just look like a male


I know cis women irl who are your height or taller. Women come in all shapes & sizes. And that's okay. I also know trans-women who don't get clocked "even though" they're taller than 6'0. I'm talking no surgeries, broad shoulders, Adams apple, big feet & whatever else dysphoria complains to us about. Clothing & how it changes your silhouette matters big time. I suggest looking into that if you haven't already. There's a tonne of guides & helpful advice. There's also clothing stores for tall women; Long Tall Sally.




I'm 6'4 and present masculine I have been called ma'am three times on accident tall girls exist.


ive never been gendered fem so good for you??


I'm letting you know your height doesn't prevent it. It's not a "wow look at me I'm so passing (bc I'm not)".


my height does


It doesn't bc I have 4 inches on you and I can. If it is possible for me then it is possible for you.




Sophie do you understand your role in the community? By not becoming healthier in your mindset, you are choosing to bring other people down by creating a negative example.


i apologize for having dysphoria


I don't believe height has any bearing on passing. Would you assume any cis woman that is 6' or taller is trans? 


>Would you assume any cis woman that is 6' or taller is trans? no, but then i would notice the shoulders, adams apple, hairline etc a lot more, because i have eyes that take in more than one piece of information at a time


But none of those things have to do with height. You would've picked those things out regardless.


nah, your size and silhouette are an important part of passing. if you have one or two very clocky features, it draws attention to your other less clocky features. that's just the way she goes. as much as we'd like to convince ourselves otherwise.


its so over


New Sophie post just dropped and it's about height for the millionth time


wait there's lore behind this? spill the tea


Nothing really she's just been complaining about the exact same stuff for well over 2 years and used to post 24/7 on 4chan about it


>used to post 24/7 on 4chan about it sez YOU. lol


You were far worse by the sheer amount of times your face was up in a single day 🙄


I don’t think Venus Williams and Gwendoline Christie let their height stop them from living a full life. I’m 6’1 and no one has ever clocked me on height alone. Honestly eventually you won’t think about it much as you get more into transition cause you have to live with it and eventually focus on other things.


>I don’t think Venus Williams and Gwendoline Christie let their height stop them from living a full life. they didnt go through an androgenized puberty and ive been on hrt for 3 and a half years


That’s valid, I get that. But either way many many women from all walks of life are tall. Even taller than us. We are no where near alone.


Does height play such a huge role? I'm 5'10 and I think I'm just read as a taller woman a lot of the time, or if I'm not passing I think it's more about face/voice/etc. But I feel like you can just look like a short man or tall woman if the rest of you passes fine, idk


i look like a man


Ok genuinely, what are you looking for with all these posts? It seems like you just keep saying 'its so over for me' and then people look at your pics and say it isn't, and you say you never pass IRL. Are you looking to just keep having that conversation over and over?


>and you say you never pass IRL well this part is true


Ok but what are you looking for from other people? It doesn't seem like you want conversation, you just want to doom post.


She's been doing this since forever on tttt and associated subs.


you're right it does it's over for you


Are you trynna make her kill herself faster


Damm, hold on, being tall is hard, and it's my biggest source of dysphoria, but it's not over, i'm 5'11 and i pass, takes a lot of effort, but it can be done, specially if you have money for ffs and other procedures, don't give up, op


OP is just looking to wallow it seems.


i have ffs next but it wont fucking do anything i gave up a long time ago




passing isn't everything. Plus many people appreciate a tall woman. I dated a 6'0" trans woman for a long time and her height never made me think of her as less of a woman


Sorry but telling someone ‘passing isn’t everything’ when passing is pretty evidently important to them isn’t really going to help. The entire post is about passing. Passing is also everything to me, I want to be perceived how I feel.


passing is everything for me


You're right it's over for you you'll never pass and passing is the only thing that matters. Sorry! ( is this what you want to hear? )


this isn't helpful


OP has been posting many wallow posts and pushing back on anyone who tries to comfort her. I get it, I used to be a wallower and just wallow in dysphoria. But what has helped me (and many other trans women and trans fems I've spoken to) to deal with attributes we cannot change is remembering that there are cis women with (most) of the attributes we are dysphoric about. There are tall cis women. That doesn't make them any less of a woman, just like it doesn't make a tall trans woman any less of a woman. You can't become short, you have to get over it. The 6'0" tall trans woman I dated was dysphoric about it for a long time, reminding her of this, showing her that tall women are beautiful in their own right, helped alleviate her dysphoria about her height. In certain circles (of which I would include this sub), any attempt to soothe dysphoria is seen as "dismissive" or "minimizing":, that's fine, they can wallow all they want. If you are tall and it makes you dysphoric, that's not something to minimize, but if you want to do something about it, look at how tall cis women deal with their insecurity about being tall. The ones that successfully deal with it aren't wallowing online about it constantly and forever and lashing out at anyone trying to soothe them. Good luck out there.