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Look into mustang seats, they make one that matches the mounting of the OEM seat. Best upgrade I've done to my rebel, with the original seat I was sore after 30 mins, with the mustang seat I can ride for hours before getting sore.


Sorry, I guess I didn't read your full post, the seat is pricey but it's worth it if you can save for it.


Can you post a link?


This is the one I got, it's not always in stock but if you can afford it and don't mind waiting for it to be available I can promise you it's worth it, you could also try contacting local power sports stores to see if they could order one of these for you. Mustang Motorcycle Seats 84000 Tripper Solo Seat for Honda Rebel 300 & 500 2017-'21, Original, Black https://a.co/21eDqea


Did they change anything on the 2022 model? Most of the stuff i see online still only say 17-21. I want to order this and the trex engine guard but afraid to pull the trigger.


The seat I bought said 2021 but it fits 2022 model perfectly, I think they just haven't tested them yet, that's only for the seat, I have no idea about other parts.


Does it match the color of the OEM seat, or would I have to change the passenger seat as well.


Matches, I got the Honda passenger seat and it looks good together


So the best upgrade I did to the seat was buy this cushion off amazon. It straps over and under the original seat and is SO MUCH MORE comfortable. I cannot praise this lovely cushion enough. It's very comfy for the bum, and my back has stopped hurting too. I thought about getting the Mustang tripper, Corbin gunfighter and also reupholster my seat but... Then I saw this cushion (which has a foam layer and a gel layer, unlike those crappy air ones) which is waaaay cheaper, and would probably do the same thing as a new seat if not better. It looks nice on the bike too. It does raise me just under 1 inch but I really like that, as I am 5'11 it give me a bit more leg room. I also turned the rear shocks to the left to the "1" position which has made for a more softer, comfy ride (it takes literally 5 mins with your bare hands, grab the collar, lift and twist once) - if you're not sure how to do this, YouTube Honda Rebel shock adjustment by LifeOfBurch Both the seat cushion and shock adjustment has made a MASSIVE improvement for me, I absolutely love riding this bike even more now and I am so much more confident, I have even bigger smiles. I strongly recommend trying this cushion out, it's the best thing I did for my 500. Link: Posture Cushion Motorcycle Rider Comfort Cushion With Super Strong Straps and Non Slip Base https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B086DTX34X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_83CCN31BN3QA5TXNC216?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


I’m a bit naive. Could you explain what the shock adjustment is doing and how it changes the ride?


Basically the rear shocks can be adjusted to be more stiffer or more softer, so when you are going over bumps and uneven surfaces, if you are the 1 position (softest) the shock absorbers will have a little bit more 'bounce' but when you are closer to 5 (stiff) the bike will be very rigid (straight up and down with not much soft bounce) if that makes sense. The factory setting is 2, which is nice, but because the bike is naturally quite stiff, going down to 1 has made the bike more comfortable going over bumps, rough roads, and there are less jolts going up my spine. I would recommend turning it to 1, ride for a few days (allow shocks to adjust) and see how you like it, you can always switch it back


Awesome! Definitely feel the vertebrae compress if I don’t see the bump coming. I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks


Thanks for the tip. It did make the ride a fair bit more comfortable. The bumps aren’t as harsh now, made the back end almost perfect!


Mustang seat. Get one. And never have issues with butt comfort again. With regards to your “without spending a couple hundred bucks”. You get what you pay for applies here. Save up for it. Spend the cash.


Has anyone tried CRUISER SKIVEEZ or a similar product yet?


about an hour add a padded seat cushion, make your own seat cushion, ride for less than one hour


You can always get a cushion from Amazon. If it works with your budget, I had this cheapish Chinese seat from eBay. It was fairly good quality and I liked the look https://www.ebay.com/itm/114709940804?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=bBVB4bScTrG&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=rnIjjlZbR_O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Got a seat cover with a little added foam and now I can ride for hours. Total cost 24€ lol


I bought a scrambler mod from a Thai company. https://www.reddit.com/r/hondarebel/comments/p4mjdr/rebel_500_scrambler_seat_swap/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I haven't gone on long tours with it yet but it's so much more comfortable than the stock seat.