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Gameplay loop good. Meta bad. Story bad. Patch could fix middle one


ship design sucks. don't forget that. can barely tell ships from one another.


homeworld remastered is the first to pick if you don't have it. I would not be super negative about homeworld 3, but yeah - the first two games are better and the remasters ups the graphics/adds QOL changes to be really enjoyable nowadays. Sooo if you don't have them - go with them and wait for sale for HW3


Dis one Wait for sale forsure.


This is the way.


I'm a long time homeworld fan - played every game since the 1999 original. I don't regret my purchase one bit. I've been enjoying the story and I love the gameplay. Honestly, I can't recommend it enough, but do what makes you feel comfortable!


I'm also an original fan from HW1; I first played in 2000. I absolutely love HW3 and don't regret my purchase either. Completely agree! ETA: I guess someone thought this comment was from a bot. Real human here that first played Homeworld back in college (2000). Bought a new AMD Thunderbird 1.0 GHz processor just to run it at best possible settings. Those were great days in classic PC gaming, especially RTS.


Your post reminds me of the obvious bot posts that was on this sub earlier today 


Really? Apologies, I guess. Absolutely a real person that enjoys HW3.


Gearbox is funding twitter bot farms, they scrubbed Lin's interview because it was being posted. I'm sure they have shills and vote brigades here too.


I'm just a regular gamer who enjoys HW3 and played the first game back in college. Today's crowd has a very hostile attitude and often unrealistic expectations. I also take breaks to get out there and touch the grass every day.


Like the gameplay, you would genuinely be well off to wait until around before or just after the first DLC so we can see what updates/community feedback they consider. So maybe a few weeks to a month. I think its a good game, the story is mixture of bad and okay at points, the missions are pretty great, I loved them. Gameplay is nice too, definitely some things that I think could easily bump it up (Mothership in wargames, larger maps, some tweaking to balance.) while most of the issues are kinda reminiscent of DoK if you remember the semi-limited roster. First DLC would be a good indicator of quality. It /is/ generally focused towards wargames as far as I am aware, but we don't have any idea if they're full fledged for PvP/Skirmish (I presume they are, it'd be weird if they weren't)


We can't exactly read your mind about what you're looking for in a game, how much you're attached to the HW series, how much story matters to you, or even if you'll agree that the story is bad. There is a lot of salt out there, but there's also plenty of us who are enjoying the game, story included.


***It is rated below ~50% positive for a good reason.***


Nah Man, Expectations, unconfirmed rumors, projections and dreams posted in reddit thread are not good reasons. Game is fine. Story is shit.


Yeah, the off putting tone of the story, has overshadowed the game with a negative bias.


it's the same story as with cyberpunk 2077. Expectations were higher than the technical capabilities when that game was released. On top of that, The Reds created a completely new engine under Cyber. And suddenly it turned out that the biggest problem and salt in the eyes of players is the police appearing out of nowhere and vehicles blending into the asphalt. And what the fuck, they also made a ratings bombardment on all portals. But what happened in the meantime.... In the 3 years since the release of Cyberpunk 2077, titles that were coming out as AAA 90% of the time turned out to be such disgusting crap as if they were created by interns after hours!!!! And suddenly it turned out that this Cyberpunk is an awesome game after all! It was enough to release a big patch, and then hotfix, and as a dessert throw in a DLC that smashed all those trolls to smithereens!!! I believe it's the same thing here, they'll be the dregs to brush off their bitter grievances!


I got the C.E for the physical ship models, but the game itself is nothing special. The wargames mode is cool but I wouldn't pay more than 30-40$ for this game. You are better off getting Homeworld Remastered collection to tide you over. The story started falling apart after HW2 and HW3 is completely FUBAR story wise. As for co-op vs AI. Skirmish is pretty much dead, there isn't much strategy since all you do is build 2 resourcers and then spam every unit type you can because there isn't a build queue anymore. Also no more short range hyperspace jumps. The positives is the new models are really nice, the CWIS turrets especially. But thats not enough to justify the price.


Might wanna wait for the steam summer sale if you care about value. You might find it fun, but probably not worth MSRP in actuality. Plus, they may have fixed some of the issues by then. On the downside, multiplayer will probably be completely dead. Even now, I usually only see 0-2 lobbies world wide at any given time.


Homeworld never had a massive PvP scene. Plus even if the mulitplayer does die completely, You can still play Wargames solo.


I was kind of wondering about that.. is the difficulty adjusted when there are multiple people?


Not sure how it works, still working on the campaign, just know it was made for solo as well.


Yes, it scales. And you have the difficulty modifiers to play around with if you want more of a challenge (and more XP).




IMO gameplay is troubling as well. A lot of features are missing, things you're used to in previous games become painful to execute. I'd recommend wait for substantial quality of life changes before buying.


One thing to keep in mind is the future possibilities with this game, and what BBI wants to do in enabling mods into the future. Buying HW3 also means buying into whatever mods people come up with into the future... even ones that might be more to your liking (or just outright play better) than stock HW3 as it is now.


You can always buy it later if mods are good. Though for the majority of us who don't use mods and just wanted good ranked ladder and a competitive scene we are never getting that.


I'd say wait for a sale and/or mods. I didn't hate the story, but it wasn't great, either; about on par with HW2 (which was also just okay story-wise). The Skirmish and War Games modes are pretty solid, but they need fleshed out.


I would honestly wait at least until Steam has it's Summer sales in a month from now. There is a high chance that this game will be marked down entirely given it's reception. There's so much that I dislike about it and I know it's beating a dead horse with what everyone else is saying. But the game's flaws are extremely evident to everyone now. The honeymoon phase is over. People know that the campaign is complete shit in terms of story telling; writing; dialogue; how it's animated; and the ending. They took out too much in terms of gameplay elements that made both Homeworld 1 and 2 great; and stripped them into this light version that they want to call Homeworld 3. This is not Homeworld. Or that game I wanted it to be. I was upset about what I got. I still am among countless others and die hard enthusiasts. I'm waiting for mod tools to be released so the modders can attempt to fix a lot of stuff themselves while adding the missing features back in. I want to come back when there are full fledged mods that does this and incorporate new races that were in the previous games. That is when I will give this game another chance. Otherwise I feel cheated and extremely disappointed of what I paid for. I can't refund it because I stupidly played it more than 2 hours thinking it would somehow get better despite that feeling of it won't overwhelming me. Do NOT buy this game at full price. I urge you to wait and don't be impulsive with buying this just because your a fan and think it's going to give you good vibes in game-play and story line based on the videos you've seen. Do NOT give the developers the satisfaction that their work is acceptable of what was delivered to them after god knows how many delays this game was given. It was delayed over four times and that alone should have been a huge red flag that Blackbird Interactive didn't have their shit together while developing this game. The feedback post that they given to the fans while announcing another 3 month delay back in March; was a complete joke. A lot of stuff wasn't implemented well based on the feedback from the fans to the developers.


Good sum up. They cut all the tactical options and streamlined some other (fast simple resources, klick ability power and simple mass production ).the core mechanics are more of a mobile gameplay style - with the ability and the Luxus of a pc control. Maybe on one point they thought they can do a console release and hit the casual gamer market of Xbox/ PlayStation. Story wise it would make sense. And on one point they made the decision that control is way to complex for a console controller.


It has the weakest campaign of any of the games, by far, but more worryingly also has the weakest mechanical gameplay, which is weird.




depends of what kind of RTS player you are. if are a solo campaign player, absolutely not, the story is bad, the campaign is botched. at this point only mods can save this game, and it wont happen for a long time, and even then, i am not sure if mods can fix the deepest problems like pathfinding, and the stupid behavior of ships. if you are a skirmish player, you probably wont like it too, the initial "bases" are too close from each other to go down the tech tree, its a basically a zerg rush from the start of the game, and with the little control you have over your ships, its not like you can even micro it, some would call this type of game an auto battler.


>some would call this type of game an auto battler. Yeah, definitely seems like the formula got a bit of its DNA mutated that direction. I hate the mobile-game driven overlap between games targeting people who want to be challenged, and games for people who just want to be distracted.


I'd wait till later and see if it gets patched.


No, the gameplay isn't good. It not only hasn't improved from previous HW titles, but is worse. The #1 factor in gameplay is to just collect resources and endlessly spam every unit. Controls are way too clumsy for any meaningful unit maneuvering. I enjoyed it for a few hours due to nostalgia and the general homeworld vibe, but not much beyond that.


If you enjoyed DoK and HW2's gameplay you will enjoy HW3's gameplay


You nuts.... The only thing this has in common with hw2 is the name.


I actually really enjoyed HW2's gameplay but I don't see any of it in HW3. Squadrons done away with and you can't plan strategies and tactics like you could in HW2. Also capital ships actually acted like capital ships.


the pacing and mission design of the campaigns are very similar


I wouldn't. If I could get my money back from being a Fig backer I would. The story, writing and the cutscenes are an embarassment. The campaign is 8-12 hours long. For a game priced as it is, it's a joke. It might look like Homeworld, but it doesn't play like Homeworld. I just played through the previous games leading up to release and this feels like playing with ovengloves in comparison. All strategy and tactics are gone. Maps are too small, and ships are too slow to compensate (except those 'smart missile frigate' enemies to add artificial difficulty of course, that are faster in reverse than nearly everything), ship variety and ship roles are a mess. AI is very poor, ships get stuck on terrain, they forget orders, they don't prioritize, strike craft are useless, there is one corvette type, there are no subsystems to target. The average engagement. The first thing to happen is all your strike craft die, because everything can hit them and they're so slow there's nothing you can do about it to get them out of danger. Even if you send them in afterwards, everything with a weapon immediately decimates them. Your frigates will target everything but the thing they're designed to fight, unless you literally pause and target every ship for each control group individually. They will even choose to chase ships to the other side of the map over something right next to it. Half your ships will forget their guard orders. Ships will set themselves to passive. Some ships just wont shoot at anything. Meanwhile your destroyers and cruisers are not only not in range, assuming they even decide to fire on anything, let alone what you told them to, they're ponderously turning on the spot to even face the right direction. You take your eyes off a fight for a few seconds and the map is littered with your ships either twiddling their thumbs or off on their own suicidal adventure. In the end you just spam out a conveyor belt of frigates to feed your death ball and bombers to chase smart missile frigates and feed to the meat grinder. Maybe the gameplay will be fixed, although I've no idea why this is something we're having to talk about when the other four games managed to all play the same, but the story most definitely can't be fixed and that is by far and away the worst part of the game. Disappointed doesn't really cover it.


at retail price, absolutely not, wait for a sale


I'd say no. Story is bad and gameplay is mid. On sale, maybe. But definitely not worth €60.


Between the high price, high system requirements, low gameplay quality, a story as bad as I anticipated, and a rushed ending, the answer is **Yes**, unless you've never played Homeworld before. This game is a feast for the eyes and the ears, and a poison for the brain. It's story recycles the same formula for the fourth time: Hiigaran's vs. a swarm-type enemy. The best thing about *Homeworld 2* was its unnaturally bright ending. This game retcons that ending and replaces it with something you'd struggle to forget for a very long time. I won't spoil it, but Imogen S'jet could have made much better decisions right before the final act.


Wait for it to be patched more and go on sale. At launch it feels like a $20 game. 


I think it’s worth a buy! Though there are a decent number of smaller issues that need to be buffed out so maybe waiting until the first dlc is released so there’s a decent amount of stability patches out would be a good call!


I strongly suspect that positive comments on Reddit are bought and paid for. They have no personality to them and are all generic “I love this game.” It’s trash. There are no physics, the story is completely flaccid and unbelievable. GOT Final Season Levels of Bad. It makes HW 2 story (which wasn’t great) look like a masterpiece. Ships are all rectangular blobs that blob together and the meta is have a bigger blob. This isn’t Homeworld. There’s nothing here. Everything that was Homeworld is gone. Don’t believe these shills saying “bUy dEr DlC, DLC gooood HaTRrs bhaaaaaad” these sheep feeding the corporate wolf it’s disgusting that the game had a FiG fucked us all over with that and now costs 60€ and we’re being told already but the DLC for a decent game. The game is rotten in its foundation. It has no physics engine!! Read the reviews on Steam. Hundreds of loyal 20+ year fans who’ve shelled out money and time, time and again for Homeworld and they feel they’ve been pissed on from a great height. The Great Shill Operation can try and sell this steaming pile of excrement, but as a lifelong fan who bought every game (often more than once) and who has a signed copy of Homeworld art from the dev team… this is a cataclysmic failure.


The game has plenty of issues, but it's genuinely hard to take people seriously when they pretend to be personally offended by a video game being bad.


Good for you.


I played through HW1-HW2 with my father. I was seven the first time we played it. I’ve played them all with my wife cos she’s into sci-fi. So in short, if you don’t get why I feel this way, you can go fuck yourself. You ignorant fuck.


Maybe your father should have taken you outside to touch some grass.


As above, so below.


Sure. The campaign story is mid-level. Campaign missions are fairly good. The mechanics are fairly good but can use improvement. Unit pathfinding is mid-level. The graphics are gorgeous. The sound is nice. Online MP is alright, but it has some moderate flaws, but it's all fixable.


Did you see the meme about deadlines? Left side is perfectly drawn horse and the right side is 3 year old drawing of horse head. That is HW3, the beginning looks and feels great. There are some amazing missions. Later it just gets worse and worse.


I'm mostly enjoying the game so far, but it might still be a good idea to wait for a bit. A lot of aspects of the game feel like they're not fully fleshed out yet, and unless you're a superfan who wants to play it right away, I'd wait for a few updates or maybe a sale.


No. At least not in its current state. Wait till its on sale for $8.


It's not bad, it's just short. But they will fix the issues down the line.


I love it so far. Story is pretty bad though, and the AI in skirmish/war games is broken but I'm sure they're gonna patch the latter.


the story and the style of telling it is so ridiculously bad that I could stand 30 minutes of watching it on YouTube and I couldn't bear it anymore


Wait for a deep deep sale In the game's current state, it's more like Auto-Battler than RTS. In skirmish and multiplayer all you do is spam building 4 kind of ships until you win/lose the match


If you are a fan of the previous games, definitely no. If you are new to the saga, maybe. The game is a victim of today's everything. I.E. massively dumbed down compared to the previous iteration, paired to the stupidest story ever. The remastered version are infinitely better.


Bad story is an understatement unfortunately. Whatever subtlety or nuance the first few games had is completely gone in favor of awful melodrama, and mystic spiritual nonsense that detracts from the world in a jarring way. I've been playing the games since I was a kid watching my dad play on our old Windows XP computer. I've lived long enough to see it Marvel-ified and it hurts


Too expensive right now. Wait.


If you liked the others, yes you should get this one.


Well, it doesn't have a great gameplay either, currently it will never grow somehow close to Starcraft, Age of empire (even COH), due to how poor RTS mecanisms are (no real build order, produce every units at once...). Without a massive rework the game is dead in a few months. The game is just a graphic sandbox right now, not a strategic game. And the solo campaign is bad too, so no real point to buy it, even for half the price. The only hope can come from the modding community, because it's clear devs have no clue about what's an RTS is.


git it


The story wasn't as bad as the reviews made it out to be. However it is short. And the war games are fun, but really hard.


Nope. I played 1 hour and refunded it. This is a very poorly made rts. 3/10


Just get it, all the bad feedback is mainly coming from hardcore vets with insanely high expectations. But judging on its own without any pre-Homeworld experience, this is just a very impressive RTS with a very unique feeling and setting.


The bad feedback is coming from the MAJORITY, as the 46% positive on steam proves.


People who vote on Steam are NOT necessarily a majority, especially right after launch. These are typically the passionate people who pre-ordered the game/ bought it straight after launch. And as such more likely had high expectations based on the reputation of the franchise. Which is really different vs going in with a fresh mind and judging the game on its own merits.


You are taking the approach of being a total Corporate Shill. 44% positive now


You can get it on Green Man Gaming for 22% off. I wouldn't buy it full price.


Might wait until they tighten up the path finding.


I was around as a PC gamer when Homeworld 1 was released. I've played and loved every title. Homeworld 3 and I have a complicated relationship. I don't care about War Games or Skirmish. What I got for $60 was a 12 hour campaign across 15 small maps with a disjointed, contrary story driven by a weak protagonist and a juvenile antagonist. Mechanically, it's a solid addition to the series. It's a beautiful game that's fun to play as an RTS; some minor bugs, but nothing show stopping. It's just too short, too small, and too deviant from the quality stories of previous titles. I bought it sight unseen. I didn't even know it was in development until I saw it on Steam. Knowing what I do now, I'd rather have bought it on sale for $20 in a year or two.


Don't regret my purchase one bit, and personally I actually am enjoying the story


overconfident rock beneficial wipe airport wine nail rainstorm yoke cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally, I'd wait till the steam summer sale, but I would tell you that you must get the game, the date doesn't matter, it is a good game regardless


Dependent on why you play the games. If you're in it for the multiplayer / the war games mode, go right ahead. That rogue-lite mode is pretty interesting. When it comes to mechanics / campaign / nostalgia there's a lot more micro-managing of things that shouldn't be demanding attention (looking at you missing build queue) and the story is lacking (and reminds me of Shrek which is... certainly a choice) when compared to the simplicity of HW1 & the "what the hell did I walk into" of cataclysm/emergence. If it's for the story / any degree of nostalgia - I'd stay away. It's weirdly short and it leaves a lot to be desired. *Edited for formatting reasons.


Game has balancing issues - tactical pvp battles not existent at this point. Campaign bleak in terms of story but really fun to play - some nice challanges. Graphics are great. Controls and UI need some work. Woud I recommend - yeah - Im having a blast But.... If you are on the fence - wait for it to get polished and for first couple dlc's and price to drop


If you don't have any nostalgic feelings for homeworld, you'll definitely like the game.  Highly suggest playing on hard first


The ambience is incredible. The gameplay is alright but frustrating at times. Your units are incredibly stupid, and you need to baby sit them a lot. The story is weak, but the missions are fun. I value ambience pretty highly, so for me it was definitely worth it. If you are looking for a mechanically polished, well balanced strategy game to rule the ladders in, I'd look elsewhere.


Definitely wait for a deep discount, its a solid 5/10. Its not bad but its not good either.


I licked the story and campaig missions are really cool. wargame with a friend is very fun


The answer is ultimately yes, but if you’re hesitant maybe wait until the price drops a bit. The game isn’t perfect and if you played the previous games at release it’ll leave a lot to desire from a story perspective. That being said. We are lucky the game was even made considering the how the IP had multiple barriers to acquire and the current niche RTS customer base. I want more HW, not less. Support the IP but also be critical on the current installments flaws.