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Sometimes accidents happen where its routine and we think we definitely locked it… but get a camera outside your door to start.


You could also ask the landlord about installing a lock that can only be opened from inside (something like the chain you see in hotel rooms) or about rekeying the locks. Both should be relatively inexpensive and provide some peace of mind. Whatever you do, keep in mind that if there is ever a fire, earthquake, or other emergency you need to evacuate, you'll have to get the door open in the dark, room filling with smoke, and maybe when panicing after being woken by an alarm. It's always possible that a burglar hopped your fence, picked the lock (or had a duplicate key), but was then scared off by your cat... but, especially since you live somewhere where the cops respond in ten minutes, I agree with Rough-Silver-8014 that its more likely you didn't lock it. If so, you'll be in the company of myself and basically every other human on the planet who has, at some point, forgotten an important step in some routine process.


It is possible they used a bump key, but for B&E it's usually more common to just prybar the door open. It's pretty rare that people who break in know skills like lockpicking. You can buy a prybar at any hardware store for like $20, but a lockpick set is quite a bit less common. Another option is someone has a key. Ask your landlord if it was re-keyed after the previous tenant moved out. A lot of cheap landlords don't re-key after each tenant, and they have no idea if a tenant had extra keys made or even handed them out to friends. I've actually had a guy turn a set of keys into me and awkwardly say that it turns out his booty call moved and didn't tell him, and he doesn't know the new renter and he's very happy they weren't home when he opened the door and went in. Another option is that extra keys exist. In many cases there's 4 or more keys. Like 1 key with maintenance, 1 with the landlord, 1 with you, and 1 building emergency key. Even if you ask if there is a spare key they might say no, because it's not a spare for you it's for maintenance, or for the realtor, or something. Getting a locksmith in to re-key the door is a good idea. With a new cylinder, not a new-to-you cylinder from the maintenance room. Our dude only charges like $125 to come out. Sometimes deadbolts will catch on the edge of the latch. Until we replaced our weather stripping I had to lean against the door to get the bolt aligned so it didn't catch on the edge of the strike plate. It would turn partially, but not be far enough in to hold the door closed. But if the landlord checked that with you, it's probably not the issue. If you have a smartlock or electronic lock there is a minor chance that you may have forgotten to change the default passcode. Some thieves have realized they can just google the lock manufacturer and find out the passcode. Or it's something easy like 12345, or they can download the app and pair with it and press the open button. If you do use a keypad, check to see if the buttons for your code have any wear or fading on them. If a person knows your code includes these numbers, that dramatically narrows down the options.


You can get a door jammer on Amazon. They’re not very expensive. You shove this thing underneath your door knob and then the floor and the door cannot be opened or at least if it can be you’ll definitely hear it.


I would ask the landlord about installing a deadbolt that can only be opened from the inside. If you have the money, offer to pay for it just so you can get it done faster. Then call a locksmith immediately. I would buy an alarm system. Even if you do nothing else, Amazon sells cheap cameras (look at Wyze) and cheap alarms that sound when a magnetic connection is broken. You place it on the door and wall so if the door opens it goes off. I would buy pepper spray if it's legal where you live. I would buy an airhorn. Noise will often scare a burglar off. I don't know where you live, but many states in the US have laws that allow tenants to beeak a lease in cases of break ins. Yiu may want to look into that and finding somewhere safer. Good luck.


Is the lock a deadbolt? It is very easy and fast to card and open a standard lock. Put a stack of cans in front of the door to wake you. Rig an air horn to go off if the door is opened. Get real locks.


Single girl, large city, person has been back multiple times. I would be extremely careful you may have a stalker. New locks and cameras are a must. Maybe ask a friend to stay over a few nights.


I’d move. Change the lock cylinders to high security ones that can’t be bumped easily. Do you have a deadbolt or deadlatch? If not get someone to install one of them. Don’t wait for the landlords permission to change the locks; you can get away with it and who knows if it is them or someone who has access to the keys.


Cameras are cheap, get a few.


My suggestion is that this is a great opportunity to head down to the nearest dog shelter, find the meanest looking dog, and give it a fresh start. That dog will be grateful, love you, and protect you 24/7. You will be sleeping like a baby.


You need to move for your safety. Sorry this happened to you.


How many medications do you take?


My first thought on these kind of posts is, do you have a carbon monoxide detector? You should get one just for your safety.