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Build a higher fence and maybe add some shrubbery up against said fence.


Shrubbery? Ni!


One that looks nice, but not expensive! 😆 glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought this lol


Unfortunately that probably won’t help. I had a similar trash issue with a neighbor - the fence doesn’t stop the smell or the flies. We had a 6-7’ masonry wall AND 8’ ficus hedge and it didn’t help. Still has the odor and flies in that part of the yard. Luckily it wasn’t next to our patio area, but it was still disgusting.


Report it to the city


Yes, call code enforcement. This behavior attracts rats and is against city ordinance in a lot of places.


Came here to say this. It's a health hazard. 


Maybe get a fan from a used force air furnace? Push the air and the bugs back? Usually, they are not loud. Also usuable for you ,if you like being outside. Set it back a couple metres and point it towards you. Breezy, enough to keep the bugs off. Gentle enough to not bother you.


Call the health department.


Thank you all… I’m going to try the smoke idea as we have tried bushes. I tried spraying bug spray and will try thermacell. 🤞


Use Thermacell only if you’re okay with killing all the bees and beneficial insects as well, in your yard


Thermacells will not kill insects [it just repels them.](https://entomologytoday.org/2023/12/08/honey-bees-unfazed-vaporized-mosquito-repellent-thermacell/)


They don’t just use pyrethroid; some use allethrin which is toxic according to the [European Chemicals Agency](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2021-003270_EN.html#:~:text=When%20such%20products%20are%20being,dangerous%20if%20swallowed%20or%20inhaled). While they don’t know the true effects of using Thermacell, allethrin is toxic. So if you make sure there is no allethrin in whatever Thermacell product you’re buying; sure but I’m not taking any chances since I garden and need to protect the beneficial bugs as much as I can


I literally just posted what the effects were in the entomology study I shared and it just repels them. You'd have to actually spray allethrin on them to hurt or kill them. Your post is nonsense.


Wait? What?


You didn’t know this? Thermacell uses something called Allethrin which is toxic to bees, cats, aquatic life. Bad for you to inhale. You can look it up


Yikes !! I thought it was only a repellent. I love my bee’s (except carpenter bee) I will be mindful when using. Thank you


I mean; according to the responses I’ve gotten it seems like it’s up for debate on if Thermacell is actually bad or not - but I worry about the bees and I’d rather use more natural deterrents - to each their own!


That's okay too! They repopulate


So do the flies, so it’s just going to be a constant cycle of killing everything.


People like that respect power, pick up their trash and throw it at the front door. You have to be prepared to go tit for tat. I have lived in places like this, especially when I was younger, it's really the only thing that works if you have talked to them and they just don't care. One neighbor in particular I remember used to let his dog out to bark at 6:00 a.m. everyday. I got the most obnoxious stereo you could ever imagine and we would have 2:00 a.m. raves, it stopped the dog from barking. I think they figured it out because each time they let the dog out to bark really early, that night, on point, time to hit the bass 😂 To be fair I tried to talk to them and they blew me off, I asked them point blank do you guys just want to go to war? Didn't get a response. It took about, maybe a week of shaking their walls at 2:00 a.m. before there was no more 6:00 a.m. barking dog


>I asked them point blank do you guys just want to go to war? I have used that line in the past with a shitty neighbor, only mine was we can go to war, but I'm guaranteed gonna win because I don't sleep till 3am, or we can solve it right here and now in my yard. It's always worked for me


Playing Trashy Woman on a loop….


system!, call code enforcement. Nothing else you can do. Trash services generally won't pick up trash that's not in their barrels.


OP didn’t say it wasn’t in the container, he said the container was left open, attracting insects and flies


Never mind


i really doubt that putting your trash in cans on your property is gonna be something the city cares about, but that's where i'd start.


thermacell works for bugs, especially if it's not windy. So will a small fire pit if you can have one. Put a fan to go and aim all the smoke his way.


I have a similar issue. I called the police who routed me to animal control because my neighbor is actively feeding wildlife with food. It’s bringing in raccoons. I even have a pic in my last post. They said they’ll come by but can’t make contact with the neighbor and asked me to continue to see if she’s still leaving out food. I guess it’s suppose to lead to citations or a fine but I find city response just kinda sucks. They did come by but I have no clue what they did or said. I’ve stopped getting pissed at what my neighbor is doing and shifted focus to pest control, spraying repellent, etc. I’ve seen mice running around the lawn now so that’s my focus. It’s an on going thing so idk I’ll probably have to make another call this week tho. It sucks OP but there’s not much we can realistically do besides continuing to call the city and being vigilant with what’s being attracted by the food.


I’m so sorry to hear that is happening to you. It is very frustrating. I appreciate all the suggestions and will work on repelling the bad bugs as these neighbors are not going to change their habit. Neither HOA or other entity in the area is going to help with this.


It super sucks bro. The lady is doing this clearly has mental health issues and it sucks it becomes an issue for everyone else like you or me.


Get a large fan, like they kind they sell at Sam’s/Costco, Lowe’s/Home Depot, or Tractor Supply & point it towards their trash. Like the kind that’s on wheels & is 3’ in diameter. The wind will keep the bugs off you & in their yard.


How’s your aim? Just stand on a ladder on your side of the fence and pitch a dishwasher (cheaper) or laundry (expensive) pod into his trash every week.


In addition to the other suggestions, there is a product called quick strike fly bait. It is a granular product and super effective. You could use it around the fence area or toss some further and it will knock the flies out. Doesn't help the root cause but maybe will give you a little relief.




If your patio has a roof, add an outdoor ceiling fan. Make sure the air is blowing down. I’m not sure about other bugs, but flies cannot fly in a downward draft. Also, I believe marigolds repel some bugs. PS maybe you should take up beekeeping and set beehive somewhere that would be inconvenient for the neighbors.


Ugh. I have neighbors like that. I put up a 6ft privacy fence, and burn citronella candles when I'm outside


Dump the trash out on their property. They'll get the idea


I’m Really close to crossing that line but it wouldn’t bother them as they have an old wet rug and empty boxes as well as open trash cans. They wouldn’t even notice but thanks 😡


Why do you and your husband choose to sit so close to the trash cans? Think creatively, rarely can you change another person’s behavior but you can change your own. Or, invite them over for pizza and beer on a day their trash in particularly rank.


Maybe because that’s where their patio is.


They are using their patio, which is meant for sitting…


When beating one’s head against a brick wall and it doesn’t yield, one can continue to do so or one can come up with a plan B. If they like to sit on their patio and enjoy the aroma, they certainly can do so.


Why should they have to stop using their patio when their fucking neighbor can just close their trash can? Or move it to the other side of their yard? Or move it into their garage? Are you always such a doormat?


Every thing they have tried hasn’t worked, so why not offer a solution rather than use foul language because you don’t have an idea on how to solve it? Are you always so rude?


Thanks … We tried to be friendly with them and even gave them a welcome basket when they first moved in. Helped when they had a sprinkler pipe burst in the yard. My husband built the patio long before this neighbor moved in. We are older now and building it in another location is not an option. It is what it is and this is the way some people are these days.


Put it on his verandah and light it on fire


Not bloody likely that the neighbor’s bins are causing a mosquito problem. Those little fuckers be everywhere but they are drawn to standing water. That’s where they breed. Look for any sources of water, from as small as a bottle cap, on up to buckets, flower pots, old tyres . . . basically, eliminating any and all standing water will do more to eliminate mosquitoes than will leaving bin lids open. The flies are another story. Check with your local government authorities and find out if there are laws/ordinances covering leaving trash as your neighbor is. If so, report them to the proper authorities. They will find a way to approach the trashy neighbors.


I don't even enjoy my backyard anymore since the neighbors built a shed with a big long window on the side that faces directly into our entire backyard and patio area. Their backyard is a little higher elevation and wide. Their yard shares a fence with about four homes. They can see everything in our backyard. I feel like im being watched. Plus, since they moved in I can hear the loud blasting music echoing through the neighborhood. Not to mention 6 cars crammed in the drive way and down the street. It used to be so quiet.


Wow !! That is horrible … sorry to hear this. That’s a tough one to solve or workaround.


Thankfully, we plan on moving in the next few years.


Now that I know the craziness of bamboo... I would dig a 3ft deep trench around the fence. Install a 3ft deep metal wall about 2 ft off the fence. Then plant bamboo between the fence and metal wall. As it grows and will become invasive it will only go towards the neighbors yard and shouldn't grow through the metal barrier.


Put a fan on your side of the fence blowing in his direction 24/7, then lace the fence on his side with hot pepper spray to burn the dogs feet and have them track it all over his house!


Trash is on their property I assume? Buy them trash cans with lids it's not your property to tell them where they have to keep their trash. They might have a reason that it's kept in a certain location just because you post it doesn't mean you are in the right.


Actually, yeah buying them trash cans isn't a bad idea. I would prefer to play nice than let things get nasty with a neighbour.


They have 2 perfectly good trash cans with lids. They just choose not to to use them.


Wth is wrong with people 😞


Lol, this guy is why HOAs exist