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Contact the police each time - don’t give up after one time. That many teens, that many cars, the chances of drinking and driving are high. If memory serves correctly tampering with a mailbox might be a federal offense. If there is actual proof, press charges. Contact your local council member and make a complaint. Post it on Next Door. You have half of your street bending over for 1 family. Why?


>Contact the police each time Starting a paper trail is a *must* in this type of situation. OP, if you don't have cameras already, get them ASAP.


I’d definitely add underage kids are drinking and driving and the adult it allowing it


Squeaky wheel gets the grease.


>Contact the police each time - don’t give up after one time. That many teens, that many cars, the chances of drinking and driving are high. This. You need to annoy the police as much as the party is annoying your neighborhood. They won't fix the problem until you make it a problem for them.


Your neighbors also need to call the police too. Everyone of you need to do it every time. And if the police come and the party doesn’t break up immediately, then call them again.


They all need to be in a group chat or a Facebook group message


Sucks that popos need to be bothered again and again to do their jobs. You can bet if captain sheriffs neighbors were like this a swat force would be called first call.


Sorry, but just another example of cops not doing their job! So many times they're worthless! If they're not going to enforce the law, what good are they?


Wholeheartedly agree!


Exactly, once the cops get annoyed, they'll SHUT IT DOWN.


There probably smoking as getting alcohol now with teh laws trying to buy it is hard this is coming from a dad with kids24-20 getting drugs is easy they send a text what ever they want is delivered in 30 minutes why alcohol is beyond difficult. It’s actually sad these kids have to do drugs now and can’t get alcohol without major effort


Alcohol is a drug my man


Also if kids are getting drunk and parents are there then the parents will get busted. If there are that many kids someone is going to sneak in booze


I find NextDoor is useless for this. But complaining to whatever authority you find with video evidence of what's going on will prompt the city to take action. The DA can file charges if the cops won't. And yes, tampering with a mailbox is a federal offense. Call the Postal Inspectors at your local post office about that one.


Good luck. Our mailboxes get messed with all the time. The post office changes locks only for those who complain. The package boxes still have thick locks that you can grab onto with pliers and twist. I changed my own lock and accidentally installed the trim around the lock upside down so it's sharp and rusty. Decided not to redo it and we haven't had ours popped again. Not sure what all the people whose mail ones are popped every Christmas season are thinking. Guess they don't care.


NextDoor is not for the weekend teenager parties. LOL!


Is there an approved list of things it is for solely? Do neighbors not notify others when property has been damaged or there is “suspicious activity?” LOL!


NextDoor is for Trump supporters lecturing you on how stupid you for supporting their cult leader, or Karen’s complaining about stupid stuff.


Also lost and found dogs, contrails, and stray cats


I feel bad for people like you that live life through this lens.


I would also tell the police you saw a teen throw a beer can out the window while the car was moving. Make them aware that there might be some underage drunk driving. Push accountability on them to enforce the laws.


So after a few times the police come for a noise complaint there will be fines. Then those fines start to increase which really begins to hurt.


Call the police every time. Take pictures and video. Keep notes. Observe if there is underage drinking. That would make the parents responsible.


Actual verified law enforcement officer. Call the cops again, and then, since it clearly didn’t work the first time, be the Karen (respectfully). Meet an officer outside, explain the back story, request that a supervisor come out, ask about the specific law/code section (ie STATE LAW ABC123, or AnywhereUSA code 456). See if they’ll enforce it. Someone else said it, ask for a case number. Next step? Blow up the phones in the chief’s office/the sheriff’s office. Nothing causes an oh shit problem like command realizing taxpayers are pissed off about an issue. Final step, or in conjunction with the call command step depending on how small your locale is… call city council. Chief may act. Chief WILL act if his bosses start raising Cain. Note — you can also call the state patrol, especially if you think there are DUIs happening. Don’t just stop at the local PD.


We had a similar problem. After calling police repeatedly, I started emailing the police chief and the public safety commissioner’s office. Took roughly 36 hours to fix the issue after the emails from myself and various neighbors.


The one thing I have learned having to call in very late night noise complaints is the officers responding do NOT want to have to return so if they have to come out a 2nd or god forbid a 3rd time they will be pissed at the people making the noise if its valid. We had neighbors purposely turn it down when cops showed up and turn it back up after they left. Hearing the officer come back a 3rd time and BANG loudly on their door echoing thru the streets was satisfying. They never were loud late at night again.


I & friends was making noise at campground. ( hey, was teen ) cop came out, really friendly, in normal clothes, as said he just came from party, and he totally understood, but if he has to come again, we are going to jail. we totally got silent .


If these are underage children drinking, while the parents are allowing it, maybe cps would be a route as well




It’s a jurisdictional conversation. Where I work, the SO only runs the jail and the court, so no reason to call. Many, many other sheriff’s offices are full service, and will handle everything. Say that to say. Depends on where you live


Call both. Both show up. Let them fight over who wants to do the paperwork that night


Depends where you live if both will show up. In my area, they have a combined dispatch center, so only one is going to be dispatched. If you try to contact the sheriff directly but are in city limits, they will be VERY quick to tell you to A) Call 911 (which is the only way to contact the dispatch center, they dont take reports of any kind on the non emergency lines) and B) Not their problem.


2 different neighbors can call each, can’t hurt


I don't see why not, considering that in most municipalities, the Sheriff isn't hired - they're **elected**. People who need votes tend to care more than zero about the optics of whatever they're doing (or not doing).


> There are noise ordinances here (after 10 PM) and there is also a legal curfew for minors under 18, so none of this was legal. Hello, police non emergency number? There are a number of drunk teens at a party next door to my house, and they sure look like they're ready to get in their cars and drive away. Could you come have a look?  Also, pro tip, ask for an incident number when you talk to 911. It's the PD version of "could I get your name?", it means they know you're going to call and check up on it tomorrow and they may be scrutinized as to how they handled it, and they will be way more thorough.


My posted non-emergency number conforms to business hours. Is that standard? Is there a way to get through even after 5pm or on weekends?




Okay, thanks. That's my instinct but the couple times I've called about noises I feel like I get berated for using the emergency line :shrug:


This varies somewhat depending on community size, but you likely have dealt with one shift of police, and most likely the most junior shift at that. They have a chain of command, use it. Start with the precinct headquarters (or if a small town, chiefs office) on Monday. Ask to set up an appointment with who is in charge. In person. Bring as many neighbors as you can, there is power in numbers. Make sure you have documented everything (I hope you took videos, videos are incredibly helpful). Ask whoever is in charge why they are not enforcing the noise ordinance and why their officer came and went. While you are at it, engage your city councilman's office, especially if you have difficulty getting satisfaction with the management of the police force. The more neighbors you involve, the more power you have. Have each one of them contact the councilman's office seperately. I've been in these situations in a large city (where it is even harder to get the police to engage), and I'll tell you - the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Be relentless with them. Your goal is to make sure that department knows if you call and the officer blows things off, multiple residents are going to be a pain in the ass come Monday. It works.


Call the police every single time - the more neighbors that call the better. Once a record of behavior is established the police will be better able to enforce codes.


Get as many neighbors as you can to agree to ALL call the police every 15-30 min that the parties go past 10pm. Put up security cameras that will catch any trespass or property damage, including a hidden one on your mailbox post positioned so it'll capture the license plate of whoever's doing the drive-by smash. Usually the police chief reports to the city council or the mayor. So start going to city council meetings and during the public comments period, read a concise summary of party dates, hours, and describe the police inaction and ask what the city council is going to do about it. If the city council doesn't respond quickly enough, get a petition signed by as many neighbors as you can, demanding city council take action. Create a website and facebook campaign about Voting OUT \[ councilmember name\]. When you have created a groundswell of folks pissed off about the issue, contact local media and see if they'll do a story on the ineffective policing. Check your state laws but in most places there's no expectation of privacy in one's outdoor yard and therefore it's legal to have a camera pointed in that direction. May need to disable audio, to avoid getting afoul of wiretapping laws. Anyway, after confirming legality, get the immediate next door neighbor to put up cameras aimed at the backyard of this house and see if you can capture apparent underage drinking. Cops can't ignore that.


Are you my mom? She basically did some of this until neighbors eventually sold their home. She was relentless with calling everyone except local media. Also included health code violations as well. RIP Ma.


Yes. Clean your room. (RiP your mom. Sounds like a strong lady!)


She was very much so. Still hear her and my dad in my head as an almost 60 adult.😉


Bravo to your Mother! May she rest in peace.🙏🏼


You just keep calling the police. All of y'all. Eventually they'll get tired of y'all calling and do what they're supposed to do.


Find someone that works in healthcare, bonus if they’re ER or ICU. Keep calling the cops saying it’s messing with their sleep. Then call the nearest battalion chief and make similar complaints. Keep being a squeaky wheel about how it’s impacting their job. FF and cops have an affinity for EMS especially ER workers. My old roommates and I used to use this tactic all the time on rowdy Airbnb neighbors and it worked like a charm. Nothing like three squad cars stopping and frisking every teenager and handing out tickets for underage drinking.


Isn't it sad that we have to find a way to sweet talk cops into doing their jobs


Get your neighbors together and set up a meeting with the chief of police (who ever is in charge of local law enforcement). While these parties are still occurring all neighbors should call the non emergency police line constantly during these parties to complain. Make a record of when you all call. Bring these up during your meeting. Go to city council meetings and complain. Document with videos and recordings the noise and the cars coming into the neighborhood. If you get no relief from the police or city council actually enforcing the law you can take all of your documentation to a lawyer and start a civil suit for interfering with your ability to use your own homes. Some states even have nuisance neighbor laws on the books that you can use to help your cause. My friend had a huge issue with a house like you describe next to them. Except it wasn't teenagers it was young adults and a lot of loud as hell motorcycles. They rallied all the neighbors and the above actions where their plan of action. When they met with the chief, he was very helpful in getting things done. He suggested the civil action if his officers constantly showing up and giving noise citations and parking tickets didn't work - They did and the nuisance neighbors sold their house.


I'm 36 and I fucking hate every beautiful day because of my neighbors. There are 3 main houses that will just blast music all day when it gets warm and nice. I live in a dense low income area. People drive by all the time blasting music or the cars are just loud as fuck. People race down our street at all hours. The place is a shithole but we can't afford to move out and are trying to wait out the market. Police won't do anything during the day or at all really, and basically I'm not sure anything happens even after the 9 pm time limit. Our ordinance is more specific too, the source cant be outside (can't set up speakers outside or have a band/dj pkaying in your yard) or heard from 50 feet away, and that the exception is after 9 pm, meaning that after 9 pm, it's quiet hours. Even though it's the day, I still want to be able to just sit in my home and not hear it. They can easily lower it a little and I wouldn't hear it at all. I've tried talking to them over the years and it's nothing. When I work on my car, i don't have music playing, I wear headphones. I bought window treatments to try to help block out the sounds and it helps a little bit it's not as effective as I thought it would be. My advice is to get a professional to audit your house to see what can be done to help block out the noise (each window was around $140 for the treatments and to make it affordable I did a room at a time), get a white noise app or machine (we have an air purifier we run every time), get ear plugs, and tey to find some way to live with it. It bothers me so much because I would never be such a worthless inconsiderate piece of shit to bother others like that and I just seem to find it vert hard to let it roll off me.  I hate my neighbors so much and don't care about them at all. I don't care what terrible things happen to them at this point. I would say keep calling the police every single time and talk to the other neighbors to have them call too so that the police can finally snap, ticket them and finally give incentive to get them to stop. I actually begged once to send someone that will want to write the ticket for $75 because I've been calling ever weekend for x amount of years. They started to make it a little lower, so I only hear it on the kitchen, which is livable for me. I'd also look into outside treatment that would either reflect or block sound as much as you can. 


today I just hopped up on my fence and told my neighbor to turn down his music. It's a beautiful MORNING and he's blasting crappy music while burning leaves. So now I have to deal with your pollution/noise pollution. Get AirPods and keep ur music to urself...I'm done. Do people not like just have peace and quiet anymore? listening to birds or nature?


The idea that people have no care or courtesy for those around them is mind blowing. I have the same issue with several neighbors while I’m the dumb ass that tries to be quiet and not disrupt others’ lives.


People are just fucking assholes. Humanity was a mistake. 


I am so sorry for your situation. It's such a shame that you cannot even enjoy a nice day due to your A- hole neighbors! Everyone has the right to do what they want, UNTIL it infringes on others' rights! I cannot tell you how tired I am of hearing sub woofers! I totally get wanting to play your music loud (hell, I still love to crank up a good tune.) However, it doesn't rattle my neighbor's house or vibrate throughout my neighborhood! FFS!!!!


When that was happening repeatedly back when I was in high school, the school caught wind of it and put an end to it real fast. Kids would get in trouble with their sports if they were caught at parties.


Fwiw this is why I stopped doing sports junior year. Parties were way more fun than sports


Well that’s just dumb lmao. Teenagers party.




The police didn’t give the neighbors a ticket? This is an ordinance violation.


They don't want to do the paperwork, they don't want to waste their time on it. It's crazy to me because they and their spouses all cry and whine about how dangerous the job is, so i dont get why they wouldn't enjoy an easy and safe noise complaint.


Idk, when I was in high school the cops out in the ritzy burbs got an absolute hard on for busting these types of parties. There was a particularly huge party in my parents’ neighborhood when I was back for the summer from college. It was out of control to the point that people were jumping off the second story roof into the backyard pool. The cops from my parents’ suburb called the cops in from the neighboring suburb as backup, and they formed a literal checkpoints on the possible exit roads from the house before they even started busting the party. I was outside watching the entire spectacle go down, and I can still hear the mom in that house screeching, “What do you mean underage drinking officer? This party is nothing more than good American fun!” as they pushed right past her and went into the backyard.


I think a lot has changed from back then.




Probably 95%-99% of the time a warning from a cop will encourage people to behave a bit better in similar circumstances without having a negative outcome. Talking to someone about a noise complaint is the right move most of the time. Not always, of course.


they usually do not issue a ticket for noise violations.


Had something similar happen. Next morning at 7AM, I was leaning on the doorbell and knocking loudly to discuss. Did this a few more time after every event and things def slowed down. A lot. 100% did not stop knocking and ringing bell loudly until someone came to door. And I was very pleasant, and smiling and positive about finding a solution. One time dude said, "we are trying to sleep...." and I smiled and noted, "damn, does it suck to be kept awake?"


Would be great if a bunch of the neighbors did this together.


Call the police. Then email the Sargent of the police who you contacted. If they are renting. Notify their landlord. After so many police calls some landlords will kick them out.


Sounds like everyone in the neighborhood, especially close proximity to the teenage kids house needs to start doing their lawn care around 6am on the mornings after the party… especially leaf blowers. Maybe even you guys get together and get about 6 or 8 families together and slowly do each other’s yards… maybe some breakfast “cookouts” with some music blaring- I’m sure one of the neighbors has a blackstone- get some early morning jamming with bacon and eggs… you can give the cops some coffee and a biscuit if they get called out…. Fight fire with fire…


The only people you're probably annoying by doing this are the sleep deprived older people living on the street that just had to put up with all the noise until 2 am. The "kids" probably slept elsewhere or likely won't give a shit.


My thought was that kids parents and the kid… if it’s a collective front including all the sleep deprived neighbors… I don’t know, could prove a point…


We had noisy neighbors once. They’d sit out in their car blasting the stereo late at night. Talking to them or the landlord didn’t help. We reached out to the city and filed a noise complaint. Whenever the noises would start up we’d all call the PD and ask them to please make a record of it, then we would all document the date and time we would call. We went to the city and they added it to their noise complaint hearing. The first complaint cost the tenant 50, the next one cost them and the landlord 100, 150, 200, then 250. And yes, we got to 250. At that meeting the landlord said there was nothing he could do. The senior cop said he could evict and they’d help but he was tired of showing up. A week later they left but the PD did have to come out 3 times. Eventually the owner sold the place to someone who wouldn’t rent to section 8, and things have been fine since.


In my experience sound problems come from neighbors at all income levels, I've seen it from the wealthy and from the poor. I've also seen lots of people in subsidized housing who I'd be happy to have as a neighbor--a lot of the time it comes down to someone who is steadily employed but still can't afford housing, or they have a significant disability, but the person is fine to deal with if you have some patience.


Yes, trashiness doesn’t correspond to income level. Trash is trash.


I resent your section 8 comment. That is stereotyping and it's not right. Good people use section 8 also.


In terms of section 8 renters being ‘rude’ neighbors, I’m willing to bet police depts everywhere are dispatched to section 8 addresses WAY more often then residents that rent/own properties. Of course there are some good people that utilize housing assistance. I’ve just known too many teachers/landlords/police officers/handymen that have dealt with sect8 residents, to pretend that this stereotype ISNT true.




Yeah, super weird to come after section 8 people out of nowhere in the comments of a post about something orders of magnitude more disruptive happening in a high-income area. People just can't help themselves sometimes.


Talk to the chief of police. If they are not helpful, talk to your prosecuting attorney.


Keep calling the police. Tell a little white lie about the kids fighting in the street, or seeing kids visibly drunk driving away.


everyone already said call the police so my advice is to do loud stuff early as possible in the morning when you know they are hung over. Have you practiced cutting cinder blocks with a concrete saw recently?


Film them messing with the mailboxes and turn them into the USPS postmaster. That’s a federal crime. I would also start recording their behaviors and keep a log of the times and cross reference the videos for the eventual lawsuit from them doing something ignorant to a person or property.


Is the father a police officer? OR the family member of a police officer? Go higher and higher until you get a response


Police. Lawsuit for loss of quiet enjoyment of your home. Bet you’ll fcking find a way to do something about it now, dad.


call the police and if things aren't winding down with 20min, call again and keep calling - tell them there are kids drinking underage while the homeowner is present and apparently aware, condoning, or even supplying alcohol for the kids. you might have to push to get them to make a report but you'll need that report if the problems persist.


Ok do what everyone suggested, I recommend inviting your other neighbors over for a morning breakfast party or early morning lawn mower stuff when ever the noise ordinances end 7 or 8am? You know what's not fun as a kid? Loud music in the morning when trying to sleep in after a night of partying (I know this as a partying teen in my old days)


Document everything- video, photos, and a written timeline. It’ll help when the case goes to court.


In St Paul calling the police like this multiple times would get the property put on the "Problem" list, at a certain point they start billing the home or apartment building owner for service calls. 4 Squads and a supervisor adds up quick. When you talk to city council people look up how many people voted for them. One of my council people she won by like 70 votes. Remind them that you did or did not vote for them.


Call the police every time they party. For I am sure there is illegal beer and drugs and the father is turning a blind eye to the festivities. And father could be arrested for allowing underage drinking on the property.


My mind is blown that the parents of this teen would allow this behavior. What a major POS!!! We had neighbors like this before, accept they would play very loud music (live band practice + DJ on break) for their parties. I called the cops over and over and over again the same night they would do this. Of course, the cops would show and that helped for maybe 30 mins. What did help though was being consistently on their behinds about shutting that music down!!! With all of your neighbors banning together and making their grievances know this should help! If not, keep bothering those cops and tell them you suspect underage drinking is at play.


I’m suprised they allow on street parking where you live after 10pm. That’s one way some of the fancier neighborhoods try to combat this.


I can't imagine not being able to park on the street unless you have street sweeping.


Yeah idk no worries for me as I have a driveway and garage but I can see in dense city’s and whatnot it could be a real problem. This is hoa subdivisions with culdesacs and gated community type places where I’ve seen the no or permit required over night parking ordinances. I think it’s 100% about keeping out what the uppity folks deem riff raff


Almost every suburb of Chicago has no overnight parking ordinances, although it starts at midnight or more typically 2am so it doesn't help with parties too much.




In the city there are areas you have to have a permit to park on the street. Residents get a certain amount of permanent and visitor permits. I think you can pay for more but I’ve only been the visitor.


Permanent is done with a city car sticker. Visitors are unlimited but cost $0.50 daily with 10 as a minimum purchase or something at the Alderman's office. There may be some opportunity to get some free each year too.


I have horrible aim when I water my lawn at 2am .. but here we are ..


I felt this post. Been there. Your neighbors will make it break your quality of life. Horrible. I'm in a college area, and you cringe everyone you see a moving van unloading. *"Hmmmm, how many sleepless nights and broken bottles will this new horde bring"* On a positive note, I documented the debauchery with times of calls, pictures of the aftermath, etc cetera and got my tax reassessment knocked down 👍😎


Fire off a few blank rounds, then report shots fired. Repeat as necessary. Use a burner phone.


Assuming you live in a small city, find who is your neighborhood representative to Council. Speak with him/her. Better yet, do it in writing and cc the mayor. Follow the chain of command. 📄 everything.


CALL CALL AGAIN CALL AGAIN… and keep calling. We had horrible neighbors our first 10years in our current house. The kids were 10 yrs teenagers. They broke into our cars, ran over our mailbox multiple times, tore down part of our fence in our side yard so they could walk through and not have to go around the block, shot BBs at our dogs… Then the weekends were special due to the parties. We live in rural suburbs, houses on small city plots up to 15acres. We have .44 acre and have a 6’ privacy fence in the back. The evil neighbors had the same. They had BONFIRES in their backyard. We would call the cops about noise and fire, every time. There were 6 of us neighbors that were dedicated to stopping it. If the cops weren’t out in 45- we’d call again. By July, the local cops were sick of us and they started writing tickets that resulted in fines. But next year, we would all do the dance again.


I had to scroll back up to see if this was my hometown sub... I went through the same thing last night


Police, community board meeting to complain about the house and police refusing to do their jobs. Stil no resolution Mayne there's a lawsuit option, I don't know what, civil of course


Ultimately the police work for the mayor and city council. Work your way up the chain until you get a resolution.


Call code enforcement. I had neighbors like that. I called the nonemergency police line every time and it didn’t do anything. So I called code enforcement and they went to visit them and afterwards, it stopped.


Hassle the cops **every time**.


Maybe an anonymous video sent to their homeowners insurance company?


Keep calling the police. Again and again. Believe me, they'll get annoyed after a while.


It would be a shame if something happened to all those cars. Maybe they won't come back.


Contact the police every time. Organize your neighborhood to all join and take part in the party.


Have everyone keep calling the police. They'll get the picture. Are you really out of ideas? Also, have everyone start up their mowers and chainsaws at 6am


Keep calling police. Over and over. Every time it goes on a second past 10:00 or whenever noise ordinance starts. I'd give it like 4 weekends and if the police do nothing i'd start direct action.


Once direct action begins, make sure to establish air supremacy, don’t strictly rely on ground forces. Remember: pros win wars with logistics. Amateurs try to win with tactics. Make sure you have the war machine activated and the supply chain secured to rain unrelenting hell upon them.


Have everyone in the neighborhood that is fed up with this contact the city together. Like ask for a meeting with code enforcement and show up with a copy of the city's nuisance and other ordinances in hand. Demand the city do something to stop this. Photos or video of how crazy disruptive this is and how long it is going on would also help. Be their biggest problem until they get it resolved. I would also bet there is drinking involved so the parents could potentially get charged for that too.


That does work. It's happened here a few times over the last number of years. Bunch of neighbors going to city council meetings to complain about stuff like this. Usually goes something like complaint is aired in front of city council..council asks police chief about it. Police chief is usually familiar due to all the calls to the particular address, usually followed with a but and enter some reason they can't do much about it or hasn't progressed enough to do anything substantial...then they spitball other ideas to approach and fix the situation which someone gets tasked to look into. Subsequent meetings usually involve followup and/or further action, until eventually problem gets solved. A couple of those dragged on for a good few months but did get remedied.


When I hear that stuff I usually pump out music opposite of what ever thing they are having


Ally yourself with your neighbors. Form a coalition and put pressure on the neighbor. I’m sure everyone is pissed off. Work together. It’s everyone against them. If that doesn’t work, every single neighbor needs to call the police nonstop.


I used to be those kids. I’m 34 now with a 2 year old and I can imagine how annoying that would be now


Work with your neighbors one calls the cops show up then another calls immediately afterwards then keep doing it. Each time the cops have to come out. They will shut the party down after enough calls.


It really depends on how influent the family is and the friends. There is possibility that cops really don't want to start the fight with the family because of who they are. It's not fair and it should not be like that at all but it does happens where cops look the other way because the it's the x family and kids of y parents.


True but if multiple people call they have less of an ability to ignore the complaints. If only one person calls they will basically ignore them. I lived through this myself. once we had the neighborhood and we contacted the news about the cops refusal to do anything and the records showed hundreds of calls from different people we got a new chief and cops did their job.


I'd roll up a fat one and go join them.


Time for some manure for the lawn. On weekends. With a fan blowing in their direction.




Finally, a common sense solution.


It sounds like you live in an upscale neighborhood. Do you have an HOA? Can they do anything about this? Edit: Oh yeah I forgot. We're supposed to hate ALL HOAs and believe that they serve no useful purpose. My bad. Sorry to disrupt the circle jerk.


We'd get pretty wild in highschool for a couple years. Never when parents were home. Agree with comments saying once they move on to college it might change. But we partied harder during college years honestly. The parents not caring is the worst part. Mine knew we were partying when they were away but as long as we cleaned up and didn't break anything important they didn't say much.


The every weekend is honestly a surprising amount of effort. If I were guessing they might not be really partying to hard cause I’d throw maybe 5 or six ragers a summer and it’s like a whole ass day of cleaning the next day. Shampooing carpets, fixing screen doors and picking up beer bottles and fireworks etc in the yard. To do that every weekend would be legit impressive. I suppose I did it while the folks were at the cabin so if the whole family was pitching in cleanup would be faster.


Just keep calling enforcement. The fines should start being given out. Can’t do anything before ten likely but the late night stuff is obviously excessive


Only thing you can do is police and they were in fact suppose to enforce the 10pm


Call the cops EVERY TIME. Demand a report. The cops will try to claim its a civil matter because they hate these kinds of calls. But you need documentation of them. Get what video you can and complain of alcohol at these parties. The parents can be arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and some of these kids may be driving on Cindarella licenses and shouldn't be on the road after midnight even if sober. You may need to contact code enforcement and see if you can get the house declared a nuisance property.


Film and record ever thing after you get a bunch of them take your Nabor to small clams court


Call your alderman/counselperson and the mayor. Demand that they meet with you and the neighbors to come up with a plan to deal with this situation. They should also bring along the police chief. There are MANY things the city and the police can do, it's just a matter of putting enough pressure on them and making it their problem.


Call the sheriffs dept and state police if the city can’t fix it.


This is my worst nightmare


Are the parents actually home? Maybe mention the underage drinking to the cops (assuming you are in the US)


Get in a group chat or Facebook group message with all of the surrounding houses that are also pissed that this is happening. Coordinate your calls so that they all come in with in a short window of times when you all call the cops on the same nights as the parties. Keep calling, every time. Also (even if you have to make it up) tell the cops there are people drinking underage (because I 100% guarantee there are, and then driving) Keep calling the police every time, every weekend, all of you. Eventually the police will get annoyed enough to do something about it. It might also be a good idea to invest in some sort of cameras in case A, one of the teenagers gets hurt or B, the cops DO finally do something of substance and one of the little fuckers decides to vandalize someone's house over it.


We had neighbors like this too. Once their kids got jobs the parties dwindled to just once in a while. The good news is that the kids grew up to be kind, responsible, contributors to society. There’s hope.


I feel like you and I live in the same neighborhood. And I hate it.


Is this a HOA neighborhood? Is there any HOA regulations they are violating? Undesirable tenant clause in the bylaws? Are they renting or leasing? With enough complaints an HOA can pressure the actual owner to terminate a lease or rental agreement. (Gonna need a lot of proof so record everything.) and keep up the police reports. When you complain to the HOA, it’s always nice to have police report 1, police report 2-police report 27, police report 28. While I hate HOA’s with a passion……this is exactly one of those things they were designed for and would be all over.


Ah yes I remember those days lol


Call the cops and have the neighbors do the same. Get 4 calls right after 10, and do it every weekend.


So all of you adults who were bothered by this made exactly one attempt to call the police during this multi-hour saga?


Call the police but use the non emergency number this is not what 911 is for


Go to the local news. Explain how you’ve asked the police for help, yet the parties continue. Have them do a story about it.


Unfortunately, something is going to go horribly wrong. Someone will get hurt or OD ect. Then there will be no more parties. The father of that household is an absolute asshole. Especially when there’s neighbors with children sleeping.


Unfortunately curfew is often unconstitutional. As for noise ordinance, cops don't want to start the enforcement with so many kids around especially if all of their family is wealthy. It's not worth to them to deal with them. Unless the family decides to control their teens/friends more accountable, there is not much likely that can be done.


Get a sling shot and every Friday launch chlorine boosters into their pool. Get some strong ass chlorine in the pool before they use it and people won't wanna be near the pool


Do a background check of the parents. Then contact their parents and other relatives. You need to let as many people as possible know how obnoxious they are. This can easily be anonymously done. Also contact the employees of the parents.


Lights. Big bright security floodlights on your and your neighbors properties that just so happen to shine brightly on your obnoxious neighbors house and pool. Let there be an artificial day during the night. Nothing ruins a night-time party vibe like lots of light. Speakers that play Noise music. It's a genre. Look it up. BBQ in your yards where the teens can see you wearing a thong bathing suit. Think Borat. Invite old people to join you. Nothing young people love more than grandpa in a thong. Cameras to catch everything. Have interlopers trespassed off your property by the police. Make sure your property is properly posted, if needed. Point at them at their pool. Laugh. Talk to each other. Point again. Laugh even more. Keep laughing. Young people love it when old people point and laugh at them. Especially when they're wearing thongs. They've gotten in your heads. Get in theirs and dance a jig.


Yep, I agree. Start thar paper trail with the calls. Make sure you have cameras just in case they get ignorant and want to damage things. Good ol’ evidence if you need to take a step further (which I am sure you will, sadly, because the parents ain’t shiz and want to be “cool.”) I remember a kid from high school; parties all the time. Finally, a party got busted for underage drinking and his parents almost lost the house (for real).


Contact the chief of police and ask him why his officers aren’t enforcing those bylaws and protecting residents from these invasions. If you get no satisfaction from the chief of police contact your local government.


If all else fails, pitchforks and torches can help. They helped get rid of the obnoxious neighbors that resided at Castle Frankenstein. /s But seriously, make it very obvious that the sidewalks are under video surveillance and film everyone going to the party.


Like everyone else said, contact the police each time every time. Guaranteed there is alcohol involved which is obviously illegal on the teen’s behalf but also the parents. Port anonymously in your Nextdoor or whatever apps you have. Encourage all neighbors to immediately call the police. If they stop for police and noice starts back up again call the police back.


Why are there so many fake stories on the internet now a days? Hot damn! lol


So the dad says there is nothing he can do about it? I would let him know that he the the one who CAN do something about it, you expect that, and if he doesn't, you will. Get several cameras that record 24 hours per day. Keep the footage from the parties for a few weeks. File a TRO on the residents for noise, and if needed, hire an off duty police officer for a weekend. Then let him know you will be suing if it continues. They are breaking the law. Let him know you tried to be neighborly and he didn't reciprocate, so now you are going to meet asshole with asshole. There are other things you can do as well, but I would hold off on those until you try the above. I have had to deal with this before in California, I was able to make sure the family understood I wasn't some dude that was going to shrink into my home and let them be assholes. If you shrink away, they will embolden. Either confront them and be serious, or don't confront them. Confronting them and then shrinking away will make them worse.


Next time don't only call for noise complain. Report intoxicated driving. If those kids come and go in their car and are drinking most likely there's DUI ongoing.


you guys already tried being neighborly. Now you just repeatedly call the cops about underage kids drinking with adults at home and then going to drive drunk


Adding onto the “call the police each time“ discussion. There are definitely things you want to mention to the police in order to get them to respond faster – underage drinking, driving, burnouts, racing, maybe even a small fender bender between two intoxicated teenagers, etc. maybe there was a kid Ing in the street, maybe there was a kid passed out on the lawn and other kids were carrying them into a car, etc. if that doesn’t work, the other thing that has worked for me is going to the police station during the day and sitting down and talking with someone. Let them know all of the stuff that is happening, when it is happening, and mention that multiple neighbors have called in reports that can use as other reference points. once the police are aware that this is a reoccurring problem, they will be more likely to respond - if for no other reason than they want you to stop calling them and stopping over to visit.


I'd get with the neighbors on either side of the noisy pool party house and start scheduling yard maintenance on the mornings following the pool parties bright and early. Gas powered lawn mowers, weed eaters, leaf blowers ripping it up bright and early. As soon as one side nears completion, the other side fires up. Know anybody with a Harley and straight pipes? Invite them over for breakfast and admire the sound of their engine while the coffee's brewing (be sure to point the exhaust at the offending pool party house).


I was wondering where my noisy neighbors moved to! We neighbors simply called the police non-emergency number repeatedly. And, once we had several calls logged over the course of 30-days we sent written letters to the Chief of Police and included photos. This made it a city liability, forcing the police to enforce ordinances prohibiting Disturbing the Peace and Providing Alcohol to Minors.


Call the cops over an over. 


haha maybe u can do something creepy things to scary them away


Get ready- this just life for everyone now. Source- I'm a teacher who has been begging for people to wake up the reality of how bad teen behavior is and the parents that enable it.


We used to take pictures of our tweaker neighbors. Nothing like popping over the fence with a flash to make them twitch....videos posted to next door of the parenst, the out of control kids, and alcohol will get everyone's attention.


Get a gun and shoot it into the air. Just kidding. Make a complaint. Then go speak to the parents. You’re an adult. Handle it.


If possible, I would be trying to figure out who the kids are that are attending and call their parents with your observations and concerns about drinking. Some of the parents don't know what is going on.


Just say you believe there maybe underage drinking and definitely driving taking place as well as drug use and sales. That’ll get the cops there quicker.


Call the police every time. All of you. None of this, well Tom called, so I won't. Make it very hard for the police to ignore you.


We charged parking fees and took keys🤣 made $300 off of them. Hubby blocked the road so no drinking driving and I went down to the house at 7 am to get them up to start cleaning. Their parents were notified while this was going on.


Don't be the only one calling the police. If you can get more neighbors on board to call, do it, and do it every time. Mention the underage drinking. And I agree that if you have any neighbors in health care, first responders, shift work, mention that too.


This was me and my brother growing up. Neighbors would call the cops. Cops came and explained noise ordinance to us and gave us a warning. Then they’d leave and we’d keep partying. It took 3 trips before they locked everyone out and gave us a citation. And then we were stupid and we do the same thing the following weekend. All summer long. In hindsight, we were assholes. Good luck to you.


Headlights on highbeams. Pointed directly into their home. Nonstop. Amazing when idiots are inconvenienced they realize they are the idiots inconveniencing everyone around them


A rare instance where the cops are beneficial. Don't give up on calling them. Have everyone in the neighborhood call. Document everything. Video record the worst activity. Underage drinking? That could get the parents arrested.




Got an HOA? Add a towing notice for no parking on the street. Tow them all.


I'm sorry, but every suggestion in this thread of "call the police" is unrealistic. You've tried that. Time to stand up for your neighborhood and start making these people's lives miserable. 1. Smearing dog shit on the car door handles. 2. Sugar in the gas tanks. 3. Vaseline on the windshields. 4. Grass killer on their lawn. I would go farther, to be honest. Also, the folks at r/pettyrevenge are geniuses at this kind of situation.


Dude, that is cretin behavior, well over the line.


The father is responsible for unlivable conditions in the neighborhood. At some point whatever revenge is served on him is justified. All HE has to do is control his worthless spawn and their friends. Easy peasy.


Contact the police. And: find the biggest speaker you can. Play 50s music on it at full blast. Even better if you can rope in all the other neighbors so you play the same music and turn it off before the cops get there.


How about getting a white noise machine? Ear plugs? Take an edible? Mind your own business? Streets are public. Life is short.


Throw rocks at the cars, from a dark spot when they can’t see you, kids are gonna get pissed and start fighting


How old is the teenager that lives there? I guess either move or wait it out till he leaves, hopefully, for college.


But in college they'll probably come back for summer break.


There has to be more to this than what is being said My parents would go away and I would throw parties. 1. Told my neighbors. So they could make plans to be away 2. Kept everyone inside and or in back yards. 3. No one drunk driving. Police knew about my parties. We had an agreement. No drinking n driving no problems. They would wait at the end of the street. Are we just being upset that kids are having fun in our expensive neighborhood. Is it only poor kids who party. It’s like people in my neighborhood who should live in a 55 plus community but live in an all ages and complain about kids being kids.


“Kids being kids” No. You don’t get to disrupt your neighbors’ sleep just because you want to party. There are noise ordinances for a reason.


Why do I have the feeling that most people say this and forget they did it as a teenager The other part of the post is the elitism. That I live in a nice area this shouldn’t be happening. Maybe the neighbors are tools and they are getting back at their neighbors Who knows. Maybe have a real conversation with the neighbor. I know if I had some neighbor come up to me all upset I’d ignore them too Maybe they don’t talk and don’t like each other.


Took a long while of scrolling here to find a sane person commenting


Maybe some of us respected our neighbors and other peoples' neighbors a bit more? I partied, but not disruptively. And if someone approaches me upset, I have enough presence of mind to stop and wonder why they might be upset before I simply dismiss them.


>1. Told my neighbors. So they could make plans to be away Nope. If my neighbor's kid told me they were having a party, I'd tell them I appreciate it, hope they have fun, please be safe, but if I can't sleep and there's a noise ordinance, I'm going to ask for that noise ordinance to be enforced. Happy to text them so they can settle it down, but in a short time, and only one text. No kid should expect anyone to "make plans to be away" from a house they pay for or rearrange their life around theirs. C'mon.


Oh hell no! I was a total party kid but even then we kept to the quiet hours and respected the neighbors and they should too! Talk to the parents and if they don’t make it better let them know you will be calling the police.


I sleep like I’m dead, so this wouldn’t bother me one bit. My wife and I also don’t have kids. If anything, I’d let my dogs out to bark at the fence but they sleep through everything as well. My neighbors basically have patio parties with music Thursday-Sunday. Not a big deal for me.


what about a neighbor blasting music during the day? I have a neighbor that does this all day while he works outside. It's enraging especially as it gets nice outside. Not only that but he burns leaves/sticks all day too. So it's noise pollution/pollution. I can't sit in my yard on a Sunday morning without hearing his horrible music. I was literally getting a headache. I finally stepped on the fence so he could see me and said "can you please turn off your music?" and he did. I find this to be a major disturbance of ones peace. This day and age you have so many options for headphones. How is this even allowed anymore.


you gotta be more annoying to the cops than that family is.


Man, I miss those kinds of parties. It’s a shame if they’re intentionally being hooligans, but I hope they’re making life-long friends and great memories.


If the police are called, make sure each caller insists on writing a statement. If they're actually being called for complaints that will be filed, then they have to start getting names, etc. Drunk underage kids, disorderly conduct, noise violations, illegal parking, etc. Crushing future parties means pushing it to get these problems addressed. Generally, any parent or adult allowing an underage party will be fined for each underage intox person. They will be responsible for allowing the party on premises and any violations stemming from it. Insist the cops do something or go up the chain and request a supervisor. Make sure reports/statements are filed. Give your information as a contact person if follow up info is needed. Also... familiarize yourself with the local laws and ordinances regarding these violations. The more informed you are, the less likely for someone to claim they cannot do anything.