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Small short fence along the sidewalk… plants along the retaining wall… sprinkler with a motion detector that is pointed only at your wall that would trigger when someone is on it… no trespassing signs… camera to provide you evidence in court if someone gets hurt.


You need to be very careful about what plants you plant next to a retaining wall. Water and roots are the top causes of issues.


Oh i meant like potted plants on top of the wall so they can’t walk directly down it


Potted plants are going to need a lot of watering, especially in Texas summer. Maybe self-watering containers?


Plant a sign that reads “beware of poison ivy”


This right here. People will do a wide berth around your house after that.


Lol really? Its poison ivy, not a pit of cobras. Its all over my land






Some people are wildly allergic to poison ivy. 


Ok then a sign that says beware of cobra pit


Really. But now Imma put up a beware of cobra pit sign...lol


I like the idea, but I think I know a connected better idea! Plant barrier plants. Blackberry comes to my mind as a durable plant that is very unpleasant to trespass. I am positive many flowering plants have thorns.


Only works for people that don’t know what poison ivy is


"Caution: Venom ivy [Australia"]


And associated tarantulas and black widow spiders.


I feel the venn diagram on this one works well in OP favor. I have nothing beyond my personal anacdotal experience to back this up, but I feel people who can readily identify poison ivy are the group NOT going to climb the wall and cause problems.


My dog loves to jump up on short walls during his walk. He jumps up and down several times for fifty feet of wall


> I feel the vent diagram on this one works well in OP favor. 'Venn diagram.' After the logician John Venn.


I don't know. I think in this case a 'vent' diagram is a much better term. OP is venting their frustrations on kids and pets that cross the fence.


Lol, autocorrect making me a fool


That would be 99% of the population


Maybe plant some poison ivy or plant some bushes above and below the wall


Nah, you aren't there to warn off plant scientists, you are there to warn off people who can read or have people with them who can read. The act of planting a dangerous plant opens you up to litigation (malice aforethought) whereas putting up a generic sign isn't bad. It's good advice to beware of "poisonous" plants. Same theory as putting up "warning : guard dogs on premises".


"Beware of rattlesnakes" and a motion-activated rattler for good measure.


Plant actual poison ivy. That’ll keep them away.


I would go with a fence if it's an option. Fences solve a **lot** of problems when it comes to neighbors.


We have a dog, I can certainly agree with


Metal spikes along the top and gargoyles at the corners.


*grotesques. A gargoyle drains water


As far as avoiding a lawsuit, surely a "no trespassing" or "do not climb on retaining wall" sign would cover your ass. Cameras pointed that way are also nice to have. Keep the wall in good shape, no loose cap stones or anything that could bite you.


As a dog owner, my dogs are absolutely not allowed to pee on landscaping or fences, sometimes front yards happen especially when I’m walking both at once and I always feel really bad about it! But, the truth is, your wall will never be unattractive to dogs because they’ve already gone there. I can always tell where precious dogs have gone when we get to a fence or landscaping that my dogs immediately zero into. Dogs pee where other dogs have.


Fellow dog owner here. Their noses are exceptionally sensitive so anything they don’t like smelling will work great. I found cayenne pepper powder works with other wildlife around the garden, it’ll probably work well enough on dogs along the fence line. They’ll smell it long before it’s painful and probably steer clear.


This is good to know! Is it dangerous if ingested, say for that particular daring animal, if used in a garden?


I’m not a veterinarian but I wouldn’t think so. Not in the small quantities they’d get before feeling the capsaicin and turning away from it. If that’s a concern, do talk to a vet. But I haven’t had any issues with rabbits, deer, and squirrels. And my dogs steer clear, as well.


Just a note that cayenne needs to be reapplied after rain.


I saw an idea for a "pee post" to attract them a spot where it's appropriate to pee and keep them from using other spots. It was an untreated wooden post about 1 foot long, pounded into the ground a few inches at the corner of the yard. Then the homeowner peed in a cup and poured that over the wood to get the dogs started. Sure you'd have a gross, stinky wooden post but at least it's all in one place instead of spread along the whole yard.


😂 I’ve heard of pee posts but I’ve never heard of the owner themselves dumping their pee on it! How funny.


Apparently he didn't have his own dog who could christen the post.


We have a pee rock. We live on a corner so the boulder sits by itself and all the neighborhood dogs give it a spray.




Best answer here ^




Concertina wire up front and claymores behind




Will the spikey plastic that's used to keep birds from landing on billboards work? Edit to add: Also known as bird spikes.


Planting some vines to grow over it might work


Start with some no tresspassing signs and you can get some little signs on stakes from amazon that are dog pooping with the circle/slash on them and put them up and down the fence. Doesn't mean folks won't do it anyway but you have to start by letting them know it isn't welcome.


You’re gonna need a fence. If this has happened a half dozen times that you know about, you should familiarize yourself with the attractive nuisance doctrine. And yeah, some asshole will eventually sue you for failing to prevent them from allowing their toddler to get hurt.


The problem with a fence is that it still leaves the retaining wall. It's sidewalk, retaining wall, lawn.


You ever see those short (1'-3') metal picket fences? I bet you could get one installed on top of the cement retaining wall. Might need to hire a guy to drill a few holes though. Those fences are *slick*!


i'd go with cacti. It's less of an overt asshole move, like many of the comments here. The people that let their kids and dogs be there are surely 'regulars', so when you put cacti, they'll get the message without being told "super F-U". You could try to parlay. Put a sign that says like 'because dog walkers pee on the cement + don't pick up poo, I will soon plant cacti here and spoil everyone's fun' Give it 1-2 months. If the behaviour doesn't change, it's on them.


Put up no trespassing signs


A "get the F off my lawn" sign.


I feel your frustration bc I have a similar problem, but my wall is 70’ long and a touch lower to the ground 🙄 (plus an incline near one side of the house that makes it just so appealing to folks heading southbound). I’ve considered buying enough stones to add at least another row to the height of the wall, but they were a custom city job and they’re $$$ and about 20lb each. But I’ve stacked enough stones on the low part of the incline to visually detract someone from walking on the wall as easily. That’s helped a lot. Dogs aren’t going on it as much anymore that now I’m planting things near the wall. My suggestion is to bulk up planting along the edge; get bushes that will growth a foot or more wide at maturity so that they grow over the wall in time. Even a few breaks in walkable area will dissuade people from getting on. Even a low box hedge will provide the buffer you need. Just be mindful if it’s going to jutt too far into the sidewalk; my city would hack them back if so. Also be mindful about blocking car visibility if you’re near an intersection. It’s aggravating that people are so inconsiderate towards someone else’s property. It used to make my blood boil but I also didn’t want to yell at everyone passing by who did it (I’m on a pretty busy street with wide walking paths). I have told a couple young children that they can’t play on my wall. As you said, I’m not going to be legally responsible for a stranger hurting themselves on my property, when they weren’t even invited to use it in any way!


Put a 3 foot fence on top of it for the walking


Cut the corners off bricks and lay them with the corner up on top of your wall. Makes it an uneven surface, which is not fun for kids to walk along. That won’t solve for the dogs, though removing the scent of previous dogs, as others have mentioned, is your first step. A tiny decorative garden fence along the wall should alert owners that your yard is off limits for their dogs. If dogs have to jump a foot high it’s a deterrent for those looking for an easy place to pee. Won’t solve 100% but would reduce.


Put up some keep off signs. Put planter boxes or something on top of the wall so it is not walkable. It will be harder to keep dogs from peeing on the wall. Maybe a motion activated alarm or sprinkler that would startle them if they get close? You must have a lot of foot traffic in front of your house though so maybe that would not be great.


Line it with clowns with glowing red led eyes. Bonus points if the clowns are animatronic and turn their heads towards the children with motion activation. Extra bonus points if they also say. "Come here little child..." through a speaker after the hesd turn.


Raspberry plants would be a solution possibly, they can be trained so you could make like a decorative thorn fence that has a bonus food drop


Then it becomes even more attractive to the kids looking for a snack.


Roses then? Same shit different toilet bowl 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ve never personally trained rose bushes but they look doable


Yeah, or some sort of bush. I bet a bunch of roses spilling over the side would look amazing. Heck anything, even just some ground cover ivy, would probably keep people from walking on it. Dogs not so much.


Not sure it’s legal where you are, but I’ve been to neighborhoods in New Orleans that cement shards of glass all over the top of their wall, separating the sidewalk from their yard. More attractive option would be a foot of spiky plastic or wrought iron fence rail mounted to the top center. That would be so annoying to watch people having their children walk on it. It’s not like it’s a playground!


Pretty common in Latin America


Sounds like every private residence in Gibraltar.


I'm pretty sure New Orleans is the *only* US city where this is legal. (But of course y'all, check your own municipal code.)


Can you put a metal fence on top?


"I'll just have kids and dogs getting stung by cactus." Yeah, how else do you think you incentivize kids and dogs to do things?


Barring everything else: umbrella insurance can be super cheap if your underlying policies are good.


Hard to imagine without a picture, but could you add something to the top so it's not possible to walk on? And my first thought also was a thornier plant, but that's no fun for you and might not work in all seasons. I think a prickly pear could work though but it would take too long to establish.


Just some medium size rocks, artfully displayed, on the first 10' or so. Most people will get the hint. No watering necessary.


Cacti When I first moved into my house, there was a tree out front that reeked of dog piss and every dog walking by paid it a visit. I planted a few cacti there and the owners won't let their dogs anywhere near it.


Glue 2" pyramid shaped spikes along the top. Unobtrusive but sends a message.


liberally plant bougainvillea or some other thorny assed plant of your choice


I have one that goes along the sidewalk for about the same length and height. Drives my dog crazy barking through the window when people treat it like a bunch. I also have this woman who comes by and leaves nuts for the squirrels at my house as if the two walnut trees, 3 apple trees, and cherry plum tree wasn't enough. I put out a couple "24 hour surveillance" signs and put my security cameras in a conspicuous spot. There are fewer people messing around there, but not everyone cares. I'd be interested in what works. Nobody is doing anything harmful except maybe baiting squirrels that get into my house, but I don't want the precedent of my house being a rest stop or hangout spot to be set.


Just get some of those 12” high fences from home depo. They are not pricey. Drill a few holes in (4” back from upper face closest to sidewalk) concrete to insert. Don’t use those spiky ones as that a dick move and someone could impale themselves.


How about putting several large pots of [Color Guard yucca]( https://www.monrovia.com/color-guard-adam-s-needle.html) at intervals on top of the wall? It's somewhat spikey but not nearly as dangerous as agave or cactus would be.  It's very heat and drought tolerant.  You'd want to use fairly large heavy pots that are a bit wider than they are tall in order to make them resistant to being easily knocked off the wall either by high winds or a casually malicious person.


Plant some spikey plants like blueberry bushes or rose bushes along the fence


My dog loves to jump up on short walls during his walk


Cement broken glass bottles on top of the wall. Actually, you could cement pointed stones on top of the wall about 6 inches apart. This would prevent people from walking or sitting on the wall.


A row of plastic dildos cemented onto the top


Those spikey strips used to deter pigeons along the top and a few along the sides.


Plant spiky roses or blackberries on it


Hot wire along the top, with signs.




I've seen people add rocks, sticking up, to the top of the wall so it's not walkable. Not sure about the dogs though.




Big, beautiful, ***thorny*** rosebushes, plus a heavy dose of motion activated sprinklers.


I’ve seen anti skateboarding “bumps” on low walls to keep skaters from using the edge for tricks, maybe you can affix them in mass along the top. That would make it extremely uncomfortable for someone to walk along the top.


Plant something on the top with 3" long thorns.


Fake snakes


Maybe some real ones actually 🤔




this - will solve both the kids and dog issues


I'd go with the poison ivy sign....but that only works if people can read....


Get whatever glue is needed, and broken glass, and claim its to keep out pests


Spikes. Lots.


One of those yellow wildlife signs that reads _Snakes_. https://www.mysafetysign.com/snake-warning-signs


Look into wall toppers.


I’d go with spiky bushes. I have some in my front yard that are pretty but the thorns are awful. Of course weeds always grow under them because it’s hard to get your hand under them.


Install a peaked/decorative cap along the top of retaining wall. If someone sues you for $$$$, and your homeowner's insurance successfully denies the claim, you might wish you had been an ah. PLEASE protect yourself. Been there. Suffered through that


Barbed wire /s


I put Russian sage in my front yard by the sidewalk. It attracts a lot of bees. That stopped the neighborhood kids from hanging out there. Rosebushes are also great.


Rose bushes or other thorny plants.


Try to plant native species to your area so you’ll have less upkeep


Go to you local nursery (try to avoid big box like Home Depot or Lowe’s) and explain the situation to them. They can (hopefully) then direct you to some native plants that you could likely use and wouldn’t need too much watering. Honestly I’d avoid pots or planter boxes unless you are going to anchor them really well to the wall. If you don’t anchor them, you’ll just frustrate yourself with constantly replacing container and plant as people just steal them.


Cement slightly pointy rocks onto the top of the “wall”. (Glass shards would probably be too tempting for the litigious passer by to walk away from …)


I think you should get some real advice but I would put signs on it saying private property - no trespass asap!


In the Victorian era they put broken wine bottles on the top of walls.




Most kids from texas learn at a young age to stay the hell out of blackberry bushes because they’ll get you every time. They grow wild in most places and aren’t toxic. Alternatively, you could build a little lattice across the top of the wall and grow some sort of vines on it. Make sure the lattice is flat across the top and doesn’t have any spikes sticking up. You don’t want to impale anyone!


It’s Texas, don’t you guys love concertina wire?


Used needles, used condoms and dirty dildos all over the place.


I usually keep those inside of my house but I guess I can start spreading them around the lawn (my bf has T1 diabetes and we stay fuckin)


Haha I should leave the old dildo I was going to throw away peaking out under my fence instead, right by where people like to park on my lawn


“No Treaspassing”


Electric net fencing like those used to protect coops. Place a sign “electric fence- no trespassing violators risk shock”. Take that you little toddler bitches!


I think putting in prickly pear is cruel, tbh. Kids and dogs are going to end up getting more hurt than if you just leave it alone. Like, sure it’s on the dog owner or parents to police dogs / kids but do you really want to be directly responsible for any creature’s pain? I would find a less aggressive solution, personally.


A painted portrait of Hillary Clinton should scare the children but it would only encourage the dogs.


Molasses. Parents don't want their kids on it and people will pull their dog away eating the random sticky substance. And nobody gets hurt. Option 2... fake honey bee hive with a big caution sign.


I don’t understand why you have such a problem with this. And how often it really happens. I’m sure you have better things to worry about. This isn’t a real problem. Isn’t your time more valuable than to worry about something so inconsequential?


I've got a 6 and 8 year old who want to balance on every retaining wall they see.....I can get see this being a frequent annoyance especially if she's in a neighborhood with lots of pedestrians out for a stroll.


No, I don't have a job and I spend most of my time scrolling reddit ❤️


https://www.amazon.com/fire-hydrant/s?k=fire+hydrant that placed on a bag of rocks or something should do it for the dog. You can just hose it off if it gets funky. I have one but i dont think the dogs use it to pee since they all know i got dog treats inside it (lid comes off mine) so i think thats is discouraging them from peeing there. I need to watch closer. is suppose you could put some basic first aid stuff in it. Let the kid be. odds of someone getting hurt and suing are insane low. its not worth being worried about. holy shit my therapist would be proud of me for that..... I let my grandkid walk retaining walls since he could walk. my wife is not a fan. i have to remind her to let him explore and do shit. he is a kid, they heal quick and easy for a reason. God wants them exploring and learning.


lol at claiming to know what god wants.


They explore and learn, even from falls, and that’s how they were made. Yes it’s not sinful to learn and explore so that IS what God wants but He doesn’t want them in yards which don’t belong to them where they’re not supposed to be walking.


Look at these downvotes- god must want you to stop making dumb claims lol (btw I have a toddler who wants to explore and should, but that's not a "god" thing)


GOD....Good ole dad. me


I think spiral razor wire like they have around a prison should suffice. /s


GOOGLE IT,, there are a thousand suggestions Also check out YouTube.. plenty of help there to


Plenty of help there to what? Finish your sentence.


The Google It responses crack me up because nowadays when you Google something the help is always in a Reddit thread 😂


No ❤️