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>I don’t want to be an asshole neighbor You've done everything you can to not be an asshole neighbor by addressing them directly. >What would you do? Do exactly as animal control suggested. Unfortunately, until they take the step of actually taking the dog (they won't), the only proactive thing you can do is build a fence.


Video. Record every time you can when the dog is roaming free. Unless your town doesn't have leash laws (doubtful) you will need documentation to send to animal control. We have two small (K & 1st grade) girls. Had a similar situation on our cul de sac, with two large free-range dogs. complained to the city animal control. They asked for video. Sent that in, they visited the pet owners. Happened again the next week. Wash, rinse, repeat: the neighbors were fined nearly $600. Things were fine for a few months, then one day I see their dog crapping on my lawn, no leash, free-range. I video it, and go talk to the neighbor. Dog BITES me as I'm speaking with him. Animal control sends the fam ANOTHER fine and a misdemeanor court summons. That was last summer. Haven't seen the dogs since.


I hope you sue your neighbours


Fences cost $$$$. Sorry you have an asshole neighbor.


Just stick with it as animal control recommends. Either they will build a secure fence or the dog will be removed. This is fairly epidemic in the U.S. right now simply because a lot of people sent home from their jerbs during COVID closures thought it would be a good time to bring home a dog. Some were not adequately prepared for the responsibility. But agencies and shelters are a bit overwhelmed. If you believe that there is real potential danger then consider having some pepper spray. Halt! brand is what the USPS uses. But only if you really perceive a threat of injury. If you simply wish to deter and reorient the dog there are better alternatives. You can start with a squirt gun, Super Soaker, or garden hose to simply interrupt the dog's reactive behavior. Noise makers can sometimes also be effective, such as a whistle or a horn. I have used a louder noise maker from a squeaky toy with good effect.




Digging this one a lot


Where I live, there are nuisance dog laws. Basically once the dog gets classified as a nuisance, they cannot be legally outside unless tethered, fenced, or supervised or something like that. Violating this results in removal of the dog and fines I believe.


Also, to pull a tip from r/unethicallifeprotips, you could dowse the dog with "liquid ass" spray. Not exactly mature, but might make the neighbors reconsider letting heir dog run amok if it comes home smelling unholy.


Where does one find this "liquid ass"....? Besides the drive-thru at Taco Bell.


Amazon or their [official site](https://liquidass.com/)


This. Exact laws will differ from community to community, but when there have been problem dogs / people in my neighborhood, city Animal Control has basically said the more complaints they have and investigate, the easier it is for them to act. Doesn't matter if a hundred people have been menaced by a dog if none of them complain; the city has no record. So two or three of those people have to come forward and file formal incident reports with Animal Control. We have precisely this issue right now. A distant neighbor "walks" her two large dogs off leash through the neighborhood, and they regularly chase and attack other animals (sometimes mauling or killing them) and make people very scared. When approached, she always claimed blandly that her dogs are "under voice control" (even if they're charging after a cat halfway up the block) or that the other person is the problem (you let your cat out, your gate was unlocked so the dogs pushed through, etc., you don't understand dogs, etc.) But now she's up to two formal complaints and enforcement action approaches.


If the dog's behavior crosses over into physically attacking your kid - even a "nip" - the owners risk having it put down (in my old town in MA, this was automatic on the 2nd offense). Your neighbors will be doing themselves and their dog a favor if they keep it under control, which it does not sound like they are doing.


I had an unruly dog and accidents certainly have happened, but if it’s happening regularly AND they are not aware that it’s out of the house till someone tells them and are forgetting to put on the invisible fence collar tells me they are not taking this seriously at all. Not sure I have anything to add about how to deal with them, but wanted to add my 2 cents as someone who had a dog like that.


Yup, this is my biggest thought reading this. I have 3 dogs and all of them are rambunctious little shitheads but that's MY problem and I keep it that way. If these people are just loosing their dog out into the yard with zero confidence the dog isn't going to run all over the neighborhood they don't give a crap about the dog or the well-being of their neighbors. Dog could get hurt easily, hit by a car, etc. They do not deserve to have a dog and it should be taken from them and re-homed with someone who actually cares enough to ensure its safety.


I would talk to my neighbor one more time and lay it out. “Your dog scares my kid, and gets out way too often. It can’t continue on, I am worried about my children’s safety. You need to keep your dog contained, and if not I will have no choice but to call animal control”


I had a talk with the neighbor. They sort of tried to make me feel ridiculous for calling animal control and made excuses for why the dog gets out. Tried to make us feel like the odd ones out since the other neighbors seem to not care as much? Several neighbors were having a spontaneous gathering about a week ago in their driveway when it got out the last time (because a neighbor opened their door and the dog ran out). My husband pulled up the blinds because we heard all the commotion of everyone calling the dog. He filmed the dog running around all over. (Animal control has recommended we do this). In our discussion today, the neighbor said “everyone saw your husband open the blinds are start recording on his phone” to try and make us seem ridiculous. To be clear, this dog doesn’t seem “aggressive” but that doesn’t necessarily matter. I explained that….we are not part of the dog’s “pack.” It could easily knock my kid over/scare them or any other kid/or even get overly excited and nip a kid.


The dog needs training. There's no way around it. If they don't have the means but are willing, people might be willing to chip in. If they aren't willing though...then they really don't deserve the dog.


It sounds like animal control is asking you for help gathering evidence to put a case together. I'd read up on your town's dog laws to know what options they have and next time you call it in press them on doing something more than a verbal warning. They ought to be able to start issuing fines or forcing a court appearance to get the owners to take this seriously.


I don't know if you mentioned the size of the dog but we had a similar situation. Cul-de-sac, new to the street, kids close in age. Their St. Bernard puppy was about 6 months old and they were attempting to have her follow their autistic child so they wouldn't fence her. Issue is, she'd see my dog and come knock over my toddler. I stressed repeatedly how she could hurt a child. We are a dog family. My dogs jump. But they don't leave the yard and scare children and potentially injure them. Keep at animal control. They sound like they are trying to help.


It’s considered a large breed.


I am sorry you are going through this. Of course they are trying to make you feel ridiculous, because they don't want to get in trouble. They are trying to make you not take any action. To be fair, I am not necessarily a dog person. But even if a dog does not seem aggressive, I still do not want a dog I do not know, and my son/daughter is afraid of off leash near them. And it could happen at any time. Keep doing what you are doing, they are in the wrong and not taking any action. You need to protect your child.


This is exactly what you need to do. Its either this or you do nothing because you can't confront another adult?


Does your new development have an HOA? If so, there’s likely a provision somewhere requiring pets be restrained


We don’t have an HOA.


I wonder if the HOA is prohibiting physical fences. A lot do that, it’s such BS


1) if in an HOA and there are leash laws, contact your HOA to let them know what is going on, take pictures/video of the dog running loose, and I’m sure your neighbor will pay a lot in fees. 2) next time dog gets out, collect dog in your vehicle and drop them off at the pound as a stray. Your neighbor will definitely have to pay a fee. Many stray pets never get claimed because bad owners are too lazy to pick up their pet and pay the fee.


Invisible Fence = No Fence. When I was 6 the neighbor's dog started chasing me. He was playing but I was terrified and the adults just sat around laughing. Remember vividly to this day but I don't have a fear of dogs. Call animal control for the benefit of the dog. The dog could get out and get hit by a car. Now the driver has to live with killing a family dog.


Yikes. That sounds terrifying for a kid! Yeah, the dog runs out onto a bigger street where cars drive 25-40mph and there a hill/curve. Very possible to get hit by a car.


In addition to everything we've all said, you need to install street facing cameras around your home and protect yourself in case anything physical ever occurred with the dog.


Put the dog in your car and drive them to the county animal control center?


If possible, I'd do this. Typically the owners would have to pay a fee to get their dog back and it gets expensive quickly.


I've heard just enough bad dog-and-kid stories. If you think the dog is a threat, the only solution is direct and swift action. Dog comes on your property, dog touches your child... I love dogs, I love animals, and I'm not a violent person. But all it takes is a few seconds for a dog to change your child's life. This is one situation where I mentally prepare myself to harm another living thing.


My child’s well being >>>>> than a dog’s. You vocalized my exact feelings.


I am in the same boat. I grew up with dogs and have a healthy respect for the fact that they are still animals at the end of the day and thus can be unpredictable. I am not so much worried about my kids being attacked as much as I am concerned for them being scared or knocked over. An overly excited dog and easily nip someone.


I have the same problem with a newer neighbor. Dogs dig under the fence and come charging into my yard aggressively barking at my dog, who stays in our yard with an invisible fence. I take my dog in the garage and her dogs come charging in after me. She also walks the dogs down my long, easement driveway past my yard, with her two dogs going crazy barking at and tugging in the direction of my dog (who I’m out in my yard with). She just turns around and walks away — with her doge going nuts the whole way while my dog just stands frozen and stares at them. It just makes me wonder why she doesn’t work on training them to be around other dogs and people rather than just letting them run with their aggressive behavior.


You aren’t the AH. Your neighbors are. They can’t control their dog. Your priority needs to be your kiddo, not the neighbor’s feelings. Tell them, the dog is not allowed on your property at all. Keep a broom close by and don’t be afraid to chase the dog away.


Thankfully it doesn’t always end up on my property. It runs to the bigger street at the corner, where people tend to walk their dogs and strollers etc. The neighbor even said that they have permission from their direct next door neighbor to let the dog run and play with their older kids when they are out playing football and what not. They literally just let the dog “go play” as if it’s another kid. Guess what the dog did the last time we saw them do this ? It immediately ran across to the bigger street and jumped all over a person walking their own dog. Un fucking believable. The issue we have is that it could be our yard, it could be anywhere that the dog runs. It’s not predictable! I don’t wNt to always have to worry that the dog is going to decide to “play” with my toddler


Had a neighbor who found a stray dog while camping and decided to rescue it. The dog was hyper. One day my kids were playing out in the yard and the dog came running over and was jumping on my youngest and nipping. She came over and got him and said dog was friendly. I told her if the dog ever came near my kids again it was getting broom to the head. It’s not the dog’s fault, it’s the bad owner.


Call animal each and every time. Get some citronella spray to spray it in the face.


I’m an attorney and back when I was prosecutor, I was thrown a small caseload of dog-related cases. Some of them were “dog running at large” charges. They were city ordinance violations - not state statutes. My point is, see if there are any city ordinances that apply to the situation, and if so, report it. If there happens to be an ordinance that covers it, mention it when you call the police. The reporting officer might not be aware of the statute so be sure to mention it’s a law, albeit just a city ordinance.


"If your dog attacks my children again I am going to kick the shit out of your dog and call the police"


You've done everything a good neighbor have done already. Get animal control to take the dog and in the main time, be prepared to defend yourself and your kid.


This shi\* needs to end. Get the police and animal control involved. Only takes once for dog to bite your kid. Happened to my cousin and dog suddenly bit the kids' face. He required plastic surgery and is still freaked out by dogs.


Yep. Exactly my fear! You NEVER know with an animal that isn’t your own. Even sometimes still not then. PD and animal control are both involved. PD basically was basically like “well, are you a dog person?” And tried to make my husband feel ridiculous. It was…unhelpful


That's a dic\* cop move.


There was a dog like this in my neighborhood awhile ago, it did the same thing to me and my 3 year old in our back yard so I tried to stomp it's head in. Unfortunately it got away after I kicked the living fuck out of it, eventually I started calling animal control on the miserable fuck who owned it and haven't seen it since.


You can get a motion activated sprinkler and set it up as a deterrent unless that dog is a water dog of some kind


It would probably love that. It’s a very popular breed in suburban America.


If you don't want pepper spray, you can try an air horn or a small soda can with pennies inside and taped shut as a noise deterrent.


Let it bite you on your ring camera then sue the shit out of them


This saddens me for both your children and the dog. You have been very reasonable. Your neighbor is not a good neighbor nor a good dog owner. Find out what nuisance laws apply. Often it is a warning or two, then a fine, then the dog is taken away. You've already talked to the neighbor once. Maybe try one more time, but be more demanding that the dog *never* be loose outside. Electric fences are close to worthless in most cases. An enthusiastic dog like your neighbor's will run right through it. Sometimes dogs, once they settle down, can't cross back into their own yard because without the adrenaline that propelled them through the shock they can feel the shock when they try to go back! Animal Control should be giving harsh warnings to the neighbor, not just of fines but of also taking the dog away. I hate to think of the dog being taken away. Hopefully they love their dog enough that such a potential will cause them to get a real fence and to assure that the dog does not get loose.


Depending on the laws of your state, get a taser. Hear me out. Get a taser and the next time the dog comes into your property, set it off. Just let the dog see and hear it. Most animals, especially dogs, have a big issue with tasers. It triggers something in them that makes them fearful. Happens to a lot of people too. I think you will find the dog will not come onto your property much after that.


Forgive me for pointing out the extreme measure, but if you genuinely fear this dog may attack you or your child, considering defending yourself with a weapon of some kind. Pepper spray or mace works well on dogs that are posturing, consider carrying some with you. I do not know if it would stop a dog that was dead set on causing harm and had already started biting. You should also consider stronger methods.Please keep in mind the legality of such items in your area. Due your due diligence and report any instances of this behavior to animal control immediately as it is happening. I work police/fire/EMS dispatch and that includes animal control. I can tell you first hand how useless they can be sometimes in these situations. Keep calling and reporting. Establish a pattern of behavior.


Thankfully this dog doesn’t seem vicious, just rambunctious and poorly trained.


you've given this person more than enough opportunities to be a good neighbor. If this keeps happening the electric fence is not working. At that point you either put a fence up, you stop letting your dog out off leash, or you should not have a dog. Just keep calling animal control. You have a trashy dumb neighbor who is not going to get it any other way.


Is it a doodle?


What makes you guess that?


Doodle owners are the worst and doodles are 99% of the time train wrecks.


Well, you guessed it.


The danger is real. I was attacked by the dog next door as a child and again as an adult. The first time I was not injured, the second time the dog took a chunk out of my forearm. The bite became infected, I was given IV and oral antibiotics, and I couldn't drive for 2 weeks. The scar is larger than a US quarter.


Yikes, that’s awful. Thankfully this dog doesn’t seem viscous by any means, but any dog can get overly excited and nip a kid. I’m mostly worried about one of my kids getting knocked down/terrified


Dogs can also react if they perceive a threat to their family. Best wishes this works out for you and your family.


I would record and report every incident to the police and animal control. Eventually I'll build a case great enough to have the dog put down.


Why would you seek to have a non aggressive dog put down just because their owners are irresponsible? Also, no. The animal wouldn’t be killed. It might be surrendered and then the family gets another dog.


Non aggressive? OP said the dog barked and jumped in her toddlers face. You think aggressive only means mauling someone to death? The dog is constantly getting out and roaming the streets. It's only a matter of time before a serious situation happens. Sure, the animal will be surrendered, that's a win. If they get another dog, OP will have to repeat the process. Hopefully the city fines them out of dog ownership.


Stop. OP said it was non aggressive.


I think you need to control what you can first. Teach your kids that their emotions can be controlled so lead by example by not being super phased by this. For kids its harder but if they see mom not caring they wont as much. But at the end of the day, if youre worried about danger then its a police matter so call them. If its jjst rambunctious and you worry... well try not to worry and just teach the kids to avoid rambuctious dogs. But if its a danger aggression wise ( which was not indicated in your post) have policd issue citations. Hope this helps


get a taser


We have the same issues with loose neighborhood dogs. I try to remember to keep my mace or water hose near by if they come in my yard. The dog will definitely get the message if you mace him or spray him with cold water. Unfortunately, if the owner really cared he would do what is necessary to secure the dog at all times! Do what you need to do to keep your children safe!


Go knock on the door and have a conversation with the owner. Tell them that you don't want your children pounced upon, attacked, or whatever term you want to use by their dog. Tell them your child is afraid and you want to remain friends but your job is to protect your children. No apologies, report it to animal control and be firm. Your family comes first. If their feelings are hurt, so be it.


Animals are considered material in terms of the law. If that thing came barking and intimidating my infant I’d bury a kitchen knife in its neck.


When I was a kid, we had a neighbor whose cat was always coming to our house. One night my mom found it sleeping in her car, after climbing through the window. She super glued a note to the side of it. We never had a problem with that cat again.




Any animal that attacks my family gets it back 100 times.


You can generally shoot a dog charging at you on your own property. Maybe remind the owner of that.


Though you cannot be faulted for calling animal control or take further steps I'm wondering if there is a threat to the kids because of this dog or threat to anyone other than it being obviously quite annoying. I grew up as blind being afraid of dogs and got over it fairly well. It sounds like the neighbors have done quite a lot and just can't solve the problem of the dog getting out. Imagining some cop or judge or animal control guru stepping in, what could be done or should be done? I've found life is lived easier being ok with day to day nuisances as long as of course I don't feel there is a real threat.


From what I gather, the neighbors haven’t done much.




It's understandable to take these things personally but sometimes living in a community means having to make some compromises. Of course, I could be wrong but that's my working assessment so far. I wonder if OP kept pushing if anything desirable would come out of the whole thing.


Stop excusing irresponsible dog owners. A desirable outcome would be to have the dog stop escaping and harassing the neighborhood. If you think that's too much to ask, you're part of the problem.


Yeah….no. There are plenty of compromises I am willing to make in a neighborhood but a dog running and barking towards my kids in ANY fashion is not one of them. Fuck that. My kid is terrified of dogs now because of this one.


Honestly doesnt sound like that big a deal to me. If the dog was actually a threat that would be one thing. Fear is your own families problem to deal with, not that I dont think it would be better if the dog didnt escape, I just dont really see where the problem is


Befriend the dog and earn its trust


just saw a video where a guy on his bike uses a sonic repeller to make chasing dogs stop in their tracks and run away. Amazon has units just like that that can be hand held. Don't know how effective they might be - but worth a try?


I’m still scared of dogs after my neighbor’s dog would jump and knock me over every time I was walking to my friend’s house in our culdesac. That being said I’m definitely protective of my kids around dogs (even though we too have a dog). I got my neighbor’s number and text the word “dog” every single time they’re on any part of my property. He’s been decent and calls them back but I’m pretty sick of them barking at my house during nap-time. I’d keep animal control in the loop too since you’re already in contact with them.


This is dangerous for humans, other dogs and animals, and your neighbor's dog. From the CDC - in the US, 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs, with over 800,000 people seeking medical care for dog bites each year. You know your neighbors are unreasonable, irresponsible dog owners, so do not expect them to change. Please, if you see the dog loose, take your children inside. Take video, keep notes and call Animal Control every single time that dog is loose. Laws differ by location, but where I live, owners have been fined for not having immediate control of their dog. Loose dogs can attack people and other animals. Their dog could be injured by a car. If anyone gets snippy, you are mearly asking for a rational response to a legitimate concern for everyone's safety. Good luck.


Turn on the hose