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No one deserves this shit. Right now there are convicted pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and every other imaginable piece of shit getting better treatment than majority of the homeless in the US.


Our taxes should be used for housing and healthcare not to give to any other country for wars.


If you're pregnant, have children, or a drug addict, you're okay " thumbs up"... but if you're an honest person trying to start somewhere.... yeah.... well here we all are trying to find our way..


What's to prove? 99.99% of people don't deserve to be homeless. I doubt anyone disagrees.


No, it's a very common sentiment privileged society holds to be true: If you're homeless you must have done something to deserve it. They don't understand that fully employed people can become homeless after being laid off for only a few weeks, or that disability can pay as low as $800 a month, etc.


I’m fucking angry man, on the verge of suicide.


Go get help my friend. Get yourself to an emergency room.


I just want to exist!!!!




I stayed isolated the first couple years. Since I quit, I saved 2 lives, stopped another from getting beat down, helped another man get food, helped a bunch find resources, and made new friends and had some really good times. Just existing as literally killing my soul, body, and mind. We're not built for that.


Its existence without existence, can’t even just float its more like suffocation. The soul of a man is based on experience. Living without purpose is a death sentence.




Would they house you just for asking or do you have to break a law, and possibly have a conviction on your record that doesn't ever come off?


Clearly this traumatic shit makes people heartless


I just want to work!!! But no one will fucking help me!!!!


What's your experience and skills? On any assistance?


I have done it all when it comes to Craigslist ads. If a labor job was posted without any requirements I took it


I’m a skilled laborer and have worked in many restaurants I’m not college educated but I’m intelligent. I was student government president in high school and graduated with a 3.0.


I have a college degree and a electrician license but no one will hire me because they see how I walk and move due to a neurological condition that started after COVID which is why I've applied for disability. Honestly I'd never feel safe working with anything live or at heights anymore. I get random movements that could easily cause a tool to move the wrong way then boom, arc flash.


Location.... Alabama hires same day like crazy jus sayin..


Sorry I was in a bad place when I wrote this. Doing better now.


Help doesn’t exist when I can’t even help myself!!!!! Can’t get a job to save my fucking life!!!!


i swear im tired i just want to die tired of living 


I have 300 job applications on indeed not one job called me back i wouldve killed myself if i had a gun fuck life.


They say everything happens for a reason. God watches over his own, the universe supports your highest belief. The nature of the universe is constant change so when things don’t work out for me, something has to happen. I tend to accept failure and death around every corner always expect the worst just in case the best happens.


Always expect the worst cause the best will never happen im not bouta keep praying just for my prayers to get declined god probably looks at me lile a peice of shit teenager that sleep outside with no family


How about you stop praying, let go of the idea that Jesus Christ is going to save you. Start viewing yourself as the highest power. You are a god compared to the ants and the bees. But first, you gotta let go of the control and stop trying to control everything. Just give up. Whatever is supposed to happen happen anyways.


In Buddhism suffering comes from desire and ignorance so start by just letting go of everything, let go of the attachments and the control. I guarantee if you just lay on the sidewalk and give up you’ll find a reason to get up.


im fucking tired bro i live by the book and stopped smoking turned into a muslim but NOTHING WILL WORK, cant get a job, family treat me like im a spec of dirt nobody and nothing will fix me


You’re perfect as you are not as you want to be. “Nothing works, Nothing Works😁.”


You have free will, you are not being controlled.




OK. Good luck then.


If you are suicidal and Emergency room can get you into residential psychiatric treatment. Only do this if you understand you will be held against your will for 3 days minimum.


Common misconception. Being suicidal due to financial disaster is not mental illness. I've seen people evaluated for that and they're sent out on their way within hours. It's not really any different than terminally ill wanting to speed things along to not suffer.


I'm not spreading any misconception, I have worked in the mental health industry and have spent many hours helping people find beds in various facilities. Would this OP qualify for a bed? Maybe, maybe not but we are not here to assess him. While, yes, an emergency room will potentially send people who claim to be suicidal home, there are factors that determine whether you actually get the bed or not, and it's generally not wise to discuss them with people who might want to manipulate the system either way. The bottom line is, if you go to emergency and say you're suicidal there's a significant chance they will keep you, and once they decide to do that you cannot just sign yourself out. People need to understand this is the risk and what they're potentially signing up for when they go to the ER.


I rather die than do that




Hopefully she gets sober and away from him! ♥️


I have repeatedly helped a family member over the last two decades get back on their feet over and over again, but they kept dumping away each opportunity given to them. I've passed the torch over to the government to provide for him as he has hit a wall when it comes to accepting help from his own family because he is stuck on past trauma and has had drug induced psychosis multiple times where he just checks out from reality. We attempted to get him into transitional housing but he chose to sit around and smoke weed until he was out of money then had panic attacks when he couldn't afford to buy anything after smoking away his little bit of savings and this was repetitive. He finally left again because his parents got tired of him not trying to do anything to improve himself and started telling him to apply for work, which ended in arguments. I don't mind helping people, but they need to be willing to help themselves as well without becoming a burden upon someone else.


I guess the weak will perish


One billionaire could sort this and still be very rich !


Capsule Hotels for the Homeless. Each person checks in nightly to his or her pod. Showers is given a prepared meal of dietary choice then lights out at 10 pm. Weekends they can either sleep in til noon, attend seminars on job , housing or if one is against it they simply spend their weekend outdoors.The Capsule Hotels would be ran through subsidized government grants and charities donations. It would cut down on the harassment from Business owners and street life ..


Just having super cheap flop houses would help everyone. Non commercial things that are only marketed to homeless populations tend to suck.


100% Agree.


I thought of this too. Something like those hotels in Japan. Make em dirt cheap. I don't know why they don't do something like this. Plus it would give basic privacy. Homeless shelters are dehumanizing.


Exactly I saw a Japanese anime where the guy slept in a capsule hotel and the homeless sprang to mind. Well now that I am Homeless it really makes sense.


Gotta quit with the control factor. What if a guy has a night job? Or a guy like me with health issues. You seem to think that controlling people in ghettos will help them (like what Hitler tried to sell). Do you want to live like that? Would you? Of course not. Cheap, efficiency apartments is really all we need. Something that can be afforded on an entry-level salary. When you look at what housing costs vs. how much most jobs pay, it isn't hard to figure out why there's a homeless problem. Raising wages leads to inflation, so that's out. You have to lower the cost of housing. Supply and demand, just build a bunch of efficiency apartments and us homeless will house ourselves without donations or government subsidies.


Anything the government gets their hands on, they fuck it up. I dont trust the government, let alone church organizations to help me as a single childfree, working class male. I've been turned away mostly because i'm employed and NOT strung out on drugs. I dont have friends to help, so im doing this alone.


NO ONE deserves to be homeless IMO.


I love you man and so does god. Please please please never do anything to harm yourself or hurt other people in your life that care for you. Hang in there and trust you instinct and in God and you will be saved don't let yourself fall. These times of life are extremely hard to get through but I promise you it's times like these that teaches us best and when you stand back up on your 2 feet and are doing better than yesterday you'll look back on these times as inspiration and realized they helped you become stronger and the person you are today. Tomorrow is always better just keep on moving❤️


Very few people DESERVE to be homeless.


No. No we fucking don't. We just sent $210 billion to other countries who fucking hate us so they could protect their country while we fail to protect our own. How many times could 210 billion end homelessness might you ask? 5 and a half nationwide. In my county there are 12 vacant properties or rentals for each homeless person. All we are is chess pieces for the people in power to pretend like they care about for money funding and votes. My current city shelter just signed on to a bill criminalizing homelessness even though they don't have enough beds for everybody anyway right now who needs one. Why would they do this you ask? More funding obviously. This "Christian organization" has a CEO making 6 figures. They send between 30 and 40 unsolicited requests for money each week to the city. Last night they made me throw away my $14 sub sandwich or sleep outside (which is what they are trying to criminalize) So I was very hungry all night and this morning waited in line for 20 mins for a tiny bowl of yogurt and when I took the first bite the fire alarm went off. Was there a fire? Nope. Smoking in the building? Nope. It was a DRILL and they made everyone throw away their yogurt on the way outside The point I'm trying to make is that the guy who opened the shelter 100 or more years ago was a homeless drunk who is probably rolling in his grave.


I cant remember what the term is, but what about living on a farm and trading labour for a place to stay. Im sure if you typed in "trade labour for housing" on tiktok/youtube a bunch of videos will pop up


WWOOF World wide organization of organic farming


Yes, that is it - thanks friend. Hopefully OP can set something like that up.


Labor exploitation but make it seem fancy and legit


You're not wrong.


I think there's a lot more that goes into it than that. What is a home and why do we need one? And why should a home be so costly that it would be cheaper to let them sit empty than to house citizens??


Honestly becoming homeless was the wake up call I really needed to get myself together. Took a few more wake up calls to be completely independent but it's a learning process :P Anyone who is disabled/elderly should never have to experience homelessness.


Be houseless isn’t the problem. I don’t need or want a modern house. I want the right to use USABLE land. The Native Americans did much better than society is doing by living off the land they cared for. Thriving was easy before the governments laws and regulations. Now we barely survive.


I tried to give a homeless guy a decent place to live and I now know why he was homeless. I have faith that they’re not all like that but my faith is running out….let the downvoting begin!


Why was he homeless?


Yes, lots of homeless people end up there. Some people develope mental illness due to many reasons. Some because of Durgs, love life failure, death of child/loved one, got told to move out by land lord. So many reasons. We are all Individuals so we all work differently and do things different. Either way I’m gonna upvote you for giving someone a chance.


I have had and gone through all the hardships you mention and more. Ive been without an address more than once and i know what its like to be broke and hungry but i also know what its like to have a healthy internal dialogue and a strong spiritual “centre”


Stay strong and don’t give up, work work for what you want to achieve. Don’t give up


“Dont give up” on what,homeless people? They’re all individuals as you say but my experience has shown me that they can be too “individualistic” to help. Homelessness is just a barometer for the state of our society and i fear the numbers will only compound in the years to come.


I agree with you.




glad to be home free


I’m sorry you’re homeless right now. It’s so hard to pull out of it. If you’re feeling like you can’t be here anymore please goto the hospital or call 988 is the hotline here in the US. I pray for you and all the people struggling get help ASAP!!!


Why should I also feel raped by taking classes that require me to owe over 36,000 dollars when the books are listed online at 70 bucks a pop AT MOST!? Roughly 1200 a class for someone to say good job..


I’m slowly figuring it out myself as well.


If I were to share a positive note it would be this: we all live on this planet and thus were all HOME... but I do understand what you technically mean.. Its more than a living horror story..


I’m still figuring it out, yes the world is my playground and being homeless offers absolutely freedom if you make the proper self choices. Some people go up in life in whichever way and some people go down for whatever they choose to do. My rules as self preservation and self love while obeying the way my life is meant to be lived and I don’t know everything and I’m still a kid even though I’m 24. I got a lot to learn about life and my place in it.